Useful links

Three useful links:
They give links to items which are available from the English version's Help but not from several localised ones.
The linked pages are available in English, in the language used in this string : 書類に行番号を追加する方法 (Japanese ?) and sometimes in other languages.
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 9 août 2008 14:47:12)

Three others useful links:
Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
Mac OS X: How to create a password-protected (encrypted) disk image
Mac OS X 10.5: Fonts list (give also links to equivalent notes for older OS)
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 10 août 2008 12:01:11)

Similar Messages

  • Question regarding using links in Discoverer 10g

    Hi All,
    I have a workbook which uses links. The 1st worksheet is connected to the second worksheet using a simple parameter and link. It works fine.
    But when a users saves this report and tries to use the link, Discoverer tries to open the work sheet from the query which I had created and not the one from the worksheet which the user has saved.
    I am not sure if that the regular feature of the Link functionality or if there is a bug/workaround.
    Is it possible to set these reports to open the worksheet from the saved workbook instead of the original one.
    Any help is appreciated. Please let me know if I have confused you.

    I've had a look at this on Metalink and there seems to be lots of different bugs with manage links on 10g.
    We build our reports under one user and share it with all other users, easier to manage. We've built some reports exactly has you have and it also works fine. I'll try to resave this as another user and see if we have the same problem.
    For info there are links to several different bugs related to lots of scenarios Here (You'll need metalink access).
    Couldn't find your exact problem in there so you want to raise it with Oracle.

  • Getting error while accessing a webpage by using link local address of ipv6

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    http://[::1]:8080/test/login.jsp //for loopback
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    Whatever i have mentioned these are correct. My ipv6 address is also correct.From browser only i am accessing.>
    Not a Java issue, then. Your problem I'm afraid.
    But how do you know they're correct? Given that one of them isn't working, I'd triple check it if I were you.

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    Why can't I use links within my email messages? When a link is clicked, nothing happens--it doesn't go to that specific website.

    HI Ana ...
    I had FB working again two days ago, and yesterday in mid-serve Safari just "couldn't find the server" once more...
    That's a different issue...
    First, if you can just use English, open System Preferences > Language & Text then select the Language tab. Drag English to the top of the list then restart your Mac.
    Now for the server issue. Try using Open DNS. That shold help the "couldn't find the server" issue...
    Open System Preferences / Preferences then select the Network tab. Click the Advanced tab then click the DNS tab.
    Click +
    Enter these numbers exactly as you see them here.
    Click +
    Then click OK.
    Try accessing Facebook on Safari now.

  • Connect Non-SAP Oracle db (32bit) in sql 2005 (64 bit) using linked server

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    OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "L2ORACLE" returned message "Oracle client and networking components
    were not found. " (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)
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    Non-SAP Oracle 10g is in 32 bit windows 2003 server.
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    The same works in the test environment where both are 32 bit servers. problem is when SAP server is in 64 bit and non sap is in 32 bit.
    Please suggest.
    Thanks and Regards,

    "Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "L2ORACLE".
    OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "L2ORACLE" returned message "Oracle client and networking components
    were not found. " (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)
    check the workprocess traces for errors (and/or SM21). It seems that the system is "not aware" that an Oracle client is installed.
    64bit programs can´t load 32bit libraries/DLLs that´s why the workprocess dumps when you use the 32bit client.

  • How to retrieving the content using Links

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    your portal."
    But i could found how to retrive.
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    thanks in advance
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Jun 12, 2011 12:32 AM

    It sounds like there may be a misunderstanding about our link property feature.
    That feature is not for web hyperlinks. For that you can just use a string property. The links feature is for pointers to other pieces of content.
    "Using Link Properties
    You can create properties that allow content contributors to associate content items. Content contributors can link to content within the same or different repositories within the Virtual Content Repository. For example, if you have related content items that are stored in different folders, you can use content link properties to create relationships among content items. These relationships are used by developers in their content queries when retrieving content to display in your portal.
    Link properties can also be multi-valued to allow content contributors to link to multiple content items. For detailed instructions on adding a link property, see Define the Properties of a Content Type."
    Edited by: Chris Bales on Jun 13, 2011 2:56 PM

  • Process Integration Handbook - useful links - permission denied

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    3.1.2 Updating from SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1 to EHP 1 for NetWeaver PI 7.1
    If you have already installed SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1, you can update to SAP enhancement package 1 (EHP
    1) for SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1.
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    Update Guide to EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1 (SMP login required)
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    Update Demo to EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1 (SMP login required)
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    The URLs for both documents are:

    I can access all other material in SMP and I can also download software. This does not seem to be the problem. I think SAP has accidentially not released these two documents for customers and partners.

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    Many Thanks,
    Edited by: Konchada Sai Krishna on Jun 16, 2009 6:30 AM

    Hi All,
    I am using KM Navigation iview to display Useful links.
    I was using <b>LinlListExplorer</b> layout set earlier.
    On search in SDN and SAP help found that we can use <b>RoomTreeLayoutSet</b> to display the KM folders in drilldown tree format.
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    Does anybody came across this issue earlier, how can this be resolved.
    Many Thanks,
    Edited by: Konchada Sai Krishna on Jun 17, 2009 5:30 AM

  • OBIEE - view pdf files using link

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    How to view those reports in answers, like using a link ?
    I am using OBIEE
    Thanks in advance.

    Simply store these on a shared drive and in dashboard use link or image object with URL option selected..give this pdf path here in new window and u r done.

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    In System form is possible set this fiels, but in SAPbouiCOM I did'n find good object.
    Can You help me?
    Krzysztof Sala
    I use SAP 2007A and VB 2005

    Hi Krzysztof,
    Unfortunately, the UI API doesn't allow you to have a UserDataSource of type Link. The only way you can add these type of fields to your forms is to reference a UDF from a UDT (or system table in some cases) that has this datatype and use the DBDataSource for the associated table.
    Kind Regards,

  • What's right sequence of defining and using link in RF?

    Hi all!
    I read many informaniton about using links in RF but I not so clear understood what's right sequence of using link. For example I want refer user to some resource trough URL.
    - In content manager I tell that(resource) is link
    - and in getLinkdescriptor I return: return new EPAMLink();
    - class EPAMLink
    public class EPAMLink implements ILinkDescriptor {
         public LinkType getLinkType() {
              return LinkType.EXTERNAL_STATIC;
         public IRid getTargetRid() {
              return null;
         public IAbsoluteUri getTargetUri() {
              EPAMuriReference simpleURI = new EPAMuriReference();
              EPAMuriObsolute uri = new EPAMuriObsolute();
              return uri;
    but repository return me some error and I don't know what's rong...
    Maybe you can get me some very simple example like my.

    When ever u load the masterdata then it has to be activated so that the data will be available for the reporting. The Attribute change run will does the same thing. This will be applied to the Attributes and Hierarchies.
    for creation of process chains u can refer the link..
    follow the steps which is given by me..
    Re: Process chain in Generic extracter
    and refer these also..
    And u can refer some of the links in
    Dont forget to assign points if it helps, it is the right way to say thanks.
    Message was edited by: vishnuC

  • Why use link-local addressing for HSRP in IPv6?

    I have scoured the internet for an answer to this question, and am no closer to having it answered.  Am hoping someone here can help!
    * Why do we use link-local (or autoconfig) addresses for the standby IP in FHRPs?  If you are forwarding a packet towards a link-local destination address, wouldn't the source address then have to be a link-local address from the same prefix, which according to scope, should not route beyond the local link?  How do you route an IP packet that has a link-local address for a source address?
    Any insight would be much appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.

    next hop is used for reaching "gateway" that know where to send packets farther (read it as "next hop to the destination")... routing in IPvX is hopping between nodes where every hop is closer to destination... This is theory behind.
    So as machine that needs to send packet to "not directly connected destination" you only need to send packet to gateway leading to this destination...
    so you need to send packet so, that "gateway" will recieve this packet and gateway then send this packet farther... it is not important what IP address this gateway has.
    On ethernet you only need to know MAC address of this gateway and you send packet (with your source IPv6 address and intended destination IPv6 address) encapsulated with "destination MAC address" of gateway. When gateway recieve ethernet frame, and this frame is for it (destination MAC address is its MAC address), the gateway will proceed IP header (inside IP header the gateway see IT is not final destination for this packet, and gateway will route this packet).
    So configuring IP address as next hop is just "hleper for simpler administration".. MAC address of gateway is important. In IPv4 address resolution protocol (ARP) is used to automaticly get MAC address of gateway if you configure next hop as IP address. In IPv6 there is neighbor discovery protocol(ND) used for this task.
    conclusion: you can use link local address as nex hop address for addresses from any scope ... next hop is just next hop, it is not used just for the same scope communication.
    And question is... if we need just information about MAC address of gateway, why to ask using global address?
    We need to get MAC address... that is information important just "locally"... so to ask for local information, why not use link local address ?
    HSRP is the same case... really just need MAC address to send packets correctly.

  • I use Links alot in my web surfing, dragging the icon in the address bar to Links. I can't seem to find anywhere that allows me to search those Links.

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    You can get Firefox 3.6.16 here:

  • Using Link Checker crashes WinXP every time I try to fix a link

    Using Link Checker crashes WinXP every time I try to fix a
    link by clicking
    the link in the broken link column. The folder icon appers, I
    click on the
    icon and I get a system warning beep as the folder window
    opens, I select
    the correct link and click OK, the new link appears
    momentarily in the
    column, then I get the XP program close-down alert.
    I have rebooted, refreshed site-cache, re-created the
    user-config, it just
    keeps happening.

    It sure has never crashed for me....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "swortis" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eqvqad$6no$[email protected]..
    > Same thing happens with Mac version (Dreamweaver 8).
    It's never worked for
    > me and I assumed it's one of several features simply
    broken out of the
    > box.

  • Implementing TRIE using linked lists

    Node InsertNode(string name, Node root)
    int index = 1;
    string key;
    Node currentNode = root;
    while (index <= name.Length)
    key = name[index - 1].ToString();
    Node resultNode = currentNode.Children.GetNodeByKey(key);
    if (resultNode == null)
    Node newNode = new Node(key, name.Substring(0, index));
    if (index == name.Length)
    newNode.IsTerminal = true;
    currentNode = newNode;
    currentNode = resultNode;
    return root;
    i want to use linked lists. i dont no what nodes basically how do i use linked lists in the place of nodes in this code?
    thanx <= code tags?
    coherent questions?
    class LinkedListNode {
    private LinkedListNode next;
    private Object data;
    public void insertAfter(Object data) {
    LinkedListNode newNode = new LinkedListNode(); = data; = next; = newNode;
    this is ur typical insert method for a linkedlistnode. you're saying nodes do the dirty work. how do connect this code with the one i posted in my previous msg? where do i get NODE from. What is this class.

  • Creating zone level price change using link codes RMS

    In the RPM module of RMS(Oracle Retail Merchandising System 12), What is the purpose of creating zonel level price change using link codes when it could be done without link codes?. Is there any difference between the two?.
    Thanks in advance.

    Questions about how to do something in an IDE should be directed to that IDE's forums, etc. If the question is about Java code or errors, then post the code and questions here.

Maybe you are looking for