Upload a CSS file to APEX

Hi all,
I am trying to create a report page that looks exactly like a factsheet. I have someone to help me create a CSS file, but we are not sure if we can import it to APEX and use it as a template.
Do you know if it's possible to import a CSS file? If yes, how do we do that?
Thank you very much for the help!

Sure you can. Go to shared components>> static files >> CSS >> upload file.
Then you will need to reference that CSS in your report tempalte..

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    Can anyone provide a simple css file for Apex Application please don't mention W3schools link to learn...

    in each item have ..HTML Form Element CSS Classes .e.g style="color:red",  you can change whatever you want!
    or using CSS at page header level.
    check the page: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=25110:3:0:::::
    more css and JS file in Google drive(If my application/js/css breaks your computer, your database, your car's transmission anything it's your fault not mine, I have nothing to do with it and will deny all responsibility.)

  • Error When Uploading a CSS file or  Static file

    When I am uploading a CSS or Static file , I get the following error. But I can upload images files with no issues.
    ORA-02291: integrity constraint (FLOWS_FILES.WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJ_FK) violated - parent key not found
    Oracle XE upgraded to Apex 3.1
    Please help

    Yes, if you upload an image on a normal Oracle Apex Database its stored in the DB.
    But, if you remember, when you configire apex you specify an images directory /i/.
    Under this directory you will find all the images that apex uses as well as css files, etc.
    If you place your image in this directory you can reference it my modifying the appropriate stylesheet/template.
    So, for example, you cna place your own stylesheets in the appropriate directory on the server.

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    Hi All,
    I need to upload a csv file in the table through file browse button.For that i have created the below process and function.This method is working perfectly fine when the file size is small.But i need to upload the file of 16 MB size and when i try to upload that file it gives error wwv_flow.accept error.Any expert of APEX please help me out on this error.As i am very new to APEX and i need to get this done as early as possible.Please provide any solution ,i will be really grateful to the person.
    create or replace function hex_to_decimal
    --this function is based on one by Connor McDonald
    ( p_hex_str in varchar2 ) return number
    v_dec number;
    v_hex varchar2(16) := '0123456789ABCDEF';
    v_dec := 0;
    for indx in 1 .. length(p_hex_str)
    v_dec := v_dec * 16 + instr(v_hex,upper(substr(p_hex_str,indx,1)))-1;
    end loop;
    return v_dec;
    end hex_to_decimal;
         v_blob_data BLOB;
         v_blob_len NUMBER;
         v_position NUMBER;
    v_clob_data CLOB := 'anything';
    dest_offset NUMBER := 1;
    src_offset NUMBER := 1;
    blob_csid NUMBER := dbms_lob.default_csid;
    lang_ctx INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning INTEGER;
         v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
         v_char CHAR(1);
         c_chunk_len number := 1;
         v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
         v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
         v_rows number;
         v_sr_no number := 1;
         delete from scg_recievables2;
         -- Read data from wwv_flow_files</span>
         select blob_content into v_blob_data
         from wwv_flow_files
         where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER)
         and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
         v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
         v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char</span>
         WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
         dbms_lob.converttoclob(v_clob_data, v_blob_data, v_blob_len, dest_offset,src_offset,blob_csid,lang_ctx,warning);
    v_char := dbms_lob.getlength(v_clob_data);
         v_line := v_line || v_char;
         v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
         -- When a whole line is retrieved </span>
         IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
         -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
         v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ';', ':');
         -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
         v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    if IsNumber(substr(v_data_array(9),1,1)) = 1 then
    v_data_array(9) := substr(v_data_array(9),1,11);
    v_data_array(9) := '01-JAN-1900';
    end if;
    v_data_array(9) := NVL(v_data_array(9),'01-JAN-1900');
         -- Insert data into target table </span>
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into scg_recievables2 (Account_receivable_number, the_account_number, bill_history_tran, service_number, item_type, the_amount_billed, the_remaining_amount,source_of_payment)
         values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9)'
         -- Clear out
         v_line := NULL;
         v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
         END IF;
         END LOOP;

    As noted, this confuses the issue, since a possible answer was posted in the OTHER thread.. Check your server logs, you are probably timing out.. From prior threads with a similar issue:
    Have a look at the httpd.conf file (or get your system administrator to look at it) and see what the value of TimeOut is set to. You may need to increase it in order to export large tables via APEX.
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    A lady came up to me on the street, pointed at my suede jacket and said "Do you know a cow was murdered to make that jacket?"
    "I didn't know there were any witnesses", I replied " Now I'll have to kill you too"

  • How to import programmatically an APEX images file using workspace images option and CSS files to APEX?

    Oracle db 11gR2
    Oracle APEX 4.2.1
    Linux RHEL 6.3
    I am importing a images file programmatically into APEX.  And also a CSS file.
    I want to add an images file to my APEX instance but I want to choose the option -- workspace images --.  How does one do that programmatically via the APEX API e.g.?
    I don't want the images tied to an application within APEX.
    Does one do the same thing for CSS files that are imported to APEX?

    This is interesting and helpful,  I use the following code to import my APEX database application and run it via SQL*Plus and it works fine for database applications -- what do I need to change/add/modify in order to load the images and CSS files?  NOTE: I want the images to be -- Workspace images -- not tied to any application.  Also, I need to handle the situation where the images and CSS data already exist in the APEX environment as well as when they are not there (i.e. initial install).  Usually it is a case where it is an upgrade so the data already exists in the APEX app and just needs to be updated.
                      v_workspace      varchar2(35)    := 'WORKSPACE';
                      n_existing_app   number          := 123;
                      n_new_app        number          := 456;
                      v_app_alias      varchar2(35)    := 'WKALIAS';
                      v_parsing_schema varchar2(35) :='WORKSPACE_PARSE';
                      n_secgrp_id      number;
                      v_err_msg        varchar2(200);
                      n_err_num        number;
                      n_workspace_id   number;
                      -- get workspace id
                      select workspace_id
                      into n_workspace_id
                      from apex_workspaces
                      where workspace = v_workspace;
                      -- set workspace id
                      apex_application_install.set_workspace_id (n_workspace_id);   
                      -- set security group
                      apex_util.set_security_group_id (p_security_group_id => apex_application_install.get_workspace_id);
                      -- set pasring schema
                      apex_application_install.set_schema(p_schema => v_parsing_schema);
                      -- delete existing app
                      when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- do nothing when the application does not exist
                      -- set new app id
                      apex_application_install.set_application_id(p_application_id => n_new_app);
                      -- generate offset
                      -- set application alias
                      apex_application_install.set_application_alias(p_application_alias => v_app_alias);
                      when others then        
                        n_err_num := SQLCODE;
                        v_err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200);
                        dbms_output.put_line('Error number = ' || n_err_num);     
                        dbms_output.put_line('Error message = ' || v_err_msg);

  • Uploading CSS file

    I uploaded a CSS file that I would like to use for my application.
    I selected the template for Page and modified the following line to say this:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#theme14.css" type="text/css">.
    When I applied the changes and ran my application, this CSS file did not go into effect. My application is still using the CSS file that is associated with that particular theme.
    Can someone help me figure out why my custom CSS file is not being used for formatting?
    Thank you.

    I put my line in place of the APEX line not after it. Are you saying that the header section should look like this:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_14/theme_3_1.css" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#theme14.css" type="text/css" />There should be two lines?

  • How To Use a css File To Watermark A Report

    I am using Apex 4.0.1 and have a need to place a watermark (that is, a background image) over a report, both a "classic" type and Interactive Report.
    I have two questions about this.
    1) I've searched this Forum and found several good questions/responses about this subject. What I think is the most maintainable solution is to create a .css file and reference this file within the Template section of a copy of, say, the "Reports Region" template used by my application theme. And so, I made a copy of the "Reports Region" template and called it "Watermark Reports Region". I then created a very simple .css file called "bgimg.css" defined as:
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    Note: For those that may not know, the "!important" clause is, in fact, a css defined clause used to tell the browser that it should give the associated option the highest precedence. This prevents my desired css option from being overridden by another css file. Frankly, I myself did not know this until after I saw it being used in several of the responses on this Forum and then read up about it.
    I uploaded this css file via the Apex "Shared Components -> Cascading Style Sheets" option. I also made sure that menu_bug.png is, in fact, among my workspace images.
    I also made sure that my "Watermark Reports Region" template contains the substitution variable "REGION_STATIC_ID" and that my actual report region has a value in the Region Static Id field.
    Within my "Watermark Reports Region" template, I tried to reference my .css file. This is where I think my problem is.
    I placed
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#bgimg.css" />
    at the very top of the Template section in my "Watermark Reports Region" template.
    I then assigned my template to my Apex report. When I run my report, I see nothing.
    So, how does one reference this css file within the template?
    2) I tried using my css tags as an internal style by placing it within the "HTML Header" section of my application page. I used:
    <style type="text/css">
    #empreport {
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    I assigned a div tag to my report region header and footer that looks like:
    In Header: <div id="empreport">
    In Footer: </div>
    When I run the report, I do get the image. But it is surrounding the report. It looks like my report is "floating" in a sea of bug images.
    So, how can I get these images to actually appear within the report itself. In other words, I want the report itself to be "transparent" so as to allow these images to be seen within the report body itself.
    Thank you all for any help/advice/code example.

    Thanks for taking the time to post sufficient information to understand the problem. In future if you're going to such efforts you might want to use them to reproduce the problem on apex.oracle.com, which means you can share actual working (or more likely not working!) code. Please also always wrap code posted on the forum in tags<tt>\...\</tt> tags to preserve formatting and special characters.
    I placed
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#bgimg.css" />
    at the very top of the Template section in my "Watermark Reports Region" template.
    According to the relevant HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.x standards, <tt>style</tt> and <tt>link rel="stylesheet"</tt> elements should only appear within the <tt>head</tt> element of a document.
    This changes in HTML5. The new <tt>scoped</tt> attribute allows <tt>style</tt> to be used in a prescribed way elsewhere in the document, with the effect that the styling rules specified are only to be applied to the other descendant elements of that <tt>style</tt> element's parent (in the way you're trying to do here). I'd expect <tt>link</tt> with a <tt>rel="stylesheet"</tt> to remain restricted to <tt>head</tt> content in HTML5: off the top of my head I can't see a use case for referencing external stylesheets in a non-metadata context.
    That said, current browsers apply CSS regardless of where in the document it appears, and future HTML5-compliant ones will continue to continue to do so for backwards compatibility. For myself, when using XHTML 1.0 I'll continue to follow the only put <tt>style</tt> and <tt>link</tt> elements in the page <tt>head</tt>. When I get round to using HTML5 for real I'll follow the standards for that as well.
    I strongly recommend that you follow the standards and only put <tt>link rel="stylesheet"</tt> elements in the page <tt>head</tt>.
    Note: For those that may not know, the "!important" clause is, in fact, a css defined clause used to tell the browser that it should give the associated option the highest precedence. This prevents my desired css option from being overridden by another css file. Frankly, I myself did not know this until after I saw it being used in several of the responses on this Forum and then read up about it.
    Use <tt>!important</tt> only where it's actually needed. It's over-represented in this forum because Oracle changed the order of style sheet inclusion in APEX 4.0 and made it more difficult to override theme styles using CSS in the page HTML Header without modifying page templates.
    Try your styles initially without using <tt>!important</tt>, and also consider using the cascade to provide any necessary overrides by including your CSS after other style sheets.
    I then created a very simple .css file called "bgimg.css" defined as:
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    I then assigned my template to my Apex report. When I run my report, I see nothing.
    Because <tt>#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#</tt> is not substituted in external CSS files: +{thread:id=986329}+
    If possible it's much better to locate image, CSS and JavaScript files externally on the file system. Otherwise you'll have to use the workaround suggested in that thread and include a <tt>style</tt> element in the page templates to specify the background image.
    When I run the report, I do get the image. But it is surrounding the report. It looks like my report is "floating" in a sea of bug images.Reports are descendants of their region containers and may be subject to additional built-in or theme styles that overrides that specified for the region. Your CSS selector has to specify the report element, not the entire region.
    So, how can I get these images to actually appear within the report itself. In other words, I want the report itself to be "transparent" so as to allow these images to be seen within the report body itself.I'd use a <tt>class</tt> attribute in the region template: this removes the need to use the <tt>#REGION_STATIC_ID#</tt> selector, and allows the CSS to go in the page <tt>head</tt> where it belongs. Add <tt>watermark-report-region</tt> in addition to any existing <tt>class</tt> values in the region template:
    <div class="borderless-region watermark-report-region" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES#>
      <div class="bl-body">#BODY#</div>
    </div>You may have to inspect the page source (use a web inspector like that found in Safari, or the Firefox+Firebug combo) to figure out what has to be overridden in the theme/templates you're using. This worked for an Interactive Report using theme 17:
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA {
      background: #fff url(/i/menu/blank_app_32.gif);
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.even td,
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.odd td {
      background-color: transparent;
    }For a standard report you'll need to identify the selector required for the actual report element (equivalent to the <tt>apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA</tt> table) using the web inspector or from the report template. It would be a good idea to create standard report template(s) incorporating a <tt>watermark-report</tt> class on the report table to provide a simple selector for such reports.

  • Css file not getting applied to the application

    Hi All,
    I have uploaded a css file and used in my application as
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#default.css" type="text/css"/>
    Previously it was working fine.
    But suddenly, it is not working.
    I am working from a remote server.
    Could anyone please get me a solution for this?
    thanks in advance

    Hi joel,
    From this thread
    Shared Files - problems after upgrading APEX 3.0 to 3.1
    i have taken your words,
    In my development of the browser cache support for static files, I did notice some unexplainable behavior with IE and Firefox. When uploading static files and then testing them, it almost seemed like the browser would request the resource only some of the time (and then get the HTTP 304). If an Expires tag is not computed, I know Firefox will compute one itself.
    As per my understanding, Is it cache_expire should be calculated?
    I could not get that line.Could you please explain me.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to call the css file and its images from our application......

    Im uploading a .css file and some images in Apex shared components ,now how to call the css file and images from my Application.... plz tell me detailed.....
    Edited by: anoo on Nov 3, 2008 12:51 AM

    Hi Anoo,
    Sorry, didn't see that you'd started a new thread, so have answered this in 'undefined' is null (or) not an object "

  • Content.css file in Web page composer

    Below are the styles I am using in a JSP file for Web page composer layout. Not  sure where to add the CSS file.
    Is it etc/wpceditor/css/runtime?
    How do I include it in my jsp? and Do I hve to restart portal after I upload the css file?
    td.wpc_mainarticle1, td.wpc_footer      
    td     { background-color: #FF9933; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0; }
    will my layout work. If I add the following code to the content.css file?
    table.wpc_3c_outertable, table.wpc_3c_innertable, table.wpc_3c_innertable2            
    tr.wpc_3c_outertable_row, tr.wpc_sdn_20_46_34_col1_row, tr.wpc_sdn_20_46_34_col2_row  { vertical-align: top; }
    td.wpc_mainarticle1, td.wpc_footer      

    Vishal -
    First... we are all new to WPC!
    Second, no I don't think you need to create a new container.  I think that you just need to add the swf type as an allowed type for the container.
    Figure out which container you are trying to add the flash file to (as you mentioned, A1, A2, etc).
    Navigate to:
    Sys Admin --> Sys Config --> Knowledge Mgt --> Content Mgt --> WPC --> Containers.
    Edit the container you want to use.
    There will be a box named Allowed Mime Types.
    In here, select the "swf" mime type (make sure the check box is checked). Then Save.
    At my company, we had the WPC ramp up from SP12, and are now on SP13.
    I'm not sure what you get if the first time you had WPC is SP13, but for us I see two default A1 (and A2...B1..C4...etc) containers -- one that has "default" in the name and one that has "def" in the name.  From what I see, SP13 WPC uses the one with "def" in the name, not "default".  So, make sure you modify the one with "def" in the name.
    After you make this change, you should see "swf" in the list inside the container when you are editing a page.
    Is this clearer?  I wish I could attach a screenshot.

  • How to add an external CSS file in master page

    We're running a SharePoint 2013 (Office 365) team site. I'd like to use the same formatting in all my site pages. I currently use a script editor web part to apply the formatting changes which is cumbersome. How can I utilize a css file so
    that all of the site pages use the same formatting?
    The site that I want to apply the formatting to is a sub site of the main site. Only the main site has a "Styles Library" if this matters.

    You can also consider activating publishing features and uploading the css files to the Styles library that is created. This allows you to override the oob CSS.
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

  • Do we have CSS file size constraint in PT8.52/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3?

    Hi All,
    We are facing an issue with CSS. We able upload a css file > 16 kb of size with out any issues in the web server. But those styles are not working.
    When we checked our local cache floder CSS file it is not having all styles. It looked like more than 16kb of data got truncated.
    Not sure whether we have file size constraint in PT8.52/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3(64 bit) os.
    Is there any other way to overcome this problem?

    Is it crashing (as in "the JRockit process disappears") or hanging (as
    in "the JRockit process is still there, but it isn't doing anything")?
    Jayakumar Doshi skrev:
    Hello All
    We have an application that uses
    1. JMS
    2. Lots and Lots of Runtime.exec calls.
    3. Lots of database query at periodic interval
    4. Lots of timer events
    The application runs fine for few days and that it would crash.
    When we see the log files we do not see any error logs. Also no dump file is produced.
    This has been happening for two weeks now, and I am clueless. Any suggestion would surely be of great help.
    The server is running in Production env, we cannot change from WL 8.1 SP3, however if we want, we can upgrade the JDK version
    Jay Doshi

  • Design Studio Desktop Template CSS file

    Hi Everyone,
    I see few good addition in Template for Desktop with the release of 1.3. I wanted to use one of the template to create dashboard and publish it to BI Lauch Pad, which will require to upload the CSS file as well to view in portal.
    Does anyone know where can we find CSS for template which is NEW_DESIGN_FONT.css

    If you are referring to the icons for bookmark, settings etc. they are really not images, they are just text which uses the SAP-ICON fonts.  If you look in the CSS file for the bookmark CSS code you will see that it uses  SAP-icons as the font.
    .ICON_BOOKMARK:before {
    font-size: 22px;
    font-family: 'SAP-icons';            
    content: "\e19b";         
    speak: none;
    If you copy the 2 files SAP-icons.EOT and SAP-icons.ttf from the same folder mentioned above to your application folder and use the same CSS classes in your application you will be able to get those icons.

  • Change CSS file programatically

    Is there a way to change the CSS file that it's applyed to the project programatically?
    The user enters the application and want's to change it's appearence by giving it a new CSS, so he uploads a .CSS file which should then be applyed to the application.
    Rui Belchior

    Maybe the CSS can be dynamically generated and made available via a servlet (or any other dynamic technology).
    Note also that the Style property of any component can be bound to a Java property:
    Right-click on a component, choose Property bindings..., select 'style' in the left column, and bind it to a Java property.

  • Issue with path reference in apex.min.css file using Theme 25

    Hi all.
    I upgraded recently to Apex and my existing applications had been working fine. I then thought I'd changed the theme to Theme 25 as it was a new one available to me. This was fine and the application works well however I wanted to test a change to the css so I copied the apex.min.css file and renamed it as apex.min_copy.css. I made my small change, which was just a change to the background colour of the table in apexir.WORKSHEET. I then uploaded this through the shared components and referenced it in my header using
    #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#apex.min_copy.cssI also commented out the referenced to #APEX_CSS# in the header so it would use my uploaded copy and not be overridden.
    When I then ran the application again, it prompted me for the xdb username and password. I tracked this down to lines in the css file where the relative path to an image in the file was like ../ws/image_name
    For example:
      background-image : url(../ws/report_bg.gif);I took these lines out, uploaded again and it was fine and my change was visible, meaning that the #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#apex.min_copy.css was being read correctly. I can also browse the location of these files on the xdb database using a browser connected a system and I can see the files where i expect them to be.What I cannot understand is how other references to images in this css file such as
    background : url(../apex/builder/dev-bar.png) 0 0 repeat-x transparent;
    background-image : url(../htmldb/builder/builder_find_bg.png);do not cause an issue but the one mentioned earlier(/ws) does
    I hope someone has an idea .
    Colm Dickson

    Modifying the default files is dangerous and ill advised. You could always just add a style sheet (inline or linked) to your application that overrides that one setting while you wait on the permanent fix.

Maybe you are looking for