Update to LR 5- HDR

i bought LR5 a week back. i understand that there is an update for HDR a@vailable now. Can i get it and how?

This link should help:
https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/upgrade-policy-product-announcement.htm l

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    If Lightroom CC 2015 is shown as up-to-date then it is installed on your computer. The icon for the new Lightroom is the same one as for Lightroom 5. So you are starting Lightroom 5 from the icon. Installing Lightroom CC will not replace Lightroom 5. If you cannot find the icon for Lightroom CC then go to your programs folder and create a shortcut for the new version.

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    Warunicorn, the FX was Basic>Lighting.
    When using Lighting on layer 2 (after filling an empty layer with black) that when I move the circle cursor for the light (whatever it is called) even slightly the black fill disappears.
    Here is the tutorial I followed: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-photoshop-touch/using-lighting-effects/
    Above is only one example as anty FX will do same.
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  • Photomatix Pro HDR Plug-in Updated with additional Lightroom Functinality

    04-Feb 2009
    Update log
    Updated in v3.1.3
    - Tighter integration with Lightroom. HDR options are now set from the
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    >DaveBurns:CR - Can you help me understand where? I'm looking at the Plug-in Manager now with the Photomatix
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    That's because you're looking at the Photomatrix plugin, not one of Jeffrey's plug-ins :)
    I pointed to one of Jeffrey's plug-ins to show that one button updates can be performed for LR plug-ins. It is up to the author of the plug-in to include the update items that appear in the LR Plug-in manager and Photomatrix didn't provide that capability in their plug-in.

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    File_Automate_Merge to HDR Pro
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    Click OK
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    Your video cards display is usually 16, 24 or 32 bits total. The settings used in photoshop are for each channel.
    There are 3 channels for the monitor Red, Green and Blue. Each having 8 bits or 8+8+8= 24 bits or 16777216 colors as there are 256 color per channel and 256 3rd power is 16,777,216.
    So a 32 bit video card would be 256 to the 4th power.
    Now back to photoshop, 16 bits per channel is 512 colors per channel or 512 to the 3rd power or 134,217,728 colors
    Therefore 32 bits per channel would have 1024 colors per channel or a total of 1,073,741,824.
    Keep in mind for this example I only used the RGB channels, photoshop is capable of creating multiple channels, granted these extra channels are primarily used for tansparency, masks, and selections. But in theory one day these extra channels could be used to display extra color information on the screen along with the main RGB channels.
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    These features are only in Lightroom 6/Lightroom CC, and you would have to purchase Lightroom CC or Lightroom 6 (or use the 30-day free trial and then purchase it).

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    * Download a new copy of the Firefox program: http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/all.html
    * Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install.
    * Install the new version that you have downloaded.
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

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    search and ye shall find...
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    If you want to purchase Lightroom 6, which is the standalone version, go to this website:
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    Panorama, live filters doesn't available for the iPad. They're only available on the iPhone. But you can get the filters effect after you captured a photo and edit them in the photo album (Up right) and click on filters. Hope this helped.    

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    One awesome feature on Android I still miss was the HDR Pro application that would take 3 photos at three different exposure values, then merge into one and then allowed tweaks to contrast and saturation.
    Can you guys put this on the request list for an upcoming camera firmware update?
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    Thinking this could be added either to the camera or to Creative Design as that can already take panorama shots through it's own camera interface?

    Hello Rarsiii,
    Welcome to the Users Discussion Forum. We will forward this to our Reader team and thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.

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    MitchelleC said:"If the tablet is set to connect to your Home network automatically, this may intrude connection of the camera and tablet. Same with the Mobile Data connection. Turn the setting off and forget all networks that are set to Connect automatically before reconnecting both devices again."
    I think you're on the right track with this, and did have the camera "forget" the network and then re-join. (Can't find where to tell either the cam or the tablet to connect automatically.)
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    Bottom line: I *think* I have a stable connection now, but uncertain as to why it's working. So problem potentially solved.
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