Unlocking linked files.

Occasionally I have to edit or use old pdf files that were created by my predecessors, who created the files by linking artwork placed within the file. Ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem, except that the folders containing all the linked files are long gone. When I open the files in Reader, I can zoom in on the images very closely and see that the image in very high resolution, which seems to indicate that there is vector art within the file, but when I open in Illustrator I get the message that says the artwork is no longer located at the indicated link. Is there any way to get this phantom version of the art that is only visible in Reader? I have opened in photoshop and grabbed it that way, but if there is a way to get it still as a vector, that would be better.

Sorry for not being more clear. I'm using Illustrator CS6 on a PC. But here's the thing... I don't link files. It's not particularly helpful for what we create—for my purposes embedding is fine.
So I have a large folder of proofs for customers that previous graphic artists put together by linking the customer's artwork into the proof sheet, but the folder containing all these linked files is gone. When I open a proof that has a linked file (usually eps or pdf) in Illustrator I get the white placeholder box and the message about the file no longer existing, but when I open the file in Reader I can see the customer's placed artwork in great detail. Maybe I'm just assuming that it is a vector image because of how much I can zoom in on it, and it is actually something else, but it sure acts like vector art in Reader. And if it is, can I get to it so that I can alter it slightly in Illustrator?
What I'm trying to do is find out if there is a somewhat useable vector version of the placed artwork floating around somewhere within this PDF that I can get to, because it seems to be in the file for display/and printing through Reader, but not there for Illustrator.

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    You can post a screen shot by clicking on the liitle Camera icon above your reply.  :)
    Just checked on 10.7.4+, still the same, something is borked about your install, to see if we need to re-install...
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    You can post a screen shot by clicking on the liitle Camera icon above your reply.  :)
    Just checked on 10.7.4+, still the same, something is borked about your install, to see if we need to re-install...
    To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
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    Outdated permissions on the files from your old computer. Right-click, Properties --> Security --> Advanced, disable Inherit settings from parent folders, chose to copy. After that, delete outdated security keys and assign current ones. You may even need to go so fart as to Take Ownership of some files to correctly restore the new system's default security settings.

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    > All pages and files are locked.
    try this- right-click on the main site folder in the Files
    Is "unlock" or "checkout" a choice?
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    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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    Using the new Photoshop 2014 (version).
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    Thanks to everyone looking to help.

    OK. Now I see what you meant.
    And you correctly understand workaround instruction. The problem is it does not work and I don't know why.
    I'm not so familiar with Automator and indeed seldom use it except for a simple services wrapper under 10.6. So I don't know of any workflows off the shelf which use "Ask for Confirmation" action. But it is easy to create a workflow that, for instance, consists of "Ask for Confirmation" action only and is set to receive no input or input from Finder or input from other application and test to see if it gets keyboard focus. As far as I can tell, this action obtains keyboard focus automatically.
    Here's another workaround you may try. Replace the "Ask for Confirmation" action with a "Run AppleScript" action with the following contents. This will show similar dialogue to let you choose two options.
    on run {input, parameters}
        tell application "Finder"
            display dialog "Are you sure?" with title "Permanently delete"
        end tell
        return input
    end run
    The workflow will look like this.

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    theres no - in "itunes" its all one word
    try right clicking and running itunes as adminstrator or try on a different user account

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    Try running the 10.6.8 combo update.
    10.6.8 Combo Updater
    System Preferences or Safari Preferences?
    Do a backup.
    Quit the application.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. Select Library. Then go to Preferences/com.apple.Safari.plist. Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Restart the computer, open the application and test. If it works okay, delete the plist from the desktop.
    If the application is the same, return the .plist to where you got it from, overwriting the newer one.

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    When packaging a file in indesign - Error message - Cannot copy necessary linked file(s)

    Can you select all Links in the Links Panel
    Use the Flyout Menu on the top right of panel.
    Choose "Utilities>Copy Links to"
    And see if that works.

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    Unless you believe middle-click is yours and don't like it being usurped, mine is set globally to "Enter".

  • ...link files no longer point to an original file and therefore cannot be

    repaired. This is, what DiskWarrior says about one HD of mine. How it happened, no clue, didn't do anything unusual. Now after reinstalling the system on this HD (somebody in a different discussion helped me to localize that BaseSystem.pkg in the Receipts Folder was empty) DiskWarrior still says the same. Have problems to connect to the internet from this disc and get the updates from 10.3 to 10.3.9. Safari doesn't work right.
    Any ideas ?

    A link file is a file that points to another file, kind of like an alias, except the link file points to a certain location whereas an alias will follow a file around. Although some links are important it is also possible it isn't and since the files have been moved around the links are broken. Somebody else may correct me but I'm guessing you can't repair those unless you know the files to which they were pointing. This would probably be something the OS or an applications set up rather than you so you can't really do it yourself (easily). The actually link files themselves are not critical but maybe what they do is.

Maybe you are looking for