Using Designer 6i API/Views

Can anyone please tell me what the Designer 6i equivalent of this Designer 6.0 query on the repository is:
FROM ci_application_systems cias,
ci_table_definitions citd
WHERE citd.application_system_owned_by =
AND = '&&application_name'
AND cias.version = &&application_version
When run from SQL*Plus against Designer 6.0 it produces a list of tables in the server model for a specific version of an application. I would like to do the same thing in Designer 6i.

Join with sdd_folder_members to get a link between table and application systems:
FROM ci_application_systems cias,
sdd_folder_members mem,
ci_table_definitions citd
WHERE mem.folder_reference =
AND mem.object_reference =
AND = '&&application_name'
If you want to exclude shortcuts (formerly known as shares), add: AND mem.ownership_flag = 'Y'
Note that ci_application_systems does not have a version column anymore, because in Designer 6i every object is versioned and that is recorded in a different way.
If you perform the above query without a workarea context, you will get all versions of the application system and all versions of the tables. The best way to avoid this is to first set a workarea context with the following command:
(execute) jr_context.set_workarea('&&workarea_name');
Then (in the same session) perform your query. The workarea context will ensure that the ci_views only contain those versions that are in the workarea, that is at most one version per object.
Hope this helps,

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    Any ideas would help. Or a look at the complete source to HtmlDataTableDesignInfo.

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    I have recently completed a large project for a government department using Design with the Table API (TAPI). While this approach has many advantages, there are some problem spots. The main one is that error handling performed by cg$errors package is not very intuitive. It can be difficult to troubleshoot code imbedded in the TAPI.
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    Note 1002271. Seach this note to use key word "table view"

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    Dear Experts,
    I need to make some page templates.
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    Is there any wrong?
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    After ... (I don't exactly when), it give me the same view in my designer.
    Then I force to use my first tempate (template1 which used template0 inside), I cannot run my application at all.
    After wait several minutes, I found error log in my log messages.
    *#### Server Instance DefaultServer could not be started: Server Instance was terminated.*
    Above the message, I found another error messages:
    *Jun 7, 2009 5:40:19 PM ComponentMetadataHandler _error*
    WARNING: error parsing component tag in file: null/tag:xmlContent/id:dte_160d74a
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 69, Column 7>: XML-20100: (Fatal Error) Expected 'EOF'.
    *     at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrorHandler(*
    Is there anyone that can help me to find out why this error occured?
    Should I raise this problem to metalink or just can post it in this forum?
    Many thanks for your supporting...
    N.B: Below I attach my template0 (AHM000.jspx) and template1 (AHM001.jspx)
    Best regards,
    Dominic Chandra
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    <c:set var="ahmwebtemplateBundleAHM000"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
    <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
    <af:panelSplitter orientation="vertical" splitterPosition="60">
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:decorativeBox theme="dark" topHeight="0px">
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:panelHeader text="#{attrs.pageTitle}">
    <f:facet name="context"/>
    <f:facet name="menuBar"/>
    <f:facet name="toolbar"/>
    <f:facet name="legend">
    <af:outputText value="#{attrs.pageName}"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{sessionScope.userState.userName}"/>
    <f:facet name="separator">
    <af:spacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <f:facet name="info">
    <f:facet name="top"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:panelSplitter orientation="vertical" positionedFromEnd="true"
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:decorativeBox theme="light" topHeight="0px">
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:facetRef facetName="mainArea"/>
    <f:facet name="top"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:panelGroupLayout inlineStyle="text-align:right;">
    <af:outputText value="#{ahmwebtemplateBundleAHM000.VERSION} #{attrs.appVersion}"
    <af:outputText value="© 2009 PT Astra Honda Motor"
    inlineStyle="color:Navy; font-weight:bold;"/>
    <f:facet name="separator">
    <af:spacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <component xmlns="">
    <description>Main Area</description>
    <default-value>Page Title</default-value>
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    <c:set var="ahmwebtemplateBundleAHM001"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
    <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
    <af:pageTemplate viewId="/template/AHM000.jspx">
    <f:facet name="mainArea">
    <af:panelSplitter splitterPosition="#{attrs.searchAreaPosition}">
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:facetRef facetName="searchArea"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:panelSplitter positionedFromEnd="true"
    <f:facet name="first">
    <af:facetRef facetName="mainArea"/>
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:facetRef facetName="infoArea"/>
    <f:attribute name="pageTitle"
    <f:attribute name="pageName" value="#{attrs.pageName}"/>
    <f:attribute name="appVersion" value="#{attrs.appVersion}"/>
    <component xmlns="">
    <description>Search Area</description>
    <description>Main Area</description>
    <description>Info Area</description>
    <default-value>Page Title</default-value>
    <f:facet name="center"/>
    <f:facet name="top"/>

    Thanks for asking....
    As I put in my post before, I include template0 in my template1, as seen in template1 (AHM001):
    <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
    *<af:pageTemplate viewId="/template/AHM000.jspx">*
    I use AHM000 inside AHM001. I use this approach to build many template based on one basic design.
    Actually, I don't think the problem is in page template usage because as I submitted paralel to Metalink, I've already not called template0 in template1 but I copy template0's contents to template1.
    Unfortunately, page designer show small view and below error messages still occured.
    *Jun 7, 2009 10:25:20 PM ComponentMetadataHandler _error*
    WARNING: error parsing component tag in file: /AhmTestTemplate-ViewController1-context-root/template/AHM001.jspx/tag:xmlContent/id:null
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 115, Column 51>: XML-20100: (Fatal Error) Expected 'EOF'.
    Fortunately my application can be run already altough the error message still logged.
    Many thanks,
    Dominic C.

  • Ever used the Designer Table API (TAPI) with object type in the DB?

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    We are trying to generate the Oracle Designer table API of a table that has a column defined by an object type. It works without problems if that column always has a value (is instantiated in object term). The problem is when we update a row where the column is null (all attributes of the object are null thus the object is not instantiated).
    The "before update row" trigger of the Table API fails with error "ora-30625-method dispath on NULL SELF argument is disallowed".
    The code that fails is the following:
    In this example, cg$ind.TFO_DESCRIPTION is a boolean and the TFO_DESCRIPTION column is based on an object type.
    Thanks for any feedback or suggestions

    For a solution to this problem: I set down to write a relatively simple and small piece of code that we can use as post compiler or post generator. After we generated one or more TAPIs, we can run this post compiler to remedy the problem the TAPI has with Merge operations. The post compiler will fix the PL/SQL inside the database. It reads the TAPI objects using dbms_metadata, makes the simple change by manipulating the PL/SQL source and then recreates the objects using execute immediate. Using this post compiler, it takes but a few seconds to fix the merge flaw in all TAPIs in your application.

  • Text Fields Not Showing in Design or Live View

    Hello Everyone,
    I have run into a problem trying to create a simple contact form through Dreamweaver CS6.  I have two text fields for Name & Email, and 1 text area for Comments.  The issue I am running into is that the text fields are not showing in Design or Live view.  I have set-up all variables required for the server for the form to work... but that should not have any effect on the text field showing...  I tried uploading my contact page with the same result of no text fields showing...
    What is really laughable is that the "text area" I placed in my form for Comments shows up in Design & Live view just fine.  I am thinking that I am missing something, but just do not know what exactly.  The form is styled through CSS.
    Here is the form code:
         <div id="CRDForm">
           <form action="" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="contact" target="_self" id="contact">
        <input type="hidden" name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT,AUTH_TYPE,REMOTE_USER">
        <input type="hidden" name="recipients" value="[email protected]" />
        <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Contact Form" />
             <label><p>Your Full Name
               <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="40" /></p>
             <input name="email" type="text" accesskey="2" tabindex="2" title="Email" value="Email"></p>
             <label>Comments<br />
             <textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="10" accesskey="3" tabindex="3" title="Comments"></textarea>
             <input name="submit" type="submit" accesskey="4" tabindex="4" title="submit" value="submit">
    Are there other variables I should be thinking about in the rest of my site?  I am using a fluid grid layout.  I have CSS for desktop, tablet, and phone devices.  I also have a primary CSS file that imports all three.  The sites structure was done by using <header>, <article>, <footer>, and of course <div> tags. 
    Has anyone ever experienced the "text fields" not showing up before? Is it a simple fix as reinstalling Dreamweaver CS6?  Finally, another thing I should mention is that I did have a previous version of Dreamweaver on my comp, which was CS3.  I did not uninstall that before installing the newer version.  I assumed (and I could be wrong here) that it would automatically replace the older version.
    I apoligize for it being long winded, but I am looking for some help on this issue...
    Thank You

    Hey thank you osgood for the reply!
    When I look at code for long hours it sort of blurs together, and I miss things... I think that happens to the most of us
    Ya I found what was blocking my text fields in my desktop.css
    I primarily work through code view, and currently working on quite a few projects kind of makes your eyes miss the small errors.
    Thanks again!

  • CS5.5 I can't get testing server, "design" and "Split" views operational

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    I have set up everything according to the tutorial at Nothing seems to work. And no one seems to currently be answering I apologize if this is a faux pas, but I'm starting a new thread in hopes that I and others can get some help.
    Here's what I have:
    WAMP server: : C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\ (Mowes Portable II is  software that enables you to quickly set up a WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) system on any Windows system.))
    Site Name: localhost genealogy Local Site Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\ Server Name: localhost  Server Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\  Web URL: http://localhost/genealogy/ Server Model: PHP MySQL Connection: Local/Network
    Remote - unchecked
    Testing - checked
    I also have an idnetical image at D:/MyWebs/public_html/ for syncing with my remote website -
    My "Design", "Split", "Live View" and "Inspect" buttons are greyed out.
    Again, I apologize if I messed things up bu opening a thread on a prvious subject
    Larry Voyer
    Site Creator/Administrator
    Attempting to solve this on another thread, I was asked for the code that I was trying to see in design it is if it's important:
    $flags['noicons'] = true;
    $flags['noheader'] = true;
    $flags['nobody'] = true;
    //Change the text in quotes below to reflect the title of your site
    tng_header( "{$tmp['t5_maintitle']}", $flags );
    <div align="center">
    <table width="90%" class="maintable">
        <td class="row" colspan="6"></td>
      <td class="imagesection"> </td>
      <td class="spacercol">  </td>
      <td class="content" colspan="4">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="2%" class="innertable">
        <td class="leftimage"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_leftimg']; ?>" alt="louis voyer" ></td>
        <td class="banner" colspan="2"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_titleimg']; ?>" alt="title"/></td>
        <td class="rightimage"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_rightimg']; ?>" alt="louis voyer" ></td>
            <td colspan="4" class="boxback">
       <a href="whatsnew.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnuwhatsnew']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=photos" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnuphotos']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=documents" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['documents']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['allmedia']; ?></a><br />
                <a href="mostwanted.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mostwanted']; ?></a>
                | <a href="reports.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnureports']; ?></a>
                | <a href="cemeteries.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnucemeteries']; ?></a>
          | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=headstones" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnutombstones']; ?></a>
          | <a href="anniversaries.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['anniversaries']; ?></a>
          | <a href="places.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['places']; ?></a><br />
          <a href="browsenotes.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['notes']; ?></a>
          | <a href="browsesources.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnusources']; ?></a>
             | <a href="browsetrees.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnustatistics']; ?></a>
             | <a href="bookmarks.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['bookmarks']; ?></a>
          | <a href="suggest.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['contactus']; ?></a>
    if( $allow_admin ) {
      echo "| <a href=\"showlog.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnushowlog']}</a>\n";
      echo "| <a href=\"admin.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnuadmin']}</a>\n";
         <td class="leftcontent" rowspan="3">
      <div class="header">
                  <p>Our Noble Background</p>
       <p>Recently, the <a href="Longueval" _mce_href="">Longueval"> al/">Longueval Research Project </a> has established the connection, through Anne Couvent, into the royalty database.
        This site includes that ancestry.
        Anne Couvent is in your ancestry, have fun loking at some of our famous and infamous ancestors. </p>
        <li><div align="left">
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I63070&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I63070amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI63070_tv7_28">Queen Cleopatra </a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I107713&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I107713&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI185929_tv7_28">Alexander the Great</a>  </li>     
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I186817&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I186817&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI186817_tv7_28">Attila the Hun</a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I83464&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I83464&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI83464_tv7_28">Charlemagne</a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I185929&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I185929&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI185929_tv7_28">King Louis XIV</a>  </li>
       <p> Here are some links showing noble ancestors as they are related to me </p>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_france.php">Rulers of France</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_germany.php">Rulers of Germany</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_hre.php">Rulers of theHoly Roman Empire</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_italy.php">Rulers of Italy</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_visigoths.php">Rulers of the Visigoths</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_franks.php">Rulers of the Franks</a></div>
         <p>  </p>
         <span class="style26o">Please note: this is not complete and is included for the user to see their potential relationship to past nobility
              The nobility database is far from the primary focus of the site and will not be supported other than the correction of errors.</span></div>
       <div class="header">
                  <?php echo $text['welcome']; ?>!
       <div class="normal">
          <img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_mainimage']; ?>" alt="" style="float:right" class="indexphoto" width="300"  /><br /><br />
         <p>Welcome to the genealogy site devoted to Voyer and Bedard ancestry. Why Voyer and Bedard? My father was a Voyer. My mother a Bedard
         I believe that this is the largest compilation of Voyers with 4000+ and 24,000+ Bedards. I hope that it will be useful to those looking for their heritage.</p>
         </p>I am indebted to my cousin Jacqueline TIERNAN Poudrier for her tireless research and contributions to this site. </p>
         <p>If you have any questions or comments about the information on
         this site, <a href="suggest.php">please contact us</a>.
         We look forward to hearing from you.</p>
           if(!$currentuser) {
             echo "<li><a href=\"newacctform.php\">{$text['mnuregister']}</a></li>\n";
            echo "<li><a href=\"login.php\">{$text['mnulogon']}</a></li>\n";
           else {
            echo "<li><a href=\"logout.php\">{$text['mnulogout']}</a></li>\n";
            echo "<li><a href=\"changelanguage.php\">{$text['mnulanguage']}</a></li>\n";
         <div class="header">
                  <p>DNA Genealogy</p>
         <p>DNA technology allows us another way to investigate our ancestry, especially with regard to lines that have been difficult or even impossible to resolve as is our case with the lack of records in France.<p></p> 
    There are many ways to test and analyze DNA, but there are two particular kinds of DNA testing that are especially useful in genealogy:  Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) testing and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing.  The genealogical usefulness of these two DNA tests is based on two aspects of human inheritance:
       <li>  that the Y chromosome is passed on only by the father</li>
       <li>  that mitochondria are passed on only by the mother</li>
       <p>Both a VOYER and a BEDARD DNA project have been created and can reached through the links below. Please make sure that the person submitted for DNA tests is in our dtabase so that we can determine the earliest ancestor.
       If you are submitting for a mitochondrial DNA test, please contact us so that we can attempt to trace your maternal pedigree.
              <div class="subheader"><span class="style41"><a href="Voyer" _mce_href="">Voyer">http://www.worldfamilies.n et/surnames/voyer">Voyer DNA Project</a> <a href="Bedard" _mce_href="">Bedard">http://www.worldfamilies .net/surnames/bedard">Bedard DNA Project</a></span></div>
      <td> </td>
            <td class="rightcontent">
        <div class="language_box">
          if($chooselang) {
           $query = "SELECT languageID, display, folder FROM $languages_table ORDER BY display";
           $result = mysql_query($query) or die ($text['cannotexecutequery'] . ": $query");
           $numlangs = mysql_num_rows( $result );
           if($numlangs > 1) {
            echo getFORM( "savelanguage2", "get", "tngmenu3", "" );
            echo "<select name=\"newlanguage3\" id=\"newlanguage3\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" onchange=\"document.tngmenu3.submit();\">";
            while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             echo "<option value=\"{$row['languageID']}\"";
             if( $languages_path . $row['folder'] == $mylanguage )
              echo " selected=\"selected\"";
             echo ">{$row['display']}</option>\n";
            echo "</select>\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"instance\" value=\"3\" /></form>\n";
          echo "</p>\n";
       <form action="search.php" method="get">
        <table class="indexbox">
          <td class="padding"><span class="boxback"><?php echo $text['mnulastname']; ?>:<br />
           <input type="text" name="mylastname" class="searchbox" size="14" /></span></td></tr>
           <tr><td class="padding"><span class="boxback"><?php echo $text['mnufirstname']; ?>:<br />
           <input type="text" name="myfirstname" class="searchbox" size="14" /></span>
          <td class="padding"><span class="normal"><input type="hidden" name="mybool" value="AND" />
          <input type="submit" name="search" value="<?php echo $text['mnusearchfornames']; ?>" class="small" /><br /><br />
           echo "<a href=\"surnames.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnulastnames']}</a><br />\n";
           echo "<a href=\"searchform.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnuadvancedsearch']}</a>\n";
       <div class="help">
       <div class="subheader">Can You Help?</div>
        <p.request>Can you make yourself available to translate correspondence and site content into French?.</p>
        <p.request>Do you read the Obituaries? If you find BEDARD and VOYER obituaries (links or scans)? </p>
        <p.request>Are you a BEDARD or VOYER and not in our database? </p>
        <p.request>Are you interested in being part of the site research or development team?
        <p> </p><a href="suggest.php">please contact us</a>..</p>
        <td colspan="6" class="row12"></td>
      <div class="c3"></div>
    <br />
      <br />
      <form action="" method="post">
      <div align="center">
      <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" />
      <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="1942114" />
      <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="" />
      <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" />
    <tr><td class="tableheader"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="25" height="25" alt="" /></td></tr></table>
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    I misundrstood you response
    I entered http://localhost in my browser and recieved the following page:
    Asd you can see everything is working. I thought that when you called local host, it went to the www/ directory where I have my sites
    I still don't see a problem with my settings
    Server Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\
    Web URL: http://localhost/genealogy/
    I hate it when the tool is more trouble than the work.
    Larry Voyer
    Site Creator/Administrator

  • Best practice when using auto complete in view layer

    I have a question regarding best way to store/cash data when using auto complete function in view layer.
    I know that there will be a lot of visitors that will use this function and I dont want to kill the application server so I need some advice.
    Its about 6000 words that should be searchable .... my first thought was to create a Singleton-bean that stores current items and that I will iterate over but its a lot of "waste" doing that way.
    I would be very glad if anyone could advice me how to do this best way if there is any de-facto standard to use when using auto completion in "view layer"
    Best Regards/D_S

    I dont know what your design is, but here are some ideas:
    To me, autocomplete means you have some user specific data that the user entered prevously such as their home address, and some generic data that is not specific to any particular user. I would store all that in a database. For the user specific data I would store their userID along with the data in the database. Then, when populating a JSP page, I would call up just the data specific to that user and the generic data from the database. I would store it as an array of some type in javascript client--side. When the user clicks the autopopulate button, I would have that button call a javascript fuction that reteives the data from the javascript array and populate the various textfields. All this is done client-side so the form does not have to be re-drawn. I question why you have 6000 items. Normally, autopopulate has at most only a few dozens of items. If you still need 6000 items, I suggest adding a textfield to the form to filter what the data he needs down to a manageable amount. Example: rather than get all names from a telephone book, put a textfield on the form that allowfs an end user to enter a letter a to z such as 'b', then only fetch last names from the phone book that begins with 'b'.

  • How to use Google weather API in flex?

    Hi there,
    I have 2 services.
    ServiceONE :
    I am using HTTPService for both. Firstly I fetch result which gives me city name, by sending ServiceONE. And then, I am assigning this city name to SericeTWO and sending it, which gives me weather details about that city.
    I am hosting my applicaition on some server,
    Since it tries to access and'anyCityName', I would need to have crossdomain.xml in them.
    Fortunately I could find, which has:
    <?xml  version="1.0" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE  cross-domain-policy (View Source for full doctype...)>
    - <cross-domain-policy>
    <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all" />
    <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="true" />
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="true" />
    Which mean, any server can access it.
    But unfortunately, I couldnot find something similar in Though xml is there, the code is different:
    <?xml  version="1.0" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE  cross-domain-policy (View Source for full doctype...)>
    - <cross-domain-policy>
    <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="by-content-type" />
    It doesn't allow any access to any domain.....
    I've already developed the weather gadget in flex but I cant host it for use anywhere, because of this security issue
    Can anyone kindly help me how can this be resolved?>?

    @ PaulH
    Yes, after few more searches I came across php proxy solution. I should have checked about availablity of crossdomain file in the root of the api, which I didn't and started off with the development.
    For now I'll use this php proxy and use Google weather api. And yes, as you said, it's not official. Can get changed\removed, which will surely affect my code.
    Thanks for, may be I'll try to implement it with this api soon and make my app completely stable!
    Came across another great api for weather which too has crossdomain!
    I've uploaded the widget right here:
    Adobe Flex is a software development kit (SDK) released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform. Flex applications can be written using Adobe Flash Builder or by using the freely available Flex compiler from Adobe.
    You can find more about it here:

  • Google has disable the use of the api key

    I've setup a google static map using the api key v3 in this site
    Problem is Firefox is giving an error message:
    " Google ha inhabilitado el uso del API de Google Maps para esta aplicación. La clave proporcionada no es una clave de API de Google válida, o no está autorizada para la versión 3 del API de JavaScript de Google Maps en este sitio. Si eres el propietario de esta aplicación, puedes consultar cómo se obtiene una clave válida aquí:"
    Something like Google has disabled the use of the API for this application. The key is not valid or is not authorized for version 3 of the api of javascript in this site.
    Measurements already taken:
    API v3 and API v2 enable on api code panel
    Reset firefox
    Clean cookies and cache of firefox.
    Map actually works on Chrome and IE10.

    Is it the map on the bottom of the main page? It works for me in Firefox 24 on Windows 7 from California.
    You may want to look at the code in Firefox's source viewer, starting a few lines below id="bottom2", as there are some stray &lt;html>, &lt;head>, and &lt;body> tags that suggest a template or plugin isn't fully compatible with your page.

  • Using Designer as a code repository

    I am curious as to how many users on this forum use Designer as a source code repository as well as for logical/ physical modelling, code generation, etc.? We're in a position where we have a number of repositories to store 'code', and what is in Designer is often not the 'master'.
    I've always found the big weakness of CASE tools as code repositories to be the fact that, normally, only a handful of people in an organisation use them, and that most developers will just code by hand anyway. In addition, you need somebody with access to the tool to get the table DDL, or package or whatever.
    I realise that it would be good practice to have somebody administer this kind of thing anyway, but I'm interested in peoples' opinions. We're (still) using v6 so I realise the level of version control is far less granular than later versions of Designer, and I wondered if this is a big hindrance for us in this respect?
    Thanks, Antony

    Hi Antony,
    I would love to have used it - even with the version control of 6i/10g versions. However, as you said, on all the projects I've been on most developers prefer other tools ie: TOAD for writing the source code.
    I find now that Designer has just been left behind and has no chance of ever being used for writing code.
    If I was in the position of a brand new project with NO schema or PL/SQL what would I use? Dunno :) It may well be Designer to control the table/view definitions but would not be Designer for anything else (ie PL/SQL based). It might just be TOAD schema browser on a blank schema.
    Would be wary of using v6 without version control switched on - it's a great feature - but a little too late :(

  • Pull large amounts of data using odata, client API and so takes a long time in project server 2013

    We are trying to pull large amounts of data in project server 2013 using both client API and odata calls, but it seem to take a long time. How is this done
    In project server 2010 we did this creating SQL views in both the reporting database and for list creating a view in the content database. Our IT dept is saying we can't do this anymore. How does a view in Project database or content database create issues?
    As long as we don't add a field in the table. So how's one to do this with creating a view?

    If you are using Project Server 2013 on premise I would recommend using T-SQL against the dbo. schema in the Project Web Database for your reports, this will be far quicker that the APIs. You can create custom objects in the dbo. schema, see the link below:
    It is not supported to query the SharePoint content database directly with T-SQL or add any custom objects to the content database.
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS |
    MVP | Downloads

  • Read data from MDM For Lookup and Flat table using MDM ABAP API

    I have requriment to read data from MDM from FLAT and Lookup table using MDM ABAP API. My design  is like this ,
    I have one ITEMS (Main table in MDM) and inside that i have one Lookup flat table ITEM_TYPE , my requriment is to read Item number and its related Item type.
    From ABAP.
    Please help if any body has any idea.

    HI Guys,
    I found my solution by myself. Below is the solution , hope this will help others:-
    Retrieve data from MDM  using MDM ABAP API.
    Step- 1. Create structure in SAP with the same name as that of MDM field code for MDM Main table.
    Step-2. Create another structure in SAP having all  lookup fields of MDM , fieldname in ECC must be same as that of MDM field
    Step-3.Create structure in SAP for  individual lookup field(Single Field only)   with the same name as MDM Field code.
          WA_QUERY            TYPE  MDM_QUERY,
          WA_CDT_TEXT         TYPE  MDM_CDT_TEXT,
          WA_STRING           TYPE  STRING.
    DATA:<Internal table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF <SAP Str Having all LOOKup Fields>    
    DATA: :<Internal table>TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF <SAP Str one LOOKup field>,
         <Workarea> LIKE LINE OF :<Internal table>.
    V_LOG_OBJECT_NAME = 'Logical object name defined in Customization'.
    Define logon language, country & region for server
    CONNECT to repository. Apply particular logon language info
    WA_QUERY-OPERATOR        = 'EQ'. "Contains
    WA_QUERY-DIMENSION_TYPE  = 1. "Field search
    WA_QUERY-CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 8. "Text search
    WA_STRING                = <Field Value>.
            IV_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE = <MDM Main Table>
            IT_QUERY            = IT_QUERY
            ET_RESULT_SET       = IT_RESULT_SET_KEY.
    Pass record id into keys.
        IV_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE      = <MDM Main Table>
        IT_KEYS                  = WA_KEYS
        ET_RESULT_SET            = IT_RESULT_SET.
    *PASS KEYS INTO MAIN TABLE TO GET Structure for FALT or Look up Table
              IV_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE = <MDM Main Table>
              IT_KEYS             = WA_KEYS
              ET_DDIC_STRUCTURE =<SAP Strct having all Look up fileds of MDM>         
      LOOP AT <SAP Strct having all Look up fileds of MDM> INTO <Work area>.
        CLEAR WA_KEYS.
        APPEND <Work area>-field name TO WA_KEYS.
            IV_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE = <MDM Lookup table name>
            IT_KEYS             = WA_KEYS
            ET_DDIC_STRUCTURE   = <Single Structure in SAP For Lookup field>.
        READ TABLE <Single Structure in SAP For Lookup field>. INTO <Work Area> INDEX 1.
    Here you can get the value of realted lookup fields associated with main table data.
    Edited by: Shyam Babu Sah on Nov 24, 2009 4:52 AM

  • Cannot use Adobe Reader to view PDF in web browser error

    I have a new computer and have Acrobat Pro installed.  When I try to click on PDF links in browsers, I get an error:
    Cannot use Adobe Reader to view PDF in web browser.
    I want to be able to open these links using Acrobat Pro.  What can I do in Internet Explorer so I don't always receive these errors, and so pdfs automatically open using Acrobat Pro?

    Because it was not designed for Windows 7 doesn't mean it cant run.
    If you install the applications as administrator, you shouldn't have problems. I have installed both Reader and Pro versions on Windows 7 32 and 64 bit without problems, as long as I did it as administrator. You right click on the setup and select Run as Administrator. You don't need to do it for updates if you go through the update option on the help panel.

Maybe you are looking for