Upgrade to FMS3 from FMS2?

My company would benefit greatly from being able to stream
movies directly from mp4 files, which from what I understand FMS3
and Flash CS3 can do. Currently we have to convert all videos to
FLVs, and being able to cut out that step would be a big help for
So I just want to make sure that to get that ability, do we
need to upgrade from FMS2 and Flash MX 2004 to FMS3 and Flash

Yes, FMS3 is the one for H.264 encoded mp4 files. Flash CS3
will give updated tool-set but it is not required.

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    If you are connecting your iPhone to the computer using a USB 3.0 port, disconnect it immediately.  iPhones will lock up if you try to update while  using a connection through a USB 3.0 port.
    Disconnect the iPhone from the computer
    Go to Device Manager and find the connected USB port.  Click the mouse right button and update the driver
    Shut the iPhone by pressing the sleep button and the home button concurrently for some time
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    Using iTunes, restore the latest backup to get your data back.
    When all of the above is completed.  Start enjoying your iPhone.
    If the above does not work.  Throw your iPhone out of the window and get a replacement Android phone.

  • I upgraded MacbookPro 2009 from 10.6.8 to Yosemite.  Beforehand I made a backup copy of my Iphoto library onto an external hard drive. Lets call it BU. I also deleted half of my photos from the default library on my laptop, lets call it DE. I then in

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    Can anyone suggest what is the most time efficient way? How do I best import my 17000 into a new library ensuring I don't loose any in the process. I do not wish sorting through 17000 photos for a week or so. Shall i also get a new iphoto library version now? Thank you for anything that may work.

    Yes, the Old Master file has a folder for each year where I find all photos from that specific year. I am attaching a screen shot of the file.
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  • Upgrade ONS15454 MSTP from 7.0 to 9.8

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    I would like to some help that customer need to upgrade ONS15454 MSTP from version 7.0 to 9.8. So, I may need some help
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    2. Is it possible to direct upgrade to 9.8?
    3. I saw many file information in cisco web site, and which one i must to download it ? ( ONS 15454 R9.8.0 System Software for MultiService Transport Platform, ONS 15454 R9.8.0 System Software for Multiservice Transport Platform - Lite Version for TCC2P/TCC3 -WSON) I do not know which one is to using
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    1. I try to using your upgrade tool, my ONS15454 is SDH version 7.0  so, I can choose only 9.3 for destination version. It means that i must  to upgrade to 9.3 first and then go to 9.6 and 9.8, Correct?
    yes it is true you go directly to 9.3.0, it is not a multi-shelf node.
    please be sure that your software version is 7.0.0.
    So upgrade path is 7.0.0 to 9.3.0
    2. Is  it possible to upgrade without downtime ? as my understand that  ONS15454 have 2 site (east and west), Can i do upgrade east site before  west site? and when finish upgrade east site and go to upgrade west site  after that, can i ?
    becase as i understand when finish upgrade  per site all card in that site will reboot, so, i think that another  site will take the traffic without downtime. I don't sure that i am  correct or not if you have any mention please let's me know
    no not possible without downtime,
    there will be a traffic hit or 10seconds or less than that, it you are using MXP_MR_2.5G cards without Y-cable protection. same for GE_XP cards there will be a traffic loss for few seconds.
    yes you can upgrade east node and after that upgrdae west node, but not like doing upgrade to 9.8 for one node and another still on 7.0
    3. I don't have multishelf, i just have one shelf per site
    4.  I have plan to upgrade to customer soon, but i may need to give a plan  for them. But right now, i may confuse about the way and solution to  upgrade that include how and impact to upgrade.
    1. There will be a traffic impact on MXP and GE_XP card for less than 10 seconds.
    2. If MXP client ports are y-cable provisioned, than upgrade will be error less, in case of Y-cable protection just lock protection before proceeding to upgrade.
    3. traffic will impact as MXP cards have to do FPGA upgrade also and for this they will take a reboot, but in case of y-cable other card is taking over.
    4. As you have TCC2P card, so always select lite versions, if its SDH than SDH-DWDM.
    5. also if possible, arrange spare TCC2P card, atleast one at each site, just to be on safe side.
    6. here is the path which you have to follow:
    7.0.0 to 9.3.0
    9.3.0 to 9.6.0
    9.6.0 to 9.8.0
    also please feel free to reach for any queries.

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    If anyone has any suggestions as to how to access this advanced section, I'd be most grateful.

    Hi David-
    The advanced adjustments in the Highlights & Shadows tool were combined into the "Mid Contrast" slider in Aperture 3.3 and later. If you have any images in your library that were processed in a version of Aperture before 3.3, there will be an Upgrade button in the Highlights & Shadows tool in the upper right, and the controls you asked about under the Advanced section. Clicking the Upgrade button will re-render the photo using the new version of Highlights & Shadows, and the Advanced section will be replaced with the new Mid Contrast slider. With the new version from 3.3 you probably don't need the Advanced slider, but if you want to use the older version you can download it from this page:
    http://www.apertureexpert.com/tips/2012/6/12/reclaim-the-legacy-highlights-shado ws-adjustment-in-aperture.html

  • Issues after upgrading the Obiee from 10g to 11g

    Hi all,
    We have recently upgraded our rpd from 10g to 11g. And a part of Webcatlog is being upgraded. We observe issues with the upgraded reports.
    As the for the report prompts the script was taking lot of time. And the browser pop's a message either to 'stop' or 'continue'.
    The report is taking lot of time to run than the usual 10g environment. And the path BP1 is also applied for the 11g environment.
    Please suggest a troubleshoot method to overcome the issues with the upgraded reports.
    Thank you,

    Check this pdf file
    If helps pls mark

  • I just upgraded my iPad from 4.3.3 to the newest - I think 6.1.3.  I cannot find my photos and videos.  I tried a restore, but after 3 hours, it's timing out.  Pardon my ignorance on asking this question; but is there a way to find my photos?

    I just upgraded my iPad from 4.3.3 to the newest - I think 6.1.3.  I cannot find my photos and videos.  I tried a restore, but after 3 hours, it's timing out.  Pardon my ignorance on asking this question; but is there a way to find my photos?  I do nto care about anythign else.
    Here are the steps I though I took this morning:
    Backup iPad
    Connect to iTunes and downlaod newest version of iTunes and then newest iOS
    restart Vista Laptop
    upgrade to newest iOS
    I knew somethign was wrong when it took about 6 hours to upgrade the iPad
    at the end it errored with this message error (-50), but the upgrade worked
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    I have tried a restore to a back up 2 times.  The first time took 3 hours and just sort of timed out - it kept saying that there was an hour to go
    I tried it again 2 hours ago and same message.
    They are very valuable to me and so now I am panicking
    Your help is much appreciated

    Hi Eric Ferguson,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For troubleshooting on this, take a look at this article:
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    Error 13, 14, 35 and 50 (or -50)
    These errors are typically resolved by performing one or more of the steps listed below:
    Perform USB isolation troubleshooting, including trying a different USB port directly on the computer. See the advanced steps below for USB troubleshooting.
    Put a USB 2.0 hub between the device and the computer.
    Try a different USB 30-pin dock-connector cable.
    Eliminate third-party security software conflicts.
    There may be third-party software installed that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting one or more TcpWindowSize entries into your registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause this error. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet-size modification for assistance. Or, follow this article by Microsoft: How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to reset the packet size back to the default for Windows.
    Connect your computer directly to your Internet source, bypassing any routers, hubs, or switches. You may need to restart your computer and modem to get online.
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    Best of luck,

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    i am also having the same problem.....but there is no solution i am stil waiting for the responce of apple adviser.

  • Missing all photos and events after upgrading to Photos from iPhoto

    I just upgraded to photos from iPhoto.
    When I opened Photos for the first time it asked if I wanted to move / import from iPhoto to the new photos app I said yes.
    A message came up that said that I needed to repair the permissions on my iPhoto library I said ok.
    When the library opened in Photos there was nothing there. It was as if the library was brand new with instructions on how to add images and events.  I went to iPhoto to open the library. Same thing iPhoto now looks like new with information on how to import photos and create events!
    Where are all of my images?
    How do I get them back?

    HA! User Error. Supper embarrassing. So... Is there a way to delete this request?

  • After upgrade my MBP from snow leopard to mountain lion all my smb connections stop to work.

    After upgrade my MBP from snow leopard to mountain lion all my smb connections stop to work.
    Now iám using mac os 10.8.2
    I can see the server, I can choose the drive, but when try to open a folder the message on Finder is: You don't have permissions to see the content.
    I already delete the key and try to connect again, but the problem persist. Already try change the ip from file server. Already try differents users. (admin, guest, etc...)
    I have a windows server 2008 and a NAS working with SMB protocol. Both with the same problem.
    That problem occurs only on Finder, if I try see the folder by Terminal, is possible to see my files.
    Any Solution ?
    Any Tip ?
    Any Question ?

    Not knowing how much RAM is installed in your iMac, your iMac can take a total of 8 GBs of RAM.
    Before upgrading to Mountain Lion, I would strongly suggest installing the maximum 8 GBs of RAM.
    Correct and reliable Mac RAM can be purchased from online Mac RAM sources Crucial memory or OWC (macsales.com).
    Here is OWC's link to your model iMac and the RAM modules you will need.macsales
    You can purchase and download OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store in the OS X dock.
    Before installing, it would be prudent to make a backup copy of all of your important data or your entire current system. Either using, optical discs, USB flash drives or external hard drives.
    This is too insure protection of your data in case something goes wrong with the install of OS X Mountain Lion.
    Good Luck!

  • I'm using a Mac.  I "upgraded" to LR5 from LR4.  I do not want to be a member of the "Creative Cloud".  I just want to use the software I purchased, specifically to upload to my SmugMug account.  Is there a way to use an add-on to do this?  Aperture and L

    I'm using a Mac.  I "upgraded" to LR5 from LR4.  I do not want to be a member of the "Creative Cloud".  I just want to use the software I purchased, specifically to upload to my SmugMug account.  Is there a way to use an add-on to do this?  Aperture and LR4 were easy but I'm finding it impossible without subscribing to CC.

    Sorry, maybe I don't understand, but why do you feel compelled to subscribe to CC if you already have a permanent Lightroom 5 licence?
    For the SmugMug plugin, a simple Google search ("smugmug lightroom plugin") gives this link to download the plugin:  http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/121321
    Another way is to click the button "Find more services online..." in the the Publish Service section of Lightroom, and to search for SmugMug in the Adobe Add-ons portal; you will find a link to the latest plugin: https://creative.adobe.com/addons/products/1755

  • I would like to upgrade my OS from 10.6.8. I can't find any higher version on the site. Yosemite is the latest but not available. Can someone help please?

    I would like to upgrade my OS from 10.6.8. I can't find any higher version on the site. Yosemite is the latest but not available. Can someone help please?

    If Yosemite is not available to you, your system may not meet the minimum requirements.
    How to install OS X Yosemite on your Mac - Apple Support

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    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Process ID: 20826
    Session ID: 170 Serial number: 3
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    Please provide me the probable outcomes.

    Below entries found in alert_orcl.log file
    MMNL started with pid=15, OS id=20571
    starting up 1 shared server(s) ...
    ORACLE_BASE from environment = /u01/app/oracle
    Thu Dec 03 20:11:11 2009
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_mman_20557.trc:
    ORA-27103: internal error
    Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
    Additional information: -1
    Additional information: 1
    MMAN (ospid: 20557): terminating the instance due to error 27103
    Instance terminated by MMAN, pid = 20557
    Below entries found in the Trace file generated
    error 27103 detected in background process
    ORA-27103: internal error
    Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
    Additional information: -1
    Additional information: 1
    *** 2009-12-03 20:11:14.727
    MMAN (ospid: 20557): terminating the instance due to error 27103

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Maybe you are looking for

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