Unsyncing a collection with LR Mobile

When I unsync a collection with LR Mobile does that remove the photos and clear up space on my iPad?

I discovered the answer to my question.  When you unsync a collection, the photos are cleared from all mobile devices and the cloud.  The collection stays intact on my laptop and retains any changes made on my iPad

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    Hi Acroperus,
    The storage for Lightroom mobile is separate from Creative Cloud and doesn't count against your 20GB. This FAQ might be helpful for you: http://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom/kb/lightroom-mobile-faq.html
    - Dave

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    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
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    Hi All,
    I am having the same problem described here and in several other posts.
    Since upgrading to LR5.5 upload has been much slower, and has since stopped altogether with no changes from the desktop app syncing with the mobile app or vice versa.
    I've been through a bunch of suggestions from Adobe's support, such as creating and dropping collections to try and kick start it. Deleting and letting rebuild the lrsync data folder. And then re-arranging photos within collections to try and resolve.
    Initially some metadata changes were syncing, but images themselves weren't (all JPEG & CR2/RAW), but now nothing. No change in any collection on the desktop will sync to the mobile app or appear in the web version - lightroom.adobe.com.
    I have also noticed that lightroom seems to be hitting the CPU very hard - all of the time, and the following message keeps appearing every few seconds in the system log:
    12/07/2014 12:54:00.307 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5[18493]:
    Bad sqlite return code: 1. Info: no such column: z
        0: method  prepare                        - C
        1: method  prepareRunToCompletionStatement - 59600407:1041+18
        2:          [unnamed]                      - 59600407:674+15
        3:          [unnamed]                      - tail
        4: field    getLex64OrderString            - 826355253:465+63
        5: upvalue  ?                              - 278512893:39+13
        6:          [unnamed]                      - 278512893:94+8
        7: field    filterA                        - 887551245:890+9
        8: upvalue  ?                              - 278512893:154+8
        9:          [unnamed]                      - 1564968350:123+51
      10:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      11:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      12:          [unnamed]                      - 219380148:965+5
      13: global  pcall                          - C
      14:          [unnamed]                      - 219380148:843+53
      15:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      16: global  pcall                          - C
      17:          [unnamed]                      - 1098400342:526+44
      18:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      19:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      20:          [unnamed]                      - 1565123299:92+38
      21:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      22: global  pcall                          - C
      23:          [unnamed]                      - 1002929302:1193+34
      24:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      25:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      26:          [unnamed]                      - tail
      27: method  dispatch                      - 1002929302:971+75
      28:          [unnamed]                      - 1002929302:1679+77
      29: global  AgCallWithAutoreleasePool      - C
      30: method  run                            - 1002929302:1642+28
      31:          [unnamed]                      - 435542093:0+6
    If I stop syncing then these error messages stop appearing.
    Please someone help! I have over 35000 photos synced with Lightroom mobile and now it has become completely useless - I can't do anything with it at all.
    An LR sync diagnostics file is here - http://wikisend.com/download/677084/Lightroom Sync Diagnostic Log.webarchive

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    Thanks for your help!!!
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    Welcome to the forum!
    41W6409 is the correct FRU number.
    Download the HMM from here:
    You'll need some thermal paste (Arctic Silver 5 would be my preference) and a Phillips screwdriver.
    Good luck.
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    So long as you are logged into the iTunes Store, using the correct ID and password (settings >store), then you will always have access to your apps, books, music, TV shows etc etc bought via the iTunes Store on that account.

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     I have a requirement to implement a create a new site collection with dedicated content db. i have got 2 PowerShell scripts which does the same. first i will  create a content  db and then create the sitecollection with contentdb
    parameter with the created contentdb name.
    Now the site collection created must contain few doc libs and few splists with look up columns, people picker data type, multiline of text, single line of text,choice field. hence i am thinking the below approach:
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     2) i am thinking of a ui design to create the below:
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    so my question is :  On click of a button can I create a site collection with a dedicated content db based on the web template created with the  hel of  server  object model?
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    passing a paramter from code behind- visual web part ui to power shell ?
    and it should create the site collec based on the web template and create the content db.
    my doubt #3 : will it not throw error "request timed out" when creating the site collec and contentdb from ui ?

    Try below:
    PowerShell is just a wrapper for the object model. You shouldn't need to reference PowerShell in your feature, just create the new site collection with C# inside your feature. There's a blog post here that illustrates some code that may get you started.
    # Enable the remote site collection creation for on-prem in web application level
    # If this is not done, unknon object exception is raised by the CSOM code
    $WebApplicationUrl = http://dev.contoso.com
    $snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
    if ($snapin -eq $null)
    Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
    $webapp=Get-SPWebApplication $WebApplicationUrl
    $newProxyLibrary = New-Object "Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPClientCallableProxyLibrary"
    $newProxyLibrary.AssemblyName = "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Dedicated.TenantAdmin.ServerStub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"
    $newProxyLibrary.SupportAppAuthentication = $true
    Write-Host "Successfully added TenantAdmin ServerStub to ClientCallableProxyLibrary."
    # Reset the memory of the web application
    Write-Host "IISReset..."
    Restart-Service W3SVC,WAS -force
    Write-Host "IISReset complete."
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    Well I tried to run it again and came up with the same message...I see that some people got great support to help them so I am hoping someone can help me as well. I know "b nor" is very qualfied and hopefully can help me! Please advise what I can do. Thank you

    Hi Iss9243,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    You've already tried some great troubleshooting steps, but the article below gives you quite a few more for this issue.  Hope it helps ....
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    - Judy

  • Database, Dataset, Table Adaptors Error "Unable to load, Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted row"

    Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.
    I am new to Visual Basic programing and i am trying to understand the relationships between Datasets, database, table Adaptors. I have to following code that is is giving me the following error" Unable to load, Update requires a valid DeleteCommand
    when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows". 
    I can track the error and its located in "OffsetTableTableAdapter.Update(MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable)" code. What am i missing?
    It seems that i can delete the data on the DataGridView Table and it only displays the correct data. but my database is not updating, even though the data grid displays differently.I can determine this because, when i save the offset database, i have all
    the previous uploads and all the rows that i wanted to delete are still there.
    My final goal is to be able to import offset data from a CSV file, save this data on the pc, send a copy of this data to a NuermicUpDown so the customer can modify certain numbers. From here they download all the date to a controller.  IF the customer
    needs to modify the imported data, they can go to a tab with a data grid view and modify the table. They will also have to option to save the modified data into a csv file.  
    Im not sure if i am making this overcomplicated or if there is a easier way to program this.
    Private Function LoadOffSetData()
            Dim LoadOffsetDialog As New OpenFileDialog 'create a new open file dialog and setup its parameters
            LoadOffsetDialog.DefaultExt = "csv"
            LoadOffsetDialog.Filter = "csv|*.csv"
            LoadOffsetDialog.Title = "Load Offset Data"
            LoadOffsetDialog.FileName = "RollCoaterOffset.csv"
            If LoadOffsetDialog.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then  'show the dialog and if the result is ok then
                    Dim myStream As New System.IO.StreamReader(LoadOffsetDialog.OpenFile) 'try to open the file with a stream reader
                    If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then 'if the file is valid
                        For Each oldRow As MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTableRow In MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable.Rows
    'delete all of the existing rows
                        Dim rowvalue As String
                        Dim cellvalue(25) As String
                        'Reading CSV file content
                        While myStream.Peek() <> -1
                            Dim NRow As MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTableRow
                            rowvalue = myStream.ReadLine()
                            cellvalue = rowvalue.Split(","c) 'check what is ur separator
                            NRow = MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable.Rows.Add(cellvalue)
                        End While
                        MainOffset.Value = OffsetTableTableAdapter.MainOffsetValue          'saves all the table offsets
    to the offset numericUpDown registers in the main window
                        StationOffset01.Value = OffsetTableTableAdapter.Station01Value
                        StationOffset02.Value = OffsetTableTableAdapter.Station02Value
                       myStream.Close() 'close the stream
                        Return True
                    Else 'if we were not able to open the file then
                        MsgBox("Unable to load, check file name and location") 'let the operator know that the file wasn't able to open
                        Return False
                    End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                    MsgBox("Unable to load, " + ex.Message)
                    Return False
                End Try
                Return False
            End If
        End Function

    Hello SaulMTZ,
    >>I can track the error and its located in "OffsetTableTableAdapter.Update(MaterionOffsetDataSet.OffsetTable)" code. What am i missing?
    This error usually shows that you do not initialize the
    DeleteCommand object, you could check this
    article to see if you get a workaround.
    >> Im not sure if i am making this overcomplicated or if there is a easier way to program this.
    If you are working CSV file, you could use OleDB to read it which would treat the CSV file as a Table:
    which seems to be easier (in my opinion).
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • HT204053 Although I have iCloud, my system preferences still show Mobile.me.  I have to sign in with my mobile.me ID which is not the same as my Apple ID. I want to change my iCloud ID and password.  How do I do it?

    Although I can access iCloud, my system preferences on my iMac still show Mobile.me.  I have to sign in with my mobile.me ID which is not the same as my Apple ID. I want to change my iCloud ID and password to be consistent with my Apple ID and password.  How do I do it?

    you need to be running OSX 10.7 or 10.8 to use iCloud i believe. It shows you are using 10.6.8 which doesn't support iCloud.

  • How to sync music bought with an old apple id with a mobile me icloud

    I migrated from mobile me to icloud using my mobile me account (which is different to my itunes apple id account) and I can sync pictures, contacts and ical via the cloud to my mac, iphone and ipad using the mobile me @me.com id. All devices are signed in with the mobile me @me.com log in.
    However, my purchased music won't sync when i buy it with my itunes apple id. Do I have to re-sign into icloud using my old apple id to sync it all? If so what happens to pictures and ical.
    I started off by creating an account using my old apple id on the iphone (which prompted me to create an entirely new me.com address), but I changed it to the @me.com log in and deleted it from the iphone because it would not sync pictures etc.
    I think I did something wrong at he very start due to the confusing prompt for an apple id when creating the original icloud account.
    Any help appreciated

    You should continue to use your itunes account ID for iTunes and your iCloud ID for syncing services such as calendar et al.
    If you want your iYunes purchases to download to all your devices, check automatic downloads in settings > store on you iOS devices and iTunes preferences > Store in iTunes on your mac/PC.

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