Using Camtwist and imovie

im trying to capture the camtwist effects on osx 10.6.4 but i cant find any way to do this, im told imovie works but cant figure out how to record the desktop let lone capture the camtwist alone i tried other apps like screenFlow but it records ALL of the desktop i just want to capture the camtwist i have gone crazy trying for HOURS to find a way over google but i cant seem to find a straight answer or a how to when they say use imovie...
any help wold be much appreciated TIA

found the answer, i used camtasia

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    Epson does have updates for the RX600 to run under OS X 10.7, and possible OS X 10.8. To download, you need to attach the RX600 to your MacBook, turn it on, make sure the system sees it (print a page), then run Software Update.
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    The clips should be imported to a folder titled iMovie Events. You may have chosen the default or picked another drive. Assuming that you can reassure yourself by finding this folder, there should be no problem deleting.
    Worked for me most recently last night.
    Too bad about Flip. It deserves better.
    Of course, there is still the question of how to back up these clips reliably.
    dick glendon

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    Also answered in your duplicate thread:
    To burn a DVD with iDVD from the latest version of iMovie, you have to export the movie using the Export button and select 480p as the size. Open iDVD and start a new project, then drag that exported movie file into the iDVD menu window, avoiding any drop zones you see.

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    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iLife '06

    Another possibility might be the color profile bug that was introduced with iPhoto 6.0.5 and, maybe, Quicktime 7.1.3. It's a long shot but if Terence's suggestion doesn't help you can try the following:
    1 - download the "Embed sRGB Profile" Automator application from Toad's Cellar.
    2 - unzip it and drop the files that are giving you problems onto it.
    3 - import those newly embedded files into iPhoto and see if they work.
    As I said it's a long shot but worth a try if other attempts fail.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application, iPhoto dB file backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    This is a tricky one.
    Open up Time Machine and go back to a date using the timeline on the right side of the window when you know the drive was working and was backing up as part of Time Machine backups.
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    Here's the procedure that I use to export my videos:
    Step 1:  I finish making my video with the cutaway clips, picture-in-picture clips, and side-by-side clips already cropped and/or ken-burned.
    Step 2:  I click on "Share." Then, I click on "Export using Quicktime."
    Step 3:  I click on "Options."
    Step 4:  I click on "Settings." Then, I make sure the Compression Type is H.264, Frame Rate is Current fps, Key Frames is on Every 24 frames, Frame Reordering is checked, Compressor Quality is on Best, Encoding is on Best Quality (Multi-pass), and the Data Rate is on Automatic. After this is done, I click "OK."
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    Step 6:  After I set the settings for Sound, I make sure that Prepare for Internet Streaming is on Fast Start. Then, I press "OK."
    Step 7:  I save my file name and export to Quicktime.
    Step 8:  Once it already exports to Quicktime, I open the file and look at my video that I just made. (At this point, I realized that my videos that were used as cutaways, picture-in-pictures, and side-by-side clips didn't show the parts I cropped or ken-burned on. It practically showed every little part of that clip that I use those effects on. I really wanted it to be cropped or ken-burned as much as possible.)
    So, that's my problem that I have at the moment. I really needed it cropped and/or ken-burned and set the video on HD. I would really appreciate your thoughts on how I should fix this problem.

    On one of my clips it says:
    Format:  Apple Intermediate Codec, 1280 x 720, Millions
                 16-bit integer (Little Endian), Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz
    Current Size: 1280 x 720 pixels (Actual)
    Another clip I use says:
    Format:  Apple Intermediate Codec, 960 x 540, Millions
                 16-bit integer (Little Endian), Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz
    Current Size:  960 x 540 pixels (Actual)

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    abelard.xu wrote:
    ... but still when updating iphotos the very first id is needed...
    Correct.  Apps are Tied to the Apple ID that Purchased them...
    From Here
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    The Project is mounted from Iomega and superspeed ext hd connected to imovie09 on macosx 10.5.8.
    What to do to resume repairs to the audio sync problem and so successfully share for youtube upload?

    How to stop the spinning ball/pizza that is stalling repairs to project on imovie 09? on macosx10.5.8 using iomega and superspeed ext h.d. as storage for the events and projects archive of a wedding video that has had audio sync problems on all share formats (iDVD, mp4, and last of all iTunes). The project label now carries signal with yellow triangled exclamation “i tunes out of date”.
    To solve the sync problem I’m following advice and detaching sound from all of the 100 or so short clips.  This operation has been stalled by the spinning ball. Shut down restart has not helped.
    The Project is mounted from Iomega and superspeed ext hd connected to imovie09 on macosx 10.5.8.
    What to do to resume repairs to the audio sync problem and so successfully share for youtube upload?

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    Please help!!!!!

    You cannot.
    As requested... You need to use the SAME Apple ID that Originally made the Purchase of whatever Application you are trying to Update.

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    Has your Apple ID changed, that's the one that matters.
    You need to sign in under the account that purchased these apps (did you buy this Mac new)

  • Can't update my iPhoto and iMovie! Always pop up a window says "you have updates available for other accounts; To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it."

    Ive tried everything suggested in other hopeless!!!! where can i email apple to ask for help!!!!! please!!!!!! their hotlines back in manila doesnt work too!!!!

    thanks ...but my apple ID is ok...i justcan't update my iMovie garageband and iphoto...asking me to enter my apple ID which i only have one and the one i used when i bought my mac brand-new (so no other appleID) tried doing what people in discussion suggested... even erased my garageband to try and reinstall i have to pay for it!!! i badly need to update my iPhoto and iMovie as i have some projects

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    I have been backing up iMovie 08 files to my external drive, but for some reason I can't open these files in iMovie.  I used drag and drop to copy them.

    You really should be doing backups with an actual backup application, especially one that will work automatically, and, if your external HD is large enough, back up your entire system.  These can automatically back up only what's changed since the  previous backup, and some will keep "archive" copies of things you've changed or deleted, also.
    Too many things can go wrong, such as your internal HD failing, and you'll have a major project to reinstall everything.
    You already have Time Machine, built-in to OSX.  You might want to review the Time Machine Tutorial, and perhaps browse Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.
    #27 in the second link mentions some alternatives, too.

  • What's a good video app to use? I have iPhoto and iMovie, but they won't let me email a video. I also want to be able to make a dvd of my home movies. Any suggestions?

    What's a good video app to use? I have iPhoto and iMovie, but it these wont let me do certain things, such as email a video. I also want to be able to make a dvd of my home movies. Any suggestions?

    Unless you want a new computer, forget about AVCHD. It requires too much muscle to edit comfortably on anything but the fastest computer.
    What camera is nice, depends on your budget. Formats that are easy to edit are HDV, DVCProHD (P2) and XDCAM. In the consumer range you could look at the Canon HV40 or XH-A1s, in the prosumer range look at the Panasonic AG-HPX170, Canon XH-H1s, JVC GY-ND250 or Sony HVR Z5 or Z7 and all Sony XDCAM cameras, especially the EX1 and EX3. In the professional range look at the Sony PDW-F355 or upward.

  • We are having old home movies put on DVD's. How do we import them to MacBook Pro using Snow Leopard and iMovie 8.0.6.  Can watch the video, but can't get it to import.

    We are having old home movies put on DVD's. How do we import them to MacBook pro using Snow Leopard and iMovie 8.0.6?  Can watch the movies on the laptop, but they will not import.

    We took 3 video cassette 8mm that were recorded in the early 90's to a place that burned the videos onto 3 DVDs.  When inserted to our Mac, the DVD player comes on to play the DVD. Opened Quicktime, but can find no way to import. Went to File>Open File>Sony_DVD_Recorder_Volume. Clicked on Sony_DVD-Recorder_Volume and it shows a file named VIDEO_TS.  Clicked on that and 6 files showed VIDEO_TS.BUP,   VTS_01-0.BUP,   VTS_01_0.IFO,  VTS-01_1.VOB,   VTS_01_2.VOB, VTS_01_3.VOB.  Where is DVDxDV?

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