Url attribute of enclosure must be a full URL

Feed Validator told me this:
url attribute of enclosure must be a full URL
For this:
<enclosure url="http://escondidoopc.org/audio/1 Thess 1,6-10.mp3" length="31023659" type="audio/mpeg"/>
Any ideas?

Same answer as your other query. The URL stops looking like a valid one after the '/1' because of the space. You cannot use spaces in a URL. Frankly, I'd remove the comma as well. On the whole you should stick to letters, numbers, hyphen and underscore: don't use stops except where there are extensions e.g. .mp3 or .html (as you have done here - what I'm saying is don't replace the comma with a stop).

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  • Navigational Attribute Filter value selection not showing full name

    Hi Experts,
    We are having Navigational Attribute TM Responsible. We have created variable in BEX for it. When we are searching for value selection for this in RSRT, its showing only last name and key part. But If I dont pass any values, and display the result its showing full name. Please find the screen shots.
    Customer needs full name to be available for selection in filter in above picture 1.
    Please suggest what needs to be done.

    Hi All,
    The issue is resolved. Making display as Long text at Infoobject level and at Query display level was not working. Hence I tried to change the display at Multiprovider level as shown below. This fixed the issue.
    Right click Navigational attribute -> Provider specific properties
    Made the display as Long text.
    This setting resolved the problem.
    Thanks for help and replies.

  • For date attribute search, the format must be mm/dd/yyyy

    The manual "Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide 10g Release 1" says that when searching on date attributes, the format must be mm/dd/yyyy.
    For our users it is more natural to use the format dd/mm/yyyy so in order to reduce the risk of users not finding what they are looking for, I would like to know if there is a way to use the dd/mm/yyyy format instead.
    Brian Nielsen

    Being based in Europe as well, I understand this problem.
    Unfortunately I don't think there's a way around it.
    I have previously requested that this problem should be fixed, but I've now formally raised a bug for this issue - bug number 10163778.
    I can't promise a quick fix, but hopefully we will get one in a future release.

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    Are you trying to preview the dashboard from dashboard designer tool ?  If yes, then you must have a full web service url, otherwise, it will not be able to resolve the server and port.
    But, if you use relative URL and export the same to BO repository, you will be able to view the same by logging into BI Launchpad. There it can resolve the server name and port from existing session.

  • Cannot bind when using "pwdLastSet" attribute in Active Directory

    Admin resets the password & enables user has to change password at next logon, when i try to change user password, I couldn't able to bind the user & it shows error Such as
    Since Authentication fails, he could able to modify the attribute[pwdLastSet].
    please suggest me any solution
    Error occured
    xyz is not authenticated javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 773, vece
    javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 - 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090A1A, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, vece
    Since i couldn't able to bind the user, i cann;t able to change user password. Here is my program :
    {code}public class Fastbindclient_changePwd extends HttpServlet{
    class ldapfastbind {
    class FastBindConnectionControl implements Control {
    public byte[] getEncodedValue() {
    return null;
    public String getID() {
    return "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2";
    public boolean isCritical() {
    return Control.CRITICAL;
    public ldapfastbind(String ldapurl) {
    env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ldapurl);
    connCtls = new Control[] { new FastBindConnectionControl() };
    try {
    ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env,connCtls);
    catch (NamingException e) {
    public int Authenticate(String username, String password, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws LDAPException{
    try {
    System.out.println(username + " is authenticated");
    return 0;
    catch (AuthenticationException e) {
    int index5= errMsg.indexOf("data 773");
    if(index5 != -1)
    try {
    pwdLastSet = 1;
    System.out.println("Password Last Set "+pwdLastSet);
    String j_username=request.getParameter("j_username");
    String j_password=request.getParameter("j_password");
    String new_password=request.getParameter("new_password");
    String change_password=request.getParameter("change_password");
    boolean isChanged = ctxFast.ChangePassword(j_username, j_password, new_password, request, response);
    } catch (IOException e1) {
    catch (NamingException e) {
    return 0;
    public boolean ChangePassword(String sUserName, String sOldPassword, String sNewPassword, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    try {
    ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[1];
    ModificationItem[] mods1 = new ModificationItem[1];
    String oldQuotedPassword = "\"" + sOldPassword + "\"";
    byte[] oldUnicodePassword = oldQuotedPassword.getBytes("UTF-16LE");
    String newQuotedPassword = "\"" + sNewPassword + "\"";
    byte[] newUnicodePassword = newQuotedPassword.getBytes("UTF-16LE");
    System.out.println("newUnicodePassword" + newUnicodePassword);
    System.out.println("printed before modify");
    mods[0] = new ModificationItem(LdapContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute("unicodePwd", newUnicodePassword));
    ctx.modifyAttributes("cn="+sUserName+",cn=Users,dc=tc,dc=com", mods);
    mods1[0] = new ModificationItem(LdapContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute("pwdLastSet", "-1"));
    System.out.println("pwdLastSet Replaced");
    /* mods[0] = new ModificationItem(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute("unicodePwd", oldUnicodePassword));
    mods[1] = new ModificationItem(DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute("unicodePwd", newUnicodePassword));
    ctx.modifyAttributes("cn="+sUserName+",cn=Users,dc=tc,dc=com", mods1);
    return true;
    catch (AuthenticationException e) {
    if(index5 != -1)
    try {
    pwdLastSet = 1;
    System.out.println("Password Last Set "+pwdLastSet);
    String j_username=request.getParameter("j_username");
    String j_password=request.getParameter("j_password");
    String new_password=request.getParameter("new_password");
    String change_password=request.getParameter("change_password");
    boolean isChanged = ctxFast.ChangePassword(j_username, j_password, new_password, request, response);
    } catch (IOException e1) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return false;
    catch (NamingException e) {
    return false;
    public void finito() {
    try {
    System.out.println("Context is closed");
    catch (NamingException e) {
    System.out.println("Context close failure " + e);
    public void bindClient(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    String ldapurl = "ldaps://";
    String keystore = "D:/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/security/CACert.ks";
    ctxFast = new ldapfastbind(ldapurl);
    try {
    IsAuthenticated = ctxFast.Authenticate(request.getParameter("j_username"),request.getParameter("j_password"), request, response);
    boolean isChangedNrml;
    if(pwdLastSet == 0)
    isChangedNrml = ctxFast.ChangePassword(j_username, j_password, new_password, request, response);
    System.out.println("b4 change");
    System.out.println("After change 1");
    } catch (LDAPException e) {
    System.out.println("LDAP Exception : " + e.getLDAPResultCode() + "LDAPMessage : " + e.getLDAPErrorMessage()+ "message : " + e.getMessage());
    String errMsg = e.getMessage();
    System.out.println("error msa"+errMsg);
    public ldapfastbind ctxFast = null;
    public int pwdLastSet = 0;
    }please suggest me solution
    Thanks in Advance..

    See my other reply concerning "user must change password" and the chicken & egg problem.
    In addition when using the LDAP Fast Bind control, it is only used to authenticate a user (verify credentials).
    If the user has the "user must change password" setting enabled, then the LDAP Fast Bind Connection Control will always fail the authentication attempt.
    Furthermore, the LDAP Fast Bind control does not create a Windows token, and even of the user had successfully authenticated, it does not permit the user to perform other operations againts the directory such as modify attribute values or change passwords.
    You must perform a full LDAP bind in order to allow a user to change their password or to modify other attribute values.

  • Oracle 11 + unixODBC - cannot find valid attributes for odbc.ini

    i am trying to write asterisk's cdr into Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production.
    sqlplus and isql works fine, but when * writes cdr, it gives an error.
    i've enabled odbc tracing and have received that:
    Statement = 0x46fb0d0
    SQL = [INSERT INTO intercdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,a...][length = 224 (SQL_NTS)]
    DIAG [HYC00] [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]Optional feature not implemented.
    here http://www.easysoft.com/developer/interfaces/odbc/sqlstate_status_return_codes.html
    i've found, what does it mean:
    SQLExecDirect, SQLExecute
    The combination of the current settings of the SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY and SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE statement attributes was not supported by the driver or data source.
    The SQL_ATTR_USE_BOOKMARKS statement attribute was set to SQL_UB_VARIABLE, and the SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE statement attribute was set to a cursor type for which the driver does not support bookmarks.
    i understand, that i must set some attributes in odbc.ini, but i don't know, which attributes are necessary to change.
    now my odbc.ini looks so:
    Driver = ora10odbc
    DSN = ora5
    ServerName = //newora/ORA5
    UserID = asterisk
    Password = asterisk
    I have many works with pg, but no expirience with oracle.
    Please, can you help me or give me a point of search?
    hope very much for your help!
    thanks in advance.

    I don't know the internals of ODBC, but I'm having this problem only with the Microsoft driver. I neither had it with PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere or FreeTDS.
    The unixODBC documentation is not very well maintained or consistent. Once it's written that data sources are read from ODBCINI + /.odbc.ini, at another part it says ODBCINI itself must by a full path to a file. http://www.unixodbc.org/internals.html doesn't
    give much more details. And actually, having a full path in ODBCINI does work (as soon as this file is writable), whereas specifying only the directory does not.
    It seems drivers are doing part of the job on its own and therefor they behave differently?

  • View attributes can not be retrieved. View instance not found or undefined

    I am creating a simple master detail OAF page. For this I have done following steps:
    1. Created ParentEO and ChildEO
    2. Created ParentVO with a transient attribute called "SelectFlag" with default value "Y" .
    3. Created ChildVO
    4. Created a UserViewLink.
    5. Created Application module (UserAM).
    6. New Page UserPG
    7. In the main region I have defined Application Module.
    8. Under the main region, I have created a new advanced table region with following properties:
    View Instance : ParentVO1
    Detail View Attribute : SelectFlag
    View Link Instance: UserViewLink.
    Now when I click to select the "Child View Attribute", it gives a pop up saying "View attributes can not be retrieved. View instance not found or undefined".
    Please help, I am not able to proceed on this.

    I do not see in your steps where you associated the VO with the AM. In order to select an attribute, the AM must have an instance of the VO associated with it. Double click the AM in the navigator. Click Data Model and shuttle the VO's you want to be available from the left to the right.
    Hope this helps.

  • Snow Leopard's Address Book now Requires Full Name to find a Contact

    In all previous versions of Address Book, the user could simply type 'T' to instantly go to contacts with last names that start with 'T' (and businesses that start with 'T').
    In Snow Leopard, Address Book can no longer search with one letter the way it did before; it uses a 'Spotlight' type of search where the user must type the full name in order to get an exact match. This type of searching is useful for finding documents on the Mac or searching the Internet, but is totally inefficient for finding contacts in Address Book.
    It sounds like someone at Apple decided this was a better way to search for contacts, because this change in search method is described in the new Address Book 'Help' file; it says, "As you type, Address Book begins to search all the information on the cards, including notes, and displays matching contacts, with the matching text highlighted in each card." For example, let's say someone used to type 'T' to search for a contact named Bill Tilman. Now what happens is that Address Book stops at the first person who's first name starts with 'T', and highlights all the T's in the person's card (the T in 'telephone', the T in 'Street', etc. The user must now scroll through all their contacts manually to find Bill Tilman, or else manually type out the complete name 'Bill Tilman'. (If they just type 'Bill', they will only get the first person named Bill.)
    I hope Apple will reconsider and will allow Address Book to do the quick one-letter searches by last name (as opposed to 'Sort' by last name, which it still has) like it used to. (Or at least make this a choice in Address Book Preferences.) This would also be more compatible with the way iPhone searches for contacts; when you select a letter in the iPhone's contacts, it finds contacts who's last name starts with that letter, as well as businesses, just like Address Book always used to.

    Thanks for your response Ernie. You are correct in that whenever you type a series of letters, Address Book (as it always has) finds every single thing with that combination of letters - Names, businesses, adjectives, people's dogs' names, letters in product serial numbers, etc. This is useful for finding a subject on the Web, or finding all documents related to 'iPhoto' on your Mac, etc., but not useful, quick or convenient when trying to find one person to call in your Address Book (which is what people use Address Book for).
    What is DIFFERENT in the Snow Leopard version, is that the ability to type one letter to instantly go to last names with that letter has been removed. Previously, you could easily find 'Bill Tilman' in one second by simply typing 'T'. Now you get every word that starts with T and all the words in the card that have a T in them. If you type out a full name like 'Bill', it finds every person named Bill. No one would ever want to find all their contacts named Bill to call them. You could type out the full last name 'Tilman', but there again you are forced to type out a complete name to do a search. It would actually be quicker to scroll down and find it manually. The ability to type a single letter to find the last name (or business name) of a contact you needed to call, was much quicker and easier than having to type out the entire name.

  • Installing Full Retail Win 8 Pro on a Lenovo System supplied with Win 8 Standard/Core

    If you are attempting to install a full retail (or similar) copy of Win 8 Pro on Lenovo system that came with standard Win 8 (also referred to as Win 8 Core) installed from the factory, you will run into an issue at install time.
    By MS design default , full Win 8 Pro retail (etc) versions look for a key embedded in the BIOS (often referred to as an OA3 or OA3.0 key).  If  that key does not match the version of Win 8 you are trying to install, the install will fail without offering the option of entering the retail key that was supplied with your full retail (etc) Win 8 Pro.
    Microsoft has issued a "FAST PUBLISH" support article on how to work  around this design approach. See
    Note that this workaround requires the creating and placing of a PID.txt  file by methods which are not entirely described in the support article, so be prepared to do some more digging for all the relevant information.
    I don't work for Lenovo

    I have a Lenovo H520g essential desktop, which came with Windows 8 SL pre-installed. I bought my Lenovo on August 8 2013 and as of the November 2013 the machine was updated to Windows 8.1 Single Language.
    Today, April 14th 2014, I bought Windows 8.1 Pro on a full retail DVD from a local physical Microsoft reseller. I have successfully installed Windows 8.1 Pro on my H520g. The installation run smooothly, no problems at all.
    The steps I took were as follows:
    1)  Checked the UEFI BIOS to see if the DVD drive were included on the boot list and set it as the first boot device.
    2) Booted the computer with the Windows 8.1 pro DVD on the optical drive.
    3) Entered the Windows 8.1 License Key that came on the retail DVD.
    4) Erased all partitions from the HDD were Windows 8.1 SL were installed.
    5) Proceeded normally with the installation
    Yesterday I made a phone call to the Microsoft support and they assured me that on all computers that come with Windows 8 SL pre-installed, it is possible to install Windows 8.1 Pro. The conditions are: 1) you must install the full retail version of Windows 8.1 Pro, not the OEM version; 2) you must do a clean install of Windows 8.1 Pro, not the install that preserves files and applications.

  • Boot Camp Slipstream Says a Full Install is an Upgrade, Stalls Out?

    I'm attempting to install XP on a 2.16 GHz C2D MBP with Snow Leopard. I have created a 20gb partition using the Boot Camp Assistant. I have created a slipstream CD-R from a combination of a XP SP1 disc (bought the first day XP was released!) and the FULL SP2 service pack as recommended. I followed instructions for the slipstream creation to the letter. Same for the CD.
    The install starts up and I declare I want a full install and not a recovery. Then I receive an error notice telling me I have an upgrade disc and must use a FULL copy for the install. Without a way to eject the slipstreamed disc and put the full SP1 disc in, for verification, I am stuck. I see no mentions of this problem anywhere.
    I have seen comments concerning similar issues suggest a problem in the disc creation. But I have done the process three times now, revealing all hidden files and ensuring the use of the same legacy burning software mentioned in the slipstream creation posts.
    As Boot Camp still offers to download necessary files, a feature that apparently NEVER worked, I am interested to know if anyone can really help me. I live in China and see boot camped Macs everywhere. But they all have hacked copies of XP or 7 running. I want to use a legal copy. How?
    I'm installing XP to keep access to great scanners unsupported on Mac and play older videogames.

    If you've already done a search in these forums and couldn't find anything then your best bet would be a Yahoo/Google search, (or what ever is used over there.)
    Unfortunately it sounds like it still didn't slipstream right, have you tried using it on a Windows machine and see it it works?
    Another option is to download a non legal version ( if you can find a "clean" version) then just install your legal serial number. Or even a friends copy of a SP2 or SP3 version and use your serial number instead. From what i've read quite a few gave up and did the same.

  • Full file path in Office 2007 when open or save

    Am not sure i can raise this question here.
    We are using 10gR2 Application server and Windows 7 as a Client. In the client machine we have installed the Microsoft Office 2007.
    From the forms we are trying to open and save (after changes) the files of format Doc/Xls. These files will be stored in separate shared folder accessible through Application server and client.
    Now the issue is when we open/save the file it shows the Entire path (In Saving Window) which should not happen. In previous release of MS office its not like this.
    Please help us "to hide the file path to be displayed to the user". Like changing the registry for Office 2007 or workarounds or new solutions or any other oracle's product.
    Note : Showing the file name is the Office 2007s default behavior.

    The only way to avoid showing this from a Forms point of view would be to not display the open/save file dialog in the first place. In other words, control the opening and saving using your own custom dialogs. Also, be aware that using remote drives (network mapped) may cause problems. Generally speaking, doing this would not be considered supported.
    As for opening documents on the client, there is no need to use the open file dialog if you know the file name and path to that file in advance. You can simply use WebUtil's CLIENT_HOST. So let's say you wanted to open a file named mySales.doc and you knew its location, all you would need to do is this:
         my_cmd varchar2(255);
         my_cmd := 'rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL '|| :t1;
    End;In the above example, +:t1+ is a text field on a canvas. The value would include the path and file name to be opened. Of course this could be a pl/sql variable which you programatically populate or any combination of that. The value value must include the full path (with drive letter) and full file name. If the path or name contains spaces, double quotes may likely be necessary. You will have to test.
    For saving an opened file, you are mostly out of luck from Forms unless you took control of Word/Excel as it was being opened in the first place. For example you likely can open the Office products using OLE or VB or other macro and control what the open and file save dialogs look like or if they are even accessible at all. But this has nothing to do with Oracle or specifically Forms.
    You need to refer to the MS documentation.

  • PSE 7 Full Backup Error

    I upgraded from PSE 3.0 to PSE 7.0 this summer.  I converted my catalog without a problem.
    I recently tried to perform an incremental backup based on the last backup I did using PSE 3.0, but verison 7.0 says it will not recognize the old format, so I need to do a full backup first.
    Fine.  I start with the full backup which will require 26 DVDs (!?!!?).  After the 3rd DVD, the program crashed with non-specific error during the disc verification. I try to restart the backup by doing an incremental and using the last disc, but no luck.
    I figure my on choice is to start over. After the 10th DVD and many hours, the program crashed with non-specific error.
    Now it appears that I must start the full backup over again but now I've already wasted a full day and 13 DVDs with no guarentee that it won't occur again next time on disc #22 or something.
    I know that I can physically copy the files from windows onto another hard drive or DVDs, but the whole point of the full and incremental backups is preserve not just the pictures themselves, but my tags and everything else I've done in PSE.
    Is there away to continue an interrupted full backup?

    For your backup needs going forward, you might consider moving away from manual backup using the PSE backup command.  Hard drives are pretty cheap these days -- you can get a 500 GB external drive from Amazon for $70.   Hard drives are a lot faster, and you can set up a standard backup program to backup up everything on your computer, not just your photos, on a nightly automated schedule.  The main problem with DVDs and PSE backup is that it is manual, and human nature being what it is, people don't do it often enough (or at all).   Also, accumulating too many incremental backups without a full backup now and then increases the likelihood that a restore will fail partially or fully.   And doing a full backup to 26 DVDs is just too painful for most people!
    I use two external hard drives, one for the nightly backups, and one that I backup to once a quarter and keep in my car ("offsite").

  • Signal Processing and LabVIEW Expert Full Time Position – London, UK

    1x Signal Processing and LabVIEW Expert - Full Time Position – London, UK
    1.0      Description:
    As a Signal Processing/Software Engineer, you'll be part of a team that is responsible for developing applications based on large high speed data analysis for a large green energy project. Your skills must include a knowledge of Waveform analysis and understand the concepts of cross correlation, Fourier Analysis, Spectral analysis and other similar items.
    The position ideally requires someone of CLA level of LabVIEW program to act as the project lead on the programming and technical levels of the system.
    2.0      Duties and Responsibilities:
    The duties and responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to, interacting directly with customers to program, train, inform, advise and consult in the design of their applications using the best test and measurement hardware and software by:
    ◦     Programming memory and speed efficient applications using LabVIEW and Object Oriented Programming and Event-based architectures.
    ◦     Understanding of the data acquisition side of the system and previous experience using National Instruments hardware and DAQmx
    ◦     Knowledge of Power engineering, Volts, Amps, current, Power Factor etc.
    ◦     Providing timely, accurate and effective solutions to technical problems.
    ◦     Providing guidance on the installation and working functionality of both software and hardware, including explanation of configuration settings.
    ◦     Reproducing and troubleshooting problems and incompatibilities.
    ◦     Delivering technical presentations and demonstrations to customers, colleagues and partners.
    ◦     Ability to project manage and understand how to keep on track with a Microsoft project based externally monitored project.
    3.0      Qualifications & Requirements:
    ◦     Minimum second class higher honours degree in engineering or science related field, such as electronic engineering, physics, mechatronics or computer science.
    ◦     Basic Knowledge of text based programming languages.
    ◦     Experience in either LabVIEW, minimum of three years full time and at CLA level, or capability to reach there in a short space of time with the relevant training.
    ◦     Experience in a second language such as JAVA, C and C++ is strongly preferred.
    ◦     Have a vast experience of signal processing, both digital and analog.
    ◦     Although not required, but must have skills to pass the Certified LabVIEW Developer exam and CLA within the year.
    ◦     Ability to learn new skills/languages/applications quickly (MATLAB, JavaScript, STK, etc.).
    ◦     Knowledge in instrumentation & control, and industrial automation, is strongly preferred.
    ◦     Must be able to handle multiple tasks and enjoy working with people.
    ◦     Strong problem solving skills to analyse the problem and think creatively to provide a solution.
    ◦     Excellent written, oral and presentation skills are key.
    ◦     Ability to deal effectively with customers to make them successful is essential.
    ◦     Ability to get along with others and function as a team player as well as work effectively alone.
    ◦     A proactive/can do attitude is vital and a positive outlook on problem solving.
    ◦     Legal right to live and work in the UK. Sponsorship is not available.
    ◦     Must hold a full valid UK driving license.
    4.0      Location:
    This role is located in London, UK
    5.0      Reporting:
    Signal Processing Engineers will report to the Technical Director.
    6.0      Salary:
    Competitive salary based on level of experience.
    7.0      Application:
    To apply for this position please send a copy of your CV to
    [email protected]
    Please state the job title of LabVIEW Signal Processing Engineer in the email subject.

    I am from india.I can able to complete the projects through the internet itself.
    Please let me know if any demos required to show my expertation. 

  • 2x LabVIEW Systems Engineer Full Time Positions – Sheffield and Bristol, UK

    2x LabVIEW Systems Engineer - Full Time Positions – Sheffield and Bristol, UK
    1.0      Description:
    As a Systems Engineer, you'll be part of a team that is responsible for developing both hardware and software applications based on Object Oriented Technology and Event based Architecture primarily in the LabVIEW Programming Language and National Instruments Hardware Platforms. You will help customers from all kinds of industries on various issues, from getting started with LabVIEW software, to help with programming, debugging and onsite commissioning of complex systems including distributed embedded systems. There will also be items such as creating demos and working on proof of concepts. You must exhibit strong problem solving, communication and business acumen skills alongside a passion for technology. You will get the privilege of an insight into the engineering practices from a range of industries and be providing a consultancy on their system requirements.
    2.0      Duties and Responsibilities:
    The duties and responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to, interacting directly with customers to program, train, inform, advise and consult in the design of their applications using the best test and measurement hardware and software by:
    ◦     Programming memory and speed efficient applications using LabVIEW and Object Oriented Programming and Event-based architectures.
    ◦     Developing intuitive GUIs.
    ◦     Selecting the correct measurement hardware for a given application based on a customer’s specification.
    ◦     Providing timely, accurate and effective solutions to technical problems.
    ◦     Providing guidance on the installation and working functionality of both software and hardware, including explanation of configuration settings.
    ◦     Reproducing and troubleshooting problems and incompatibilities in both software and hardware.
    ◦     Delivering professional and high quality, customer education courses.
    ◦     Delivering technical presentations and demonstrations to customers, colleagues and partners.
    ◦     Remaining aware of all competitive products and how they compare technically with Austin Consultants' core products.
    ◦     Working with the business development team to develop proof of concepts for customers.
    ◦     Travel 50% of the time.
    3.0      Qualifications & Requirements:
    ◦     Minimum 2.1 honours degree in engineering or science related field, such as Electrical/electronic engineering, physics, mechatronics or computer science.
    ◦     Firm understanding and knowledge of National Instruments LabVIEW and TestStand, including LabVIEW FPGA and LabVIEW Embedded.
    ◦     Understanding of object oriented principles.
    ◦     Ability to pass CLA exam within the year.
    ◦     Knowledge and experience in instrumentation & control, and industrial automation is required.
    ◦     Experience with all National Instruments hardware platforms, including DAQmx, cRIO, PXI, SCXI and cFP.
    ◦     Practical electrical debug experience.
    ◦     Experience in a second language of JAVA, C and C++ is preferred but not essential.
    ◦     Ability to learn new skills/languages/applications quickly (MATLAB, JavaScript, STK, etc.).
    ◦     Must be able to handle multiple tasks and enjoy working with people.
    ◦     Strong problem solving skills to analyse the problem and think creatively to provide a solution.
    ◦     Excellent written, oral and presentation skills are key.
    ◦     Ability to deal effectively with customers to make them successful is essential.
    ◦     Ability to get along with others and function as a team player as well as work effectively alone.
    ◦     A proactive/can do attitude is vital and a happy view on life.
    ◦     Legal right to live and work in the UK. Sponsorship is not available.
    ◦     Must hold a full clean and valid UK driving license.
    4.0      Location:
    There are two positions for this role, one in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK and one in Bristol, UK
    5.0      Reporting:
    Systems Engineers will report to the Technical Director.
    6.0      Salary:
    Competitive salary based on level of experience.
    7.0      Application:
    To apply for this position please send a copy of your CV to
    [email protected]
    Please state the job title of LabVIEW Systems Engineer and the location for which you are applying in the email subject.

    I Aravindu.P completed M.Sc(Electronics & Instrumentation).I have one year experience working with Labview and embedded systems programming(Software and Hardware).I am very hardworking and sincerity.I want to working with industries like this.So please reply me.
    Aravind_Resume (1).docx ‏18 KB

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