Uploading a file in KM using KM API

How to upload a file into KM using KM API.

Pls go thru the below code.
public static final String uptoKm(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.sal.datatransport.api.IWDResource resource){
                           try {
                                   ResourceContext  contex= new   ResourceContext(WPUMFactory.getUserFactory( ).getEP5User(req.getUser( )); );
                                   IResourceFactory factory = ResourceFactory.getInstance();
                                     RID rid = RID.getRID(PATH);
                                      ICollection folder = (ICollection)factory.getResource(rid,contex);
                                       Content content = new Content(resource.read(true),"byte",-1);
                                   return resource.getResourceName();
                              } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
                              } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
                              } catch (ResourceException e) {
                               return null;
                              } catch (IOException e) {
             return null;
Above method accept parameter of resource and return file name on sucessfully uploaded.
best regards

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    I think that this is a more SalesForce.com question and think you will have more chance looking at SOAP API Developer's Guide for salesforce. Sending a SOAP request from the API Server is very straight forward and there are several tutorials and well documented about this.

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    <p>Why put such a restriction on the solution? Whats wrong about using that library?
    The uploading bit is easy - you put a <input type="file"> component on the form, and set it to be method="post" and enctype="multipart/form-data"
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    Hi Anuj,
    To upload the file , you can try a standard program "RSEPSFTP" .
    while you execute the program , a selection screen appears in which the inputs should be give as
    RFC destination - The target server name
    FTP command- PUT
    local file - your file name
    local directory - path of your local file
    remote file - your target file name
    remote directory - where it has to be stored
    Hope this is useful for you
    Thanks & regards

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    u don't need j2ee and struts to do file uploading. An example is as such
    in JSP. u use the <input> file tag like
    <input type="file"....>You need a bean to capture the file contents like
    class FileUploadObj {
        private FormFile srcFile;
        private byte[] fileContent;
        // all the getter and setter methods
    }Then in the servlet, you process the file for uploading
        * The following loads the uploaded binary data into a byte Array.
        FileUploadObj form = new FileUploadObj();
        byte[] byteArr = null;
        if (form.signFile != null) {
            int filesize = form.srcFile.getFileSize();
            byteArr = new byte[filesize];
            ByteArrayInputStream bytein = new ByteArrayInputStream (form.srcFile.getFileData());
        // Write file content using Writer class into the destination file in the server.

  • Upload Excel File to SharePoint using VBA

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    Ignore xxxxxx part of the Sharepoint site. Nothing wrong with the site, i tried many combinations, but I get not response, not even an error.
    Public Const HR_URL = "http://sun.xxxxxx.com/eng/st/Lists/Database%20Change% 20Request"
    Sub test()
    'Upload new Excel sheet to SharePoint
    Call copyToSharePoint(HR_URL, ThisWorkbook.FullName)
    End Sub
    '''''''code block from Forum
    Public Sub copyToSharePoint(sharepointURL As String, filePath As String)
    'On Error GoTo errhandler
    'sharePointUrl should not end in a "/"
    'Initialize Variables
    Dim LlFileLength As Long
    Dim Lvarbin() As Byte
    Dim LobjXML As Object
    Dim LvarBinData As Variant
    Dim LstrFileName As String, PstrFullfileName As String, PstrTargetURL As String
    Dim fileName As String, lenFileName As Long
    'Extract file name
    lenFileName = Len(filePath) - InStrRev(filePath, "\")
    fileName = Right(filePath, lenFileName)
    'Check that the webUrl ends in an "/"
    If Right(sharepointURL, 1) <> "/" Then
    sharepointURL = sharepointURL & "/"
    End If
    '**************************** Upload binary files *****************
    Set LobjXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    PstrFullfileName = filePath
    LlFileLength = FileLen(PstrFullfileName) - 1
    ' Read the file into a byte array.
    ReDim Lvarbin(LlFileLength)
    Open PstrFullfileName For Binary As #1
    Get #1, , Lvarbin
    Close #1
    ' Convert to variant to PUT.
    LvarBinData = Lvarbin
    PstrTargetURL = sharepointURL & fileName
    ' Put the data to the server; false means synchronous.
    LobjXML.Open "PUT", PstrTargetURL, False
    ' Send the file in.
    LobjXML.Send LvarBinData
    Set LobjXML = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 53 Then
    MsgBox "Excel was unable to create the HR file to submit to SharePoint. " & vbNewLine & _
    "Please check that you are not running out of disk space and that no MS Office add-in is causing issues with Excel.", vbCritical, "File Error"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Your HR could not be submitted to SharePoint. The following error occurred:" & vbNewLine & _
    "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error Uploading to SharePoint"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End Sub

    I have made the following code work successfully on a Windows 8 machine with the VBA executing from an Excel 2010 file and the file you want to upload going to a SharePoint 2010 site. If you don't need to use SP content types then simply
    take that out of the code. Also, pay attention to the FieldInformation as the Field Display names and Field Internal names can sometimes be different. Cheers.
    Public Sub copyDocToSP()
    Const strLocalFile = "C:\temp\myLocalFile.pdf"
    Const spBASE_URL = "https://thesharepointdomian/sites/yoursite/"
    Const spDOC_LIB = "Your SP Doc Library Name"
    Const spFILE_NAME = "FileNameOnceOnSharepoint.pdf"
    Const spCONTENT_TYPE = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Set ObjectStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    Set ObjectDOM = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    Set ObjectElement = ObjectDOM.createElement("TMP")
    Set ObjectHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    'Reading binary file
    ObjectStream.Type = 1 'Type Binary
    ObjectStream.LoadFromFile (strLocalFile)
    BinaryFile = ObjectStream.Read()
    'Conversion Base64
    ObjectElement.DataType = "bin.base64" 'Type Base64
    ObjectElement.nodeTypedValue = BinaryFile
    EncodedFile = ObjectElement.Text
    'Build request to load document
    strURLService = spBASE_URL + "_vti_bin/copy.asmx"
    strSOAPAction = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/CopyIntoItems"
    strSOAPCommand = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" & _
    "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>" & _
    "<soap:Body>" & _
    "<CopyIntoItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/'>" & _
    "<SourceUrl>" + strLocalFile + "</SourceUrl>" & _
    "<DestinationUrls>" & _
    "<string>" + spBASE_URL + spDOC_LIB + "/" + spFILE_NAME + "</string>" & _
    "</DestinationUrls>" & _
    "<Fields>" & _
    "<FieldInformation Type='Text' InternalName='Title' DisplayName='Title' Value='this is the title value' />" & _
    "<FieldInformation Type='Choice' InternalName='Our_x0020_Status' DisplayName='Our Document Status' Value='Ready-to-distribute' />" & _
    "<FieldInformation Type='Text' InternalName='ContentTypeId' DisplayName='Content Type ID' Value='" + spCONTENT_TYPE + "' />" & _
    "</Fields>" & _
    "<Stream>" + EncodedFile + "</Stream>" & _
    "</CopyIntoItems>" & _
    "</soap:Body>" & _
    ObjectHTTP.Open "Get", strURLService, False
    ObjectHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
    ObjectHTTP.SetRequestHeader "SOAPAction", strSOAPAction
    ObjectHTTP.Send strSOAPCommand
    MsgBox (ObjectHTTP.responseText)
    End Sub

  • Uploading a file to server using ajax and struts

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    Iam putting the necessary documents for ur reference.
    Plz help me soon .
    My exact requirement is i have to upload a file to the upload folder located in the server.
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    That should be done without page refresh and submit thats y iam used Ajax
    Any help would greatly appreciated
    Thanks and Regards
    The action class is FilePathAction
    package actions;
    import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import java.io.*;
    public class FilePathAction extends Action{
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    String contextPath1 = "";
    String uploadDirName="";
    String filepath="";
    System.out.println(contextPath1 );
    String inputfile = request.getParameter("filepath");
    uploadDirName = getServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath("/upload");
    File f=new File(inputfile);
    FileInputStream fis=null;
    FileOutputStream fo=null;
    File f1=new File(uploadDirName+"/"+f.getName());
    fis=new FileInputStream(f);
    fo=new FileOutputStream(f1);
    byte buf[] = new byte[1024*8]; /* declare a 8kB buffer */
    int len = -1;
    while((len = fis.read(buf)) != -1)
    fo.write(buf, 0, len);
    catch(Exception e)
    request.setAttribute("filepath", filepath);
    return mapping.findForward("filepath");
    the input jsp is
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <title>Insert title here</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    alertflag = false;
    var xmlHttp;
    function startRequest()
    var inputfile=document.getElementById("filepath").value;
    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    function createXmlHttpRequest()
    //For IE
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    //otherthan IE
    else if(window.XMLHttpRequest)
    xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
    return xmlHttp;
    //Next is the function that sets up the communication with the server.
    //This function also registers the callback handler, which is handleStateChange. Next is the code for the handler.
    function handleStateChange()
    var message=" ";
    document.getElementById("div1").style.visibility = "visible";
    var results=xmlHttp.responseText;
    document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = results;
    alert("Error loading page"+xmlHttp.status+":"+xmlHttp.statusText);
    </script></head><body><form name="thumbs" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">
    <input type="file" name="filepath" id="filepath" onchange="startRequest();"/>
    <div id="div1" style="visibility:hidden;">
    The ajax response is catching in a dummy.jsp
    corresponding action mapping
    <action path="/FilePathAction" type="actions.FilePathAction">
    <forward name="filepath" path="/dummy.jsp"/>
    So plz help me to upload a file to the server from any PC.
    Iam searched alot but didnt get any solution.

    Plz help me soon if it possible so
    Iam in great need.
    I have worked alot but not worked out.
    Any help greatly appreciated

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    Hi Ajay,
    Using FILE_UPLOAD UI element you can upload files..
    Please check this..
    Upload PDF file to Webdynpro

  • Uploading csv file into database using apex

    Dear all
    I am using apex 4 and oracle express 10g, i need to upload .csv file into the database for one of my appls, i have referred discussion forum for solutions, i found also, but some how its not working for me.
    below mentioned is error and the code
    ORA-06550: line 38, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 38, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 39, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 39, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 40, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 40, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 41, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a proc
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    -- Read data from wwv_flow_files
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files where filename = 'DDNEW.csv';
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities
    v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':');
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    -- Insert data into target table
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into TABLE_X (v1, v2, v3, v4 ,v5, v6, v7,v8 ,v9, v10, v11)
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11)'
    -- Clear out
    v_line := NULL;
    END IF;
    what i understand from this is system does not identify v_data_array as array for some reasons, please help me.
    initially system was giving error for hex_to_decimal, but i managed to get this function on discussion forum and now it seems to be ok. but v_data_array problem is still there.
    thanks in advance

    Mistakes in your sample I did correct
    Problem 1
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files where filename = 'DDNEW.csv'; to
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files where name = :P1_FILE;Problem 2
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into TABLE_X (v1, v2, v3, v4 ,v5, v6, v7,v8 ,v9, v10, v11)
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11)'
    v_data_array(11);  to
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into TABLE_X (v1, v2, v3, v4 ,v5, v6, v7,v8 ,v9, v10, v11)
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11)'
    v_data_array(11);  And I did create missing table
        v1  VARCHAR2(255),
        v2  VARCHAR2(255),
        v3  VARCHAR2(255),
        v4  VARCHAR2(255),
        v5  VARCHAR2(255),
        v6  VARCHAR2(255),
        v7  VARCHAR2(255),
        v8  VARCHAR2(255),
        v9  VARCHAR2(255),
        v10 VARCHAR2(255),
        v11 VARCHAR2(255)
    Edited by: jarola on Nov 19, 2010 3:03 PM

  • How to upload multiple files in Webdynpro using File upload Screen Element

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          Can anybody tell me how to upload multiple files/pdfs in webdynpro using file upload screen element, and also please tell me what is the maximum storage limit of RAWSTRING data type,Advance Thanks.

    Hi Sandesh,
    this is simply not supported, not in WebDynpro nor in standard HTML.
    A workaround is to upload a ZIP with all files and on server side unpack the ZIP and operate on the single files.
    I hope it will  help u..
    As you know using File upload UI element we can upload only one file at a time. There may be a scenario where user may want to upload any no of files at a time which is not determined at design time. This can be acheived using the ACF UpDownload UI element which requires a security whiltelist to be created
    You can use Table UI element.
    Deepak Singh

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    I have just started working on Oracle ADF, Thanks a lot guys for solving our queries.
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    I keep getting a call to member function on a non-object error if any of you could see why this error is happening or sugest a better way to solve the problem I would greatly appreciate it
    $AdobeApp = new COM("AcroExch.App");
    $AVDocument = new COM("AcroExch.AVDoc");
    $PDDocument = new COM("AcroExch.PDDoc");
    $file = 'c:/test.pdf';
    $create = $PDDocument->Create();
    echo $create . chr(10) . chr(13);
    $combo = 'c:/0013947320101071-705666408_4-97.tif';
    $insert = $PDDocument->InsertPages(0,$combo);
    echo $insert . chr(10) . chr(13);
    $npages = $PDDocument->GetNumPages();
    $combo = 'c:/0013947320101071-705666408_1-94.tif';
    $PDDocument->InsertPages($npages -1,$combo);

    I guess I missed that part of the documentation. I've gone through the documentation a good deal of times and can't find anything other than that that would be useful.  Do you have any suggestions? Have I missed something?  Is it possible to combine tiffs into a pdf using the api?

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    Install ClamXav and run a scan with that. It should pick up any trojans.   
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    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

  • Uploading a file from form using Jsp to webserver

    WE tried to upload a file to a webserver. We tried different ways that we got code from this forum.
    but unable to access the data sent from the browser.
    Plssss go thro the code and let us know what the problem is.......
    ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    InputStream mySis = request.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mySis));
    String line = null;
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    while ((line = r.readLine())!=null) {
         }catch(Exception ee){out.print("error");}
    We also tried the code posted in this forum
    InputStream mySis = request.getInputStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    myCurrentByte = mySis.read();
    Appreciate ur help.

    use the FileUpload package. it's part of the jakarta commons packages. works great, decent docs. I use it in several production systems.

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    I am using Poster in Firefox to upload an xml document to document Temporary Folder. Response I'm getting is 400 Bad Request. Is this a problem with Poster not supporting file upload to UCCX or are there parameters i'm missing for this?
    Url=http://<uccx fqdn>/adminapi/document/uploadFile
    User Auth=Administrator user
    File=xml file stored on my computer
    Content Type=multipart/form-data
    Everything else is blank.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><apiErrors><apiError><errorData>Bad Request</errorData><errorMessage>The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax</errorMessage><errorType>400</errorType></apiError></apiErrors>

    query = "Select SI_ID,SI_NAME FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS "                             
                                   + " where SI_ID='" + SelectedReportDetails.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "'";
    Change this to a Select *...     Since your only bringing back Si_ID and Si_Name..  your not bringing back other properties it needs to make a successful copy..

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