Using container managed form-based security in JSF

h1. Using container managed, form-based security in a JSF web app.
A Practical Solution
h2. {color:#993300}*But first, some background on the problem*{color}
The Form components available in JSF will not let you specify the target action, everything is a post-back. When using container security, however, you have to specifically submit to the magic action j_security_check to trigger authentication. This means that the only way to do this in a JSF page is to use an HTML form tag enclosed in verbatim tags. This has the side effect that the post is not handled by JSF at all meaning you can't take advantage of normal JSF functionality such as validators, plus you have a horrible chimera of a page containing both markup and components. This screws up things like skinning. ([credit to Duncan Mills in this 2 years old article|]).
In this solution, I will use a pure JSF page as the login page that the end user interacts with. This page will simply gather the input for the username and password and pass that on to a plain old jsp proxy to do the actual submit. This will avoid the whole problem of having to use verbatim tags or a mixture of JSF and JSP in the user view.
h2. {color:#993300}*Step 1: Configure the Security Realm in the Web App Container*{color}
What is a container? A container is basically a security framework that is implemented directly by whatever app server you are running, in my case Glassfish v2ur2 that comes with Netbeans 6.1. Your container can have multiple security realms. Each realm manages a definition of the security "*principles*" that are defined to interact with your application. A security principle is basically just a user of the system that is defined by three fields:
- Username
- Group
- Password
The security realm can be set up to authenticate using a simple file, or through JDBC, or LDAP, and more. In my case, I am using a "file" based realm. The users are statically defined directly through the app server interface. Here's how to do it (on Glassfish):
1. Start up your app server and log into the admin interface (http://localhost:4848)
2. Drill down into Configuration > Security > Realms.
3. Here you will see the default realms defined on the server. Drill down into the file realm.
4. There is no need to change any of the default settings. Click the Manage Users button.
5. Create a new user by entering username/password.
Note: If you enter a group name then you will be able to define permissions based on group in your app, which is much more usefull in a real app.
I entered a group named "Users" since my app will only have one set of permissions and all users should be authenticated and treated the same.
That way I will be able to set permissions to resources for the "Users" group that will apply to all users that have this group assigned.
TIP: After you get everything working, you can hook it all up to JDBC instead of "file" so that you can manage your users in a database.
h2. {color:#993300}*Step 2: Create the project*{color}
Since I'm a newbie to JSF, I am using Netbeans 6.1 so that I can play around with all of the fancy Visual Web JavaServer Faces components and the visual designer.
1. Start by creating a new Visual Web JSF project.
2. Next, create a new subfolder under your web root called "secure". This is the folder that we will define a Security Constraint for in a later step, so that any user trying to access any page in this folder will be redirected to a login page to sign in, if they haven't already.
h2. {color:#993300}*Step 3: Create the JSF and JSP files*{color}
In my very simple project I have 3 pages set up. Create the following files using the default templates in Netbeans 6.1:
1. login.jsp (A Visual Web JSF file)
2. loginproxy.jspx (A plain JSPX file)
3. secure/securepage.jsp (A Visual Web JSF file... Note that it is in the sub-folder named secure)
Code follows for each of the files:
h3. {color:#ff6600}*First we need to add a navigation rule to faces-config.xml:*{color}
NOTE: This navigation rule simply forwards the request to loginproxy.jspx whenever the user clicks the submit button. The button1_action() method below returns the "loginproxy" case to make this happen.
h3. {color:#ff6600}*login.jsp -- A very simple Visual Web JSF file with two input fields and a button:*{color}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsp:root version="2.1"
<webuijsf:html id="html1">
<webuijsf:head id="head1">
<webuijsf:link id="link1"
<webuijsf:body id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
<webuijsf:form id="form1">
<webuijsf:textField binding="#{login.username}"
id="username" style="position: absolute; left: 216px; top:
<webuijsf:passwordField binding="#{login.password}" id="password"
style="left: 216px; top: 144px; position: absolute"/>
<webuijsf:button actionExpression="#{login.button1_action}"
id="button1" style="position: absolute; left: 216px; top:
216px" text="GO"/>
</jsp:root>h3. * -- implent the
button1_action() method in the backing bean*
    public String button1_action() {
setValue("#{requestScope.password}", (String)password.getValue());
        return "loginproxy";
    }h3. {color:#ff6600}*loginproxy.jspx -- a login proxy that the user never sees. The onload="document.forms[0].submit()" automatically submits the form as soon as it is rendered in the browser.*{color}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp=""
<jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
doctype-public="-W3CDTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
< contentType="text/html"
<head> <meta
http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<title>Logging in...</title>
action="j_security_check" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="j_username"
value="${requestScope.username}" />
<input type="hidden" name="j_password"
value="${requestScope.password}" />
h3. {color:#ff6600}*secure/securepage.jsp -- A simple JSF{color}
target page, placed in the secure folder to test access*
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsp:root version="2.1"
xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:webuijsf="">
<webuijsf:html id="html1">
<webuijsf:head id="head1">
<webuijsf:link id="link1"
<webuijsf:body id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
<webuijsf:form id="form1">
<webuijsf:staticText id="staticText1" style="position:
absolute; left: 168px; top: 144px" text="A Secure Page"/>
h2. {color:#993300}*_Step 4: Configure Declarative Security_*{color}
This type of security is called +declarative+ because it is not configured programatically. It is configured by declaring all of the relevant parameters in the configuration files: *web.xml* and *sun-web.xml*. Once you have it configured, the container (application server and java framework) already have the implementation to make everything work for you.
*web.xml will be used to define:*
- Type of security - We will be using "form based". The loginpage.jsp we created will be set as both the login and error page.
- Security Roles - The security role defined here will be mapped (in sun-web.xml) to users or groups.
- Security Constraints - A security constraint defines the resource(s) that is being secured, and which Roles are able to authenticate to them.
*sun-web.xml will be used to define:*
- This is where you map a Role to the Users or Groups that are allowed to use it.
+I know this is confusing the first time, but basically it works like this:+
*Security Constraint for a URL* -> mapped to -> *Role* -> mapped to -> *Users & Groups*
h3. {color:#ff6600}*web.xml -- here's the relevant section:*{color}
h3. {color:#ff6600}*sun-web.xml -- here's the relevant section:*{color}
h3. {color:#ff6600}*Almost done!!!*{color}
h2. {color:#993300}*_Step 5: A couple of minor "Gotcha's"_ *{color}
h3. {color:#ff6600}*_Gotcha #1_*{color}
You need to configure the "welcome page" in web.xml to point to faces/secure/securepage.jsp ... Note that there is *_no_* leading / ... If you put a / in there it will barf all over itself .
h3. {color:#ff6600}*_Gotcha #2_*{color}
Note that we set the <form-login-page> in web.xml to /faces/login.jsp ... Note the leading / ... This time, you NEED the leading slash, or the server will gag.
h2. {color:#993300}*_Here's how it works:_*{color}
1. The user requests the a page from your context (http://localhost/MyLogin/)
2. The servlet forwards the request to the welcome page: faces/secure/securepage.jsp
3. faces/secure/securepage.jsp has a security constraint defined, so the servlet checks to see if the user is authenticated for the session.
4. Of course the user is not authenticated since this is the first request, so the servlet forwards the request to the login page we configured in web.xml (/faces/login.jsp).
5. The user enters username and password and clicks a button to submit.
6. The button's action method stores away the username and password in the request scope.
7. The button returns "loginproxy" navigation case which tells the navigation handler to forward the request to loginproxy.jspx
8. loginproxy.jspx renders a blank page to the user which has hidden username and password fields.
9. The hidden username and password fields grab the username and password variables from the request scope.
10. The loginproxy page is automatically submitted with the magic action "j_security_check"
11. j_security_check notifies the container that authentication needs to be intercepted and handled.
12. The container authenticates the user credentials.
13. If the credentials fail, the container forwards the request to the login.jsp page.
14. If the credentials pass, the container forwards the request to *+the last protected resource that was attempted.+*
+Note the last point! I don't know how, but no matter how many times you fail authentication, the container remembers the last page that triggered authentication and once you finally succeed the container forwards your request there!!!!+
+The user is now at the secure welcome page.+
If you have read this far, I thank you for your time, and I seriously question your ability to ration your time pragmatically.
Kerry Randolph

If you want login security on your web app, this is one way to do it. (the easiest way i have seen).
This method allows you to create a custom login form and error page using JSF.
The container handles the actual authentication and protection of the resources based on what you declare in web.xml and sun-web.xml.
This example uses a statically defined user/password, stored in a file, but you can also configure JDBC realm in Glassfish, so that that users can register for access and your program can store the username/passwrod in a database.
I'm new to programming, so none of this may be a good practice, or may not be secure at all.
I really don't know what I'm doing, but I'm learning, and this has been the easiest way that I have found to add authentication to a web app, without having to write the login modules yourself.
Another benefit, and I think this is key ***You don't have to include any extra code in the pages that you want to protect*** The container manages this for you, based on the constraints you declare in web.xml.
So basically you set it up to protect certain folders, then when any user tries to access pages in that folder, they are required to authenticate.

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              Try to refer to the documentation for
              Configuring Security in Web Applications at
              Does the weblogic.log file contain any error or warning
              messages corresponding to your problem ?
              If you have a test case to reproduce the problem, you
              can contact BEA support at [email protected]
              Developer Relations Engineer

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    Yes this is the requirement of the specs. Your ejb code generator should give you the error if you use usertransaction.

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    <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %>
    i.e. some <c:comboBox>
    </h:form> </f:view>
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    but in that case also i ahev to use two forms in a single jsp/jsf page.
    suggest me something which can really work out.

    You can use as many forms as you want as long as you don't nest forms. The HTML spec probibits that.

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    It requires the entire land scape like EP server and MDM server both should be configured in SLD.
    Your requirement is maintaing and updating the MDM data with Enterprise portal.We have some Business Packages to install in Portal inorder to access the functionality of MDM.
    Portal gives you a secure role based functionality of MDM through Single sign on (login into the portal access any application) to their end users.
    Please go through this link
    You need to develope some custom applications which should be integrated into the portal to access MDM Server master data
    The estimation involves as per your requirement clearly
    Its depends upon the Landscape settings, Requirement complexity,Identify how many number of custom applications need to be developed

  • WebLogic Form-based security

    I am using form-based login to authenticate users. I want to tie all entry points
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    there is nothing on these lines for successful logins i.e. page to be forwarded to
    login success.
    <form-login-page> login.jsp</<form-login-page>
    Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

    on login.jsp page do some jsp code that changes the j_target_url to the URL that you
    want all users to be directed to
    Joe Jerry
    I am using form-based login to authenticate users. I want to tie all entry points
    on successful login to a single page. Is there a way to accomplish this? In the
    web.xml one can configure the error page to be forwarded to on login failure but
    there is nothing on these lines for successful logins i.e. page to be forwarded to
    login success.
    <form-login-page> login.jsp</<form-login-page>
    Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

  • How to use remote managed bean and JPA in JSF

    Hi All,
    I am familiar with referencing backing-beans and JPA properties where Glassfish and MySQL is running locally. However, is it possible to lookup these same properties using JNDI if they reside on remote servers? If so, what change is needed?
    I would like to distribute the J2EE 5 application load including database by running Glassfish, MySQL on separate servers. This will put on the JSF (presentation-tier) components on it's own server while a secondary system will handle the middle tier processing and leaving the database activities to be carried out on another server. Not sure whether this is the right approach though. These hardware would run on both Solaris and Windows platforms.
    Unfortunately, buying faster hardware is not an option.
    Any assistance would be appreciated,

    Hi Faissal,
    Is your suggestion below:
    //Lookup an EJB and use it
       YourRemoteBean bean = (YourRemoteBean ) ServiceLocator.findRemoteObject(jndiName); // ServiceLocator is a class that lookup
                                                                                                                                           //  the remote objectis equivalent to the following lines:
    Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory");
                props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "com.sun.enterprise.naming");
                props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.state", "");
                // optional.  Defaults to localhost.  Only needed if web server is running
                // on a different host than the appserver   
                // props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "localhost");
                props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "remoteServer");
                // optional.  Defaults to 3700.  Only needed if target orb port is not 3700.
                // props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3700");
                InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext(props);     
                InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();
                YourRemoteBean bean =  (YourRemoteBean) jndiContext.lookup("ejb.YourRemoteBean");Thanks,

  • Container Managed Security on Tomcat - configuring different auth-methods

    I am trying to configure the container managed security on tomcat4. Or rather I am trying to add a further dimension to the configuration that already exists.
    At the moment the entire application uses LDAP authentication and I would like to separate an area that requires further authentication. That is to say I would like everyone using the web application to authenticate using the existing Form-Based LDAP authentication but I would like only certain users to be able to use the data upload facility (whose code is stored in it's own directory).
    This is the authentication bit of my web.xml:
        <realm-name>Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>
      </login-config>My first hurdle is in understanding exactly how the application knows where to go for its authentication.
    I had guessed that the realm-name would map "areas" of my application to realm configuration defined in my application's context area in Tomcat's web.xml but this doesnt seem to be the case. In fact I have read conflicting explanations as to what the realm-name is for. One source has said that this is only used for BASIC authentication as a way of naming the resulting pop up window - many others say it maps the login-config to the web-resource-name. However the latter doesnt make sense because the authentication works in my application at the moment even though those values are completely different (and indeed are different in most of the examples i've read on the web). Furthermore I can find any other mention of the defined realm-name in any other file (which of course be because i'm looking in the wrong place).
    I was prepared to accept that the realm-name might not actually do anything and so I've been looking for examples of defining a different auth-method for different url-patterns but i've had no luck.
    I know a user can have one or more roles but I dont have access to the LDAP server to set these up and haven't found anything about defining different auth-methods other than one thread in this forum suggesting that is wasnt possible on AIS.
    This thread suggests that you can have more than one security-constraint but again i'm not sure about the auth methods and how you map an auth method to a security-constraint
    To summarise my questions:
    1) What are the functions of the realm-name and web-resource-name? Are they related?
    2) Is it possible to configure different areas of an application to use different authentication methods? and if so, could you point me in the direction of relevant documentation
    3) If (2) is not possible and I have to assign a new role to the privileged LDAP users, is it enough to define a new security-constraint? Could you describe the behaviour I could expect for users that have authenticated once and try to access this super-security area, will they be shown another login form or will it just let them in because the container is already aware of their permissions.
    Many thanks for your attention,

    If you create your own Realm classes - look at JAAS - you can sort out your last login time, just wrap them around the DataSourceRealm.
    As far as 'remind' him is concerned - I'm guessing you mean provider a reminder for the password based on the user name. If you use form based authentication you can put what ever you like on the page.

  • Glassfish 3.1 Container managed security - custom authentication

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    To follow up ...
    I am using container managed security and form based authentication. My custom SJSAS login realm, however, never fails to authenticate users. Instead of failing authentication when a username and password match cannot be found, I add the user to an 'unknown-user' group who has no rights to the application.
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