Using a CSS in a JEditorPane

I'm trying to display html pages inside of a JEditorPane using a CSS. I've got some lines of code but I'm not sure which are needed. Here's what I have.
     HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
HTMLDocument htmlDoc = (HTMLDocument)kit.createDefaultDocument();
getStyles() points to my .css file.
Now how do I display the page? Do I use htmlPane.setPage(), setText(), read(), or something else? If i'm supposed to use htmlDoc how do I add content to that?
I need to display an xml file formatted nicely without the tags. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Elad,
For JSPs to access this css file here is the sample code. Make sure that you keep your css file inside dist->css folder.
<%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentResponse"%>
<%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.prt.resource.IResource"%>
IPortalComponentResponse componentResponse =
IResource suckerfishCss = componentRequest.getResource(IResource.CSS, "css/GlobalReportStyles.css");
componentResponse.include(componentRequest, suckerfishCss);
Now the class files must be availble to you.

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    under view put a new tag
    <ui:script url="page.js"/>
    and thats it

  • How To Use a css File To Watermark A Report

    I am using Apex 4.0.1 and have a need to place a watermark (that is, a background image) over a report, both a "classic" type and Interactive Report.
    I have two questions about this.
    1) I've searched this Forum and found several good questions/responses about this subject. What I think is the most maintainable solution is to create a .css file and reference this file within the Template section of a copy of, say, the "Reports Region" template used by my application theme. And so, I made a copy of the "Reports Region" template and called it "Watermark Reports Region". I then created a very simple .css file called "bgimg.css" defined as:
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    Note: For those that may not know, the "!important" clause is, in fact, a css defined clause used to tell the browser that it should give the associated option the highest precedence. This prevents my desired css option from being overridden by another css file. Frankly, I myself did not know this until after I saw it being used in several of the responses on this Forum and then read up about it.
    I uploaded this css file via the Apex "Shared Components -> Cascading Style Sheets" option. I also made sure that menu_bug.png is, in fact, among my workspace images.
    I also made sure that my "Watermark Reports Region" template contains the substitution variable "REGION_STATIC_ID" and that my actual report region has a value in the Region Static Id field.
    Within my "Watermark Reports Region" template, I tried to reference my .css file. This is where I think my problem is.
    I placed
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#bgimg.css" />
    at the very top of the Template section in my "Watermark Reports Region" template.
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    So, how does one reference this css file within the template?
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    <style type="text/css">
    #empreport {
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    I assigned a div tag to my report region header and footer that looks like:
    In Header: <div id="empreport">
    In Footer: </div>
    When I run the report, I do get the image. But it is surrounding the report. It looks like my report is "floating" in a sea of bug images.
    So, how can I get these images to actually appear within the report itself. In other words, I want the report itself to be "transparent" so as to allow these images to be seen within the report body itself.
    Thank you all for any help/advice/code example.

    Thanks for taking the time to post sufficient information to understand the problem. In future if you're going to such efforts you might want to use them to reproduce the problem on, which means you can share actual working (or more likely not working!) code. Please also always wrap code posted on the forum in tags<tt>\...\</tt> tags to preserve formatting and special characters.
    I placed
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#bgimg.css" />
    at the very top of the Template section in my "Watermark Reports Region" template.
    According to the relevant HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.x standards, <tt>style</tt> and <tt>link rel="stylesheet"</tt> elements should only appear within the <tt>head</tt> element of a document.
    This changes in HTML5. The new <tt>scoped</tt> attribute allows <tt>style</tt> to be used in a prescribed way elsewhere in the document, with the effect that the styling rules specified are only to be applied to the other descendant elements of that <tt>style</tt> element's parent (in the way you're trying to do here). I'd expect <tt>link</tt> with a <tt>rel="stylesheet"</tt> to remain restricted to <tt>head</tt> content in HTML5: off the top of my head I can't see a use case for referencing external stylesheets in a non-metadata context.
    That said, current browsers apply CSS regardless of where in the document it appears, and future HTML5-compliant ones will continue to continue to do so for backwards compatibility. For myself, when using XHTML 1.0 I'll continue to follow the only put <tt>style</tt> and <tt>link</tt> elements in the page <tt>head</tt>. When I get round to using HTML5 for real I'll follow the standards for that as well.
    I strongly recommend that you follow the standards and only put <tt>link rel="stylesheet"</tt> elements in the page <tt>head</tt>.
    Note: For those that may not know, the "!important" clause is, in fact, a css defined clause used to tell the browser that it should give the associated option the highest precedence. This prevents my desired css option from being overridden by another css file. Frankly, I myself did not know this until after I saw it being used in several of the responses on this Forum and then read up about it.
    Use <tt>!important</tt> only where it's actually needed. It's over-represented in this forum because Oracle changed the order of style sheet inclusion in APEX 4.0 and made it more difficult to override theme styles using CSS in the page HTML Header without modifying page templates.
    Try your styles initially without using <tt>!important</tt>, and also consider using the cascade to provide any necessary overrides by including your CSS after other style sheets.
    I then created a very simple .css file called "bgimg.css" defined as:
    background-image: url(#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#menu_bug.png) !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    I then assigned my template to my Apex report. When I run my report, I see nothing.
    Because <tt>#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#</tt> is not substituted in external CSS files: +{thread:id=986329}+
    If possible it's much better to locate image, CSS and JavaScript files externally on the file system. Otherwise you'll have to use the workaround suggested in that thread and include a <tt>style</tt> element in the page templates to specify the background image.
    When I run the report, I do get the image. But it is surrounding the report. It looks like my report is "floating" in a sea of bug images.Reports are descendants of their region containers and may be subject to additional built-in or theme styles that overrides that specified for the region. Your CSS selector has to specify the report element, not the entire region.
    So, how can I get these images to actually appear within the report itself. In other words, I want the report itself to be "transparent" so as to allow these images to be seen within the report body itself.I'd use a <tt>class</tt> attribute in the region template: this removes the need to use the <tt>#REGION_STATIC_ID#</tt> selector, and allows the CSS to go in the page <tt>head</tt> where it belongs. Add <tt>watermark-report-region</tt> in addition to any existing <tt>class</tt> values in the region template:
    <div class="borderless-region watermark-report-region" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES#>
      <div class="bl-body">#BODY#</div>
    </div>You may have to inspect the page source (use a web inspector like that found in Safari, or the Firefox+Firebug combo) to figure out what has to be overridden in the theme/templates you're using. This worked for an Interactive Report using theme 17:
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA {
      background: #fff url(/i/menu/blank_app_32.gif);
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.even td,
    .watermark-report-region .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.odd td {
      background-color: transparent;
    }For a standard report you'll need to identify the selector required for the actual report element (equivalent to the <tt>apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA</tt> table) using the web inspector or from the report template. It would be a good idea to create standard report template(s) incorporating a <tt>watermark-report</tt> class on the report table to provide a simple selector for such reports.

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    Is there a way to use external CSS on standard items (text, url,...) ?
    Thanks for your help,
    Best Regards,

    Easiest way I find to do it is to drop your css file in the portal/images folder. Make a hidden html portlet on your template and link to /images/mycss.css. You can then use it for many items such as text, links, html portlets, etc.

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    <DIV> <div style="float:right> <DIV CLASS="smallbuttons">
    <input type="image" src="Images/Save.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Save data">
    <img src="Images/Cancel.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Reset form values" onClick="javascript:reset()">
    <TD align="RIGHT">
    <input type="button" name="E-Mail Notification" value="E-Mail" onClick="javascript:popemail();">
    <input type="button" name="Help" value="Help" onClick="javascript:help();">
    <img src="Images/Reviewnotes.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Create or read review notes for this component" border="0" onClick="javascript:reviewnotes();">
    <img src="Images/Comments.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Create or read comments for this component" border="0" onClick="javascript:comments();">
    <img src="Images/Reports.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Go to report page" border="0" onClick="javascript:goto('ReportSelection.jsp?selectedyear=<%=request.getParameter("year") %>&selectedcountry=<%=request.getParameter("country") %>&selectedle=<%=request.getParameter("le")%>&selectedbu=<%=request.getParameter("bu")%>')">
    <img src="Images/Home.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Go to ITRP home" border="0" onClick="javascript:home();">
    <img src="Images/Divisions.gif" style="cursor: hand" alt="Go to business unit home" border="0" onClick="javascript:buhome();">
    </DIV> </DIV> </DIV>
    It's using the css Below:
    <pre><nowiki>TD {
    font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size : 12px;
    color : 330033;
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    text-align: right;
    position: absolute;
    top: 92px;
    left: 10px;
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    But the buttons overlap the text. I'm trying to shift the buttons from email etc to the right. Any ideas would be appreciated. This issue causes the text that in IE a row lower to shift up and the buttons overlapp.

    A good place to ask questions and advice about web development is at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.<br />
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br />
    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.<br />
    See<br />

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    Bonjour ixixix2006
    Perhaps you will find your bonheur here:

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    jrock wrote:
    Hi. i didn't mention  'css'.
    It's the subject heading of this thread which confused us: "installing but can't use the css". I suspect "css" is a typo and you meant CS6.
    CS6 can be downloaded from
    Enter your serial number to license the software on your iMac.

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    Hi Krypton,
    You will not be able to able to alter the html generated via Muse and such practices are not recommended as well. In case you are absolutely sure what you are doing then you need to use custom JS to modify the html that muse renders. Again, the custom JS will be inserted using the options that I mentioned above in my previous post.
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    Is it allowed  by apple requirements?

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  • Am I the only person who is struggling to use the CSS panel in DW CC?!

    I'm new to Dreamweaver CC this week (CS5 previously and CS2 before that ... total of 7 years use) ... was looking forward to the upgrades (and I can see there are lots which is great), but I'm finding the new CSS panel totally frustrating!  It's so much more time consuming an in my opinion in no way user friendly ... especially for those of us who spend every day using them.    I've now reverted back to hand coding my style sheet which means I'm having to switch between screens all the time (still works out to be less time consuming that trying to work with the new CSS panel though!).
    I'm all for change, but this seems to be one big change which wasn't needed and certainly isn't benefical (to me anyway!).  I can see that is probably more likely to help those who are starting out as it has the diagrams to show you what the styling is doing, but for me thats just taking up realestate.
    I was also looking forward to taking advantage of the dual screen option (especially as I'm now hand coding the style sheet), but it seems its only the panels you can move across to the second screen and not the HTML or CSS pages ... Arrgghhhh!!!
    I'll give it another week and then I'm done I think ... which is a shame because there is lots I like about it, but at the moment, this new baby just isn't working for me!

    I'm really hoping so because the website I'm building at the moment is taking twice as long as normal - previously I could click on the element I wanted to style, then click on the '+' button at the bottom of the CSS properties block and the styling box would pop up - now its lots of scrolling and then knowing whether to press enter, or tab or just click away to add the styling ... driving me absolutely nuts!

  • IE not using some CSS or JS files, some of the time..

    I'm working with a client trying to solve a problem that just started on a site I built for her.  The problem started about three weeks ago.
    It's a really simple ASP.NET site:  One master page loads a common CSS bundle and JS bundle on all pages, however I used to have then unbundled and only bundled them to try to limit the
    problem.  It didn't work, but I left the bundles as they do speed the site up.
    One machine on her network constantly fails, a surface pro 2, Windows 8.1, IE11, all updates installed.  Short story:  On four pages, two public and two privately accessed, IE doesn't apply a CSS or run the javascript in the bundle.
    Here are the two public pages that fail: and
    If the NAV bar at the top has blue links instead of grey/black, the CSS didn't load.  If the page has no art and shows the loading GIF, or no images, the JS didn't load.
    Now the fun and amazing part: the CSS that doesn't work on these four pages, is successfully used and works on every other page.
    The CSS and JS files do actually get requested and downloaded by IE, as evidenced by a Network Monitor trace session and the F12 tools, but don't get applied (CSS) or loaded(JS) on these pages.
    Now it gets weirder:  I can run the site fine on my Surface RT and my Pro2 from anywhere else without fail.  However, if I'm on her wifi - only half the time I can't get the scripts to run or that one CSS to apply.  I press CTRL+R and
    they work fine when the page reloads, but only half the time.  In fact, it took me about a half an hour to experience the failure.  Once it happened, my dev machine would exhibit the problem, then it would work, then it would fail.
    In terms of the JS - When it fails, the debugger indicates a class isn't found.  IE has parsed and downloaded that JS file, and shows the file in the debugger file list dropdown  - but doesn't seem to use it.
    Even more odd, the request and responses all appear to happen quickly, all have 200 OK/Success results and the request and response headers look completely normal.  I've even saved the JS file itself and binary compared it to what I have on the server,
    and it matches, so it isn't somehow getting mangled in-transit.  Even more odd than this little oddity is that once the files are requested and "fail", even if you switch to a cellular connection, the next page loads, and IE doesn't NOT load
    the files correctly either.  CTRL+R eventually will get it to work on this new connection type though.
    Other things I've tried:
    Works on her wifi on:  iPhone, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry (Bold and Playbook) and her Windows 7 desktop.  I've put Firefox on her machine, and it works fine every time.   Anything in this list never
    fails, ever except ie11 on the surfaces.
    Her surface is pretty much OOB in terms of apps.  Just Modern apps installed.
    My surface pro 2 dev machine is OOB too. used daily for development - Again, site works everywhere but her wifi.
    Minifying the CSS or JS doesn't seem to help,
    Chkdsk reports nothing,
    Windows Defender is the only AV installed,
    all Windows updates are installed,
    Bundling the css and JS with webgrease didn't help,
    I've reset the IE advanced settings, security settings, cleared the cache, tried inPrivate, tried making it trusted, nothing worked.
    even reset the wifi router
    She reports other websites all work fine. (** caveat: not sure how complicated these sites are, or how frequently she does this...)
    Does anyone have any suggestions that they'd try next if they were in my sad shoes?
    Darin R.

    f12>Networking tab, click the start button then refresh the page to view request/response timings.
    Key Value
    Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control public, max-age=36000, s-maxage=36000
    Transfer-Encoding chunked
    Content-Type text/html
    Server Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    X-AspNet-Version 4.0.30319
    X-Powered-By ASP.NET
    Date Wed, 20 Aug 2014 02:34:12 GMT
    you are sending back the wrong mime-type + it appears that you are not using response.close after streaming back the image in your code behind.
    Open a new window in IE... copy and paste
    in the address bar... the image loads but the document.readyState does not reach loaded. there is no EOF in the response body and it is served as text/html not image/jpg.
    ensure Internet Options>Security tab, click "Reset all zones to default"... (IE has security settings for mime types) and also that Tracking Protection is turned off for the site (Tools>Tracking protection)
    + the defer attribute on the <script> tag only applies to script tags with a src attribute... validate and correct your markup errors at
    Post questions about html, css and scripting to the IE Web Development forum. Include with your question a link to your website or a mashup that shows the issue.
    Questions regarding Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 and Internet Explorer 11 for the IT Pro Audience. Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions. If you are a consumer looking for answers or to
    raise a question, it's highly recommended you head on over to

  • Using customized css in a portal application

    Sorry for the beginner question but I can't find sufficient documentation for that.
    I would like to use my own css in my portal component and override the default theme design, could someone please point me to what I should do ?

    Hi Elad,
    For JSPs to access this css file here is the sample code. Make sure that you keep your css file inside dist->css folder.
    <%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentResponse"%>
    <%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.prt.resource.IResource"%>
    IPortalComponentResponse componentResponse =
    IResource suckerfishCss = componentRequest.getResource(IResource.CSS, "css/GlobalReportStyles.css");
    componentResponse.include(componentRequest, suckerfishCss);
    Now the class files must be availble to you.

  • Making Firefox run as a bare content panel only 60px high using userChrome.css and localstore.rdf

    I'm developing a web application for personal use, which due to extreme space constraints must be contained within a Firefox window measuring exactly 60px high by 331px wide. The window must have all the controls and bordering removed and appear as a totally bare pane whilst retaining the ability to move between tabs using CTRL-TAB.
    So far I've managed to remove all the controls and bordering and retain the CTRL-TAB functionality using the custom userChrome.css style sheet pasted below. I've added a 1px border to the bottom and right for clarity. Making #navigator-toolbox visibility:hidden instead of display:none enables CTRL-TAB to work without the navigator-toolbox being visible. Giving #tab-view-deck -85px top margin aligns the top of the web page with the top of the Firefox window. Setting #browser-border-end, #browser-border-start display:none removes the effective border to the left and right of the browser window. So far so good.
    I then set the following parameters in localstore.rdf in the profile folder.
    <RDF:Description RDF:about="chrome://browser/content/browser.xul#main-window"
    sizemode="normal" /> </nowiki></pre>
    The window appears perfectly at the top left of the screen and works exactly as specified. Unfortunately, when I reduce the height parameter to 60px, the window remains about 100px tall. I guess I'm missing some key important override rules in my userChrome.css or perhaps some other Firefox configuration settings need to be changed. Although it seems like a small difference, reducing the window from 100px to 60px will result in a massive design shift and a huge productivity gain. If you can help, I'd been extremely grateful. Thanks,
    I'm using FF 33.0 and Windows 8.1.
    Content of userChrome.css:
    @namespace url(""); /* set default namespace to XUL */
    #main-window {
    -moz-appearance:none !important;
    #titlebar {
    display: none !important;
    #tab-view-deck {
    border-bottom: 1px solid black !important;
    border-right: 1px solid black !important;
    margin: -85px 0px 0px 0px !important;
    padding: none !important;
    #tab-view-deck * {
    border: none !important;
    margin: none !important;
    padding: none !important;
    #navigator-toolbox {
    visibility: hidden !important;
    #browser-border-end, #browser-border-start {
    display: none !important;
    ''added the forum code for displaying css code properly''

    For some reason the userChrome.css has not posted correctly. Each instance of 1. should be replaced with # denoting an ID selector.

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