Using properties class

How do I extract keys with values of pcoa245 for example using the Properties() class. The file is shown below. Thanks for your help.
pcoa245= C .. QMan_2 (tsorial@pcoa245)
pcoa245= Q .. QMan_3 (tsorial@pcoa245)
sun122= C .. Testing (tsorial@pcoa245)
sun122= C .. testing ([email protected])
sun122= R .. sasls01 (tsorial@LOCAL)

Maybe it will help if I show you what I have so far:
Properties p=new Properties();
String sFile=FileOps.FileInDir(System.getProperty("user.dir"),"server_jobs.txt");
p.load(new FileInputStream(sFile));
//Add job item to server node
jobItem=new DefaultMutableTreeNode(p.getProperty(zServer.getName()));
serverName.add(jobItem);ServerName is a node within a JTree. I am trying to extract the lines (not just one) that start with pcoa245 and place the strings after the "=" into the tree. How would I extract these lines using the properties class.

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    sample code:
    import java.util.*;
    public class Frankie {
    public static void main(String[] arg) {
    try {
    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.load(new FileInputStream("file.ini"));
    Enumeration e = p.propertyNames();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
    String name = (String)e.nextElement();
    String value = p.getProperty(name);
    String coded_value = new String(value.getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "Big5");
    System.out.println(name + " : " + coded_value);
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    for (int k = 0; k < bBytes2.length; k++) {
    System.out.println("byte " + "iso1" + "[" + k + "] = " + bBytes2[k]);
    catch (Exception e) {
    a : ?
    byte iso1[0] = 63
    people : &#20320;
    byte iso1[0] = -89
    byte iso1[1] = 65
    the proper byte of "&#39184;" should be (-64, 92).....
    If i use a varible to store this character in the source code, and use value.getBytes("big5"), the byte could be properly display for this character....
    how can i solve this? thanks a lot!

    The Properties class javadoc says
    The load and store methods load and store properties in a simple line-oriented format specified
    below. This format uses the ISO 8859-1 character encoding. Characters that cannot be directly
    represented in this encoding can be written using Unicode escapes ; only a single 'u' character
    is allowed in an escape sequence. The native2ascii tool can be used to convert property files to
    and from other character encodings.
    which means you are not supposed to use "big5" encoding in your Properties text file
    directly. There is a commandline tool "native2ascii" bundled with your jdk package that
    you can use to convert your "big5" encoded Properties file into unicode escapes based
    text file, then you no longer needs to play the trick
    String coded_value = new String(value.getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "Big5");
    p.getProperty(name) will give you exactly the correct "value" defined in your properties
    btw, when using "native2ascii", if you are not in a "big5" env, using "-encoding big5" option
    to force it.

  • Using FileIOInteractionSpec Class For Moving File using File Adapter

    Hi All,
    I am tring to use FileIOInteractionSpec class to move a file from one location to another. The problem is that I am not able to override its properties from BPEL, here is how the FileAdapter.jca file looks like which moves the file from one location to another:
    <adapter-config name="MoveFileService" adapter="File Adapter" wsdlLocation="MoveFileService.wsdl" xmlns="">
    <connection-factory location="eis/FileAdapter"/>
    <endpoint-interaction portType="MoveFile_ptt" operation="MoveFile">
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    <property name="PhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead"/>
    <property name="FileName" value="dummy.txt"/>
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    *<interaction-spec className="oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileIoInteractionSpec">*
    *<property name="Type" value="MOVE"/>*
    *<property name="SourcePhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead"/>*
    *<property name="SourceFileName" value="dummy.txt"/>*
    *<property name="TargetPhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead2"/>*
    *<property name="TargetFileName" value="dummyCopy.txt"/>*
    In the above code, I have hard-coded the values, and it works fine like that.
    However, when I try to override these values by defining properies in BPEL invoke's tag, the values are getting passed as null.
    Here is the invoke tag code, tried the following 2 combinations:
    <invoke name="InvokeFileMove"
    partnerLink="MoveFileService" portType="ns1:MoveFile_ptt"
    operation="Move" bpelx:invokeAsDetail="no">
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.SourcePhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead"/>
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.SourceFileName" value="dummy.txt"/>
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.TargetPhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead2"/>
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.TargetFileName" value="dummyCopy.txt"/>
    <invoke name="InvokeFileMove"
    partnerLink="MoveFileService" portType="ns1:MoveFile_ptt"
    operation="Move" bpelx:invokeAsDetail="no">
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="SourcePhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead"/>
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="SourceFileName" value="dummy.txt"/>
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="TargetPhysicalDirectory" value="C:\FileRead2"/>
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="TargetFileName" value="dummyCopy.txt"/>
    These four properties are not visible in Invoke -> Properties tab as well.
    Could you please suggest how can I override the jca's values for FileIOInteractionSpec class?

    I have successfully used this API and it works fine.
    Try to use variables which contains values like "dummyCopy.txt" etc.
    Here is what I used :
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.SourceDirectory"
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.SourceFileName"
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.TargetDirectory"
    <bpelx:inputProperty name="jca.file.TargetFileName"
    Pass approppriate values into the above given variables and try.
    Hopefully it should work.
    Let us know, how it goes !

  • How to use properties file

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    After running the program i am getting the following errors:::::
    Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name Test, locale en_US
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
    at PropertiesReader.main(
    What is the issue? How to use properties file?
    Waiting for reply.

    Still getting same exception. As you explained i tried like the below:::
    1. I am using ant as build tool.
    2. My properties file is for database configuration
    My properties file is:: (inside myProject/properties)
    My java package structure is
    For build WEB-INF is the base directory and build.xml is inside the src directory
    In my build.xml i wrote the following lines for compilation::
              <target name="compile" >
                   <javac srcdir="src" destdir="src/classes" debug="true" debuglevel="lines,vars,source">
                        <classpath refid="class.path"/>
    <copy todir = "src/classes" >
    <fileset dir = "../properties" />
                   <jar jarfile="lib/${project.jar.file}" basedir="src/classes"/>
    I am copying properties file to the classes directory.
    Now in java file which is inside /WEB-INF/src/java, I wrote::
    try {
    Properties programProps = new Properties();
    InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");
    if(is == null)
    throw new IllegalStateException("Properties file missing ");
    System.out.println("driver name::::::: "+programProps.getProperty("JDBCDriver"));
    } catch(Exception e) {
    After compilation in my classes directory i am getting file and my java file with package.
    At the time of running i am getting "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Properties file missing"
    Now tell me where is the fault. Why again i am getting exception.

  • Getting desired resolution of the images created by Powerpoint conversion service using PictureRequest class

    I am using PictureRequest class to get the images of the presentation as,
    PictureRequest request = new PictureRequest(inStream, ".pptx", PictureFormat.Png, outStream);
    IAsyncResult result = request.BeginConvert(SPServiceContext.GetContext(siteCollection), null, null);
    After getting the response from the PictureRequest if I check the image size (in this case png) it has the resolution of 720x540. I want bigger resolution images. I searched all over the sharepoint central administration but could not find any setting related
    to Powerpoint conversion service which may allow to set the desired image resolution.
    Could you please anyone suggest where I can specify the required resolution?
    Many thanks in advance!

    According to your description, you want to convert PPT file to PNG file in a specific resolution.
    There is no such OOTB settings in PowerPoint conversion service can meet your requirement. In
    PictureRequest object, there is also no related method can set the resolution of the converting image.
    As a workaround, I would suggest you do the conversion outside SharePoint, there will be more options available to handle the properties of the converted images.
    The links below about with code demos about how to convert PowerPoint Slide to Image for your reference:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support


    Hi Guys,
    Can you please explain what are the different critiria to use different class type and what exactly meaning of the each class type with respect to Material classification.
    Any material available on this to study. Please give link.

    The classification system allows you to use characteristics to describe all types of objects, and to group similar objects in classes u2013 to classify objects, in other words, so that you can find them more easily later.
    You then use the classes to help you to find objects more easily, using the characteristics defined in them as search criteria. This ensures that you can find objects with similar or identical characteristics as quickly as possible.
    The classification system allows you to classify all types of object. First, you must define certain settings in Customizing for the classification system. For more information, see Customizing for the Classification System.
    SAP has predefined a number of object types (for example, materials, and equipment). The settings for these object types have already been defined in Customizing, so you can start to set up your classification system for these object types without defining further settings.
    Before you can use classification functions, you need to set up your classification system.
    The there are three steps to setting up a classification system:
    Defining the Properties of Objects
    You use characteristics to describe the properties of objects. You create characteristics centrally in the SAP R/3 System.
    See the SAP Library, Characteristics (CA-CL-CHR).
    Creating Classes
    You need classes to classify objects. These classes must be set up. During set up you must assign characteristics to the classes.
    Assigning Objects
    Once you have created the classes you require for classification, you can assign objects to these classes. You use the characteristics of the class to describe the objects you classify.
    This completes the data you require to use your classification system. You can then use your classification system to find objects that match the criteria you require.
    Once you have set up the classification system you can use it to find certain objects. To do this:
    Find a class in which objects are classified
    Find the object(s) you require in the class
    When you use classification to find objects, you use the characteristics as search criteria, and the system compares the values you enter with the values of the classified objects.
    Award if helpfull

  • Properties Class, How does it work

    I was struggling to find how to use Properties Object, to read properties file, then I saw the following solution:
    fis = <classname>.getClass().getResourceAsStream("<prop file>"); (1)
    prop = new Properties();(2)
    This works fine, but I am not able to understand, how does it work?
    <classname>.getClass() should return a class object, and this class must be havaing getResourceAsStream() method, which is used by the properties object. But what is the need of first getting a "class" object. Our aim is to open the Properties file, then why do we need any reference to the current class.
    Can anybody explain the jargon of the line -(1)

    the Class class is defined in the lava.lang package. The java virtual machine (JVM) uses a class loader to load class definitions from wherever <g> into memory, ok? The Class class represents the JVM's internal holding of a class definition (as opposed to instances of the class itself).
    To get the Class for any class, you can use the getClass() method on any object, or you can use the <classname>.class syntax. Either way, you get an instance of Class.
    The Class class contains some utility methods about class definitions prresent in the JVM. Importantly, the Class object for a class contains a reference to the class loader that loaded the class. You get it with the getClassLoader() method. The class loader is a thing that knows how to get a class definition from a local drive, or of a jar file, or off the web (if you are using an applet), or whatever. If one class needs another class to work, the class loader knows how to get the definition for that other class.
    Say I have a class
    class Foo {
       int bar(Baz baz);
    }and another one
    class Baz {
    }And both of these are in a jar file at
    An instance of URLClassLoader will be used to fetch class Foo. When Foo needs the definition of Baz, that same loader will be used to get Baz.
    A jar file (or a directory on your local drive) can contain anything at all, not just .class files. It might contain .prioperties files. These are called "resources". If you bundle them up with your class files, then the class loader that loaded the class files can also get them. So if your widget has gif files that it uses for icons, you just bundle them all up together.
    Of course, Class.getResource() is just a convenience method for Class.getClassLoader().getResource().

  • Using ResourceBundle class

    How to use ResourceBundle class for fetching data from properties file.
    Thanks & Regards

    it is explained in the java tutorial, here 's the url :

  • Setting Image resolution of the images created by Powerpoint conversion service using PictureRequest class

    I am using PictureRequest class to get the images of the presentation as,
    PictureRequest request = new PictureRequest(inStream, ".pptx", PictureFormat.Png, outStream);
    IAsyncResult result = request.BeginConvert(SPServiceContext.GetContext(siteCollection), null, null);
    After getting the response from the PictureRequest if I check the image size (in this case png) it has the resolution of 720x540. I want bigger resolution images. I searched all over the sharepoint central administration but could not find any setting related
    to Powerpoint conversion service which may allow to set the desired image resolution.
    Could you please anyone suggest where I can specify the required resolution?
    Many thanks in advance!

    According to your description, you want to convert PPT file to PNG file in a specific resolution.
    There is no such OOTB settings in PowerPoint conversion service can meet your requirement. In
    PictureRequest object, there is also no related method can set the resolution of the converting image.
    As a workaround, I would suggest you do the conversion outside SharePoint, there will be more options available to handle the properties of the converted images.
    The links below about with code demos about how to convert PowerPoint Slide to Image for your reference:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exception thrown while reading an XML file using Properties

    Exception thrown while reading an XML file using Properties.
    Exception in thread "main" java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
    The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
    at java.util.XMLUtils.load(Unknown Source)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    </Config>Am I missing anything?

    Thanks a lot for all yr help.I have got the basics of
    the DTD
    However,when I say thus
    <!DOCTYPE Config SYSTEM "c:/PartyConfig">
    ?xml version="1.0"?>
    </Config>I get the error
    Invalid system identifier: file:///c:/ParyConfig.dtd
    Please advise?for goodness sake, how many times do I have to tell you that you can't just expect the Properties class to accept arbitrary XML in any format? it reads XML in the format I linked to, and nothing else. Properties is not a general purpose XML binding. you can't do what you're trying to do with it. read this and in particular pay attention to the following
    The XML document must have the following DOCTYPE declaration:
    <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
    Furthermore, the document must satisfy the properties DTD described above.
    you are not reading my answers properly, are you? kindly do so

  • Using ClipboardData Class

    Could anyone
    propose an example of using ClipboardData Class
    to read and write data to the clipboard?
    For example paste in the Clipboard an image with a
    tooltip and a hyperlink
    thank you very much

    Thank You,
    Obviously I'm not trying to paste Clipboard's objects
    in Notepad. The goal is to paste them
    in to a Word or
    Get and Set an image from the Clipboard
    is very simple, but it is probably necessary to use metadatata for associate the image with
    tooltip and a hyperlink.
    My question is related to the clipboardData
    Class. Perhaps this could be done
    using the Data and
    Metadata properties.

  • How use properties file

    Hi i read about properties file in java .. i didn't get much more..
    how can we use this in program.. what is the benefit..
    anyone know any examples in site.please let me know about that

    int count=getGoogleSearchCount();
    public int getGoogleSearchCount(){
    search keyword="";
    // missing code
    return count;
    System.out.println(count);i ran the above code snipplet and guess the output?
    291,000 results.

  • Using JAXP classes in Jserv

    I have added 3 jar files to the server class path jaxp.jar, crimson.jar, and xalan.jar. and added the this file paths in jserv.preperties and when i moved the jsp file to server and run the application it shows the Internal server 500.
    added paths in like:
    am i missing any other jar file I am using the classes
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.transform.Transformer"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.transform.TransformerException"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory"%>
    <%@ page import= "javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource"%>
    <%@ page import= ""%>
    <%@ page import= "org.w3c.dom.Document"%>
    <%@ page import= "org.w3c.dom.Element"%>
    <%@ page import= "org.w3c.dom.Node"%>
    <%@ page import= "org.w3c.dom.NodeList"%>
    suggest the solution please.

    Would you consider posting it?
    Best Regards

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    Is there a way to hide a specific cell using ABAP classes for reports?

    Hello Thomas Daly
        I never saw a way to grant permission to a List, the only way I ever saw a list get its permissions is thru
    the group site it resides in, the Discussion Board is the problem in this case (it has preconfigure permissions but they seem more like properties that you select the value from RadioButtons).  However, ms-addnew gets rid of the Add new link but it
    gets rid of the one in the Discusson Board too because Discussion Board falls in the category of List.
        In other words ms-addnew in the master got rid of all of the Add new items, link etc as hoped but now
    I can't add to the Discussion Board.
        I am alright with a hack (I am open to any suggestions) that would work if it works but, the List's I am referring to are all "Links" in the Quick Launch so I dont know how you would be able to apply the jquery, how would you apply the
    jquery to a Links in a Quick Launch?
        Thank you

  • Unable to read ITResource details using Platform class

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    tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf itTResourceOperationsIntf=Platform.getService(tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf.class);
    Hashtable itmap=new Hashtable();
    itmap.put(OIMConstants.ITRESOURCE_NAME, resourceName);
    tcResultSet rset=itIntf.findITResourceInstances(itmap);
    However, if I use the same code by getting the instance of ITResourceInstanceOperations, I am able to read the parameters ?? Any idea on this ??

    Project folder is a IDE concept, not used by Java itself. Java works with class paths, which designate where it can search for classes and resources.
    Anyway, most of the IDEs handle properties files correctly (i.e. copy them in the right place when building/compiling, so that they can be found by Java when running the program). So you should put them along with java classes, in your packages structure.
    So if you have a properties file named "", which is located in the "titi.tata" package, then you would load it with:ResourceBundle.getBundle("titi.tata.Toto");

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