Using a script to get the color of a colorized Black & White Bitmap image

I've been running into this wall for quite some time and would greatly appreciate any help that can given for it.
I have an Illustrator script that runs inside of a BridgeTalk session within an InDesign script.  Yeah, it's complicated.  The upshot is that the Illustrator part opens up an EPS file, looks through all objects on a certain layer in that file, and returns an array of the colors used in it.  So, it looks at fill colors, stroke colors, gradient stops, etc.  One of the biggest stumbling blocks (next to PlugIn Items, which I'll ask about in a separate post) is getting the color of raster images.
Most raster images, I realize, are going to be CMYK or RGB images, but our company mostly deals with either Grayscale images or Black & White Bitmaps that are embedded in the EPS file.  Those two allow the ability to colorize them by simply selecting them and then choosing a color, such as a spot PANTONE color from one of their color books.
Now, I need the script to read the color that the raster image has been colorized with.  This works okay for images that have a GrayScale color space, as the script just looks at Colorant[0] of that image.  However, I run into a problem with Black & White Bitmap images.  Here's a piece of code that I try to make work with an EPS file that has a raster image:
var document = app.activeDocument;
for (var i = 0; i < document.layers[0].pageItems.length; i++) {
          // Stepping through each item on the layer.
          var currentItem = document.layers[0].pageItems[i];
          $.writeln("Current item is " + currentItem.typename);
          $.writeln("Number of channels is " + currentItem.channels);
          $.writeln("Color Space is " + currentItem.imageColorSpace);
          $.writeln("Colorized Grayscale? " + currentItem.colorizedGrayscale);
          $.writeln("Number of Colorants: " + currentItem.colorants.length);
          for (var j = 0; j < currentItem.colorants.length; j++)
                    $.writeln("Colorant number " + j + " is " + currentItem.colorants[j]);
          $.writeln("Its parent is " + currentItem.parent);
          $.writeln("Parent's typename is " + currentItem.parent.typename);
This code runs successfully on an Illustrator file that has a Black & White Bitmap image on the top layer, but if you try and run it, you'll see the problem:  Even if you've colorized your Bitmap image with a PANTONE spot color (and the script even returns "true" on the line "Colorized Grayscale?"), Colorant number 0 is "Gray".  It should be the spot color assigned, not "Gray".
Can anyone please help me figure out how to get the script to recognize the actual colorant of a Black & White Bitmap image in Illustrator?

If you're a professional photographer with 50,000 pictures stored now and more coming all the time, you need to forget about using iPhoto and get yourself some professional-quality digital asset management software. iPhoto is not meant for people like you, and instead of providing a simple, elegant one-stop answer to all your needs, iPhoto is actually complicating your life.
You need an application that will:
- catalog ALL your images and keep track of where they are, no matter how many DVDs, folders, partitions or hard drives they're spread over;
- display thumbnails of ALL of them, even when the DVD that contains them is not present in any drive, so you can select all the ones you want for a project;
- find and copy (or export) the originals of all the files you've selected in the browser window, even if it means prompting you to insert the necessary DVDs for all of them.
I suggest Googling "digital asset management software Macintosh" and seeing what turns up. I used to use an old version of Extensis Portfolio, and even that would have been better for your purposes than iPhoto is.

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    I found one automated SQL Server Health Check Solution which may meet your needs. The daily health checks include checking CPU utilization, database status, available disk space, network packet errors, database backup status, and more. For more detail about
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    you should be able to use this powershell script which you can run as a scheduled task.
    just change the details at the start of the script to point the script to the right location to create log files. you will need to have a plain text file containing a list of server names or ip addresses that you want to check drive space on.
    # Change the following variables based on your environment
    #specify the path to the file you want to generate containing drive space information
    $html_file_dir = "\\server\share\DriveSpace"
    #specify the path and file name of the text file containing the list of servers names you want to check drive space on - each server name on a seperate line in plain text file
    $server_file = "\\server\share\servers.txt"
    #speicfy the from address for the email
    $from_address = "[email protected]"
    #specify the to address for the email
    $to_address = "[email protected]"
    #specify the smtp server to use to send the email
    $email_gateway = "" # Can either be DNS name or IP address to SMTP server
    # The seventh line from the bottom (line 167) is used if your smtp gateway requires authentication. If you require smtp authentication
    # you must uncomment it and set the following variables.
    $smtp_user = ""
    $smtp_pass = ""
    # Change the following variables for the style of the report.
    $background_color = "rgb(140,166,193)" # can be in rgb format (rgb(0,0,0)) or hex format (#FFFFFF)
    $server_name_font = "Arial"
    $server_name_font_size = "20px"
    $server_name_bg_color = "rgb(77,108,145)" # can be in rgb format (rgb(0,0,0)) or hex format (#FFFFFF)
    $heading_font = "Arial"
    $heading_font_size = "14px"
    $heading_name_bg_color = "rgb(95,130,169)" # can be in rgb format (rgb(0,0,0)) or hex format (#FFFFFF)
    $data_font = "Arial"
    $data_font_size = "11px"
    # Colors for space
    $very_low_space = "rgb(255,0,0)" # very low space equals anything in the MB
    $low_space = "rgb(251,251,0)" # low space is less then or equal to 10 GB
    $medium_space = "rgb(249,124,0)" # medium space is less then or equal to 100 GB
    # Define some variables
    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    $date = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
    $html_file = New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$html_file_dir\DiskSpace_$date.html" -Force
    # Create the file
    # Function to be used to convert bytes to MB or GB or TB
    Function ConvertBytes {
    If ($size -lt 1MB) {
    $drive_size = $size / 1KB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' KB'
    }elseif ($size -lt 1GB){
    $drive_size = $size / 1MB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' MB'
    }ElseIf ($size -lt 1TB){
    $drive_size = $size / 1GB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' GB'
    $drive_size = $size / 1TB
    $drive_size = [Math]::Round($drive_size, 2)
    [string]$drive_size + ' TB'
    # Create the header and footer contents of the html page for output
    $html_header = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="">
    <title>Server Drive Space</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    .serverName { text-align:center; font-family:"' + $server_name_font + '"; font-size:' + $server_name_font_size + `
    '; font-weight:bold; background-color: ' + $server_name_bg_color + '; border: 1px solid black; width: 150px; }
    .headings { text-align:center; font-family:"' + $heading_font + '"; font-size:' + $heading_font_size + `
    '; font-weight:bold; background-color: ' + $heading_name_bg_color + '; border: 1px solid black; width: 150px; }
    .data { font-family:"' + $data_font + '"; font-size:' + $data_font_size + '; border: 1px solid black; width: 150px; }
    #dataTable { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; }
    body { background-color: ' + $background_color + '; }
    #legend { border: 1px solid black; ; right:500px; top:10px; }
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function zxcWWHS(){
    if (document.all){
    if (zxcWH==0){
    else if (document.getElementById){
    return [zxcWW,zxcWH,zxcWS];
    var img=document.getElementById(''legend'');
    if (!document.all){''fixed''; window.onscroll=null; return; }
    if (!img.pos){ img.pos=img.offsetTop; }[2]+img.pos)+''px'';
    $html_footer = '</body>
    # Start to create the reports file
    Add-Content $html_file $html_header
    # Retrieve the contents of the server.txt file, this file should contain either the
    # ip address or the host name of the machine on a single line. Loop through the file
    # and get the drive information.
    Get-Content $server_file |`
    ForEach-Object {
    # Get the hostname of the machine
    $hostname = Get-WmiObject -Impersonation Impersonate -ComputerName $_ -Query "SELECT Name From Win32_ComputerSystem"
    $name = $hostname.Name.ToUpper()
    Add-Content $html_file ('<Table id="dataTable"><tr><td colspan="3" class="serverName">' + $name + '</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="headings">Drive Letter</td><td class="headings">Total Size</td><td class="headings">Free Space</td></tr>')
    # Get the drives of the server
    $drives = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "drivetype=3" -ComputerName $_ -Impersonation Impersonate
    # Now that I have all the drives, loop through and add to report
    ForEach ($drive in $drives) {
    $space_color = ""
    $free_space = $drive.FreeSpace
    $total_space = $drive.Size
    $percentage_free = $free_space / $total_space
    $percentage_free = $percentage_free * 100
    If ($percentage_free -le 5) {
    $space_color = $very_low_space
    }elseif ($percentage_free -le 10) {
    $space_color = $low_space
    }elseif ($percentage_free -le 15) {
    $space_color = $medium_space
    Add-Content $html_file ('<tr><td class="data">' + $drive.deviceid + '</td><td class="data">' + (ConvertBytes $drive.size) + `
    '</td><td class="data" bgcolor="' + $space_color + '">' + (ConvertBytes $drive.FreeSpace) + '</td></tr>')
    # Close the table
    Add-Content $html_file ('</table></br><div id="legend">
    <Table><tr><td style="font-size:12px">Less then or equal to 5 % free space</td><td bgcolor="' + $very_low_space + '" width="10px"></td></tr>
    <tr><td style="font-size:12px">Less then or equal to 10 % free space</td><td bgcolor="' + $low_space + '" width="10px"></td></tr>
    <tr><td style="font-size:12px">Less then or equal to 15 % free space</td><td bgcolor="' + $medium_space + '" width="10px"></td></tr>
    # End the reports file
    Add-Content $html_file $html_footer
    # Email the file
    $mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($html_file)
    $mail.From = $from_address
    $mail.Subject = "Server Diskspace $date"
    $mail.Body = "The diskspace report file is attached."
    $smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($email_gateway)
    #$smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($smtp_user,$smtp_pass)
    # Delete the file
    Remove-Item $html_file
    Denis Cooper
    Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer
    My Blog

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    yeah i had to make use of Handler to get the MessageContext object and play with
    Thanks & Regards
    Akhil Nagpal
    "manoj cheenath" <[email protected]> wrote:
    You can get to MessageContext from a handler. Check out an example of
    to see how you can get Message out of MessageContext.
    "Akhil Nagpal" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    HI manoj,
    Thanks for your reply.otherwise i thought that i wont get any morehelp
    on this
    forum :-) ...
    anyway its good that we will have such thing in next version,duringthe
    i feel that more functioanlity should be in build in appserver. Likeone
    thing i could not find out is how we can get the "message" object inweblogic
    like we can in axis using its MessageContext class's static method.if it
    is there
    can you please let me knwo about that.
    The other problem i had to make use of handler and my appl is workingas of
    now :-)
    Akhil Nagpal
    "manoj cheenath" <[email protected]> wrote:
    You can not do this in WLS 7.0. The next major release (WLS 8.1) will
    this problem.
    "Akhil Nagpal" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I need MessageContext object in my application but i dont want
    the Handler,As
    there is AxisEngine in axis soap engine,is there any similarimplementation in
    AxisEngine.getCurrentMessageContext() we can get the MessageContextwhat
    in weblogic..any body any idea???
    Akhil Nagpal

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    DECLARE @OrderList nvarchar(200)
    SET @OrderList = ''
    SELECT @OrderList = @OrderList + (cast(T6.DocNum AS nvarchar(10)) + ' ')
          INV1 AS T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry INNER JOIN
          DLN1 AS T4 ON T2.BaseEntry = T4.DocEntry AND T2.BaseLine = T4.LineNum INNER JOIN
          RDR1 AS T5 ON T4.BaseEntry = T5.DocEntry AND T4.BaseLine = T5.LineNum INNER JOIN
          ORDR AS T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    WHERE T1.DocNum = @InvNum
    RETURN @OrderList 
    it is run by the following query:
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    From OINV T1
    Where T1.DocNum = 'your invoice number here'
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    If this was a simple reporting SELECT query I would use SELECT DISTINCT.  But I can't do that.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks Gordon,
    I am trying to get away from the massive table access list everytime I write a query where I need to access the original order number of the invoice.  However, I have managed to solve my own problem with a GROUP BY statement!
    Others may be interested so, the code is this:
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnOrdersThatMakeInvoice(@InvNum int)
    RETURNS nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @OrderList nvarchar(200)
    SET @OrderList = ''
    SELECT @OrderList = @OrderList + (cast(T6.DocNum AS nvarchar(10)) + ' ')
          INV1 AS T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry INNER JOIN
          DLN1 AS T4 ON T2.BaseEntry = T4.DocEntry AND T2.BaseLine = T4.LineNum INNER JOIN
          RDR1 AS T5 ON T4.BaseEntry = T5.DocEntry AND T4.BaseLine = T5.LineNum INNER JOIN
          ORDR AS T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    WHERE T1.DocNum = @InvNum
    GROUP BY T6.DocNum
    RETURN @OrderList 
    and to call it use this:
    Select T1.DocNum, dbo.fnOrdersThatMakeInvoice(T1.DocNum)
    From OINV T1
    Where T1.DocNum = 'your invoice number'

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    Can anyone advise on this please.

    Get-SPSolution|Select Name,Scope,LastOperationResult,LastOperationEndTime|Export-CSV "SPInstalledSolutions.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    SPSolution properties
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Slalom.

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    Warning: Error in parsing value for 'cursor'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File:
    Line: 116 : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555 and Warning: Selector expected. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
    Source File:
    Line: 837
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == 2 days ago after update.

    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode?
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    If not, see this:

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