Uneven display backlight

Now that I finally got my display flicker fixed (for now) I am finally beginning to notice that the backlight isn't perfectly evenly uniformly lit like a CRT or even a desktop LCD which can have multiple light tubes. Looking at Tom's Hardware for the first time in a long time last night, I see that display uniformity is not one of the characteristics of even desktop LCDs.
On my MacBook, I can perceive that the right side is slightly dimmer, the bottom side is slightly dimmer, and a touch on the left.. center and top regions seem fine. It is subtle but it is there and a camera could probably see it better.
Par for the course with this screen?

Unfortunately, Apple geniuses have been told to say that unevenly illuminated displays are 'within specifications' no matter how bad they are. Of course, Apple would be swamped with returns and replacement requests if they actually admitted that it's not acceptable. You need to know what is normal or not before you go in and then stick to your guns and insist that they replace it.
a certain degree of uneven illumination probably is normal. I've never seen a macbook or macbook pro that has not had some degree of it. These bright displays tend to show it more than the older, but dimmer, Apple laptop displays.
Good luck!

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    If the screen lighting is as bad as the photo seems to demonstrate, then yes, it's definitely a problem that would be covered by warranty. The screen should never actually flicker, though, since an LCD is refreshing pixel-by-pixel at 60hz, perhaps your brightness settings keep changing? If not, then it could even be the inverter (if you're using one of the CFL (pre-Santa Rosa) models). Either way, I'd try to get over to your nearest Apple Store when you can.

  • Display, Backlight & OS issue

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    You should do what's easy for you. Amazon or service center.
    A product is replaced withint the first 7 days of purchase if proved defected. 
    You have warranty, so you should probably go to Sony service center and see what they say. Most probably you won't need to contact Amazon. While the Amazon deal is good as well. Get the money back and buy the SW from Sony center.
    Discussion guidelines.
    Message me or any other moderator to seek help regarding moderation.

  • Why won't my display backlight come on?

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    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2014-04-02 19:18:40.580222111 +0200 acpi_video0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/backlight/acpi_video0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2014-04-02 19:41:48.878394230 +0200 intel_backlight -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-LVDS-1/intel_backlight
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    Last edited by orschiro (2014-04-02 18:18:37)

    orschiro wrote:Furthermore, I think it only stores the current brightness level for restoring on boot, correct?
    Yes thats what the man page says
    # systemctl mask systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0.service
    will disable the service and result in a 100% backlight setting with no adjustment possible...
    I think both are needed
    EDIT: right I've just tried
    # systemctl mask systemd-backlight@backlight:intel_backlight.service
    and now my backlight setting is remembered and adjustable --- maybe this .service isn't needed. My powertop doesn't show actual wattage dissipation for some reason so maybe you could try this & report back on any changes in power consumption?
    However, the systemctl man page does say to use the "mask" option "with care"...
    Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2014-04-03 20:15:47)

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    Some people, myself included, have noted - despite all settings unchecked - the screen darkening on idle, then returning once you're not idle.
    I'm not sure if this is your problem, but this is what a few of us have experienced.
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    3. If that doesn't work, try unplugging power, and then replugging it in
    4. If all else fails reset your PMU

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    Yes, at maximum brightness level the backlight bleeding is very visible but I use it at 5 or 6 level where it has excellent contrast ratio considering how crappy current notebook displays are in general. The uneven backlight is caused by fancy LED backlight which is still not able to deliver similar quality regarding uniformity as good old CCFL backlight (that's why professional LCD monitors still rely on W-CCFL backlight). But I agree that the top-left corner is way too much bad and might indicate that the panel is seated badly in the frame. On the other hand my old IPS panel in R51 also have backlight bleed at maximum brightness level.
    Major problem is that Lenovo is still not able to fix the stupid bug with brightness level always set to max in BIOS screen that the backlight bleeding is very visible and irritating everytime you boot your machine.
    IMHO, the X220 IPS panel is still much better than any ugly contrastless TN panel Lenovo puts into ThinkPads (except 15" FHD). I bet that you would hate the X220i TN panel more than this one
    There are also two different revisions of the IPS panel, the second one fixes problems with image retention. As for comparison with Z60m, X220 display lid is much more fragile so the panel is not protected well against pressures and flexes. In any case panel flex should affect the backlight bleeding temporarily only. If it persists it is subject to repair (replace, reseat etc.).
    Unfortunately I don't have any good low-light camera that takes useable pictures in dark environment so I can't post relevant images of the backlight bleeding.

  • X220 IPS display backlight issue (with photos)

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    Laptop was purchased something like month ago and I've spotted this after I've started to work with it more heavily but after 14 days, so I was not able to return it to the seller (http://www.lenovoonline.cz).
    When you put backlight to maximum you see that the display is not evenly lighted and forming bright spots on the bottom of it. It's most noticable on the black background.
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    "With maximum brightness set and the black display/background (eg. BOOT screen) on the bottom edge of the display there are visible white spots/maps. Small but visible and not even with different sizes. It's most visible on black background and while limiting external light (darker room, working in the night). Spots highlights even more when you try to pull the display towards you into steeper angle."
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    "This kind of display is very sensitive to any pressure, and it will result in the brightening the place. It is specific for this model line and it's not the reason to warranty repair. We recommend to lower the brightness level in the darker room. Check of the display frame has been done and no problem has been found."
    Later they said they've replaced the panel too.
    However the issue still persists (see attached photos).
    Let me say few words about this:
    display is showing the spots while in rest I'm not touching it, if it's sensitive for pressure than it is indicating that there's some pressure on it while mounted in the frame
    I want to have backlight lighting the display evenly on the whole surface area, that's the correct function of a product anything else is NOT
    if they claim this is how it should be and it's actually a "feature" of the PREMIUM display then if I had known I would choose regular TN display and even save some money, needless to say that in that case the word PREMIUM sounds like a bad joke
    after lowering brightness level problem doesn't go away, still visible just gradually slightly less, depending on the brightness set
    if you are working in the night without external light this is VERY irritating
    So my question to you X220 community is, do you happen to have same issue?
    as they say it's "normal" with X220
    I've done a search now and it seems I'm not alone with this issue
    I'm attaching two photos.
    First is the X220 (booted into GNU/Linux with X running and mouse as reference).
    Second is the very old Z60m (booted into Windows and running blank screensaver).
    Compare for yourself which one you would prefer.
    It was shooted in absolute dark (I'm used to work like that) with Canon EOS350D on tripod.
    There are some slight artifacts which you normally not percieve but anyway I think it clearly shows my point.
    Link to image 1
    Link to image 2
    Moderator note: images larger than 50k converted to links per forum rules: Lenovo Community Participation Rules

    Yes, at maximum brightness level the backlight bleeding is very visible but I use it at 5 or 6 level where it has excellent contrast ratio considering how crappy current notebook displays are in general. The uneven backlight is caused by fancy LED backlight which is still not able to deliver similar quality regarding uniformity as good old CCFL backlight (that's why professional LCD monitors still rely on W-CCFL backlight). But I agree that the top-left corner is way too much bad and might indicate that the panel is seated badly in the frame. On the other hand my old IPS panel in R51 also have backlight bleed at maximum brightness level.
    Major problem is that Lenovo is still not able to fix the stupid bug with brightness level always set to max in BIOS screen that the backlight bleeding is very visible and irritating everytime you boot your machine.
    IMHO, the X220 IPS panel is still much better than any ugly contrastless TN panel Lenovo puts into ThinkPads (except 15" FHD). I bet that you would hate the X220i TN panel more than this one
    There are also two different revisions of the IPS panel, the second one fixes problems with image retention. As for comparison with Z60m, X220 display lid is much more fragile so the panel is not protected well against pressures and flexes. In any case panel flex should affect the backlight bleeding temporarily only. If it persists it is subject to repair (replace, reseat etc.).
    Unfortunately I don't have any good low-light camera that takes useable pictures in dark environment so I can't post relevant images of the backlight bleeding.

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    Is the problem known?
    I simply would like to have my phone in optimal conditions.
    No warranty left, never jailbreaked, no operator lock since the factory.

    I did not make my point correctly. I can always see the three regions: pixel area, inactive region, black opaque region (the painted glass). The problem is that after putting the iPhone in standby I see the active pixel region correctly off: it can be identified, but it similar to the inactive one. When the problem shows up I can clearly see the active region more opaque, as it were on but displaying a uniform black. Th fact that is on is confirmed by the stripes I see sometimes: how could they appear, if the LCD were switched off?

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    I am suspecting that the backlight in my display is failing.  I wanted to see if anyone else encountered this issue and any thoughts about what could possibly be wrong.  I am afraid that my iMac might be Genius Bar bound if no solution exists.    I'm scared of what the repair costs might be...
    Any thoughts?

    I experienced the same issue. When I don't use the iMac 27" and it automatically powers down I hear this ticking clock noise.
    Troubleshooting Questions to Apple Support:
    1) Is this automatic standby the same mode like manual standby mode?
    2) it's not a display pitch sound but rather a HDD heads parking sound
    3) Is this a hardware defect or a software issue?
    My iMac is 48hours old and I bought it brand new directly from Apple.

  • Uneven keyboard backlighting

    I've had my 17-inch unibody for a few weeks.
    The keyboard backlighting is uneven. The 5 key is much lighter than the other keys, and the keys surrounding the 5 are also a little lighter.
    Is this normal, or within spec? I don't see this on my Rev A MacBook Air.
    Is there any kind of calibration that can be done, ideally one that doesn't require it to be taken apart?

    "is this normal, or within spec?"
    Without seeing the KB, it's impossible for anyone here to make that decision. However, I'm sure the Apple store can assist you.

  • HT4279 cinema display backlight repair

    I have a 27" display that the backlight seems to be failing on.  Some mornings the display comes on just fine but others it either fails to come on or it comes on very dimly.  I suspect the LED backlight may be on the verge of failure but was wondering if anyone had any experience with Apple repairing these (including some estimate of cost?).  If you power off the monitor and restore power, it comes up fine nearly every time.  Have not upgraded to Yosemite on this computer yet due to issues (Safari crashes) on the newer version.  I would be willing to repair the monitor myself but if it's not about 1/2 the cost of a new monitor I would probably just have Apple do the repair. 

    Since you confirmed that it is not the Mac. I requested that your posted be moved to the Cinema Display forum
    Cinema Displays
    BTW, this is the Mac Pro Desktop forum

  • 15" studio display backlight inverter

    Does anyone know where I can get a backlight inverter for my 15" studio display? I can only find parts for the 17". Please help.
    G4 + 15" display (M2454)   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Does anyone know where I can get a backlight inverter
    for my 15" studio display? I can only find parts for
    the 17". Please help.
    G4 + 15" display
    (M2454) Mac OS X (10.3.9)

  • Display backlight flickers and goes off

    3000 2049 44Q
    Backlight of my display flickers and goes off after some time...
    Moreover is there any solution to overclock to overclock CPU

    Try switching the power adapters to see if the problem moves to the other display.
    Of course, reconnecting/double checking all connections is a good idea.
    Other than that, any references in Console/Logs regarding graphics driver errors?

  • E71x blank display, backlight keeps blinking on an...

    I've had my E71x for a week and have not had any problems until now.  While trying to power the phone on, all I get is a blank display and then the backlight just blinks on and off. 
    The battery was fully charged when I turned the phone off.  I've tried removing the battery and putting it back in.  I've also tried the reset by holding the green call button and 3*.  Nothing has worked. 
    Thanks in advance

    " I've also tried the reset by holding the green call button and 3*. Nothing has worked."
    You can try this key combination once more just to be sure.
    Otherwise visit your nearest Nokia Care Point.
    Previous Phones: 6600, 7610, 6230, 6230i, 1100, 1112, N70, N73, N95, N95 8GB, 5800XM, 5230, C5, iPhone 3GS, SE Xperia X10, N900, N8, SE Xperia Arc
    Current Phones: Nokia N9, iPhone 4

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