URL parameters for a Database Source in SES

Can anyone provide us a valid url format for creating a Database Source in SES? I have followed the SES Admin documentation, and have tried a variety of options, but am not getting the results I desire.
I have set up a view to my database table using the following syntax:
create or replace view test_tablename2 AS
SELECT 'docserver?docid=' || id URL,
id KEY,
'en' LANG,
'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
FROM tablename2;
I also set up the Database Source in SES with the following parameters:
Database Connection String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP Address: 1521: MAINDB
URL Prefix: http://<SES computername.domain>: port/
(I can't include the IP address, tablename, or machine names in this forum because they are classified).
So, it crawls fine and gives me the expected number of documents found. And, when I search the source, I get a list of results. But, when I click on the link to the document, I get a 404 Page not found error. The url for the found doc shows as: <SES computername.domain:port/docserver?docid=1866
If I click on the "cached" link, I can see the document just fine and the url displayed is:
So, obviously, I still don't have the url for the docsever right.
Anyone have any ideas, please?

Hi Leah,
The display URL for a Database Source should point to a separate server that provides web access to the document. It is not meant to point back to the SES instance. As the Admin Guide states:
"This connector requires that there is URL-based access to the records in the result set of the view or query."
In other words, the display URL should be something you can copy/paste into your browser location bar to view the document, with the other server rendering the document information to a user completely independently from SES.

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    example: sap/bc/webdynpro/dbm/app_veh_cus_search?Customer=12345&fromExternal=true
    I am facing difficulty in reading the URL parameters.
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    Kindly support

    Hi Hussain,
    You can do this either with the methods of interface if_fpm_parameter...
    DATA lo_param TYPE REF TO if_fpm_parameter.
    lo_param = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( )->mo_app_parameter.
    CALL METHOD lo_param->get_value
            iv_key   = parameter_name
            ev_value = parameter_value.
    or a more generic approach using class cl_wd_runtime_services...

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    Hi Guys,
    I am In the process of building an Xcelsius dashboard using BI/BW as my source system, working on a "Details" URL button to allow the user to drill directly into the source BI queries with their current combo box selections. 
    I am trying to build a URL to pass a value to both a variable and to filter a characteristic. I want to pass a value to a 0fiscper variable and exclude an employee number. 
    I have been able to get each URL to work independently, but not working together. If I leave out either the variable part or the filter part it works, but it doesn't work with both the filter portion and characteristic filter section. 
    I followed other threads and used Web application designer (WAD) instructions to view the XHTML I will have to parametrize for my URL.
    This is how I have flattened/parametrized it
    Variable part:
    data provider part
    characteristic filter part
    So my complete URL is:
    Then it gives me the following error when I attempt to run this...
    " The metadata of "CMD" "SET_VARIABLES_STATE" are incorrect for parameter "CHARACTERISTICS_SELECTIONS"
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    The parameter "CHARACTERISTICS_SELECTIONS" in the metadata of "CMD" "SET_VARIABLES_STATE is not correctly defined:
      <param name="BI_COMMAND_TYPE" value="SET_VARIABLES_STATE"/>
        <param name="CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTIONS" index="1">
          <param name="CHARACTERISTIC" value="0EMPLOYEE"/>
          <param name="SELECTIONS">
            <param name="SELECTION" modification_type="delete_if_value_not_equal" index="1">
              <param name="SELECTION_INPUT_STRING" value="!201"/>
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      <param name="VARIABLE_VALUES">
        <param name="VARIABLE_VALUE" index="1">
          <param name="VARIABLE" value="BCURFPER"/>
          <param name="VARIABLE_TYPE" value="VARIABLE_INPUT_STRING" modification_type="delete_if_value_not_equal">
            <param name="VARIABLE_INPUT_STRING" value="010/2010"/>
    Thanks for looking!

    Hi Gary,
    We came across the following issue.Colud you please provide the solution which you used to resolve it.
    " The metadata of "CMD" "SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS" are incorrect for parameter "BUTTON_LIST".

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    The basis for the question is that after rendering in NWBC we noticed that the user has to scroll horizontally and vertically to reach other parts of the screen which would have been easier in a browser. We would like to resize the personas screens in NWBC so that the entire content can be displayed in the content area and scroll bars can be disabled.

    These are the ones I'm aware of... don't think it's an exhaustive list though:
    • Corbu theme:  index.html?theme=Corbu
    • Frameless:  index.html?frameless=true (no header, footer etc.)
    • Fullscreen:  index.html?fullscreen=true
    • Width and height:  index.html?width=640&height=480 (opens personas with the given size in pixels)
    • Disable OnCreateHandler: …/index.html?disableoncreatehandler=true
         From ver. 2.0 SP2 onwards: …/index.html#RenderingDisableOnLoad
    • Specific backend language e.g. German:  index.html?sap-language=DE
    • System:  index.html?sytem=<systemconfigid>
    • Transaction:  index.html?sytem=<systemconfigid>&~transaction=<tcode> (only in combination with system)
    • Flavor:  index.html?sytem=<systemconfigid>&flavor=<flavorid> (only in combination with system)
    • Shortlink, e.g. VA03 in a certain system with specific flavor:  nwbc.html?link=<linkid> (starts Personas with a specific system and flavor. Link needs to be created by an administrator.)
    • Logging: index.html?log=debug (allows to get more information of what happens behind the scene)
    You could experiment with setting the width and height... perhaps it'll get rid of the scroll bars but this may become problematic with varying screen resolutions.

  • Error during DataBase source creation in SES.

    Hi Experts,
    As part of creating DataBase source for SES...
    We created a table testing_data_for_ses(URL,CONTENT,LASTMODIFIEDDATE,KEY,LANG)
    and also the view
    create or replace view view_testing_data_for_ses AS
    SELECT 'docserver?docid=' || URL URL,
    lastmodifieddate lastmodifieddate,
    KEY KEY,
    'en' LANG
    FROM testing_data_for_ses;
    Finally we tried to create DataBase source in SES with following parameter names and values
    Database Connection String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<systemIP>:<port>:<SID>
    User ID : apps
    Password : apps
    View : view_testing_data_for_ses
    Document Count : -1
    Query : select content from testing_data_for_ses
    URL Prefix : http://<SES-Hostname>:<SES-Port>
    However in this process we ended up with following Error:
    09:55:53:750 INFO     main          
    09:55:53:761 INFO     main          Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Crawler: Release
    09:55:53:761 INFO     main          Copyright © 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    09:55:53:761 INFO     main          
    09:55:53:761 INFO     main          ================== Crawling settings ==================
    09:55:53:761 INFO     main          Reading configuration file from /mnt/u08/SOADEVIL/ses/seshome/search/data/config/crawler.dat
    09:55:53:762 INFO     main          Agent = Oracle Secure Enterprise Search
    09:55:53:800 INFO     main          User = EQ_TEST
    09:55:53:800 INFO     main          Database connect string = jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=hostname)(PORT=1525))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=DEVIL1.hostname)))
    09:55:53:800 INFO     main          Source type is User-defined
    09:55:53:800 INFO     main          Source is "DatabaseSource_B"
    09:55:53:800 INFO     main          Number of crawling threads = 5
    09:55:53:800 INFO     main          Queue table = I1S3
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          URL table = EQ$URL
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Maximum documents to crawl = no limit
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Maximum depth to crawl = 2
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Document size limit = 10M
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Locale of the crawler message is "en_US"
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          URL exclusion rule = (?i:(?:\.gif)|(?:\.jpg)|(?:\.jar)|(?:\.tif)|(?:\.bmp)|(?:\.war)|(?:\.ear)|(?:\.mpg)|(?:\.wmv)|(?:\.mpeg)|(?:\.scm)|(?:\.iso)|(?:\.dmp)|(?:\.dll)|(?:\.cab)|(?:\.so)|(?:\.avi)|(?:\.wav)|(?:\.mp3)|(?:\.wma)|(?:\.bin)|(?:\.exe)|(?:\.iso)|(?:\.tar)|(?:\.png))$
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          URL exclusion rule = \?.*(.*\+)\1{3}
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Document read timeout threshold = 30 second(s)
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Crawler default character set is "8859_1"
    09:55:53:801 INFO     main          Crawler default language is "en"
    09:55:53:802 INFO     main          Auto language detection is on
    09:55:53:802 INFO     main          Auto character set detection is off
    09:55:53:802 INFO     main          Document service pipeline is "Default pipeline"
    09:55:53:802 INFO     main          Verbose mode is on
    09:55:53:848 INFO     main          Caching on: directory = /mnt/u08/SOADEVIL/ses/sesdata/DEVIL1/cache/I1DS3/, max size = 250, action = SES_TASK
    09:55:53:848 INFO     main          Filtering on: filter path = /mnt/u08/SOADEVIL/ses/seshome/ctx/bin/ctxhx, number of filters = 2
    09:55:53:849 INFO     main          MIME inclusions = text/plain text/html application/pdf application/x-msexcel application/vnd.ms-excel application/ms-excel application/x-mspowerpoint application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/msword
    09:55:53:849 INFO     main          URL table attributes = url, depth, signature, last_modified, status, url_id, access_url, enqueue_status, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, AUTHOR, CRAWLED_DATE, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, LANG, CACHE_FILE_PATH, DS_ID
    09:55:53:849 INFO     main          SQL callback statement is "begin eq_crw.crawler_callback(?,?,?,?); exception when eq_def.search_error then eq_err.raise; when others then eq_err.raise; end;"
    09:55:53:849 INFO     main          Cookie support is enabled
    09:55:53:850 INFO     main          Maximum number of cookies = 300
    09:55:53:850 INFO     main          Maximum number of cookies per host = 20
    09:55:53:850 INFO     main          Maximum size of cookie = 4096 bytes
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          Cache file deletion is disabled
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          Crawler plug-in manager class is "oracle.search.plugin.db.DBCrawlerManager"
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          SQL hook ID is "3"
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          SQL command hook statement is "begin ? := eq_crw.crawler_get_command(?,?,?,?); end;"
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          SQL response hook statement is "begin ? := eq_crw.crawler_send_response (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); end;"
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          Crawler launched by schedule "DatabaseSource_B"
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          
    09:55:53:851 INFO     main          =================== Crawling status ===================
    09:55:53:852 INFO     main          Crawling started at 10/3/07 9:55 AM
    09:55:55:463 INFO     main          URL manager connecting to Oracle...
    09:55:55:524 INFO     main          connected
    09:55:56:712 INFO     main          Time of last crawl is Wed Oct 03 09:44:11 EDT 2007
    09:55:56:755 INFO     main          Queue manager connecting to Oracle...
    09:55:56:853 INFO     main          connected
    09:55:58:088 INFO     main          Invoking "oracle.search.plugin.db.DBCrawlerManager"
    09:55:58:092 INFO     main          URL manager connecting to Oracle...
    09:55:58:241 INFO     main          connected
    09:55:58:243 INFO     main          Initializing crawler plug-in manager "oracle.search.plugin.db.DBCrawlerManager"
    09:55:58:245 ERROR     main     EQP-80401: Cannot specify both view and query oracle.search.sdk.crawler.PluginException     oracle.search.plugin.appsjdbc.AppsJdbcPluginMgr:init:255     oracle.search.plugin.appsjdbc.SecureAppsJdbcPluginMgr:init:50     oracle.search.crawler.WebCrawler:begin:1076     ImtCrawler:run:1831     ImtCrawler:main:48009:55:58:484 INFO     Thread-1          Remote command "reportstatistics" received, argument = "quit"
    09:55:58:484 INFO     Thread-1          Executing remote command "reportstatistics"
    09:55:58:506 INFO     Thread-1          Send back remote command execution result
    09:55:58:852 INFO     main          Shutting down all crawling threads...
    09:55:58:855 INFO     main          
    09:55:58:855 INFO     main          =================== Crawling results ===================
    09:55:58:855 INFO     main          Crawling started at 10/3/07 9:55 AM
    09:55:58:856 INFO     main          Crawling stopped at 10/3/07 9:55 AM
    09:55:58:856 INFO     main          Total crawling time = 0:0:5
    09:55:58:856 INFO     main          
    09:55:58:877 INFO     main          Total number of documents fetched = 0
    09:55:58:879 INFO     main          Document fetch failures = 0
    09:55:58:880 INFO     main          Document conversion failures = 0
    09:55:58:880 INFO     main          Total number of unique documents indexed = 0
    09:55:58:880 INFO     main          Total data collected = 0 bytes
    09:55:58:880 INFO     main          Total number of non-indexable documents = 0
    09:55:58:880 INFO     main          
    09:55:58:880 INFO     main          Number of times disk cache is full = 0
    Are we specifying any wrong parameter values.

    Hi raford,
    Thanks for your reply.
    We just provided the view name....and hence the DataBase source got created successfully.
    Now we have two scenarios here
    DataBase source in SES with parameter value for URL Prefix : http://<SES-Hostname>
    Now when we searched for content... The SES gets us the results....
    However when we clicked on the searched result(which is http://<SES-HostName>:<SES-port>/search/query/redirect.jsp?qid=161&did=2001&pos=1&idx=1&fid=)...it says cannot find server...but when i click on cached link(which is http://devilrays.appsassociates.com:7782/search/query/cache.jsp?id=2001&q=row3&fid=)... i could see the whole content.
    DataBase source in SES with parameter value for URL Prefix : http://<SES-Hostname>:<SES-Port>
    Now when we searched for content... The SES gets us the results....
    However when we clicked on the searched result(which is http://<SES-Hostname>:<SES-Port>/search/query/redirect.jsp?qid=151&did=1901&pos=1&idx=1&fid=)...it says HTTP 404 not found...but when i click on cached link(which is http://devilrays.appsassociates.com:7782/search/query/cache.jsp?id=1901&q=row3&fid=)... i[b] could see the whole content.
    Are there any changes i need to do so that when i click on search result... it gets me the content.

  • Display URL prefix for file source

    Hi Gurus,
    Maybe a real simple one, but please advise as the site is going to go production soon.
    Please take a look at this eg.
    i)physical dir(URL): file://localhost/private/htdocs/abc/
    URL prefix : file://localhost/private/htdocs/
    display URL prefix : http://my.server.com/
    ii))physical dir(URL):file://localhost/raid02/htdocs/mkc/
    URL prefix :file://localhost/raid02/htdocs/
    display URL prefix :http://my.company.com/
    I have a single file source(Filesource1) in the admin set up that will crawl two different directory structures with two different display URL.
    I had initially crawled with "No display URL" option, then used the Display URL screen to enter both the mappings. It worked(it updated the URL column in wk$URL table to start with 'http://'), however, new crawls dont seem to recogonize the Display URL mappings.Is this because there is more than one mapping?
    Is the only solution to create two different filesources with a display URL mapping for each?

    Hi Leah,
    The display URL for a Database Source should point to a separate server that provides web access to the document. It is not meant to point back to the SES instance. As the Admin Guide states:
    "This connector requires that there is URL-based access to the records in the result set of the view or query."
    In other words, the display URL should be something you can copy/paste into your browser location bar to view the document, with the other server rendering the document information to a user completely independently from SES.

  • NLS settings for a database link between DBs with different character sets

    I am using a database link to move data from one database to another and I am seeing some strange data problems. The databases have different character sets and different NLS settings. I wonder if this could be causing my problem.
    Here are the NLS parameters for the database where the database link exists. (the SOURCE database)
    3     NLS_COMP     BINARY
    4     NLS_CURRENCY     $
    7     NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY     $
    13     NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS     .,
    14     NLS_SORT     BINARY
    Here are the NLS parameters for the database that the database link connects to. (the TARGET database)
    3     NLS_COMP     BINARY
    4     NLS_CURRENCY     $
    7     NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY     $
    13     NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS     .,
    14     NLS_SORT     BINARY
    The SOURCE database version is 10g Release - Production
    The TARGET database version is 11g Release - 64bit Production
    Do I need to modify the NLS settings in the SOURCE database before executing a script to insert data into the TARGET database?
    Thanks, Jack

    The difference in settings is not a problem by itself, especially that only the NLS_CHARACTERSET matters. Of course, this difference may lead to certain issues if not taken into consideration.
    Please, describe symptoms of your problems.
    -- Sergiusz

  • Wrong results in URL iview and overview of URL parameters

    I have created an URL iView that is supposed to query an index and return results. I am using the URL:
    and added following URL parameters:
    The problem that I have is that the iView returns the second page of results (11-20) instead of the first one (1-10). When I hit the Search button again the result is the first page of results.
    Does anyone have experience with this problem?
    I've searched SDN on an overview of URL parameters (for example a parameter to specify the number of results to be shown on a page) to solve this problem, but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have an overview on URL parameters?
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards, Hilco

    Please check if the iView properties are as per properties mentioned in this <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/4c/eee2bedf3b4082b14a933e5ee63472/frameset.htm">link</a>.

  • How to set JDBC Data Sources in Oracle MapViewer for Oracle database 12c Release 1 (

    How to set JDBC Data Sources in Oracle MapViewer for Oracle database 12c Release 1 (
    The following is my configuration in the conf\mapViewerConfig.xml:
    <map_data_source name="mvdemo12"
    <!--  ****  -->
    But it does not work.
    After use "sqlplus mvdemo/[email protected]:1522/pdborcl", it connected to the Oracle database 12c.
    Does anyone know it?

    For use the syntax for jdbc_sid, i.e.
    //mypdb1.foo.com as described in the README,
    - MapViewer native (non-container) data sources can now use database service name in place of SID. To supply a db service name, you will use the same jdbc_sid attribute, but specify the service name with double slashes in front, such as follows:
      <map_data_source name="myds"
    For use a container_ds instead.
    i.e. instead of using
    <map_data_source name="my_12c_test"
      <map_data_source name="my_12c_test"
    In my case the Glassfish JDBC connection pool definition was
    url  jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydbinstance:1522/pdborcl12c.rest_of.service.name
    Uncheck the Wrap JDBC Objects option in Advanced panel, i.e. the Edit JDBC Connection Pool Advanced properties page.
    Add a JDBC resource for that newly created pool
    Use that in mapviewerconfig.xml as above

  • Need help with date range searches for Table Sources in SES

    Hi all,
    I need help, please. I am trying to satisfy a Level 1 client requirement for the ability to search for records in crawled table sources by a date and/or date range. I have performed the following steps, and did not get accurate results from Advanced searching for date. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong, and/or if there is a way to define a date search attribute without creating a LOV for a date column. (My tables have 500,00 rows.)
    I am using SES on Windows 32.
    My Oracle 10g Spatial Table is called REPORTS and this table has the following columns:
    TRACKNUM Varchar2
    TITLE Varchar2
    SYMBOLCODE Varchar2
    Timestamp Date
    OBSDATE Date
    I set up the REPORTS table source in SES, using TRACKNUM as the Primary Key (unique and not null), and SUMMARY as the CONTENT Column. In the Table Column Mappings I defined TITLE as String and TITLE.
    Under Global Settings > Search Attributes I defined a new Search Attribute (type Date) called DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY).
    Went back to REPORTS source previously defined and added a new Table Column Mapping - mapping OBSDATE to the newly defined DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) search attribute.
    I then modified the Schedule for the REPORTS source Crawler Policy to “Process All Documents”.
    Schedule crawls and indexes entire REPORTS table.
    In SES Advanced Search page, I enter my search keyword, select Specific Source Group as REPORTS, select All Match, and used the pick list to select the DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) Attribute Name, operator of Greater than equal, and entered the Value 01-JAN-07. Then the second attribute name of DATE_OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY), less than equals, 10-JAN-07.
    Search results gave me 38,000 documents, and the first 25 I looked at had dates NOT within the 01-JAN-07 / 10-JAN-07 range. (e.g. OBSDATE= 10-MAR-07, 22-SEP-07, 02-FEB-08, etc.)
    And, none of the results I opened had ANY dates within the SUMMARY CLOB…in case that’s what was being found in the search.
    Can someone help me figure out how to allow my client to search for specific dated records in a db table using a single column for the date? This is a major requirement and they are anxiously awaiting my solution.
    Thanks very much, in advance….

    Thanks very much for your reply. However, from what I've read in the SES Admin Document is that (I think) the date format DD/MM/YYYY pertains only to searches on "file system" sources (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc.). We have 3 file system sources among our 25 total sources. The remaining 22 sources are all TABLE or DATABASE sources. The DBA here has done a great job getting the data standardized using the typical/default Oracle DATE type format in our TABLE sources (DD-MON-YY). Our tables have anywhere from 1500 rows to 2 million rows.
    I tested your theory that the dates we are entering are being changed to Strings behind the scenes and on the Advanced Page, searched for results using OBSDATE equals 01/02/2007 in an attempt to find data that I know for certain to be in the mapped OBSDATE table column as 01-FEB-07. My result set contained data that had an OBSDATE of 03-MAR-07 and none containing 01-FEB-07.
    Here is the big issue...in order for my client to fulfill his primary mission, one of the top 5 requirements is that he/she be able to find specific table rows that are contain a specific date or range of dates.
    thanks very much!

  • Source of URL parameters when launching the hap_document

    I have been working on the 'Status Overview' iView in the Employee Performance Management module. The source of the table in the iView is the MSS_HAP_STATUS data view in OADP. I have been able to edit and shuffle the columns through the 'define columns' options in the OADP data provider. Some of the columns are shown as links since they are associated with Service Keys which map back to Resources in the homepage framework. The resource 'MSS_MBO_DOCUMENT' is associated with the some of the columns of the Status Overview page. When I click on the link it launches the HAP_Document BSP application with some dynamic URL parameters like
    I have been trying to debug the proxy class CL_HRWPC_SER_MBO_PARAMS associated with the service MSS_MBO_DOCUMENT to look for the dynamic URL parameters but didnt find them all in there. I did find some of them but not in the form of the parameter string it generates in the URL.
    Please let me know if I am looking in the right direction. Any help would be really appreciated.

    Check SAP note 1505832.

  • What are the logical database source (SQVI) should i use for quick viewer

    Dear expert,
    Would like to seek for your help, how to use (SQVI) quick viewer/SAP query to generate the listing of   and can I use SQVI -quick viewer and select the data source as logical database source to generate in order to generate the listing of GL account number,GL account descrition , tax category,posting without tax allowed column in the query by company?
    Between, what are the data source should I use for logical database to generate the query with listing of GL account number,GL account descrition , tax category,posting without tax allowed column in the query by company?
    Please help.
    Many Thanks.

    Thank you for the prompt reply, what I would like the query to generate is the master data GL listing for GL account,GL description,Tax category, posting without tax allowed column where i use BRF as the data source for logical database to generate the quick viewver but the BRF data source do not have the GL description.
    How I can join table/join query or what are the data source should i use so that i can able to generate the query with GL master data listing by company code by display GL account,GL description,Tax category, posting without tax allowed?
    Between,do you have any reference/link/document on the how to use the SQV1?
    Also, what the difference between SQV1 and SQ01 ?
    And also what are the sap query,inforset query,quick viewer mean for and what are the difference between them also when should i use sap query,inforset query,quick viewer  to generate the query?
    Please help.
    Many thanks.

  • SQL ENTERPRISE: The edition of Reporting Services that you are using requires that you use local SQL Server relational databases for report data sources and the report server database

    The error below makes absolutely no sense! I'm using Enterprise Core...yet I'm being told I can't use remote data sources:
    w3wp!library!8!03/05/2015-19:08:48:: i INFO: Catalog SQL Server Edition = EnterpriseCore
    w3wp!library!8!03/05/2015-19:08:48:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedException: The feature: "The edition of Reporting
    Services that you are using requires that you use local SQL Server relational databases for report data sources and the report server database." is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.;
    Really? This totally contradicts the documentation found here:
    That article says remote connections are completely supported.
    ARGH! Why does this have to be so difficult to setup?!?

    Hi jeffoliver1000,
    According to your description, you are using Enterprise Core edition and you are prompted that you can’t use remote data sources.
    In your scenario, we neither ignore your point nor be doubt with what you say. But actually we have met the case before that even though the SQL Server engine is Enterprise but the reporting services is still standard. So I would recommend you to find the
    actual edition of reporting services you are using. You can find Reporting Services starting SKU in the Reporting Service logs ( default location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance name>\Reporting Services\LogFiles). For more information,
    please refer to the similar thread below:
    By the way, have you installed the other SQL Server edition before?
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Passing  Parameters for url in portlet

    I want to pass parameters through the url to a portlet.
    As I can make that?
    There is some example.
    I am working with the portal 9i release 2 and jpdk november 2002 v2

    hi Frank,
    Thanks for the response. We followed your suggestion and managed to capture URL parameters in afterPhase(LifeCycle.PREPARE_MODEL) and save parameters to ViewScope.
    Then in beforePhase(LifeCycle.PREPARE_RENDER), we retrieve parameters back and invoke FndUIController.openMainTask method to launch the correponding taskflow but nothing happens.
    public static void openTaskflowOnNewTab(String taskflowId) {
    try {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elc = fc.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory ef = fc.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    ValueExpression valExp = ef.createValueExpression(elc,"#{bindings.openMainTask}",Object.class);
    JUCtrlActionBinding methodBinding = (JUCtrlActionBinding)valExp.getValue(elc);
    Map params = methodBinding.getParamsMap();
    params.put("label", "Some Title");
    params.put("taskFlowId", taskflowId);
    params.put("reuseInstance", true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    To prove that this method works, we create a UI button on the page (which binds this method in PageDef.xml), and associate this method to onclick event. At runtime after page is opened, clicking on the button does launch the taskflow on new tab successfully.
    Do you happen to know what I do wrong in the beforePhase() method?

  • MDW Disk Usage for Database Report Error - A data source has not been supplied for the data source DS_TraceEvents

    On the MDW Disk Usage Collection Set report, I get the following error when I click on a database hyperlink.
    A data source has not been supplied for the data source DS_TraceEvents
    SQL profiler shows the following SQL statements are executed (I've replaced the database name with databaseX)
    1. exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
    dtb.name AS [Name]
    master.sys.databases AS dtb
    (dtb.name=@_msparam_0)',N'@_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000)',@_msparam_0=N'databaseX'
    this returns zero rows as databaseX does not exist on my MDW central server, but is a database on a target server (i.e. one that is being monitored and uploaded into the MDW central server).
    2. USE [datatbaseX]
    this produces the following error:
    Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Database 'databaseX' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
    why is the report looking for the database on my server?
    Environment: MDW (Management Data Warehouse) on SQL 2008 R2

    Hi Jag,
    Based on my test, while this database is offline, we will encounter this issue. This is because that while we click the certain database in “Disk Usage Collection
    Set” report, it will query some information with that certain database. If this database is offline, we will not access this database to acquire related information and generates this error.
    Therefore I recommend that you check the status of this database by using this system view:
    sys.databases. If it is not online, please execute
    the following statements in a new window to make this database to be online:
    USE master
    ALTER DATABASE <database name> SET ONLINE
    If anything is unclear, please let me know.
    Tom Li

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