Use data from a frame to another

I would like use the data from my first frame in DataPanelCli in my second frame StruCliBox.
BUT when I writte text in my first frame, and I use the button structcli in the ButtonPanelCli, it is always blank in my second frame.
What have I to do.
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Container;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.String;
public class AppClient extends JFrame {
     private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
     public AppClient() {
          //titre fen�tre
          super( " APPLICATION CLIENT");
          // set up GUI environment
          Container p = getContentPane();
          screenvarcli = new DataPanelCli();
          p.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
          p.add( new JScrollPane(screenvarcli) );
          // Complete GUI
          ButtonPanelCli controls = new ButtonPanelCli( screenvarcli);
     public static void main( String args[]) {
          AppClient cli = new AppClient();
               new WindowAdapter() {
                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
class DataPanelCli extends JPanel {
     JTextField ICCliFact, INSociete;
     JLabel LCCliFact, LNSociete;
     public DataPanelCli() {
          //Label Panel
          JPanel labelPanelCli = new JPanel();
          labelPanelCli.setLayout( new GridLayout(2, 1));
          LNSociete = new JLabel( "Nom ", 0);
          LCCliFact = new JLabel( "Num�ro Client", 0);
          //TextField Panel
          JPanel screenvarcli = new JPanel();
          screenvarcli.setLayout( new GridLayout(2, 1));
          INSociete = new JTextField("Enter Name - click RECHERCHER", 20);
          ICCliFact = new JTextField( 20);
          // Accessibility Section - relate labels and text fields
          // for use by assistive technologies
          LNSociete.setLabelFor( INSociete);
          setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 2));
          add( labelPanelCli);
          add( screenvarcli);
class ButtonPanelCli extends JPanel {
     public ButtonPanelCli( DataPanelCli scv ) {
          setLayout( new GridLayout( 2 ,0 ));
          JButton clearcli = new JButton( "Clear" );
          clearcli.addActionListener( new ClearScreenCli( scv ));
          add( clearcli );
          JButton structcli = new JButton( "STRUCTURE" );
          structcli.addActionListener( new StructRecCli( scv));
          add( structcli );
class ClearScreenCli implements ActionListener {
     private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
     public ClearScreenCli( DataPanelCli scv ) {
          screenvarcli = scv;
     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
          screenvarcli.ICCliFact.setText( "" );
          screenvarcli.INSociete.setText( "" );
class StructRecCli extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
     private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
     private boolean firsttime = true;
     public StructRecCli( DataPanelCli scv) {
          super( " APPLICATION CLIENT STUCTURE " );
          screenvarcli = scv;
     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) {
          if (firsttime) {
               Container cnt = getContentPane();
               cnt.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
               StruCliBox ob = new StruCliBox();
               cnt.add( ob );
//     screenvarcli.INSociete.getText();
               ButtonPanelStr controls = new
               ButtonPanelStr( screenvarcli);
               setSize(500, 475);
               firsttime = false;
class StruCliBox extends JPanel {
     JTextField ICCliFact, INSociete;
     JLabel LCCliFact, LNSociete;
     public StruCliBox() {
          //Label Panel
          JPanel s = new JPanel();
          s.setLayout( new GridLayout(2, 1));
          LNSociete = new JLabel( "Nom ", 0);
          LCCliFact = new JLabel( "Num�ro Client", 0);
          //TextField Panel
          JPanel screenvarcli = new JPanel();
          screenvarcli.setLayout( new GridLayout(2, 1));
          INSociete = new JTextField( 20);
//          String rechnom = new String();
//          screenvarcli.INSociete.getText();
          ICCliFact = new JTextField( 20);
          LNSociete.setLabelFor( INSociete);
          setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 2));
          add( s);
          add( screenvarcli);
class ButtonPanelStr extends JPanel {
     public ButtonPanelStr( DataPanelCli scv) {
          setLayout( new GridLayout( 1 ,0 ));
          JButton addstr = new JButton("Ajouter");
//          addstr.addActionListener( new AddStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
          add( addstr );
          JButton majstr = new JButton("Mise � jour");
//          majstr.addActionListener( new MajStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
          add( majstr );
          JButton clestr = new JButton("Clear");
//          clestr.addActionListener( new CleStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
          add( clestr );
          JButton prnstr = new JButton("Impression");
//          prnstr.addActionListener( new PrnStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
          add( prnstr );
     // Fermeture de l'application
//     protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) {
//          if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) {
//               System.exit(0);

a Q&D, note the static DataPanelCli's ICCliFact.
class DataPanelCli extends JPanel {
static JTextField ICCliFact, INSociete;
class StruCliBox extends JPanel {
ICCliFact = new JTextField( 20);ICCliFact.setText( DataPanelCli.ICCliFact.getText() );

Similar Messages

  • Data from a frame to another (bis)

    I have a first Frame DataPanelCli, when I use the button "Rechercher" in the class ButtonPanelCli, I find the informations of my company in the class FindRecCli. After when I use the button "STRUCTURE", I use the JFrame StructRecCli BUT I CAN NOT show the data coming from my first Frame.
    Here is the programme, could you please help me.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.lang.String;
    public class AppClient extends JFrame {
         private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
         private JTextArea msgout;
         private Connection dbconn;
         public AppClient() {
              //titre fen�tre
              super( " APPLICATION CLIENT");
              // set up GUI environment
              Container p = getContentPane();
              screenvarcli = new DataPanelCli();
              msgout = new JTextArea( 8, 40);
              p.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
              p.add( new JScrollPane(screenvarcli) );
              p.add( new JScrollPane(msgout) );
              // DB Connection
              try {
                   String url = "jdbc:odbc:Access";
                   // Cr�ation d'une liaison
                   dbconn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "dba", "sql" );
                   msgout.append("Connection successful !\n");
              catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfex) {
                   msgout.append("Connection unsuccessful\n" +
              catch (SQLException sqlex) {
                   msgout.append("Connection unsuccessful\n" +
              catch (Exception excp) {
              // Complete GUI
              ButtonPanelCli controls = new
              ButtonPanelCli(dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout);
    //          RadioButtons rb = new RadioButtons(dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout);
    //          p.add(rb);
         public static void main( String args[]) {
              AppClient cli = new AppClient();
                   new WindowAdapter() {
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    class DataPanelCli extends JPanel {
         JTextField ICCliFact, INSociete,
              ILAdresseA, ICPostal, ILLocalite, ICPays;
         JLabel LCCliFact, LNSociete,
              LLAdresseA, LCPostal, LLLocalite, LCPays;
         public DataPanelCli() {
              //Label Panel
              JPanel labelPanelCli = new JPanel();
              labelPanelCli.setLayout( new GridLayout(6, 1));
              LNSociete = new JLabel( "Nom ", 0);
              LCCliFact = new JLabel( "Num�ro Client", 0);
              LLAdresseA = new JLabel( "Adresse ", 0);
              LCPostal = new JLabel( "Code Postal ", 0);
              LLLocalite = new JLabel( "Localite ", 0);
              LCPays = new JLabel( "Pays ", 0);
              //TextField Panel
              JPanel screenvarcliPanel = new JPanel();
              screenvarcliPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(6, 1));
              INSociete = new JTextField("Enter Name - click RECHERCHER", 20);
              ICCliFact = new JTextField( 20);
              ILAdresseA = new JTextField( 20);
              ICPostal = new JTextField( 20);
              ILLocalite = new JTextField( 20);
              ICPays = new JTextField( 20);
              // Accessibility Section - relate labels and text fields
              // for use by assistive technologies
              LNSociete.setLabelFor( INSociete);
              LLAdresseA.setLabelFor( ILAdresseA);
              LCPostal.setLabelFor( ICPostal);
              LLLocalite.setLabelFor( ILLocalite);
              LCPays.setLabelFor( ICPays);
              setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 2));
              add( labelPanelCli);
              add( screenvarcliPanel);
    class ButtonPanelCli extends JPanel {
         public ButtonPanelCli( Connection dbc, DataPanelCli scv, JTextArea msg ) {
              setLayout( new GridLayout( 2 ,0 ));
              JButton findcli = new JButton( "Rechercher" );
              findcli.addActionListener( new FindRecCli( dbc, scv, msg ));
              add( findcli );
              JButton addcli = new JButton( "Ajouter" );
              addcli.addActionListener( new AddRecCli( dbc, scv, msg ));
              add( addcli );
              JButton clearcli = new JButton( "Clear" );
              clearcli.addActionListener( new ClearScreenCli( scv ));
              add( clearcli );
              JButton printcli = new JButton( "Impression" );
    //          printcli.addActionListener( new PrintRecCli( dbc, scv, msg ));
              add( printcli );
              JButton structcli = new JButton( "STRUCTURE" );
              structcli.addActionListener( new StructRecCli( dbc, scv, msg ));
              add( structcli );
              JButton commerccli = new JButton( "COMMERCIAL" );
    //          commerccli.addActionListener( new CommercRecCli( dbc, scv, msg ));
              add( commerccli );
              JButton financli = new JButton( "FINANCIER" );
    //          financli.addActionListener( new FinanRecCli( dbc, scv, msg ));
              add( financli );
    class ClearScreenCli implements ActionListener {
         private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
         public ClearScreenCli( DataPanelCli scv ) {
              screenvarcli = scv;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
              screenvarcli.ICCliFact.setText( "" );
              screenvarcli.INSociete.setText( "" );
              screenvarcli.ILAdresseA.setText( "" );
              screenvarcli.ICPostal.setText( "" );
              screenvarcli.ILLocalite.setText( "" );
              screenvarcli.ICPays.setText( "" );
    // Recherche Ajout Maj record
    class FindRecCli implements ActionListener {
         private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
         private JTextArea msgout;
         private Connection dbconn;
         public FindRecCli( Connection dbc, DataPanelCli scv, JTextArea msg ) {
              dbconn = dbc;
              screenvarcli = scv;
              msgout = msg;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
              try {
                   String rechnom = new String();
                   rechnom = screenvarcli.INSociete.getText();
              if ( !rechnom.equals( "" )) {
                   Statement statement = dbconn.createStatement();
                   String query = "SELECT * " +
                        "FROM Cli_fact, Adresse " +
                        "WHERE Cli_fact.n_societe_c = '" + rechnom + "' " +
                        "AND c_adresse = c_cli_fact " +
                        "AND c_type_adr = '02'";
    //                    "WHERE n_societe_c = '" +
    //                    rechnom + "' ";
                   msgout.append( "\nSending query " +
                   dbconn.nativeSQL( query ) + "\n" );
                   ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery( query );
                   display( rs );
                   screenvarcli.INSociete.setText( "Entrer le NOM de Soci�t� ");
              catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
                   msgout.append( sqlex.toString() + sqlex.getMessage() );
         // Display results of query
         public void display( ResultSet rs ) {
              try {
                   int recordNumber = rs.getInt( 1);
                   if ( recordNumber != 0 ) {
                        screenvarcli.ICCliFact.setText( String.valueOf(recordNumber) );
                        screenvarcli.INSociete.setText( rs.getString(2));
                        screenvarcli.ILAdresseA.setText( rs.getString(35));
                        screenvarcli.ILLocalite.setText( rs.getString(32));
                        screenvarcli.ICPostal.setText( rs.getString(31));
                        screenvarcli.ICPays.setText( rs.getString(33));
                        msgout.append( "\n Enregistrements trouv�s!!!!!!!\n" );
                        msgout.append( "\nPas d'enregistrements trouv�s\n" );
              catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
                   msgout.append( "\n*** Nom de Soci�t� pas dans la data Base ***\n" );
    class AddRecCli implements ActionListener {
         private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
         private JTextArea msgout;
         private Connection dbconn;
         public AddRecCli( Connection dbc, DataPanelCli scv, JTextArea msg ) {
              dbconn = dbc;
              screenvarcli = scv;
              msgout = msg;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
              try {
              Statement statement = dbconn.createStatement();
              String rechnom = new String();
              rechnom = screenvarcli.INSociete.getText();
              if ( !rechnom.equals( "" )) {
                   String query = "INSERT INTO cli_fact (" +
                   "n_societe_c) VALUES ('" +
                   screenvarcli.INSociete.getText() + "')";
                   msgout.append( "\nSending query " +
                   dbconn.nativeSQL( query ) + "\n" );
                   int result = statement.executeUpdate( query );
                   if ( result == 1 ) {
                   // read just inserted rec to obtain c_cli_fact field
                   // needed to place STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL FINANCIER
                   msgout.append( "\nInsertion r�ussie\n" );
                   try {
                   query = "SELECT * FROM cli_fact WHERE n_societe_c='" +
                        rechnom + "'";
                   ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery( query );
                   catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
                   msgout.append( sqlex.toString() );
              else {
                   msgout.append( "\nInsertion NON r�ussie\n" );
                   screenvarcli.INSociete.setText( "" );
              msgout.append( "\nEntrer au moins le non de soci�t� puis press NOUVEAU\n" );
              catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
              msgout.append( sqlex.toString() );
              screenvarcli.INSociete.setText("Nom de soci�t� existe d�j� -- reenter");
    //class StructRecCli extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    class StructRecCli implements ActionListener {
         private DataPanelCli screenvarcli;
         private JTextArea msgout;
         private Connection dbconn;
         private boolean firsttime = true;
         public StructRecCli( Connection dbc, DataPanelCli scv, JTextArea msg ) {
              super( " APPLICATION CLIENT STUCTURE " );
              dbconn = dbc;
              screenvarcli = scv;
              msgout = msg;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) {
              if (firsttime) {
                   Container cnt = getContentPane();
                   cnt.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
                   StruCliBox ob = new StruCliBox();
                   cnt.add( ob );
                   ButtonPanelStr controls = new
                   ButtonPanelStr(dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout);
                   setSize(500, 475);
                   firsttime = false;
    class StruCliBox extends JPanel {
         JTextField ICCliFact, INSociete,
              ILAdresseA, ICPostal, ILLocalite, ICPays;
         JLabel LCCliFact, LNSociete,
              LLAdresseA, LCPostal, LLLocalite, LCPays;
         public StruCliBox() {
              //Label Panel
              JPanel s = new JPanel();
              s.setLayout( new GridLayout(6, 1));
              LNSociete = new JLabel( "Nom ", 0);
              LCCliFact = new JLabel( "Num�ro Client", 0);
              LLAdresseA = new JLabel( "Adresse ", 0);
              LCPostal = new JLabel( "Code Postal ", 0);
              LLLocalite = new JLabel( "Localite ", 0);
              LCPays = new JLabel( "Pays ", 0);
              //TextField Panel
              JPanel screenvarcliPanel = new JPanel();
              screenvarcliPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(6, 1));
              INSociete = new JTextField( 20);
    //          String rechnom = new String();
    //          screenvarcli.INSociete.getText();
              ICCliFact = new JTextField( 20);
              ILAdresseA = new JTextField( 20);
              ICPostal = new JTextField( 20);
              ILLocalite = new JTextField( 20);
              ICPays = new JTextField( 20);
              // Accessibility Section - relate labels and text fields
              // for use by assistive technologies
    //          LNSociete.setLabelFor( INSociete);
              LLAdresseA.setLabelFor( ILAdresseA);
              LCPostal.setLabelFor( ICPostal);
              LLLocalite.setLabelFor( ILLocalite);
              LCPays.setLabelFor( ICPays);
              setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 2));
              add( s);
              add( screenvarcliPanel);
    //          setLayout(new FlowLayout() );
    //          add(s);     
    class ButtonPanelStr extends JPanel {
         public ButtonPanelStr( Connection dbc, DataPanelCli scv, JTextArea msg ) {
              setLayout( new GridLayout( 1 ,0 ));
              JButton addstr = new JButton("Ajouter");
    //          addstr.addActionListener( new AddStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
              add( addstr );
              JButton majstr = new JButton("Mise � jour");
    //          majstr.addActionListener( new MajStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
              add( majstr );
              JButton clestr = new JButton("Clear");
    //          clestr.addActionListener( new CleStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
              add( clestr );
              JButton prnstr = new JButton("Impression");
    //          prnstr.addActionListener( new PrnStructure( dbconn, screenvarcli, msgout, ob));
              add( prnstr );
         // Fermeture de l'application
    //     protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) {
    //          if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) {
    //               System.exit(0);

    To get data from one frame to another, either create one frame with a reference to the other one so it can discover the data in it, or create a static variable in one of your classes that both frames can access

  • Passing data from one frame to another frame

    hello all, i am having a problem with passing data from one frame from another. I have a main frame when you click on connect button it display the second frame(class) that has 2 text fields and 2 buttons. When i click on connect it check if the data is correct. If the data is correct i want that frame to close and pass the data back to main frame. How can i do that.
    thank you

    hello all, i am having a problem with passing data
    from one frame from another. I have a main frame when
    you click on connect button it display the second
    frame(class) that has 2 text fields and 2 buttons.
    When i click on connect it check if the data is
    correct. If the data is correct i want that frame to
    close and pass the data back to main frame. How can
    i do that.
    thank you
    the original problem sounded like an ideal opportunity to use Modal Dialog. if you want one frame to display another to get user input then you need to stop the method in the main frame from executing until you recieve a valid input.
    you can use your own class and keep all of the components that you have in the connect frame but you would have to extend JDialog instead of JFrame.
    there is a way around it!
    if you must use JFrame for both, then you need to have access to the main frame in the connect frame, maybe pass the pointer to the constructor??
    anyway, when the connect frame is done with its duties, you have to use the pointer to call another method in the main frame that will continue the process. otherwise main frame doesn't know when connect frame is done and by that time, the method in main frame that instantiated the connect frame has long since died.
    also, it allows things to happen in the other window that you may not want to happen until the connect frame is done
    typically users of software start clicking around on things and you could have three or four connect frames going at the same time
    it's really best to use a Modal Dialog, it really can look just like a JFrame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Retreive data from a frame to another

    Hi All,
    I have a Frame AppCli and in it I have the numcli, namecli, street, tel.....
    I want to send from the Frame AppCli the values numcli and the namecli to another Frame StruCli.
    Can I do this or have I to use another king of class

    Yes you can.

  • Using data from one table in another

    Can anyone help me? I'm new to this.
    I have a table called Mileage; Column A = Location, B = Number of miles
    I want to use the data in my Business Accounts table so that when I enter a location it will automatically enter the number of miles in the cell next to it from the Mileage table.

    Brilliant! Thank you.
    If the Mileage table does not have a location in yet (if I've not entered it into the table yet) how can I get the result to enter an error or an oops rather than the number to the one nearest to it?
    I've looked on the function descriptions but none of it is written in english

  • How to transfer DATA from one machine to another using  DBlink

    I want to transfer data from one machine to another both having oracle 8.0.5 with AIX operating system using DB link. CAn any one help me in this task

    Step one - Create and test SQLNet connections between the databases.
    Step two - Create at least on database like from one database to the other:
    CONNECT TO user identified by password
    USING 'tnsnamesentry';
    Step three - use the dblink linkname in dml statements eg:
    insert into emp@linkname
    (select * from emp);

  • Loading data from one table to another using cursor

    I have given the below command to load the data from 1 table to another using cursor.
    cursor mycursor IS
    SELECT extract_name,from_date,to_date,BETA from temp_table where EXTRACT_NAME='GIFTCARD_DETAILS';
    for mycursor_1 IN mycursor loop
    insert into tmp_tab columns(col1,col2,col3,col5) values(mycursor_1.EXTRACT_NAME,mycursor_1.from_date,mycursor_1.to_date,mycursor_1.BETA);
    End loop;
    It is working fine.
    But I want to hard code some of the columns ( like flags ) which are not there in 1st table and load them into 2nd table.
    In db2 we will give commands like
    varSqlStatus=`db2 "declare mycurs cursor for select extract_name,from_date,to_date,BETA,'N','Y' from temp_table"`
    varSqlStatus=`db2 "load from mycurs of cursor modified by identityignore insert into tmp_tab(col1,col2,col3,col5,col6,col7) nonrecoverable"`
    But I want it in oracle 10g, Can any one help me in this.

    Have you tried either of the two options :
    1. Modify the CURSOR itself :
    cursor mycursor IS
    SELECT extract_name,from_date,to_date,BETA,'N','Y' from temp_table where EXTRACT_NAME='GIFTCARD_DETAILS';2. Modify the INSERT statement itself :
    insert into tmp_tab columns(col1,col2,col3,col5,col6,col7) values(mycursor_1.EXTRACT_NAME,mycursor_1.from_date,mycursor_1.to_date,mycursor_1.BETA,'N','Y');

  • Problem in passing data from 1 screen to another using BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI.

    Hi Experts,
    i am new to the SRM, i am facing problem in passing data from one screen to another.
    my requirement is that when we select one shopping cart and press the PROPOSE SOURCES OF SUPPLY button, we will fetch all the contracts that are attached to the shopping cart.
    we have implemented a BADI implementation of BBP_SOS_BADI (method BBP_SOS_CHECK) for passing some changed values to the contracts of the shopping cart into the popup screen that is displayed when we press PROPOSE SOURCES OF SUPPLY button and when we select any contract and press ASSIGN ONLY button in the popup screen the badi BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI is triggered.
    i have implemented another BADI implementation of BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI for fetching the selected contract and pass the values to another screen, but the problem is that when we select one contract and press the assign only button we are fetching the wrong contract number ( that is in the BADI method BB_SC_CHANGE parameter IT_ITEM we are fetching the wrong contract), if we again do the same procedure for the second time we are getting the correct contract.
    i am unable to understand why we are getting the wrong contract in the first time( that is we are getting contract other than the selected one).
    as per my understanding i think when we are passing data to the popup screen using BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI we are not updating the shopping cart with the changed data.
    can anyone tell me how we can update the SHOPPING CART with the changed contracts data, i have used BBP_PD_SC_UPDATE, BBP_PD_SC_SAVE and other shopping cart FM but nothing is happening.

    What version of SRM are you on?  Have you check for OSS Notes?  I have had trouble with BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI but it was because of other issues.  The BADI works pretty well and it is called almost every time something happens to the shopping cart.
    I have noticed that sometimes that values are not changed til the second calling of the BADI.  I have yet understand why but I think it has to do with prompt processing. Usually, we train our requisitioners to click the 'Check'  button to flush things out.
    I don't know if I was helpful.... another thought.... could there be an error caught by BBP_DOC_CHECK_BADI that is preventing change in BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI?
    Regards, Dean.

  • What are Parameters? How are they differenet from Variables? Why can't we use variables for passing data from one sequnece to another? What is the advantage of using Parameters instead of Variables?

    Hi All,
    I am new to TestStand. Still in the process of learning it.
    What are Parameters? How are they differenet from Variables? Why can't we use variables for passing data from one sequnece to another? What is the advantage of using Parameters instead of Variables?
    Thanks in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    Using the Parameters is the correct method to pass data into and out of a sub sequence. You assign your data to be passed into or out of a Sequence when you are in the Edit Sequence Call dialog and in the Sequence Parameter list.
    Ray Farmer

  • Best Way to port the data from one DB to another DB using Biztalk

    please suggest best way to move the data from one db to another DB using biztalk.
    Currently I am doing like that, for each transaction(getting from different source tables) through receive port, and do some mapping (some custom logic for data mapping), then insert to target normalized tables(multiple tables) and back to update the status
    of transaction in source table in sourceDB. It is processing one by one.
    How/best we we can do it using  bulk transfer and update the status. Since it has more than 10000 transaction per call.

    Hi Vinoth,
    For SQL Bulk inserts you can always use SQL Bulk Load
    However, even though a SQL Bulk Load adapter can efficiently insert a large amount of data into SQL you are still stuck with the issues of transmitting the
    MessageBox database and the memory issues of dealing with really large messages.
    I would personally suggest you to use SSIS, as you have mentioned that records have to be processed in specific time of day as opposed to when the
    records are available.
    Please refer to this link to get more information about SSIS:
    If you have any more questions related to SSIS, please ask it in
    forum and you will get specific support.

  • Using data from another farm

    I would like to populate a list column with data (Lot #'s) from a list on another sp farm updating frequently. I want to use the column as a lookup to the Lot #'s. Possible? Authentication?
    Thank you,

    According to your description, you want to populate a list column with the data
    from a list in another SharePoint Farm.
    Is your another SharePoint Farm in the same domain you are trying to access?
    If yes, you can use Client Object Model and set the creadentials to access the
    data like below:
    context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password", "domain");
    Here is a similiar thread for your reference:
    More information about get list data using Client Object Model:
    Best regards,
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can I use flash drives to transfer data from one MBP to another at a differ

    I've looked and cannot find any info on the use of flash drives. Can I use a flash drive to transfer data from one MBP to another one at a different location? (ie; school Apple and home MBP) Grade tests and papers at home, enter data into home computer, then put it on flash drive and carry flash drive to school, transferring data to school desk top? Are certain flash drives preferrable over others, name brands, size, etc?

    Yep, you sure can. Just about any drive will work as mentioned above. But I'm partial to SanDisk and PNY. I've used both and they work great! Currently I carry both a 2GB SanDisk Micro Cruzer and a retractable 2GB SanDisk Cruzer, both really nice. Replaced my oldie but goodie 256MB PNY drive that I've been using since they first came out.

  • How to copy table data from onde DB to another DB using clipboard

    i copied table data from one DB to another DB, but it displays an error as "policy with check option violation" when inserting the table data.. so how to resolve the proble.. thanks in advance.

    log_utl_dir VARCHAR2(100) :=('/apps/home/cmsftp/log/gaa');
    CURSOR tb_compy_cur is
    select tb.compy_acronym
    -- QC 158113 - added below
    from tb_fc_compy tb,tb_xop_entitlements te
    where tb.grant_award_accept_flag = 'Y'
    and tb.ivr_plan_num = te.ivr_plan_num
    and te.entitle_name = 'GAA_RECONCILED'
    union all
    select compy_acronym
    -- QC 158113 - added below
    from tb_fc_compy tb
    where tb.res_stock_flag = 'Y'
    --and   (tb.res_auto_lapse_flag = 2 OR
    --tb.res_auto_lapse_flag = 3)
    and exists (select entitle_name from tb_xop_entitlements te
    where tb.ivr_plan_num = te.ivr_plan_num
    and te.entitle_name = 'GAA_RES_FLAG'
    and te.optionee = 'Y'
    and te.psrep = 'Y'
    and te.sponsor = 'Y'
    and te.advisor = 'Y');
    v_xopgrantz_insertcount NUMBER := 0;
    -- QC 158113 - added below
    v_xopgrantz_accpt_count NUMBER := 0;
    v_user_id VARCHAR2(30);
    insert_file_id UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    insert_log_file varchar2(45) := 'xop_grantz_insertstats.log';
    insert_file_id := UTL_FILE.fopen(log_utl_dir,insert_log_file,'w');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'Starting the Process at '|| CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'INSERTING ROWS FOR Companies turned on for GAA_RECONCILE and GAA/RESSTOCK');
    for compy_rec in tb_compy_cur loop
    v_user_id := 'CMS'||compy_rec.compy_acronym||'_USER';
    dbms_output.put_line ('success2'||''|| v_user_id);
    INSERT into xop_grantz(grant_num,
    select g.grant_num,
    (sel ect code
    from tb_xop_exerrestrict_codes
    where cash_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashlesshold_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashlesssell_allowed = 'Y'
    and stockswap_allowed = 'Y'
    and restricted_allowed = 'Y'
    and sar_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashmargin_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashpartial_allowed = 'Y'
    and sarsale_allowed = 'Y'),
    from grantz g
    where not exists(select 1
    from xop_grantz xg
    where xg.grant_num = g.grant_num);
    v_xopgrantz_insertcount := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
    dbms_output.put_line ('1');
    -- QC158113 - Optimisation fix--starts
    DELETE FROM gt_xop_grant_accpt_type;
    INSERT INTO gt_xop_grant_accpt_type
    SELECT g.grant_num,e.ivr_plan_num,
    pk_xop_grntaccpt.fn_get_accpt_type (v_user_id,
    FROM grantz g,tb_xop_entitlements e
    WHERE plan_type IN (2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
    and g.user_id = v_user_id
    and e.ivr_plan_num = compy_rec.ivr_plan_num
    and entitle_name = 'GAA_RES_FLAG' ;
    dbms_output.put_line ('success3');
    v_xopgrantz_accpt_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'Inserted count in gt_xop_grant_acceptance '|| v_user_id||v_xopgrantz_accpt_count);
    -- QC158113 - Optimisation fix--ends
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'Inserted count in XOP_GRANTZ for USER_ID '|| v_user_id||v_xopgrantz_insertcount);
    dbms_output.put_line ('process completed');
    end loop;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line ('Code '||SQLCODE||':'||SQLERRM||' at '||v_user_id||' .pr_xopgrantz_insert');
    pr_xop_log_errors('Code '||SQLCODE||':'||SQLERRM||' at '||v_user_id||' .pr_xopgrantz_insert');
    pr_xop_log_errors('Code '||SQLCODE||':'||SQLERRM||'INSERTING into xop_grantz for ALL grants');
    i received this error when running the procedure also, so the table gt_xop_grant_accpt_type is not populated
    {Code -28115:ORA-28115: policy with check option violation at CMSFB_USER .pr_xopgrantz_insert}

  • HELP ME i need to pass String variables from one Frame to another

    I need help with some code.
    i need to pass a set of string values from one frame to another.
    from the mainscreen i need to pass what type of seats the user has requested this is done by radio buttons. i need this information to then be passed onto the next frame called Mydialog1 and placed in a textbox with label st. it dosn't comple and i don't know why
    this is getting me depressed. I need some serious help with this
    can anybody get this to work??
    here is the code
    Mainscreen1 code
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class mainscreen1 extends Applet implements ItemListener,
    private Image layout1;
    private int frame;
    private int xpos,ypos,xdir,ydir;
    public TextField tn, tt1, tt2, total;
    public int value, ticketnum, sum, nr_seats, ctot;
    public Label title, seat, need, payable;
    public Button b1, b2, b3;
    Mydialog1 d;
    String stype, c1, sr;
    public void init()
    setSize (600, 460);
    title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
         title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
    seat=new Label("Please choose a seating location:");
         seat.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
    payable=new Label("Total Payable:�");
         payable.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
         need=new Label("Please enter the number of seats needed:");
         need.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
         CheckboxGroup sr = new CheckboxGroup();
         Checkbox Stalls = new Checkbox("Stalls", true, sr);
         Checkbox Balcony = new Checkbox("Balcony", false, sr);
         Checkbox Concessions = new Checkbox("Concessions", false,
    Button b1=new Button("Quote");
         b1.addActionListener( this );
         Button b2=new Button("Confirm booking");
         b2.addActionListener( this );
         Button b3=new Button("Clear");
         b3.addActionListener( this );
         tt1=new TextField(60);
         tt1.setEditable (false);
         tt2=new TextField(60);
         tt2.setEditable (false);
         tn=new TextField(3);
         total=new TextField(5);
         total.setEditable (false);
         xpos = getSize().width/-1400;
         ypos = getSize().height/12;
         layout1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"layout1.gif");
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
         String c1 = (String) e.getItem();
         if (c1 == "Stalls")
              value = 20;
         else if (c1 == "Balcony")
              value = 15;
              value = 10;
         tt1.setText("You have chosen to sit in the " + c1 + "
         tt2.setText("Each seat will cost: �" + value);
    public void clearValue()
    public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
    if( e.getActionCommand() == "Quote" )
         int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
         total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Confirm booking")
         int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
         int ctot = Integer.parseInt(total.getText());
         //String stype = String.parseString(c1.getText());
         total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);   
         d = new Mydialog1();      
         stype = sr.getSelectedItem();
    else if ( e.getActionCommand() == "Clear")
              ticketnum = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              g.drawString ("You have chosen:" + ticketnum +"
    seats", 300, 365);
    Mydialog1 code
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Mydialog1 extends Frame implements ItemListener,
    public Label title, custd, custd1, custfn, custad, custsn, custpc,
    custph, custem, custem1, need;
    public Button b1, b2, b3;
    public TextField cfnt, csnt, cdt,cdt2,cdt3,cdt4, tf, tt, st,
    cpct, cph, cem;
    public int value, nr_seats, ctot;
    creditcard cc;
    String stype, c;
    public Mydialog1() //constructor
    public void init()
         custer(String c)
         stype = c;
    setSize (500, 500);
         //Mydialog1(Frame f);
    title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
         title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
         CheckboxGroup ct = new CheckboxGroup();
         Checkbox Mr = new Checkbox("Mr", true, ct);
         Checkbox Mrs = new Checkbox("Mrs", false, ct);
         Checkbox Miss = new Checkbox("Miss", false, ct);
    custd=new Label("If above booking details are correct please
    fill in your deatils below");
         custd1=new Label("If they are incorrect please click on
    close and re-book seats.");
         custfn=new Label("*ForeName:");
         cfnt=new TextField(60);
         custsn=new Label("*SurName:");
         csnt=new TextField(60);
         custad=new Label("*Address:");
         cdt=new TextField(60);
         cdt2=new TextField(60);
         cdt3=new TextField(60);
         cdt4=new TextField(60);
         custpc=new Label("*Postcode:");
         cpct=new TextField(60);
         custph=new Label("*Telephone:");
         cph=new TextField(60);
         custem=new Label("E-mail:");
         cem=new TextField(60);
         custem1=new Label("eg: [email protected]");
         need=new Label("* = required field.");
         //seat number being pased into this textbox
         tf = new TextField();
    tf.setBounds(5, 80, 160,20);
         tf.setEditable (false);
         //seat number being pased into this textbox
         tt = new TextField();
    tt.setBounds(5, 100, 160,20);
         tt.setEditable (false);
         //seat number being pased into this textbox
         st = new TextField(stype);
    st.setBounds(5, 120, 230,20);
         st.setEditable (false);
         Button b1=new Button("Close");
         b1.addActionListener( this );
         Button b2=new Button("Proced with booking");
         b2.addActionListener( this );
         Button b3=new Button("Clear");
         b3.addActionListener( this );
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
         String c2 = (String) e.getItem();
         if (c2 == "Mr")
              value = 20;
         else if (c2 == "Mrs")
              value = 15;
              value = 10;
    public void clearValuea()
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
    if( e.getActionCommand() == "Close" )
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Proced with booking")
    cc = new creditcard();
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Clear")
         public void set_text (int nr_seats)
         tf.setText (" You have booked " + nr_seats + " seat/s");
         public void set_texts (int ctot)
         tt.setText (" The total is � " + ctot);
         public void SetTextField(String c1)
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class creditcard extends Frame implements ActionListener
         public Label title, ccd1, ccfn;
         public Button b1, b2;
         public TextField cnt, cdt, ccfnt;
         public String cfnt;
    public creditcard() //constructor
    public void init()
    setSize (500, 500);
         //Mydialog1(Frame f);
    title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
         title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
         ccd1=new Label("If billing address is different please edit below information.");
         ccd1.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
         ccfn=new Label("*ForeName:");
         ccfnt=new TextField(60);
         Button b1=new Button("Close");
         b1.addActionListener( this );
         Button b2=new Button("Proced with booking");
         b2.addActionListener( this );
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
    if( e.getActionCommand() == "Close" )
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Proced with booking")

    Here's the new file...
    public class mainscreen1 extends Applet implements ItemListener,
      private Image layout1;
      private int frame;
      private int xpos,ypos,xdir,ydir;
      public TextField tn, tt1, tt2, total;
      public int value, ticketnum, sum, nr_seats, ctot;
      public Label title, seat, need, payable;
      public Button b1, b2, b3;
      Mydialog1 d;
      CheckboxGroup checkGroup; // heres the new global CheckboxGroup variable.
      String stype, c1, dialogString; // new name for the string too...
      public void init()
        setSize(600, 460);
        //dialogString = "Hi";
        title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
        title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
        seat=new Label("Please choose a seating location:");
        seat.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
        payable=new Label("Total Payable:�");
        payable.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
        need=new Label("Please enter the number of seats needed:");
        need.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
        checkGroup = new CheckboxGroup(); // instantiate the global CheckboxGroup
        Checkbox Stalls = new Checkbox("Stalls", true, checkGroup); // add to the CheckboxGroup
        Checkbox Balcony = new Checkbox("Balcony", false, checkGroup);
        Checkbox Concessions = new Checkbox("Concessions", false, checkGroup);
        Button b1=new Button("Quote");
        b1.addActionListener( this );
        Button b2=new Button("Confirm booking");
        b2.addActionListener( this );
        Button b3=new Button("Clear");
        b3.addActionListener( this );
        tt1=new TextField(60);
        tt2=new TextField(60);
        tn=new TextField(3);
        total=new TextField(5);
        xpos = getSize().width/-1400;
        ypos = getSize().height/12;
        layout1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"layout1.gif");
      public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
        String c1 = (String) e.getItem();
        if (c1 == "Stalls") {
          value = 20;
        else if (c1 == "Balcony") {
          value = 15;
        else {
          value = 10;
        tt1.setText("You have chosen to sit in the " + c1 + " area");
        tt2.setText("Each seat will cost: �" + value);
      public void clearValue() {
      public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
        if( e.getActionCommand() == "Quote" ) {
          int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
          total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);
        else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Confirm booking") {
          int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
          int ctot = Integer.parseInt(total.getText());
          total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);
          d = new Mydialog1();
          // You can do your checkbox selection data transfer here like this...
          // I used d.SetTextField because you had that defined in the Mydialog1 class.
          Checkbox chkBx = checkGroup.getSelectedCheckbox();
        else if ( e.getActionCommand() == "Clear") {
        ticketnum = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
      public void paint(Graphics g)
        g.drawString("You have chosen:" + ticketnum +" seats", 300, 365);

  • Moving time-dependant data from one table to another (archiving)

    Hello all
    I would like to know if there's an easier solution or a "best practice" to move data from one table to another. The context of this issue can be found within "archiving".
    More concretely: we have an application that uses several tables to log information to.
    These tables are growing like crazy, and we would like to keep only "relevant" data in those tables, so I was thinking about moving data from these tables that have been in there for, say 2 months, to "archiving" tables.
    I figured there must be some kind of "best practice" to get this done.
    I have already written a procedure that loops the table that has the time indicator and inserts the records from the normal tables into the archive tables (and afterwards delete this data), but it seems to be taking ages to get it done.
    Thanks in advance!
    Message was edited by:

    There is nothing to do with PL/SQL.
    You can refer below links:

Maybe you are looking for