Urxvt and vim bothering

I'm trying desperately to make urxvt show some nice colors AND use my vim color scheme (gentooish) !
But no matter what I do I cant have both !
I want to use urxvt because i like the tabmode, but somehow it breaks my vim theme !
I know this issue has been brougth here in this forum, and I've read all of them, but I cant find a solution that works properly with my setup.
Help is needed !!

Thanks for replying
Could you be more specific please ?
My .Xdefaults looks like this
! Colours
!URxvt*foreground: #BBBBBB
URxvt*foreground: #FFFFFF
URxvt*background: #191919
URxvt*colorBD: #EEEEEF
! Black
URxvt*color0: #404040
!URxvt*color8: #252525
! Red
URxvt*color1: #C12121
URxvt*color9: #E50E0E
! Green
URxvt*color2: #75BD00
URxvt*color10: #89b83f
! Yellow
URxvt*color3: #EDD76A
URxvt*color11: #efef60
! Blue
URxvt*color4: #4F6FAE
URxvt*color12: #3F6FD0
! Magenta
URxvt*color5: #706c9a
URxvt*color13: #826ab1
! Cyan
URxvt*color6: #508695
URxvt*color14: #a1cdcd
! White
URxvt*color7: #BBBBBB
URxvt*color15: #EEEEEF
! Settings
URxvt*termName: xterm
URxvt*loginShell: false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*saveLines: 10000
URxvt*font: xft:Terminus:size=11
!URxvt*shading: +10
URxvt*geometry: 90x35
URxvt*internalBorder: 0
!URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt*colorUL: white
URxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
URxvt*matcher.button: 1
URxvt*cursorUnderline: false
URxvt*boldFont: xft:Terminus:size=11
URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false
URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true
URxvt*scrollKey: true
URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: false
Xft.dpi: 96
XTerm*font: 9x15
XTerm*background: black
XTerm*foreground: white

Similar Messages

  • Urxvt, xterm, vim, and gnu screen.

    To make this simple: all i want is 256 color support in one terminal, that will give 256 color support in vim, gnu screen, and not screw up shells i ssh into.    If I could get this working in xterm alone consider this solved.
    The more I try to fix my problem it seems the more complicated it gets.  What I want, I thought was simple:
    Now xterm seems to be the most workable solution, I guess I can give up on having clickable links, so that can go on the back burner.  But these are the problems i'm having.
    Here's the problem point by point:
    $ echo $TERM
    Urxvt will run a perl script I have to display 256 colors.  Except is does not show the grayscale ramp shown here:
    VIM in urxvt does NOT show any colors.  It's all white text.
    This is my .vimrc
    $ cat .vimrc
    syntax on
    set ignorecase
    set smartcase
    set incsearch
    set hlsearch
    let g:netrw_http_cmd = "wget -q -O"
    if &t_Co == 256
    colorscheme xoria256
    colorscheme desert
    in urxvt Gnu Screen
    echo $TERM
    the perl script does not display 256 colors like it should.
    vim in urxvt in screen again, does not show any colors. all white text.
    echo $TERM
    Xterm displays the full 256 colors from the script including the grayscale ramp.
    vim in xterm displays the desert theme (i would prefer it default to the xoria256, no idea why the 256 color script works but vim doesn't see xterm as a 256 capable terminal).
    in xterm, Gnu Screen
    echo $TERM
    screen-256color-bce   ( I do not see in any file where this option is defined)
    Xterm with Gnu Screen displays the full 256 colors from the script including the grayscale ramp.
    Vim in Gnu Screen in Xterm displays 256 colors properly.
    Here is my .screenrc
    #terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
    # allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
    attrcolor b ".I"
    # tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
    termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
    # erase background with current bg color
    defbce "on"
    #term xterm-256color
    term screen-256color
    startup_message off
    caption always "%{= KW}%-w%{= gW}%n %t%{-}%+w %-="
    hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= kW} %-= %{= kC}Session:%u%{= kW} %5` | %{= kC}Host:%{= kW} %H | %1` |%{= kC} MEM:%{= kW} %2`MB /%{= kC} SW: %{= kW}%3`MB | %4` %{= kR}Unread %{= kW}| %m/%d %c"
    vbell off
    #Backticks to display information in status bar
    backtick 1 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_uptime
    backtick 2 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_freemem
    backtick 3 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_freeswap
    backtick 4 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_gmail
    backtick 5 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_sessionname
    defscrollback 5000
    screen -t root 0 sudo -s
    screen -t shell 1 bash
    screen -t shell 2 bash
    screen -t shell 3 bash
    screen -t shell 4 bash
    screen -t shell 5 bash
    screen -t shell 6 bash
    screen -t shell 7 bash
    screen -t irc 8 irssi
    screen -t home 9 bash
    select 1
    here is my .Xdefaults
    !XTerm*font: -*-terminal-*-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-
    XTerm*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8
    xterm*faceName: Mono
    xterm*faceSize: 8
    XTerm*background: #191919
    XTerm*foreground: white
    XTerm*pointerColor: white
    XTerm*pointerColorBackground: black
    XTerm*cursorColor: white
    !XTerm*internalBorder: 3
    XTerm*loginShell: true
    XTerm*scrollBar: false
    XTerm*scrollKey: true
    XTerm*saveLines: 1000
    XTerm*multiClickTime: 250
    XTerm*boldColors: false
    xterm*title: xterm
    xterm*geometry: 160x25
    ! Black
    XTerm*color0: #262626
    XTerm*color8: #252525
    ! Red
    XTerm*color1: #C12121
    XTerm*color9: #E50E0E
    ! Green
    XTerm*color2: #597b20
    XTerm*color10: #89b83f
    ! Yellow
    XTerm*color3: #Ded838
    XTerm*color11: #efef60
    ! Blue
    XTerm*color4: #265997
    XTerm*color12: #3F6FD0
    ! Magenta
    XTerm*color5: #706c9a
    XTerm*color13: #826ab1
    ! Cyan
    XTerm*color6: #69a2b0
    XTerm*color14: #a1cdcd
    ! White
    XTerm*color7: #BBBBBB
    XTerm*color15: #EEEEEF
    URxvt*termName: xterm-256color
    URxvt*urlLauncher: /usr/bin/firefox
    URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
    URxvt.matcher.button: 2
    URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
    URxvt*saveLines: 4000
    URxvt*background: #191919
    URxvt*secondaryScroll: true
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*geometry: 150x25
    URxvt.font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8
    URxvt.xftAntialias: true
    URxvt*foreground: white
    URxvt*pointerColor: white
    URxvt*pointerColorBackground: black
    URxvt*cursorColor: white
    !URxvt*inheritPixmap: True
    !URxvt*shading: 90
    !URxvt*tintColor: #999
    URxvt*keysym.Home: \033[1~
    URxvt*keysym.End: \033[4~
    ! Black
    URxvt*color0: #262626
    URxvt*color8: #252525
    ! Red
    URxvt*color1: #C12121
    URxvt*color9: #E50E0E
    ! Green
    URxvt*color2: #597b20
    URxvt*color10: #89b83f
    ! Yellow
    URxvt*color3: #Ded838
    URxvt*color11: #efef60
    ! Blue
    URxvt*color4: #265997
    URxvt*color12: #3F6FD0
    ! Magenta
    URxvt*color5: #706c9a
    URxvt*color13: #826ab1
    ! Cyan
    URxvt*color6: #69a2b0
    URxvt*color14: #a1cdcd
    ! White
    URxvt*color7: #BBBBBB
    URxvt*color15: #EEEEEF
    To Fix In Xterm
    -Get Vim to display 256 colors without Gnu Screen
    To Fix In Urxvt
    -Get vim to display any color, but preferably 256 colors in urxvt and urxvt with Gnu Screen.  (and yes, it's a 256 capable urxvt)
    -Get shells i SSH into to recognize the reported term variable
    To Fix In Gnu Screen
    -Make it stop reporting the term variable as screen-256color-bce without losing 256 color support as this screws up shells i ssh to.
    any help would be greatly appreciated.  I feel like a dog chasing its tail b/c when I find a fix to one problem, I end up creating 1-2 more.
    Last edited by scv5 (2009-07-31 14:11:31)

    I had similar but different issues regarding this.  Now, i have 256 color support in whatever terminal/ssh/screen session I'm in.
    The relevant config lines:
    XTerm*termName: xterm-256color
    URxvt*termName: rxvt-256color
    " 256 colors only if you can handle it
    if $TERM =~ "-256color"
    set t_Co=256
    colorscheme zenburn
    # term
    term xterm-256color
    # main options
    altscreen on
    attrcolor b ".I"
    defbce "on"
    # some termcaps
    termcapinfo xterm-256color 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
    termcapinfo rxvt-256color 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
    note: this setup caused an issue where background colors in mutt/htop inside screen did not extend passed the line's text.  i had to solve that via this workaround.
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-07-31 21:28:55)

  • Configuring Terminal xterm and Vim

    I have spent some time customizing Terminal (version 2.1.1) and Vim using the files .profile, .bash_profile and .vimrc using the GNU tools that include ls. Everything went well except that I was unable to use the +cursorshape feature in the version of Vim I have (version 7.2 compiled with + cursorshape) that should allow the cursor to change between insert and other modes. Unfortunately the options of Terminal seem to only allow a fixed customization of the cursor.
    On the other hand, using Vim from xterm in X11 does allow changing the colour of the cursor between insert and other modes by putting e.g.
    if &term =~ "xterm"
    let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;purple\x7"
    let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;blue\x7"
    in .vimrc but xterm seems not to be customizable in the usual way via .profile and .bash_profile to give nice ls output
    with the date/time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and colour coded filenames!
    For editing and compiling programs I suppose I could have two windows open, xterm and Terminal and use Vim within xterm (to facilitate editing) and directory listings etc. from Terminal but it seems there should be a better way.
    Any suggestions would be welcome.
    John Nixon

    John, would setting your TERM environment variable to “xterm-color” allow more colour flexibility in vim? Looking at the GNU ls man page, it seems as though its --time_style option would provide the means to display an ISO date format, and that its --color=always option would provide colour-coded filenames. Perhaps an alias such as
    _interactive=`echo $- | /usr/bin/tr -cd i`
    if [ "${_interactive}" = 'i' ]
    alias ls='/my/gnu/ls --time_style="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" --color=always $*'
    in your .profile would achieve your GNU ls objective?
    Or, following Jeffrey’s suggestion, you could just put the alias line alone in your .bashrc file, if bash be the only shell that you use interactively.

  • Urxvt - transparency - vim ? - SOLVED-

    I'm runnung urxvt with real transparency by putting this in my .Xdefaults:
    URxvt*depth: 32
    URxvt*background: rgba:2121/2121/2121/aaaa
    vim gives me error codes when I try to run it in a transparent terminal:
    BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
    Vim: Got X error
    Vim: Finished
    If I run Vim -X  I can get it to work,  but then I lose the nice X stuff like buffer copying with the middle mouse button.
    I've looked around, but can't find anyone having or addressing this problem?  Any ideas from urxvt users out there?
    I didn't have URxvt at the beginning of the two lines in my .Xdefaults.   How embarrasing since i added them for the initial posting.  Goes to show,  dumb mistakes are only solved after posting to the forum.
    Last edited by tdphys (2008-09-04 19:22:44)

    Quick update: I was thinking about this - the wiki post can only be mentioning pseudo transparency ("non-standard wallpaper setters"), so it wouldn't apply to this situation (true transparency via compiz).  After a little searching, I found this :
    It seems the newest version has the copy-background-to-pixmap method overriding true transparency if that is set by the resources. That's the opposite of the way it used to be, but otherwise works. I just had to remove the other background settings, such as .inheritPixmap and .tintColor, and it works again.
    So I commented out those resources in my ~/.Xdefaults ... and it works!
    So, really solved. 

  • Gvim and vim cursor

    When we press insert or i in gvim the cursor shape changes from a fat block to thin and back to fat state when esc  is pressed. But I also want this behavior in vim, is it possible to set that in vim. I am using sakura as terminal.

    Have a look at the t_EI and t_SI options.
    I have these lines in my .vimrc for changing the cursor color depending on the mode
    if &term =~ "rxvt-unicode"
    "Set the cursor white in cmd-mode and orange in insert mode
    let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;white\x9c"
    let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;orange\x9c"
    "We normally start in cmd-mode
    silent !echo -e "\e]12;white\x9c"
    The escape codes are terminal dependent, I use urxvt. Have a look at the documentation of sakura if it allows to change the cursor shape.
    Edit: Corrected the test from general rxvt to rxvt-unicode (also in my .vimrc! :-))
    Last edited by davvil (2008-12-05 17:08:05)

  • [SOLVED] problem with zsh and urxvt and keybinding

    I hope this is the right forum to post this problem, else please move it to the right forum.
    I have zsh and urxvt installed and I am quite pleased with it, except for one problem,
    When I push the delete button in urxvt I get a ~ instead of deleting the next character. In aterm and xterm I don't have this problem.
    I'm sure that there is a way to make the right keybinding for this, but I can't find the solution. Is there someone who can point me in the right direction?
    Last edited by NeoXP (2009-02-24 21:00:02)

    These are my most current bindkeys...
    case $TERM in (rxvt*) #urxvt
    bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line
    bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line
    bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line
    bindkey "^E" end-of-line
    bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
    bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
    Open a terminal, hit ctrl-V, and press delete.  It should print the key generated.  The first ^[ is escaped as \e.
    So, on my terminal I see ^[[3~
    I put bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char in my ~/.zshrc, and there you go.

  • Openbox issues: URxvt and Trash

    Hi folks,
    I am migrating from XFCE to Openbox, and I have a couple of issues bugging me.
    1) URxvt does not load .Xresources automatically as it does with XFCE. I have worked it around by adding
    xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources &
    to my autostart. Is there any better solution out there?
    2) I can't get Trash and other mounted devices to show up in Thunar's left panel as they do in XFCE.
    Thunar-volman and gvfs are installed. I use LXDM as a login manager.
    thunar --daemon &
    is in autostart.
    Any ideas?
    What makes me scratch my head is that my crunchbang laptop using Openbox and Thunar does not have these problems.
    Thank you.
    Last edited by sudoku (2012-11-29 22:38:26)

    thank you for your answers.
    So problem 1) is solved.
    Straight to 2): Polkit-gnome is installed and xinitrc is the vanilla from skel:
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    And yes, I use LXDM. So, how do I get Trash and volumes to show up in Thunar?
    Last edited by sudoku (2012-11-30 00:05:44)

  • Devanagari in urxvt and keyboard layout...

    I just started taking Hindi this semester, and I was wondering how to get urxvt to work with the Devanagari script. I know the man page specifically mentions that it doesn't support all the complex combining rules, but it should still work a little bit, right? I can't get anything to display except squares.
    Also, what is the keyboard layout or variant for this script? Does anyone know how I could switch layouts on-the-fly with a keyboard shortcut or something (for instance, xbindkeys)?
    Thanks in advance. Hopefully somebody can help; I realize this is a little bit esoteric.
    ! ~/.Xdefaults - settings for terminals and X programs
    Xcursor.theme: Vanilla-DMZ
    ! Color Codes
    *background: #000000
    *foreground: #ffffff
    ! Black
    *color0: #2e3436
    *color8: #555753
    ! Red
    *color1: #cc0000
    *color9: #ef2929
    ! Green
    *color2: #4e9a06
    *color10: #8ae234
    ! Yellow
    *color3: #c4a000
    *color11: #fce94f
    ! Blue
    *color4: #3465a4
    *color12: #729fcf
    ! Purple
    *color5: #75507b
    *color13: #ad7fa8
    ! Cyan
    *color6: #06989a
    *color14: #34e2e2
    ! White
    *color7: #d3d7cf
    *color15: #eeeeec
    ! rxvt-unicode settings
    URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=14
    URxvt*iconName: Terminal
    URxvt*perl-ext: matcher
    URxvt*saveLines: 10000
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false
    URxvt*termName: rxvt
    URxvt*title: Terminal
    URxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
    ! Optional transparency settings
    urxvtTrans*depth: 32
    urxvtTrans*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd
    urxvtTrans*tintColor: grey
    ! XTerm settings
    XTerm*dynamicColors: true
    XTerm*faceName: Monospace:pixelsize=14
    XTerm*iconName: Terminal
    XTerm*saveLines: 10000
    XTerm*scrollKey: true
    XTerm*scrollTtyOutput: false


  • URxvt and the mouse wheel

    Hi all!
    I would like to know if it's possible to scroll down in man or less with the mouse will using URxvt.
    Thank you.

    A bad GPU? Screen? Connector cable between the two? It's difficult to say.
    The best thing that you can do is to take your machine into your local Apple Store or AASP and have them diagnose the machine and get an estimate for repairing the machine, both of which should be free.
    If it turns out that the problem is with the GPU or the screen, be ready for some sticker shock to repair your unit.
    Good luck,

  • Urxvt and hyperlink support

    So I have been trying to get support for url launching in my urxvt-256color terminal, but I can't seem to figure out the problem.  I know perl is installed and working because the perl module that copies what I have highlighted into the clipboard works perfectly.
    Here is a copy of my .Xdefaults:
    I am using Iron from AUR as my web browser, but it is also worth noting that I tried using Firefox in that field unsuccessfully.

    Here is a working one I have for standard urxvt, but I guess the 256-color one shouldn't be any different:
    urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
    urxvt.urlLauncher: opera
    urxvt.matcher.button: 3
    It's worth noting that this starts opera when I press the 2nd mouse button. Why that is matched as button 3 in the config, I don't know. You should try to experiment with different matcher.button-values and see how that works.

  • Urxvt and pacman

    I managed to put urxvt transparent in the background in openbox, just perfect. The problem is, when I install something with pacman, instead of the usual single line indicating the download status of the package, it prints a new line every 2 seconds, and it's starting to get annoying. Is there anyway to override this, is this even normal?

    sorry, my bad.
    I had set urxvt too small, so the download bar could not display correctly, I changed the size and it fixed it.
    Thanks though.

  • Urxvt and äöå

    I have this really hard-to-solve problem, so I decided to ask for help..
    My keymap works just fine in other programs except for urxvt. Even in urxvt, all the other buttons except for ä å and ö work fine. Copy-pasting them doesn't work either, all I get is ?'s. alsamixer and ncmpc -> ncurses layouts also display incorrectly.
    I've tried exporting different LC_ALL:s, rc.conf's... Nothing seems to work.. (Yes, I did remember to use locale-gen etc.)
    At the moment I simply have my rc.conf set as en_US.utf8, same for LC_ALL. I just use XKbLayout "fi" in my xorg.conf and everything else seems to work properly.
    I do get these error messages in my shell:
    urxvt: default locale unavailable, check LC_* and LANG variables. Continuing.
    perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
    perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
    ........bla bla about the language settings
    perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
    This is probably just a matter of finding the right locale settings but I've tried and haven't succeeded so..

    Ohh I missed the dot at first..
    Let's see now..
    Yeah, seems to work. Thanks! I didn't even have such a locale in my locale.gen at first though, so that's why I couldn't figure it out.
    Last edited by initbox (2008-11-07 21:56:50)

  • URxvt and REAL transparency

    Hi there!
    When I start urxvt with "urxvt -depth 32 -bg rgba:0000/0000/0000/4444" it really shows true transparency.
    But when I enter all those stuff in .Xdefaults and start it, there'S only pseydo transparency!
    Here's my Xdefaults
    URxvt.saveLines: 10000
    URxvt.scrollBar: false
    !URxvt.inheritPixmap: true
    URxvt.tintColor: black
    URxvt.shading: 20
    URxvt.foreground: white
    URxvt.background: black
    URxvt.secondaryScroll: true
    URxvt.font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=11
    Urxvt.depth: 32
    URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
    URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
    URxvt.matcher.button: 1
    URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
    Do you have any suggestions?
    Thank you

    And where is this part:
    Put that for background.

  • Urxvt and copy/paste-ing.

    Howdy guys.
    I'm new to arch, been loving it. Enjoying configuring (and learning) about the parts i need thus far.
    This is a weird question though. Basically i'm using urxvt (seems popular, and so far i like it) as my terminal, but i have no idea how to say.... copy and paste from it?..
    Basically i would like to cat a file, and copy certain sections from it, so i can post them in forums and the like. And also the inverse, be able to copy and paste lines from examples online into my configs.
    So far i've kinda been putting the windows side by side and typing it (<--- not very efficient and very annoying!).
    I'm using xmonad for a tiling manager and that's it, so if i need to install maybe an addon into Urxvt or Xmonad i need to know which one to hunt down XD.

    Yeah that or shift-insert seems to work for copying text from the clipboard to urvxt.
    However how do i copy stuff from urxvt's terminal into another app?. Just selecting it seems to copy it for urxvt, but other apps don't seem to get this updated clipboard stuff (they will still copy i copied from them).
    EDIT: okay you are right, it seems to work that way . Just weird and have to hit it a few times for the laptop to work with it. Is there a keyboard shortcut for the left+right click? (Shift-insert doesn't work in other programs)
    Last edited by Mr Fix It (2010-04-21 10:30:04)

  • URXVT and black bar graphics glitch. *annoying*

    I have a problem, I'm using xmonad (display with no borders), and running "urxvt +sb -tr -fg green -bg black -sh 30" gives me a black bar glitch at the bottom and right hand side of the urxvt window seen at
    Anyone know how to get rid of this black bar? It seems to be related to the -bg color since it changes to the bg color every time I change the value for -bg.
    It seems that the borders get fixed when I switch to a different desktop (modkey + number of desktop) and back again to the same desktop.
    By fix, I mean the borders are the same as the background, but now when I move the window, the same spots take the color of the background that was previously on them to the new spots they are moved to. If this is confusing, I'll gladly add some screenshots to illustrate what I mean.
    This is what I'm using to launch urxvt to get the effect: "urxvt -tr +sb -fg green -bg black -sh 25"
    Thanks for taking the time.
    Last edited by tomd123 (2009-05-12 17:35:42)

    Last edited by tomd123 (2009-05-12 17:31:24)

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    I just bought a new MacBook Pro and I tried to load FCP Studio on it and it says it does not support it. I use FCP Studio 2 and I need to use it as I don't know FCP X. Any suggestions. I currently have FCP Studio 2 on a 2008 Mac Pro with Maverick on

  • InDesign CS5.5 and CS6 Hang while opening document

    hello, I have the following problem: Indesign CS5.5 CS6 and hang up several times a day when opening documents on. the user can not make more in the program and must kill the process. After reopening the document opens without problems (probably the

  • DBMS_LOB missing!

    Hi! I'm trying to install an image cartridge to our database running in Oracle 8.0.5 for Sun SPARC Solaris. My problem is I can't successfully create the image cartride because i can't compile the ORDIMG_PKG. When I looked at the package body of the