User has two downloads listed

I have a user that was updating to Acrobat Professional 9.1.1.  There are two updates listed.
"Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional - English, Francais, Deutsch" and "Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional".
How do I determine which one to install or should both be installed?

Bill, thanks for the reply.  It prompted me to go to the Adobe web site and download the "AcrobatUpd911_all_incr.msp" file which
is the only one listed for the 9.1.1 update.  I will apply it instead of going through the "Check for Updates" link within Acrobat.

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                    SecurityInfo securityInfo = report.SecurityInfo;
                    ObjectPrincipals objectPrincipals = securityInfo.ObjectPrincipals;
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    ROLE_TAB_PRIVS - describes table privileges granted to roles. Information is provided only about roles to which the user has access.
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    I want to get tables and views list for which the current user has 'SELECT' privilege excluding sytem tables and views.
    You will need a hierarchical query to do that.
    Try this script for Listing privileges recursively for Oracle users

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    Hi Robert!
    Yes, the presentation went well. It was a lot of fun to do and I had a great time at the conference.
    Your suggestion works great if I'm walking down through the reports looking to see who has access to them.Â
    However, I need to do this starting from the User object. When I use the ObjectPrincipals of the User, I get a list of the users who have the rights to modify the user. I did a lot of work on this last week and it boils down to I'm going to have to actually log in as the user (I can use trusted authentication to do this without having the user's password) and then run a query to select all of the reports in the system - this should give me just the reports that the user has access to. Not the most efficient way to get the data from my perspective, but it should work.
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    1. To gather information to set up the security in my archive viewer application.
    2. For auditing purposes - we currently have only Professional licenses so I don't have access to the internal auditing functionality. Plus, I'm not sure that that includes the kind of info I'm looking for so I'm building an app that extracts information to XML which is then used by a couple of reports so that I can provide the audit info as needed.
    Â - A computer only does what you told it to, not what you thought you told it to!</p>

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