Using GET-SMBShare to check if share exist

I understand how to use get-smbshare to check if a share exist or not.  My problem I am having is if it doesn't I want my function to create the share using the net-smbshare command.  I can do this with the New-Item for directories, etc. 
Just can't figure a way to take the response that command gives when it doesn't exist.
For example with my New-Item commands I would do something like this:
IF (!(GET-SMBShare -Name ShareName))
New-SMBShare -Name ShareName -Path C:\Path -Description "A Share"
I can create the share without any issues but I want to make sure that share doesn't exist and would like to stick to Get-SMBShare command if possible. If the share doesn't exist it errors out like it should cause it isn't there. How do I get the GET-SMBShare
command when it returns that it doesn't exist a value that I can read?
For instance:  If (!(Test-Path -Path C:\Path))  returns a True and I can continue with my function.
Kristopher Turner | Not the brightest bulb but by far not the dimmest bulb.

ShareName -ea 0)){
ShareName -PathC:\Path
"A Share"
It will get easier once you leaner PowerShell. THe syntax is easy but your eyes have to get used to what is missing and learn hw to induce behaviors you want.

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    I want a dialog to come up, Do you want to skip or replace existing files.
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    Many thanks
    property type_list : {"8BPS"}
    property extension_list : {"psd"}
    script o
              property theseNames : {}
    end script
    -- empty log file
    do shell script "echo  'Files not processed in Photoshop :'  > ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    set noError to true
    --Setup list of folders and process details of folders
    set dtF to paragraphs of (do shell script "ls -F ~/Desktop | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f1")
    set tc to (count dtF)
    repeat with i from 1 to tc
              set folderName to item i of dtF --<:  is the folder name, no need to use text item delimiters -->":"
              if folderName does not start with "2_" and folderName does not start with "Hot" and folderName does not start with "Press" and folderName does not start with "Design" and folderName does not start with "Keywords" and folderName does not start with "Season" and folderName does not start with "Sue" and folderName does not start with "Design" then
                        set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "_WK"}
                        set FolderEndName to last text item of folderName
                        set brandName to first text item of folderName
                        set my text item delimiters to "_PSD"
                        set weekNumber to first text item of FolderEndName
                        set my text item delimiters to oldTID
                        set theFolder to ("Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:" & folderName)
      --set up names to destination folders and create locally based on brand name and week number
                        set this_local_folder to "Images:2012-2013"
                        set localWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("WK" & weekNumber, this_local_folder)
                        set localBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, localWeekFolder)
                        set localBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", localBrandFolder)
                        set localBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", localBrandFolder)
                        set localBrandFolder_PSD to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_PSD", localBrandFolder)
                        set this_Network_folder to "GEN:Brands:Zoom:Brand - Zoom:Upload Photos:2013:"
                        set networkWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_Network_folder)
                        set networkBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", networkWeekFolder)
                        set website_images to "GEN:Website_Images:"
      --set up names to destination folders and create over Netwrok for FTP collection (based on a mounted drive)
                        set this_ftp_folder to "pulse:"
                        set ftpWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_ftp_folder)
                        set ftpBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, ftpWeekFolder)
                        set ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", ftpBrandFolder)
                        set ftpBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", ftpBrandFolder)
      --at the beginning of the script, ask whether to replace or skip existing files? to apply to all?
      --use the result for the if file exists?
                        display dialog "Should I replace or skip exisiting files?" buttons {"Replace", "Skip (Faster)"} default button 2 with icon 1
      --taking the folder identify which process it must follow.
                        if brandName is equal to "BH" then
                                            tell application "Finder" to set o's theseNames to (name of files of alias theFolder whose file type is in the type_list or name extension is in the extension_list)
                                  on error
                                            set o's theseNames to {} -- no psd files or "8BPS"
                                  end try
                                  set numOfNames to (count o's theseNames)
                                  repeat with j from 1 to numOfNames
                                            set thefile to theFolder & ":" & (item j of o's theseNames)
      --    B H   Folder Photoshop Process
      --if thefile exists in the folder localBrandFolder_PSD then do the result of dialog.
      --"Skip" the file and move on to next
      --If "replace" continue the rest of the script.
                                            tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
      -- I remove the command activate, Photoshop stay in background
                                                      set ruler units of settings to pixel units
      open (alias thefile) showing dialogs never
                                                                set origName to name of current document
                                                                set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, quality:12}
                                                                set myPSDOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:true, save layers:true}
                                                                tell current document
      --If the quick mask mode has been left on then delete the channel Quick Mask
                                                                          if (quick mask mode) then delete channel ¬
                                                                                    "Quick Mask"
      --If the Layer is incorrectly labeled with Original Layer it needs renaming to original Image
                                                                          if (exists layer "Original Layer") then ¬
                                                                                    tell layer "Original Layer" to set name to "Original Image"
      save in (localBrandFolder_PSD & origName) as Photoshop format with options myPSDOptions without copying
                                                                          (delete layer "Original Image") flatten
      resize image resolution 300 resample method none
      --sharpen image
      filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
      save in (localBrandFolder_High_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
      --get file path, return path of the JPEG file, work with (without copying)
      -- (with copying) : it return path of PSD file
                                                                          set newFile to file path --( return path of type alias )
      -- duplicate file using the Finder  -->on duplicateFile(..)
                                                                          my duplicateFile(newFile, {ftpBrandFolder_High_Res})
      --Prepare for Low RES by resetting image history
                                                                          set current history state to history state 3
                                                                          resize image width 1348
      resize image resolution 300 resample method none
      filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
      --add save to lowResFolder with same options
      save in (localBrandFolder_Low_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
                                                                          set newFile to file path
                                                                          set newFile2 to newFile as string -- for testing end of name
                                                                          if newFile2 ends with "_2.jpg" or newFile2 ends with "_3.jpg" then -- exclude website_images
                                                                                    my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res})
                                                                                    my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res, website_images})
                                                                          end if
      close saving no
                                                                end tell
                                                      on error
                                                                set noError to false
                                                                my myLogs(thefile) -- write path to log file in Desktop
      close saving no --if exists, close current document
                                                                end try
                                                      end try
                                            end tell
                                  end repeat
      --End BH
    -- else if and the rest of the script.....
    end repeat
    if not noError then do shell script "/usr/bin/open  ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
    on myLogs(t)
                        do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of t) & ">> ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
              end try
    end myLogs
    on duplicateFile(tFile, foldersPath) -- tFile is an alias, foldersPath is a list of folder
              tell application "Finder" to repeat with folderPath in foldersPath
                        with timeout of 200 seconds -- adjust it,  error if the copy  is longer that 200 seconds
      duplicate tFile to folder folderPath with replacing
                        end timeout
              end repeat
    end duplicateFile
    on getFolderPath(tName, folderPath)
              tell application "Finder" to tell folder folderPath
                        if not (exists folder tName) then
                                  return (make new folder at it with properties {name:tName}) as string
                                  return (folder tName) as string
                        end if
              end tell
    end getFolderPath
    tell application "Finder"
              open "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    end tell

    I think that's what you want.
    I put the dialog in the beginning, so it does not appear to each folder, otherwise put it in the loop as it was originally.
    property type_list : {"8BPS"}
    property extension_list : {"psd"}
    script o
          property theseNames : {}
    end script
    -- empty log file
    do shell script "echo  'Files not processed in Photoshop :'  > ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    set noError to true
    --at the beginning of the script, ask whether to replace or skip existing files? to apply to all?
    --use the result for the if file exists?
    display dialog "Should I replace or skip exisiting files?" buttons {"Replace", "Skip (Faster)"} default button 2 with icon 1
    set skipFiles to (button returned of the result) is "Skip (Faster)"
    --Setup list of folders and process details of folders
    set dtF to paragraphs of (do shell script "ls -F ~/Desktop | grep '/' | cut -d'/' -f1")
    set tc to (count dtF)
    repeat with i from 1 to tc
          set folderName to item i of dtF --<:  is the folder name, no need to use text item delimiters -->":"
          if folderName does not start with "2_" and folderName does not start with "Hot" and folderName does not start with "Press" and folderName does not start with "Design" and folderName does not start with "Keywords" and folderName does not start with "Season" and folderName does not start with "Sue" and folderName does not start with "Design" then
                set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "_WK"}
                set FolderEndName to last text item of folderName
                set brandName to first text item of folderName
                set my text item delimiters to "_PSD"
                set weekNumber to first text item of FolderEndName
                set my text item delimiters to oldTID
                set theFolder to ("Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:" & folderName)
                --set up names to destination folders and create locally based on brand name and week number
                set this_local_folder to "Images:2012-2013"
                set localWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("WK" & weekNumber, this_local_folder)
                set localBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, localWeekFolder)
                set localBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", localBrandFolder)
                set localBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", localBrandFolder)
                set localBrandFolder_PSD to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_PSD", localBrandFolder)
                set this_Network_folder to "GEN:Brands:Zoom:Brand - Zoom:Upload Photos:2013:"
                set networkWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_Network_folder)
                set networkBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", networkWeekFolder)
                set website_images to "GEN:Website_Images:"
                --set up names to destination folders and create over Netwrok for FTP collection (based on a mounted drive)
                set this_ftp_folder to "pulse:"
                set ftpWeekFolder to my getFolderPath("Week" & weekNumber, this_ftp_folder)
                set ftpBrandFolder to my getFolderPath(brandName, ftpWeekFolder)
                set ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_LR", ftpBrandFolder)
                set ftpBrandFolder_High_Res to my getFolderPath(brandName & "_WK" & weekNumber & "_HR", ftpBrandFolder)
                --taking the folder identify which process it must follow.
                if brandName is equal to "BH" then
                            tell application "Finder" to set o's theseNames to (name of files of alias theFolder whose file type is in the type_list or name extension is in the extension_list)
                      on error
                            set o's theseNames to {} -- no psd files or "8BPS"
                      end try
                      set numOfNames to (count o's theseNames)
                      repeat with j from 1 to numOfNames
                            set thefile to theFolder & ":" & (item j of o's theseNames)
                            --    B H   Folder Photoshop Process
                            tell application "Finder" to set b to exists file (localBrandFolder_PSD & item j of o's theseNames)
                            if b and not skipFiles then -- file exists and "replace" (continue the rest of the script).
                                  tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
                                        -- I remove the command activate, Photoshop stay in background
                                        set ruler units of settings to pixel units
                                              open (alias thefile) showing dialogs never
                                              set origName to name of current document
                                              set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, quality:12}
                                              set myPSDOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:true, save layers:true}
                                              tell current document
                                                    --If the quick mask mode has been left on then delete the channel Quick Mask
                                                    if (quick mask mode) then delete channel ¬
                                                          "Quick Mask"
                                                    --If the Layer is incorrectly labeled with Original Layer it needs renaming to original Image
                                                    if (exists layer "Original Layer") then ¬
                                                          tell layer "Original Layer" to set name to "Original Image"
                                                    save in (localBrandFolder_PSD & origName) as Photoshop format with options myPSDOptions without copying
                                                    (delete layer "Original Image") flatten
                                                    resize image resolution 300 resample method none
                                                    --sharpen image
                                                    filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
                                                    save in (localBrandFolder_High_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
                                                    --get file path, return path of the JPEG file, work with (without copying)
                                                    -- (with copying) : it return path of PSD file
                                                    set newFile to file path --( return path of type alias )
                                                    -- duplicate file using the Finder  -->on duplicateFile(..)
                                                    my duplicateFile(newFile, {ftpBrandFolder_High_Res})
                                                    --Prepare for Low RES by resetting image history
                                                    set current history state to history state 3
                                                    resize image width 1348
                                                    resize image resolution 300 resample method none
                                                    filter current layer using unsharp mask with options {amount:80, radius:3.2, threshold:0}
                                                    --add save to lowResFolder with same options
                                                    save in (localBrandFolder_Low_Res & name) as JPEG with options myOptions without copying
                                                    set newFile to file path
                                                    set newFile2 to newFile as string -- for testing end of name
                                                    if newFile2 ends with "_2.jpg" or newFile2 ends with "_3.jpg" then -- exclude website_images
                                                          my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res})
                                                          my duplicateFile(newFile, {networkBrandFolder_Low_Res, ftpBrandFolder_Low_Res, website_images})
                                                    end if
                                                    close saving no
                                              end tell
                                        on error
                                              set noError to false
                                              my myLogs(thefile) -- write path to log file in Desktop
                                                    close saving no --if exists, close current document
                                              end try
                                        end try
                                  end tell
                            end if -- else "Skip" the file and move on to next
                      end repeat
                      --End BH
                end if
          end if
    end repeat
    if not noError then do shell script "/usr/bin/open  ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
    on myLogs(t)
                do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of t) & ">> ~/Desktop/LogPhotoshopError.txt'"
          end try
    end myLogs
    on duplicateFile(tFile, foldersPath) -- tFile is an alias, foldersPath is a list of folder
          tell application "Finder" to repeat with folderPath in foldersPath
                with timeout of 200 seconds -- adjust it,  error if the copy  is longer that 200 seconds
                      duplicate tFile to folder folderPath with replacing
                end timeout
          end repeat
    end duplicateFile
    on getFolderPath(tName, folderPath)
          tell application "Finder" to tell folder folderPath
                if not (exists folder tName) then
                      return (make new folder at it with properties {name:tName}) as string
                      return (folder tName) as string
                end if
          end tell
    end getFolderPath
    tell application "Finder"
          open "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:LogPhotoshopError.txt"
    end tell

  • How do i get my photos back on usb after editing in iphoto. i used export but after checking my photos were not back on usb?

    how do i get my photos back on usb after editing. i used export but after checking my photos were not back on usb?

    You're really going to need to explain that. What's "USB"? Do you mean a Disk, Drive or volume connected by USB? How is your iphoto set up? What version are you using?

  • There was a problem connecting to the server "Time Capsule".  The share does not exist on the server. Please check the share name, and then try again.

    The following error pop's up as an [OK] dialogue box after logging in the iMac,
    There was a problem connecting to the server "Time Capsule".
    The share does not exist on the server. Please check the share name, and then try again."
    As it happens, a connection to the Time Capsule is established usually, anyway. On occasion it doesn't.
    I have a Volume, Data, on the capsule, which similarly, usually mounts, but occassionally doesn't, with access permissions denied.
    Any suggestions on how begin to work out how to achieve networking seamlesness?

    First, restart the Time Capsule by disconnecting the power adapter and reconnecting it. If other devices on the network can see it, you can skip this step.
    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Network
    Click the lock icon in the lower left corner of the window and authenticate to unlock the settings, if necessary. Click the Advanced button, then select the TCP/IP tab in the sheet that drops down. Click Renew DHCP lease.
    Try again to back up.
    If you still can't, open the Time Machine preference pane and delete the TC from the list of backup destinations. You may have to unlock the settings by clicking the lock icon in order to do this. Then add it back.

  • I bught a new Time Capsule 2Tb. I connected it to my internet router. I manege to set it up as base station but when i try to use it with time machine I always get the message "Check your IP addres"? What am I doing wrong? On my computer I have OSX 10.7.5

    I bought a new Time Capsule 2Tb. I connected it to my internet router. I manage to set it up as base station but when i try to use it with time machine I always get the message "Check your IP addres"? What am I doing wrong? On my computer I have OSX 10.7.5

    What IP address does the TC have and what IP does the computer have?
    We need more info as we really have no idea what your network looks like.
    Modem router, model, type of broadband?
    TC setup as bridge or router?
    Is the computer getting internet via the TC?
    Are you using wireless or ethernet?
    Have you set IPv6 correctly to local link in the computer on whichever network client is doing the connection?
    Did this work the first time for backup and has now failed? If so simply reboot the TC. It is a constant bug that the TC is lost to the network.

  • Use thread to check for file exists. How?

    public class FileSearcher extends Thread
         String name = "Unknown";
         //RunFileSearcher rfs = new RunFileSearcher(name);
         //FileSearcher rfs = new FileSearcher(name);
         File f = new File();
         Thread t = new Thread(); // create  the thread
         t.start(); // start the thread running
         public void run(name)
              if( f.exists(name) )
                   System.out.println("*** File " + f + " has been created. ***");
                   System.out.println("Searching for file " + f) ;
    }How do I use each thread to check for each file exists per sec??
    Please Help Thanks

    1) Why are you using Threads?
    2) It is preferrable to implement Runnable.
    3) This is all incredibly pointless (see point 1)

  • We are using jni.h but its getting errors, please check it this

    We are using jni.h but its getting errors, please check it this
    Calling from a .dll using Java and JNI - by Borland Developer Support Staff
    Abstract:Basic JNI example: making a Win32 API call
    Making Native Windows API calls from within a Java Application
    One of the main points of Java is to be completely platform independent. However, sometimes it will occur that the developer of an
    application will know that his or her application is only going to be run on a specific platform, for example, Win32.
    NOTE: This example assumes that you are using JDK 1.2 or later.
    Below are the steps for writing a Java application that makes a Win32 API call. The application generates a Swing Jframe and makes it
    system modal, or gives it the �Always On Top� functionality, similar to that of the Windows NT Task Manager.
    Steps to follow:
    1. Write the Java code for the application
    2. Run javah.exe on your .class file to generate a C header file
    3. write the implementation of your native methods
    4. create the shared library
    5. run the application
    1. Write the Java code for the application
    import java.awt.*;
    import sun.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Frame1 extends JFrame {
    int windowHWND = 0;
    JButton jButton1 = new JButton();
    public Frame1() {
    //windowHWND = this.getHwnd();
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    public int getHwnd() {
    DrawingSurfaceInfo w = (DrawingSurfaceInfo) ((DrawingSurface) getPeer()).getDrawingSurfaceInfo();
    WDrawingSurfaceInfo win32 = (WDrawingSurfaceInfo) w;
    int hwnd = win32.getHWnd();
    return hwnd;
    static {
    public static native void WindowAlwaysOnTop(int hwnd, boolean flag);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Frame1 frame11 = new Frame1();
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    this.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    this.getContentPane().add(jButton1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    void this_windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {
    windowHWND = this.getHwnd();
    System.out.println("the value is: " + this.getHwnd());
    this.WindowAlwaysOnTop(windowHWND, true);
    void this_windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    Once the code is written, compile it with Jbuilder or the command line javac.exe tool which will result in a generated .class file. You will use
    this .class file in the next step.
    2. Run javah.exe on your .class file to generate a C header file
    The following line represents the basic syntax for running javah.exe:
    javah Frame1
    where Frame1 is the name of the argument class.
    When you run javah.exe, it will generate a header file by the same name as your implementation but with a .h file extension. For this
    example the .h file that was generated from the above Java code will be emitted being that it is quite large.
    NOTE: Make sure that when you run javah.exe, it is the javah.exe that came with the same JDK that you will be compiling with as there may
    be some issues with using a version of javah.exe that is different from that of the JDK you are using to compile.
    3. write the implementation of your native methods
    Now that you have your Java source and your C header file, it is time to write the implementation of your native methods.
    Following is the C code that corresponds to the native methods declared in the Java code listed in step 1:
    #include "jni.h"
    #include "Frame1.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Frame1_WindowAlwaysOnTop(JNIEnv *env, jclass obj, jint hwnd, jboolean flag)
    if (flag)
    SetWindowPos((HWND) hwnd,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
    You will notice several things: one is that the function signature has �Java_Frame1_� preceeding the name of the function. If there was a
    package statement in the Java source, it would appear after ��Frame1_� in the function signature.
    Second, you will notice the #include �jni.h�. Normally this would be #include<jni.h>, depending on how you have your libraries set up within
    your C compiler.
    4. create the shared library
    Now you are ready to create the shared library. Using your C compiler, create a .dll file with the code from the C implementation file. Refer
    to the doccumentation of the C compiler for details on creating a .dll file.
    For those interested in using Borland C++ Builder:
    If you have got it installed, you could use Borland C++ Builder 3 or C++ Builder 4 to create your DLL file. If this is the case, you would use
    File | New... | DLL C++ Builder will then generate some code for you, and you will just need to add your implementation code to the code
    which was generated.
    Remember in the Java code in step one there is a line:
    static {
    �windowOnTop� is the name of the .dll file. You can name it whatever you want, just make sure that you specify the appropriate name when
    loading the library.
    5. run the application
    Finally you are ready to run the application. From the command line use java.exe and as the argument specify the name of the class that
    you compiled in step one. Once the system loads your DLL, the window that the VM creates should mimic the �Always On Top�
    We are getting errors like this
    �Compiling JNI.H:
    Error JNI_MD.H 23: , expected
    Error JNI.H 115: Declaration missing
    Error JNI.H 200: ) expected
    Error JNI.H 202: ) expected

    #include "jni.h"
    #include "Frame1.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Frame1_WindowAlwaysOnTop(JNIEnv *env, jclass obj, jint hwnd, jboolean flag)
    if (flag)
    SetWindowPos((HWND) hwnd,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
    We are getting errors like this
    �Compiling JNI.H:
    Error JNI_MD.H 23: , expected
    Error JNI.H 115: Declaration missing
    Error JNI.H 200: ) expected
    Error JNI.H 202: ) expected

  • What determines whether an application gets a green check or a yellow warning sign in the deployment summary screen when using an MDT/UDI task sequence?

    I am trying to get Office 2010 to install using a UDI task sequence, and it IS installing, but it has a yellow exclamation point next to it at the summary screen after the task sequence completes, as does another app I am trying to install.
    The apps that use an .MSI are fine, and get the green check, but the two apps that use .exe for their installers get the yellow warning sign.  I assume this has to do with exit codes or detection rules, but I am very new to SCCM (using 2012 and MDT
    2012 Update 1), so I need some help.
    Thank you! 
    EDIT: This probably has to do with the fact that SuccessOrFailureCode being blank.  I have been pouring over .vbs scripts and logs, but they all seem to indicate that my application installs just fine, with an exit code of 0. Where does this screen
    get the SuccessOrFailureCode?

    I have some updated info on this problem.
    I am trying to install Symantec Endpoint Protection with a custom wrapped .EXE file, and I have created detection rules for the install.
    According to AppEnforce.log, SEP is installing and returning an Exit code of '1', and that is being handled with my custom return code handling, which I've defined as a 'success'.  However, the deployment summary is still showing a yellow exclamation point
    next to the SEP install, and the SuccessOrFailureCode is blank.
    Why isn't the SuccessOrFailureCode equal to '1'?  Where is the disconnect between the AppEnforce.log and the deployment summary.

  • Could someone please help me, I bought my daughter an iphone 4s for my daughters birthday yesterday and set it up for her so she could use it straight away, now we share emails, facetime and when i download an app she gets it too,

    Could someone please help me, I bought my daughter an iphone 4s for her birthday yesterday and I set it up for her so she could use it straight away, now we share emails, facetime and when i download an app she gets it too, very annoying for us both.

    you can use the same apple id for purchasing apps and music if you want, but turn off automatic downloads. it may be better to have separate ones, but if you want the same app you'd have to pay twice. that's something you'll have to think about. for all the other stuff like facetime and messages and icloud you need to have separate icloud id's. see the apple link below.

  • Using getter/setter for returing a string variable to display on an Applet

    have two classes called, class A and class testA.
    class A contains an instance variable called title and one getter & setter method. class A as follow.
    public class A extends Applet implements Runnable, KeyListener
         //Use setter and getter of the instance variable
         private String title;
         public void init()
              ASpriteFactory spriteFactory = ASpriteFactory.getSingleton();
              // Find the size of the screen .
              Dimension theDimension = getSize();
              width = theDimension.width;
              height = theDimension.height;
              //Create new ship
              ship = spriteFactory.createNewShip();
              fwdThruster = spriteFactory.createForwardThruster();
              revThruster = spriteFactory.createReverseThruster();
              ufo = spriteFactory.createUfo();
              missile = spriteFactory.createMissile();
              //Example from Instructor
              //setMyControlPanel( new MyControlPanel(this) );
              // new for JDK 1.2.2
         public void update(Graphics theGraphics)
              // Create the offscreen graphics context, if no good one exists.
              if (offGraphics == null || width != offDimension.width || height != offDimension.height)
                   // This better be the same as when the game was started
                   offDimension = getSize();
                   offImage = createImage(offDimension.width, offDimension.height);
                   offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
              //Load the game with different color of the space ship          
              // Copy the off screen buffer to the screen.
              theGraphics.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, this);
         private void displayInfoScreen()
              String message;
              if (!playing)
                   offGraphics.drawString("\'A\' to Change Font Attribute", 25, 35);
                   offGraphics.drawString(getTitle(), (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             - fontHeight);
                   message = "The Training Mission";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2);
                   message = "Name of Author";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             + fontHeight);
                   message = "Original Copyright 1998-1999 by Mike Hall";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             + (fontHeight * 2));
                   if (!loaded)
                        message = "Loading sounds...";
                        int barWidth = 4 * fontWidth + fontMetrics.stringWidth(message);
                        int barHeight = fontHeight;
                        int startX = (width - barWidth) / 2;
                        int startY = 3 * height / 4 - fontMetrics.getMaxAscent();
                        offGraphics.fillRect(startX, startY, barWidth, barHeight);
                        if (clipTotal > 0)
                             offGraphics.fillRect(startX, startY, (barWidth * clipsLoaded / clipTotal), barHeight);
                        offGraphics.drawRect(startX, startY, barWidth, barHeight);
                                  .drawString(message, startX + 2 * fontWidth, startY + fontMetrics.getMaxAscent());
                        message = "Game Over";
                        offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4);
                        message = "'S' to Start";
                        offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4
                                  + fontHeight);
              else if (paused)
                   message = "Game Paused";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4);
         public String getTitle() {
              return title;
         public void setTitle(String title) {
              this.title = title;
    }displayInfoScreen method in class A calls out for getTitle( ) to be displayed on an applet as an initial display string for the application.
    The instance variable title is set by setTitle method which is called out in class testA as follow,
    public class testA extends TestCase
          * testASprite constructor comment.
          * @param name
          *          java.lang.String
         public testA(String name)
          * Insert the method's description here.
          * @param args
          *          java.lang.String[]
         public static void main(String[] args)
              // need to figure out how to get rid of the frame in this test
         public static Test suite()
              return new TestSuite(testA.class);
          * Basic create and simple checks
         public void testCreate()
              A theGame = new A();
              assertNotNull("game was null!", theGame);
          * Basic create and simple checks
         public void testInit()
              A theGame = new A();
              Frame gameFrame = new Frame("THE GAME");
              int width = 640;
              int height = 480;
              gameFrame.setSize(width, height);
              // must pack to get graphics peer
              theGame.resize(width, height);
              theGame.setTitle("TEST THE GAME");
              assertEquals("ASprite width not set", A.width, width);
    }Basically, class testA invokes the init( ) method in class A and start the applet application. However, it displays a white blank display. If I change the getTitle( ) in the displayInfoScreen method to a fixed string, it works fine. Did I forget anything as far as using getter & setter method? Do I have to specify some type of handle to sync between setter and getter between two classes? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    Your class A extends runnable which leads me to believe that this is a multi-threaded application. In that case, title may or may not be a shared variable. Who knows? It's impossible to tell from what you posted.
    Anyway, what is happening is that your applet is being painted by the JFrame before setTitle is called. After that, who knows what's happening. It's a complicated application. I suspect that if you called setTitle before you added the applet to the frame, it would work.

  • User gets "This network connection does not exist" when she tries to log on to Terminal Server (2008 R2)

    User gets "This network connection does not exist" when she tryes to log on to Terminal Server (2008 R2)
    I got more than 100 users. Shes the only one getting is. We tried four computers (All Windows 7 Pro)
    Nothing useful in event viewer to mention.

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Does that user able to login previously?
    From your comment, it seems that there is some permission issue with that user. As you have checked that user with different system also. Please check that user is added under “Remote Desktop User” local group and also allowed “Allow log on through
    Remote Desktop service” permission under group policy. Also please check that when user tries to login it uses “Domainname\Username” format.
    In addition for a try, also check by disabling firewall on one particular system.
    To add users and groups to the Remote Desktop Users group by using Local Users and Groups snap-in:
    1.  Click Start > Administrative Tools, Open Computer Management.
    2.  In the console tree, click the Local Users and Groups node.
    3.  In the details pane, double-click the Groups folder.
    4.  Double-click Remote Desktop Users, and then click
    5.  In the Select Users dialog box, click Locations to specify the search location.
    6.  Click Object Types to specify the types of objects you want to search for.
    7.  Type the name you want to add in the Enter the object names to select (examples) box. 
    8.  Click Check Names.
    When the name is located, click OK.
    More information:
    Remote Desktop disconnected or can’t connect to remote computer or to Remote Desktop server (Terminal Server) that is running Windows Server 2008 R2
    Hope it helps!

  • Issue with using GET n SET Parameter in module pool programming.

    Hello Friends,
                         I am using SET n GET Parameter to access input values from a screen. But when I use it, the values are not transfered back n forth. Getting initial values.
    Your expertise would be appreciated.

    check this
    Filling an Initial Screen using SPA/GPA Parameters
    To fill the input fields of a called transaction with data from the calling program, you can use the SPA/GPA technique. SPA/GPA parameters are values that the system stores in the global, user-specific SAP memory. SAP memory allows you to pass values between programs. A user can access the values stored in the SAP memory during one terminal session for all parallel sessions. Each SPA/GPA parameter is identified by a 20-character code. You can maintain them in the Repository Browser in the ABAP Workbench. The values in SPA/GPA parameters are user-specific.
    ABAP programs can access the parameters using the SET PARAMETER and GET PARAMETER statements.
    To fill one, use:
    This statement saves the contents of field <f> under the ID <pid> in the SAP memory. The code <pid> can be up to 20 characters long. If there was already a value stored under <pid>, this statement overwrites it. If the ID <pid> does not exist, double-click <pid> in the ABAP Editor to create a new parameter object.
    To read an SPA/GPA parameter, use:
    This statement fills the value stored under the ID <pid> into the variable <f>. If the system does not find a value for <pid> in the SAP memory, it sets SY-SUBRC to 4, otherwise to 0.
    To fill the initial screen of a program using SPA/GPA parameters, you normally only need the SET PARAMETER statement.
    The relevant fields must each be linked to an SPA/GPA parameter.
    On a selection screen, you link fields to parameters using the MEMORY ID addition in the PARAMETERS or SELECT-OPTIONS statement. If you specify an SPA/GPA parameter ID when you declare a parameter or selection option, the corresponding input field is linked to that input field.
    On a screen, you link fields to parameters in the Screen Painter. When you define the field attributes of an input field, you can enter the name of an SPA/GPA parameter in the Parameter ID field in the screen attributes. The SET parameter and GET parameter checkboxes allow you to specify whether the field should be filled from the corresponding SPA/GPA parameter in the PBO event, and whether the SPA/GPA parameter should be filled with the value from the screen in the PAI event.
    When an input field is linked to an SPA/GPA parameter, it is initialized with the current value of the parameter each time the screen is displayed. This is the reason why fields on screens in the R/3 System often already contain values when you call them more than once.
    When you call programs, you can use SPA/GPA parameters with no additional programming overhead if, for example, you need to fill obligatory fields on the initial screen of the called program. The system simply transfers the values from the parameters into the input fields of the called program.
    However, you can control the contents of the parameters from your program by using the SET PARAMETER statement before the actual program call. This technique is particularly useful if you want to skip the initial screen of the called program and that screen contains obligatory fields.
    If you want to set SPA/GPA parameters before a program call, you need to know which parameters are linked to which fields on the initial screen. A simple way of doing this is to start the program that you want to call, place the cursor on the input fields, and choose F1 followed by Technical info. The Parameter ID field contains the name of the corresponding SPA/GPA parameter. Alternatively, you can look at the screen definition in the Screen Painter.
    The technical information for the first input field of the booking transaction TCG2 looks like this:
    The SPA/GPA parameter for the input field Company has the ID CAR. Use this method to find the IDs CON, DAY, and BOK for the other input fields.
    The following executable program is connected to the logical database F1S and calls an update transaction:
      WRITE: 'Select a booking',
                        'CON' FIELD SBOOK-CONNID,
                        'DAY' FIELD SBOOK-FLDATE,
                        'BOK' FIELD SBOOK-BOOKID.
    The basic list of the program shows fields from the database table SBOOK according to the user entries on the selection screen. These data are also stored in the HIDE areas of each line.
    If the user selects a line of booking data by double-clicking, the system triggers the AT LINE-SELECTION event and takes the data stored in the HIDE area to fill them into the SPA/GPA parameters of the initial screen of the transaction. Then it calls the transaction. Since you do not suppress the initial screen using AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN, the initial screen may appear as follows:
    If you would use the AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN option with the CALL TRANSACTION statement, the second screen would appear immediately, since all obligatory fields of the first screen are filled.
    Edited by: K.P.N on Jan 9, 2008 5:21 AM

  • Use cached exchange mode for new and existing outlook profiles

    Hi, I've noticed a difference in the behavior of this setting in Outlook 2010 vs 2013
    In 2010, when the gpo is set, everything is greyed out for the user, but in 2013, the user can change the setting. Has anyone else noticed this? Is this something that MS decided to change or a bug?
    I'll attach screenshots of the settings and the end result later.

    In 2010, when the gpo is set, everything is greyed out for the user, but in 2013, the user can change the setting.
    Based on your description, I understand that “Use Cached Exchange Mode” will gray out in Outlook 2010 when
    set "Use Cached Exchange Mode for new and existing Outlook profiles".
    However, in Outlook 2013, you will still be able to check “Use Cached Exchange Mode”. If anything I misunderstand, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
    Just my guess, Office 2013 Administrative Templates may be a little difference with Office 2010 Administrative
    Templates. On current situation, I suggest that you would post the question in
    Office Forum. I believe we will get a better assistance there.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • HT1926 download does not start i am using windows 7 and checked the pop-up blocker

    download does not start i am using windows 7 and checked the pop-up blocker

    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Creating a profile":
    If the new profile works then you can transfer some files from an existing profile to the new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.
    A possible cause is security software (firewall,anti-virus) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.

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