Unix on Bootup (I think)

Five days ago, before going on vacation, my G5 iMac with OS X 10.4 was running fine other than the time being off by 10 or so hours for some reason (repeated fixes would not hold). I returned from vacation today and when I tried to play a song snippet on iTunes, it seemed to stutter and run very slow. I eventually shut down the other programs (it wouldn't let me shut down iTunes), and restarted. I ended up seeing
-sh:/etc/profile: is a directory
After a minute or two I hear what is either the DVD drive running (there's no disc in it) or a fan. It does respond to typing in "help" by showing a list of commands.
I think I might be in command option mode, but don't know how to return to Tiger. I've tried a forced shutdown and resetting the SMV. Even with everything unplugged other than the power cord, it keeps doing the same thing.
Any help would be appreciated.

Initially I didn't realize there were two (+/- iSight) iMac G5 models. I brought my computer in to the Apple store today (it's under warranty). Sure enough, they said it was booting to Unix. When they hooked up an external boot drive it booted fine and the time was correct (the "Genius" didn't know why there was a problem with the clock but said it could have been an OS X glitch). He ran Disk Warrior. Unfortunately that didn't fix the problem with it booting to Unix. I could have left the computer with them but they said it was possible they would have to reformat the drive. I could have spent $50 to have them back it up, however I discovered I only have 43 GB available on my 250 GB drive (I have a lot of photos, music and video - most of the data is available on video tapes, slides, etc., but it would take a lot of time to get it back on to the computer). I decided it would be best to invest in an external hard drive to give me extra storage space, and to use a back up drive.
I purchased a 1 TB Western Digital My Book Pro Edition II drive. I couldn't run the included My Book RAID Manager or EMC Retrospect, however, as I couldn't boot the computer from my hard drive. I next tried to install OS X onto the My Book drive, but the Installer said this could not be done. I thought about using my iPOD to install Tiger, but unfortunately I don't have nearly enough free space.
I'm now copying a disc image of Macintosh HD to the My Book drive via FireWire 400. At the rate it's going, I think it will take 10-15 hours. My thought is that after I have the disc image I can bring the machine back to Apple. If they erase my data I can use the disk image to get my data back, assuming it was a hardware issue. If it was a corrupted file, then I'm concerned using the disk image would reintroduce the problem. Another thought just occurred to me. My daughter has an iBook (circa 11/05). Perhaps there's a way to hook her computer to mine so my G5 sees her iBook as an external drive that I could boot off. Thoughts? Thanks.

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    Something weird in the depths of Leopard's UNIX land, but I think I can find my way around now.
    Thanks, everyone.
    Message was edited by: mistersquid

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    mtndood out

    Try this link:
    for a free online Unix tutorial. I think loading Linux on an old machine is an excelent idea.

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    Hi gokul
                 I think you need to change File type in FM: WS_DOWNLOAD as 'DAT' or 'ASC' .

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    Thanks in advance;

    We are using 9ias on unix. However, I think the file is the same.
    Try this
    In you $ORACLE_HOME/httpd.conf file search for the aliases section. You should see something like "Add as many aliases as you want (with no limit)
    type the line like this
    Alias fakename realname (as in the example)
    fakename=virtual path ie /test/
    realname=is your real directory (don't include the output file here) specify the output file in you full url
    Hope it helps
    Have a nice day

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    You can give feedback directly to Apple about that if you like. Here's a link to the iTunes product feedback form:

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    Any suggestions ?

    HI Kedar,
    Thanks for your reply. Do u mean to say that the JARS for AIX have to be different ?
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    Application error occurred during request processing.
      Details:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: tellustech/licensing/ClientChecker
    Exception id: [001125A6424A0054000000060007608C00043ECE62BAC38A]
    What is it about the .SO files ? What is their role in this chain ? Can u pleaese help me undesrand that more ?
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    1.Machine Type
    2.Operating System
    4.System Type
    5.Operating System Version
    6.Release Level
    7.CPU Version
    8.Java Version
    9.Java Path
    10.Compiler Used
    11.Compiler Path
    Dont worry about the points U'll get the max. Help me resolve this ?
    Are u in India, can we talk on the phone for this. I really need to fix this ASAP.

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    I'm not a Linux/Unix specialist, but I think this may work: let your database call a shell script that does a su command before running the actual script:
    su - other_account

  • Can't post to Mircrosoft IIS machines

    Hi I am using the following code from a tutorial. But it blows up every time after a second POST. But I can post as many times as I need to a linux box or any other UNIX boxes I can think of.
    What is going on? Why does it not work with microsoft products?
    * HttpMidlet.java
    * Created on October 23, 2001, 11:19 AM
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.io.*;
    import java.io.*;
    * @author kgabhart
    * @version
    public class HttpMidlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
    // A default URL is used. User can change it from the GUI
    private static String defaultURL = "http://www.microsoft.com";
    // Main MIDP display
    private Display myDisplay = null;
    // GUI component for entering a URL
    private Form requestScreen;
    private TextField requestField;
    // GUI component for submitting request
    private List list;
    private String[] menuItems;
    // GUI component for displaying server responses
    private Form resultScreen;
    private StringItem resultField;
    // the "send" button used on requestScreen
    Command sendCommand;
    // the "exit" button used on the requestScreen
    Command exitCommand;
    // the "back" button used on resultScreen
    Command backCommand;
    public HttpMidlet(){
    // initialize the GUI components
    myDisplay = Display.getDisplay( this );
    sendCommand = new Command( "SEND", Command.OK, 1 );
    exitCommand = new Command( "EXIT", Command.OK, 1 );
    backCommand = new Command( "BACK", Command.OK, 1 );
    // display the request URL
    requestScreen = new Form( "Type in a URL:" );
    requestField = new TextField( null, defaultURL, 100, TextField.URL );
    requestScreen.append( requestField );
    requestScreen.addCommand( sendCommand );
    requestScreen.addCommand( exitCommand );
    requestScreen.setCommandListener( this );
    // select the HTTP request method desired
    menuItems = new String[] {"GET Request", "POST Request"};
    list = new List( "Select an HTTP method:", List.IMPLICIT, menuItems, null );
    list.setCommandListener( this );
    // display the message received from server
    resultScreen = new Form( "Server Response:" );
    resultScreen.addCommand( backCommand );
    resultScreen.setCommandListener( this );
    }//end HttpMidlet()
    public void startApp() {
    myDisplay.setCurrent( requestScreen );
    }//end startApp()
    public void commandAction( Command com, Displayable disp ) {
    // when user clicks on the "send" button
    if ( com == sendCommand ) {
    myDisplay.setCurrent( list );
    } else if ( com == backCommand ) {
    // do it all over again
    requestField.setString( defaultURL );
    myDisplay.setCurrent( requestScreen );
    } else if ( com == exitCommand ) {
    destroyApp( true );
    }//end if ( com == sendCommand )
    if ( disp == list && com == List.SELECT_COMMAND ) {
    String result;
    if ( list.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ) { // send a GET request to server
    result = sendHttpGet( requestField.getString() );
    else // send a POST request to server
    result = sendHttpPost( requestField.getString() );
    resultField = new StringItem( null, result );
    resultScreen.append( resultField );
    myDisplay.setCurrent( resultScreen );
    }//end if ( dis == list && com == List.SELECT_COMMAND )
    }//end commandAction( Command, Displayable )
    private String sendHttpGet( String url )
    HttpConnection hcon = null;
    DataInputStream dis = null;
    StringBuffer responseMessage = new StringBuffer();
    try {
    // a standard HttpConnection with READ access
    hcon = ( HttpConnection )Connector.open( url );
    // obtain a DataInputStream from the HttpConnection
    dis = new DataInputStream( hcon.openInputStream() );
    // retrieve the response from the server
    int ch;
    while ( ( ch = dis.read() ) != -1 ) {
    responseMessage.append( (char) ch );
    }//end while ( ( ch = dis.read() ) != -1 )
    catch( Exception e )
    responseMessage.append( "ERROR" );
    } finally {
    try {
    if ( hcon != null ) hcon.close();
    if ( dis != null ) dis.close();
    } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
    }//end try/catch
    }//end try/catch/finally
    return responseMessage.toString();
    }//end sendHttpGet( String )
    private String sendHttpPost( String url )
    HttpConnection hcon = null;
    DataInputStream dis = null;
    OutputStream os = null;
    StringBuffer responseMessage = new StringBuffer();
    // the request body
    String requeststring = "This is a POST.";
    try {
    hcon = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url);
    byte [] data = "TextField=Hello&TextField2=Hello2&Submit=Submit".getBytes ();
    hcon.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
    os = hcon.openOutputStream ();
    os.write (data);
    os.close ();
    //conn.close ();
    // obtain DataInputStream for receiving server response
    dis = new DataInputStream( hcon.openInputStream() );
    // retrieve the response from server
    int ch;
    while( ( ch = dis.read() ) != -1 ) {
    responseMessage.append( (char)ch );
    }//end while( ( ch = dis.read() ) != -1 ) {
    catch( Exception e )
    responseMessage.append( "ERROR" );
    finally {
    // free up i/o streams and http connection
    try {
    if( hcon != null ) hcon.close();
    if( dis != null ) dis.close();
    if( os != null ) os.close();
    } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
    }//end try/catch
    }//end try/catch/finally
    return responseMessage.toString();
    }//end sendHttpPost( String )
    private String xsendHttpPost( String url )
    HttpConnection hcon = null;
    DataInputStream dis = null;
    DataOutputStream dos = null;
    StringBuffer responseMessage = new StringBuffer();
    // the request body
    String requeststring = "This is a POST.";
    try {
    // an HttpConnection with both read and write access
    hcon = ( HttpConnection )Connector.open( url, Connector.READ_WRITE );
    // set the request method to POST
    hcon.setRequestMethod( HttpConnection.POST );
    //hcon.setRequestProperty("Content-length", ""+ requeststring.length() );
    //hcon.setRequestProperty("Content-language", "en-US"); // should be config.
    //hcon.setRequestProperty("Accept", "text/xml");
    //hcon.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
    // obtain DataOutputStream for sending the request string
    dos = hcon.openDataOutputStream();
    byte[] request_body = requeststring.getBytes();
    // send request string to server
    for( int i = 0; i < request_body.length; i++ ) {
    dos.writeByte( request_body[i] );
    }//end for( int i = 0; i < request_body.length; i++ )
    // obtain DataInputStream for receiving server response
    dis = new DataInputStream( hcon.openInputStream() );
    // retrieve the response from server
    int ch;
    while( ( ch = dis.read() ) != -1 ) {
    responseMessage.append( (char)ch );
    }//end while( ( ch = dis.read() ) != -1 ) {
    catch( Exception e )
    responseMessage.append( "ERROR" );
    finally {
    // free up i/o streams and http connection
    try {
    if( hcon != null ) hcon.close();
    if( dis != null ) dis.close();
    if( dos != null ) dos.close();
    } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
    }//end try/catch
    }//end try/catch/finally
    return responseMessage.toString();
    }//end sendHttpPost( String )
    public void pauseApp() {
    }//end pauseApp()
    public void destroyApp( boolean unconditional ) {
    // help Garbage Collector
    myDisplay = null;
    requestScreen = null;
    requestField = null;
    resultScreen = null;
    resultField = null;
    }//end destroyApp( boolean )
    }//end HttpMidlet

    Modified your code on the line:
    dos.writeByte( request_body );
    dos.write( request_body );
    and it works with 2 Microsoft IIs servers. I don't know if you ever got this working or if you went to a GET method but we were having major difficulties with IIs servers as well. I figured late was better than never for a response.

  • Severe Glitch with Snow Leopard keeping settings

    Hey there.. Im havin.. a huge issue on my mac.. I opened it up today and.. to my dismay.. all my settings, Dock items I added, stacks I added, ANYTHING I changed on my mac had been lost and it reverted to a brand new state except all my files are still on the system. I also lost my 3rd party drivers, as my HP printer is now using cupsd and not the HP driver. Apple needs to have its engineering team look at my logs but that gonna take a week so I was wondering if anyone had this problem.. Last tidbit of info.. I ran a permissions check and 2 points of interest caught my eye:
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAg ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Reso urces/Locum" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Having some knowledge of Unix.. i dont think whatever these files are governing is good if theres a problem with them.

    Some of you mentioned guest account... well not to hijack or anything but:
    So today, I turned on my macbook pro like usual, but accidentally clicked guest account. It sat there trying to load into it for several minutes, so I held down the power button till it shut off.
    I then turned my MBP back on and logged into my normal admin account, though when I did I noticed that my settings and preferences had been reset.
    But somehow it went from 20 gigs available to 80 gigs available, I figured it was a permissions error, so I ran disk utility from my snow leopard cd, repaired the disk and reset the permissions.
    and those 60 gigs lost were files for my business / clients / work / school. Only things left are my applications and itunes folder. My apps when run, seem to be running for the first time ever.
    I was/am running the latest version of Snow Leopard.
    I don't know what else to do, or why this happened. And no, I hadn't backed up in a while. Not these files, everything else, yes. The stuff that isn't quite so super important :/
    any ideas? ive run permissions reset several times, and disk repair but nothing.

  • Time Machine formatted my External HD, now it doesn't work on my PC????

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    You can use Disk Utility on the Mac (located in the /Applications/Utilities folder) to reformat the drive to MS-DOS format. You can also use Disk Utility to repartition the drive into 2 partitions- one for MS-DOS format and one for HFS+ for use with Time Machine. One drive- two purposes.
    From your original post, it sounds like you thought that formatting would not destroy the data on the drive. Formatting is generally a destructive process, no matter if you are using Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, etc... The information that was on the drive is most likely gone.
    Many who are new to Macs (or Unix...) think that the Mac is deficient. The Mac can read many file formats, including just about every Windows file format ever released. Windows machines can not read HFS+ or the various Linux file system formats without 3rd party hacks. I'll stick to the Unix side...
    Good luck.

  • Log.0000000001: log file open failed

    I have been seeing an error off and on recently where my app will go along just fine writing to dbxml - and then for no apparent reason, blow up with
    log.0000000001: log file open failed: No such file or directory
    PANIC: No such file or directory
    When I go look - there is indeed no log.00000001 in my dbxml directory.
    What is the story with log.00000001? When is it created? What would cause this creation to fail. I have seen this problem on both an XP system and a Unix system.
    I think I have made this problem go away by manually creating an empty log.0000001 file before I start my app - but this seems bogus.
    Any tips appreciated

    If you have multiple applications or processes using Berkeley DB XML (including our utility programs) you may have set up a separate log directory for your log files or they simply were created in another directory. For this reason you may want to consider using a DB_CONFIG file and setting the location for your log files there.
    For more information about this please look at these references:
    An example for how to insert this information in a DB_CONFIG file is:
    set_data_dir datadir
    set_lg_dir logdir
    Ron Cohen
    Berkeley DB XML Support
    Oracle Corporation

  • TCP socket I/O from the kernel

    We've been working on extending our filesystem support from UDP to TCP,
    and have run into an apparent roadblock. We'd like to know whether
    Sun is aware of the problem that we're seeing, and if so, if there
    is something else we should be doing to avoid it.
    We've been using the "sockfs" module to create sockets [where
    sockfs_xxx is found using modlookup("sockfs", "xxx")]:
    avp = sockfs_solookup(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, "/dev/tcp", &rc);
    sop = sockfs_socreate(avp, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0,
    SOV_DEFAULT, NULL, &rc);
    binding, and setting some socket ops:
    sockfs_sobind(sop, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr,
    sizeof(client_addr), 0, 0);
    sockfs_sosetsockopt(sop, SOL_SOCKET, ... );
    and connecting:
    sockfs_soconnect(sop, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr,
    sizeof(server_addr), 0, 0);
    We're able to send data successfully with:
    sockfs_sosendmsg(sop, &nmsg, &uio);
    where uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
    But when we try to receive with a similar
    sockfs_sorcvmsg(sop, &nmsg, &uio);
    we regularly receive EFAULT errors.
    [This same sequence works fine for both send and receive if we use
    /dev/udp instead.]
    As we trace through the call, we see that TCP uses a special UIO
    function (uioipcopyout) that simply returns EFAULT for any
    UIO_SYSSPACE move. The use of this function appears to be driven by
    queue settings (STRUIOT_IP) in the TCP stream queue initializers.
    So, our questions are:
    Is there a way to override this behavior (safely)?
    Should we be using another interface to do socket I/O
    from the kernel? (At first glance, that wouldn't help
    us here, as this deeply rooted in the TCP implementation.)
    Are there any code examples (published or otherwise)
    that would help us here?
    Thanks for any help you can offer us!

    you can do this in Java 5.0 using jline (must be around version 0.9.91) it must be running on linux/unix/mac though. i think in the future jline may support windowsTerminal also. however with java 6.0 you may wonder what's the point
    public static String readPassword(String prompt) {
    try {
    Terminal t = Terminal.getTerminal();
    if(t instanceof jline.UnixTerminal){
    UnixTerminal ut = (UnixTerminal) t;
    ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader();
    //ConsoleReaderInputStream cris = new ConsoleReaderInputStream(reader);
    Character mask = new Character((char) 0);
    //reader.setEchoCharacter(new Character('0'));
    String line = null;
    do {
    line = reader.readLine(prompt,mask) ;
    if (line != null){
    return line;
    } while(line != null && line.length() > 0);
    } catch (Exception e){}
    return null;

  • How do I put my wmv files to DVD so I can watch them?

    Ok, how do I put my wmv files on DVD so I can watch them?
    Would I have to convert it to an mpeg file ? If I do, what are good freeware software to use? Thanks

    You could try the free ffmpegX (http://ffmpegx.com/index.html), which is a highly flexible video converter/encoder (and I believe does WMV as well)... it does require the installation of some UNIX components, however I think this is done through the self-installer.

Maybe you are looking for