User of Host command

I am using Oracle 10g on a Linux server.
There is a command Host, that executes somethings on the OS.
How can I know what logged user from my OS this command host is using to execute ?
I want to know if it´s the root user, or anonymous... or other.

The commands are executed as the same user as Forms is installed as, most likely oracle.

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  • Host command in forms 10g

    hi all
    i am using host command in forms 10g. but it is not executing .
    is there any distinct syntax or pre-requirement for executing this command
    kindly help

    i am using the following code create a text file in root directory.
    the textfile should contain the list of folders,files present in the root directory.
    XCMD:='CD\' ;
         CLIENT_HOST('CMD /C' || XCMD);
    XCMD:='dir >C:foldnm.txt' ;
         CLIENT_HOST('CMD /C '|| XCMD);
    but the file is creating in the specific users directory. ie.
    \ documents and settings\username\desktop
    kindly help

  • Use Host command in Oracle forms 6i

    i use Oracle forms 6i i run in a web and in that i have connect one server so,
    i have to use Host Command and i have to fire this command
    host (' net use \\windchillsvr\e\jyotionline /user:dwg_users dwg_users');
    But it's Not Connect
    My Forms in run in Web
    so help

    JavaBean does d othe job for you but it requires signing process; I used it when I was working on forms6i for our project.
    I could use another approach that is the file type command executable which it stays in client's PC to do it and it does not requires signing at all since I am now working on the Java EE project for downloading and launching the third party tool in client's PC.
    I plan to write a article for forms use, which could do all the heavy WebUtil can do, but not need to go thru the signing process.

  • WEBUTIL problems importing a file with the HOST command.

    We are investigating a problem where the users are trying to import a file in from the webserver to be used by the application. The users have successfully moved the file from their local PC to the application server. But, when we perform a HOST command to have the form moved to the UNIX directory, the form hangs. The very last statement of the .BAT file used in the HOST command does the move of the file. And, we can see the entire file in the UNIX directory, we just don't get return back to the form.
    I added displays before and after the HOST command in the form. I see the display before the command but don't receive anything after. The weird thing is this is only happening in our development server. The same issue is not happening in production. Also, if I run the form in client server mode, it works fine also. So, it has to be something on the development application server.
    If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate their help.

    On the server (assuming Windows since you mention a batch file), locate the Oracle Process Manager Service (for mid tier) on the MS Services Console. Open the properties for this service and click on the "Log on" tab. Check the box labeled "Allow service to interact with desktop".
    That said, if you are executing a batch file on the Windows server to transfer another file to a Unix machine, the above likely won't work either. This is because Windows will not allow a service permission to access network resources (for security purposes). In this case, rather than the above, you will need to change the same setting so a real domain user and not the "Local System" account.

  • Host Command does not come back

    I have treid to export schema by pressing a button, (form designed in Form10gR2 and excute via Application Server R2. )
    For this I have applied one by one these syntaxes
    1) host ( 'cmd /C start "" "'|| exp USERID=SYSTEM/MANAGER@ora11 OWNER=scott,hr FILE=E:\JAN10.DMP');
    2) host ( 'cmd /C exp USERID=SYSTEM/MANAGER@ora11 OWNER=scott,hr FILE=E:\JAN10.DMP');
    3) client_host('exp USERID=SYSTEM/MANAGER@ora11 OWNER=scott,hr FILE=E:\JAN10.DMP');
    When my client/ user executes the command, session goes hang and application screen does not come back. If I execute the exp command directly from the Application Server Command Prompt then exp works.
    Please help me, what is the syntax to get the dump wihtout hanging the session.
    Database 11g Linux
    Application Server 10R2 Window2003.
    Developer 10gR2.
    Client Windows , Explorer, FireFox etc.

    Hi Priya,
    It is always a better practice to call a batch file using the host command instead of hardcoding the command inside form. Which would help you to modify the batch file for any changes, without re-compiling the forms.
    In this case, create a batch script, which would set the ORACLE_HOME etc (to make sure the exp command is recognized, you need to add the DB ORACLE_HOME/bin to the PATH), and then call the command to export. You can also parameterize the batch script and pass the parameters from form, separated by space.

  • Calling java host command in trigger/PLSQL

    I created a java call to execute a linux host command that calls a shell script that will echo out a result. It is owned by SYS and has granted execute to SYSTEM. SYSTEM has a table that monitors accesses to the RDBMS. When a user logs on from a remote server vis sqlplus, this LOGON trigger write to the SYSTEM table (successfully). SYSTEM has a trigger that runs a linux command to execute a shell script that pulls the actual IP address from the remote system. I can run this call from a PLSQL block (outside the trigger) and get a response back like "user:" but when I have the same user log on, the trigger fires - no errors or exceptions yet no rows are returned. Is there some restriction in a trigger versus just a plsql block call? The java code used is what I found on ( ... mPLSQL.php) and it works perfectly OUTSIDE the trigger but nothing is returned in the trigger firing steps. Any idea?
    rdbms:, Redhat 4
    I know the code works because I can write the host command output to a file. Later in the trigger I can open the file and can read the data that should have been returned in the java host call.

    FYI - here is the code from your site that I used:
    public class Host {
    public static void executeCommand(String command) {
    try {
    String[] finalCommand;
    if (isWindows()) {
    finalCommand = new String[4];
    // Use the appropriate path for your windows version.
    finalCommand[0] = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"; // Windows XP/2003
    //finalCommand[0] = "C:\\winnt\\system32\\cmd.exe"; // Windows NT/2000
    finalCommand[1] = "/y";
    finalCommand[2] = "/c";
    finalCommand[3] = command;
    else {
    finalCommand = new String[3];
    finalCommand[0] = "/bin/sh";
    finalCommand[1] = "-c";
    finalCommand[2] = command;
    final Process pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(finalCommand);
    new Thread(new Runnable(){
    public void run() {
    BufferedReader br_in = null;
    try {
    br_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream()));
    String buff = null;
    while ((buff = br_in.readLine()) != null) {
    System.out.println("Cmd results: " + buff);
    try {Thread.sleep(100); } catch(Exception e) {}
    catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("Exception caught printing process output.");
    finally {
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {}
    new Thread(new Runnable(){
    public void run() {
    BufferedReader br_err = null;
    try {
    br_err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getErrorStream()));
    String buff = null;
    while ((buff = br_err.readLine()) != null) {
    System.out.println("Cmd Error: " + buff);
    try {Thread.sleep(100); } catch(Exception e) {}
    catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("Exception caught printing process error.");
    finally {
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {}
    catch (Exception ex) {
    public static boolean isWindows() {
    if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") != -1)
    return true;
    return false;

  • Host command in forms/reports

    Is there a host command in reports 6i? I used this in forms 6i. When I tried to use in Reports 6i, I received a compile error.
    basically all I need to do is to get directory information. This can be easily done in forms using the host command. Is there any built in package or function to achieve this in reports?

    there is no "host" command in reports 6i (or earlier versions). you might want to consider using forms+reports combination (calling the report from within a form, in which you can execute the host command and do whatever you want to do, then pass the related parameters to the report). I am using this approach to handle some complex end user reporting requirements.
    hope this proves useful

  • Host command

    can i user host command in pl-sql. if so then tell me how i can.

    Hi, you can't run a host command
    directly from pl/sql.
    Look at
    for a short description, how it can be done.

  • Host command not working properly

    I am using oracle forms
    In my form, I need to call a unix shell script.
    { Oracle forms will run on application server.
    Unix will run in a development server.
    (Both the servers are different)
    From forms, if I click a button, it should call the unix shell script in a specified path.
    Internally, the unix script will call oracle to generate a file.
    In the file, some manipulations are done using unix.
    After doing some manipulations, the file is stored in a specified path in the unix box. }
    To achieve the above, I did the below things.
    To execute a unix shell script from my oracle forms (10g),
    1) the below configuration i added in the webutil.cfg file
    #List<n> directories\temp
    #List transfer.appsrv.write.<n> directories
    2) I have attached webutil.pll library to my form
    3) I have subclassed object group from webutil.olb to my form.
    4) The host command i used is (these code are present in when-button-pressed trigger of a button)
    host('rsh selvas -l administrator sh <foldername>/if_csv.ksh',NO_SCREEN);
    if form_failure then
         emessage('hi selva');
         emessage('failure selva');
    end if;     
    when I click the button, I am getting the below messages,
    hi selva
    normal, successful completion
    Also, the script is not executing and it is not giving me the desired result.
    Can any one help me, where I am missing.

    hi steve,
    Thanks for your response
    after the host command i added like this
    if form_failure then
         emessage('hi selva');
         emessage('failure selva');
    end if;     
    when I executed,
    I got the below messages
    -- when i clicked ok,
    it showed me failure selva
    but still the shell script has not executed.
    In /tmp directory, no log files are available.
    Can you plz help

  • Host Command : Urgent

    I am trying to print a file on Unix server by using a 'HOST' command through form 6.0
    Actually the user can see the form through citrix (sitting on windows NT) and through the form we are trying to create a file on a Unix server and print that file.
    The file creation is ok but while printing Host command fails.
    Here is the example of codes that I am using.
    the_command := 'lp -dprpw1160 /lms/lmls_d3/las_qa/iris/ifile/LOT_CREATE_MANUAL.dat';
    host(the_command, NO_SCREEN);
    Any suggestion or comments will be greatly appreciated.

    It may just be a forum formatting issue, but I should think you would want a space between the destination flag and the printer name, viz:
    -d prpw1160 cheers, APC

  • Host command in application FORMS (access denied)

    i try to use a host command in a form in apllication server vs that call a copyfile.bat.
    J see that this operation send me a message to the server console with "access denied", instead if a use this file from the server works.
    Do you Know something??

    Check out the file and directory permission for the files you are trying to manipulate. Make sure that the user that runs the Forms Seever have the requiered permissions to manipulate these files and directories.

  • Creating folder dynamically with host command or any solution?

    I am working on storing BFILES against thier record. I need to know that how can i perform following tasks if i use host command or any other way if i can do this.
    1.     As there can be many categories agaist which i need to store files, first i need a separate folder for each category, I am looking for some solution that whenever any user creats new category then against that categoy a folder must be auto created.
    2.     when i insert records against any category then files should be stored in their specific directory.
    I hope It will clear to readers that whta i am looking for.
    I am using forms, on XP SP-3, WEBUTIL CONFIGURED.

    I already made the changes in webutil file, but if you can please tell that does it Support UNC path,
    I changed webutil.cfg as follow
    but when i run the form i got following error,
    WUC-8: Server side logging was requested but no log file was specified - logging is disables
    Now i don't know that what should I change to work it with on UNC path.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: 853604 on Aug 18, 2011 10:41 AM

  • Host command privileges

    If my form does a host('cmd /c dir > d:\output.txt') I get the resulting listing on my application server but if I do a host('cmd /c net send myhost ping > d:\ouput.txt) I get an output.txt of size 0 and no message is sent. I have tried sending the message manually from the appserver and it works fine.
    Are there some restrictions on executing commands through the host command (the appserver processes run with administrator privileges so that shouldn't be a problem)? If there are restrictions, what would be the best way to get around them (wrappers etc)?
    Thanks in advance,

    If it is a problem with privileges, you can try to use CPAU program ( to run a command with privileges of a specified user.

  • Host command in report

    i want to use host command in report
    but error happened
    any thing instead of host

    i use rep2excel
    i put button in report
    when a user press abutton in report appear
    report in excel format
    and i put this code
    procedure U_1ButtonAction is
    v_conn_str varchar2(50) := 'scott/ghrbia'; --To be changed
    v_rep2excel_path varchar2(100) := 'C:\thepath\rep2excel.exe';--To be changed
    v_cache_path varchar2(100) :='c:\Temp\';--To be changed
    v_random_name varchar2(100);
    v_cmd_rwrun varchar2(300);
    v_cmd_rep2excel varchar2(300);
    v_input_path varchar2(300) ;
    v_output_path varchar2(300) ;
    select to_char(round(dbms_random.value(100000, 999999)))||to_char(sysdate,'DDHH24MISS')
    into v_random_name from dual;
    v_input_path := v_cache_path||v_random_name||'.htm' ;
    v_output_path := v_cache_path||v_random_name||'.xls' ;
    v_cmd_rwrun := 'RWRUN60 REPORT=D:\work\banner\report\excel.rdf USERID='||v_conn_str;
    v_cmd_rwrun := v_cmd_rwrun || ' DESTYPE=FILE DESFORMAT=HTML' ;
    v_cmd_rwrun := v_cmd_rwrun || ' DESNAME='||v_input_path||' batch=yes';
    v_cmd_rwrun := v_cmd_rwrun || ' P_dept='||:dept_id;
    --:cmd1 := v_cmd_rwrun ;
    v_cmd_rep2excel:='cmd /c start '||v_rep2excel_path||' -i:'||v_input_path ||' -o:'||v_output_path ||' -open' ;
    -- :cmd2 := v_cmd_rep2excel;

  • Host command in forms 6i

    I am using host command to execute the sqlloader in windows environementand it is working fine.
    I want to display the dos prompt to the user while sqlloader operations is going on and to termiate after the task is completed.
    Please let me know how to perform this task.

    Check Here:

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