Unique brush name in abr files - property missing?

It seems that brushes saved in abr files have a unique name
for each brushtip (which is showen when hovering over a brush
thumb in the preset manager).
The photoshop file formats documentation however, doesn't
give information about this property. Any one knows how to retirve
this unique name when reading brush files?

Well, since no one seems to answer,
Maybe some one can point me to a place I can look
that up?
I searched everywhere on the net and read the SDK documents in depth
but could not find any information
Is theres an email I can send this question to?

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    Can you locate the iTunes Library.itl file on the old drive? Ideally you would have simply copied over the entire iTunes folder structure from <User's Music> on the old computer into <User's Music> on the new one to transfer the library will all playlists, ratings, play counts etc. intact.

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    A few years ago I found this code on the Internet. I have forgotten where, but I'ven been using it since then and until now it always generate the unique number.
          * Generates unique ID based on timestamp, thread ID, random seed and random
          * double. Each part is converted to hexadecimal, padded left with zeros to
          * a length of 8 chars and then concatentated to each other.
          * @return Unique 32-char hexadecimal string.
         public static synchronized String getUniqueID() {
              final String pad = "0";
              final int padLength = 8;
              final int padDirection = StringX.PAD_LEFT;
              String timestamp = Integer.toHexString(Long.valueOf(System
              String threadHashCode = Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread()
              String randomInt = Integer.toHexString(RANDOM.nextInt());
              String mathRandom = Integer.toHexString(new Double(Math.random()
                        * Integer.MAX_VALUE).intValue());
              // You may remove this try block if you want to increase performance by
              // 1ms.
              // But the generated ID might not be fully 100% guaranteed to be unique.
              // If you want to keep this block, then you can "almost" safely remove
              // the
              // randomInt and mathRandom parts of the UniqueID.
              try {
                   Thread.currentThread().join(1); // System.currentTimeMillis()++
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                   // Do nothing. However very, very, very rare. Haven't seen it
                   // earlier.
              return StringX.pad(timestamp, pad, padLength, padDirection)
                        + StringX.pad(threadHashCode, pad, padLength, padDirection)
                        + StringX.pad(randomInt, pad, padLength, padDirection)
                        + StringX.pad(mathRandom, pad, padLength, padDirection);

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    I see LR does modify the name of the File when there is already one file with the same name in the folder of import, but once you choose a different folder it does import the File with the original name. I just realized that over the years using Folders such as Pictures 2009, Pictures 2010 and so on, I have three or four times Files with the same Name. Is there a way to tell LR to always use unique names when it imports?

    Use a date-description-sequence.ext naming template for renaming as you import [or if you prefer after you import]. This means you never have duplicates unless you for some bizarre reason use same name description for two sets of files on same day. And if you need to do just that, simply make the start number of second/third lot of files be one number greater than previous batch from same day.
    You can set up what ever naming format you desire in file rename dialogue and have that as your default.
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    F2 gets you renaming dialogue when in Library.

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  • Where can I find the Brushes (abr) file format?

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    Thanks in advance

    sina_golesorkhi wrote:
    Where can I find the a downloaded file by Software update?
    In ~/Downloads
    For example is there any way to find a package which is downloaded but is not installed(because the installation failed) (in this case 10.5.5)
    Failed installs usually remove the package, just as a proper install removes the package
    All that remains for a proper installation is a Receipt in on of the following directories:
    ~/Library/Receipts (for user-specific installs)
    Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts
    for system-wide installations, including OS-X updates.
    and I don't want to download it once again neither manually nor with software update.
    If it did not install, there is no Receipt and the downloaded file is not on your system
    If you don't want to see it again in automatic updates, put it on ignore.

  • "Document name invalid.  The index.xml file is missing"

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    An original Numbers ’09 v2.3 document will save as a compressed zip archive that has its extension renamed .numbers. It contains an index.xml file. If you double-click this Numbers ’09 document, it will open in Numbers ’09 v2.3. This is contrary to how Pages v5.5.1 handles Pages ’09 documents.
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    Would you like to upgrade this Numbers '09 spreadsheet?
    Edit a Copy
    When you choose either the Edit a Copy, or Upgrade — and save your changes, the resulting document is now in the new document architecture whose structure no longer uses the index.xml file. Double-clicking this new document format will now default to Numbers v3.5 on open, not Numbers '09 v2.3. You have to explicitly choose Open with Numbers (2.3) from the contextual menu to get the pop-op below because Pages v5.5.1, Numbers v3.5, and Keynote 6.5 documents are not backwards compatible.

  • How to add folder/project name to a File Naming preset

    Here's a tip to automatically add the name of the Project or its parent Folder to the filename during Import or Batch Change.
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    However, I recently decided to poke around inside some plist files, and found a workaround. I discovered the format string for Folder Name is %F and Project Name is %P. The trick is getting the code into the Format Field where you create the preset.
    Create a new File Naming preset by choosing "edit" from the Version Name menu during Import or Batch Change. Drag everything you want in the name into the Format field, and enter %F or %P where you want the Folder or Project name. The tricky part is that you can't insert it between two existing criteria. It only works at the very end. After you have it in place, you can drag the criteria around to get it in the order you want.
    The alternative method is to insert the code directly into the plist. PLEASE, always make sure you're working with a copy and have a good backup when you're poking around in such things. If you have trouble getting the code to take from within Aperture, you can try this. Same as above, create a new preset, but this time, enter an F or P where you want the Folder or Project name. Give it a unique preset name and save it. Then Quit Aperture. Navigate to ~/Library/Application Support/Aperture/FileNamingPresets.plist, and make a copy of the file, then open with Property List Editor. Dropdown the plist and then dropdown the item you want to edit. You should recognize it by the preset name. Now the easy part. Click in the FormatString field and insert the % character before the F or P you entered in the Format field. Save and you're done.
    I discovered later that while the Folder and Project name works just fine during import, for some reason only the Project name works during Batch Change. The Folder name simply creates a "-" in the filename.
    In case this is seen as a hack and gets deleted, I'm also submitting it to http://www.macosxhints.com/ and I suspect if anyone from MacCreate sees it, they'll steal it too, as they're known to do.

    I do not think there is an out of the box way to do this.
    The immediate solution that comes to mind is using a workflow, that runs everytime  a document is uploaded/item created, which may be too much for your scenario.
    Prasanna Adavi, Project MVP

  • Custom tag SetProperty: Mandatory attribute property missing

    Ok, first some code. Here's the contents of my displayCollection.tag:
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    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
    <%@ attribute name="mgr" required="true" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="irc" scope="session" class="com.serco.inquire.irCollection">
      <jsp:setProperty name="mgrid" value="${mgr}" />
    ${irc.mgrid}Here's the JSP I'm calling it from (myq.jsp):
    <%@page language="java" import="java.util.*,com.serco.inquire.*" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="inq" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
    <inq:displayCollection mgr="Chris Novish" />Here's the java class for irCollection (used in the tag file):
    package com.serco.inquire;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class irCollection {
         public String mgrid;
         public irCollection() {
         public void setMgrid(String datum) {
              this.mgrid = datum;
         public String getMgrid() {
              return this.mgrid;
    }And finally, here's the error I get when i try to run myq.jsp:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/tags/displayCollection.tag(7,2) SetProperty: Mandatory attribute property missing     org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(DefaultErrorHandler.java:41)
    as far as I can tell, the attribute mgr is set in myq.jsp when it invokes displayCollection.tag, and displayCOllection.tag's only attribute (required) is mgr. so uhm... what do I misunderstand?

    Thanks for your help.
    But I also face another problem that is
    "unable to load class com.jguru.FormBean" when I tried to call another jsp.
    Here are my code :
    package com.jguru;
    public class FormBean {
    private String LName;
    private String FName;
    private String Passwd;
    private String Tel;
    private String Title;
    private String Dept;
    private String Email;
    private String Accesstype;
    public FormBean() {
    public String getLName() {
    return LName;
    public String getFName() {
    return FName;
    public String getPasswd() {
    return Passwd;
    public String getTel() {
    return Tel;
    public String getTitle() {
    return Title;
    public String getDept() {
    return Dept;
    public String getEmail() {
    return Email;
    public String getAccesstype() {
    return Accesstype;
    public void setLName(String x) {
    LName = x;
    public void setFName(String x) {
    FName = x;
    public void setPasswd(String x) {
    Passwd = x;
    public void setTel(String x) {
    Tel = x;
    public void setTitle(String x) {
    Title = x;
    public void setDept(String x) {
    Dept = x;
    public void setEmail(String x) {
    Email = x;
    public void setAccesstype(String x) {
    Accesstype = x;

  • Manipulate a object serialized file when the .class file is missing

    I want to know if it is possible to recovery the object when its class file is missing! I guess it needs to manipulate the file and extract the values and ask user to name the values, after that, create a new class file for future use. However, I don't know how to manipulate the object serialized file. I really appreciate any hints you guys can give

    I suppose if you created the class file, with the same name, package, and unique serial ID, fields, etc, it can be done.
    Another option is to not use serialization if you are just trying to recover the data. Again you would need to know what the datatypes of the fields are to know what it is you are trying to read, how to parse serialized data, etc. Some Objects are easy to read, like Strings. The more complicated ones are the simple datatypes.

  • "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in [name of iMovie file] could not be read or written (Error Code 26)

    Hi all,
    I have an iMovie project in iMovie HD 6.0.3. (Mac OS 10.5.8)
    It plays, but I cannot copy the file (including saving it to a flash drive). I get either a message
    "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in [name of
    iMovie file] could not be read or written (Error Code 26)" or the
    message "A project file is missing. The file [name of the QuickTime
    movie inside the project.dv] couldn't be opened and is being skipped."
    This happened suddenly, I was able to save a backup version numerous
    times while working on the project.
    I followed some of Karl Petersen's advise on apple discussions. I opened
    the package contents, and everything seems to be there. The source file
    (original QuickTime movie) is there and can be opened and played. I
    replaced the current project file with the backup in the package
    contents, but that did not change anything. I was able to export the
    movie timeline into a new project as a single clip, but would like to be
    able to copy the current project.
    Thanks for any ideas..

    Make sure all drives are formatted as "Mac OS Extended". (Journalling preferred, but not necessary).

  • Viewing/Manipulating ABR Files in Bridge

    One of the most frustrating things about working in Photoshop is the inability to preview an ABR file and select ONLY specific brushes out of a set, instead of loading the whole expansive set. Being able to view ABR files and pick and choose particular brusheds and forming new sets from this or that set would be such a huge help.

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    Numbers in iWork 09 not working can't access Blank, Checklist and many other files within Numbers.   I can open the program but only a few files are available. When I click on the file (which also has no icon just the name of the file) this warning appears:
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    I recently had to get a new hard drive installed and had the system upgraded and more memory put in by a Mac certified specialist recommended to me from the Apple store in Northbrook because this was the 3rd time my drive went bad but this time it was to old (I got the IMAC- in 2007) and the Apple store could no longer work on it this time so they recommended a few places that had certified Mac specialists.  Since then Numbers is not working right.
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    There is one way its getting fixed. Once I update my Adobe Illustrator CC to Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 it is further allowing me to go into the system folder and allocate the font to the file so that it can replace it. My only concern now is that our MAC partners who will receive these files back from us have Adobe CS6. We will down save it to CS6 but I hope they won't experience any font issues because of us using CC 2014? Any light you can shed on this?

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