Using table filters with transient VO attributes

I have a the following use case and I cannot seem to find a valid solution on my own without falling into deep depression and/or psychotic delirium. Anyway, I'm sure there's a solution and that it's pretty simple, and hopefully someone here will know it.
Let say I have a read-only VO with two attributes bound to the SQL query, namely Prefix and Suffix, as well as a transient calculated attribute named Compound formed of both the Prefix and Suffix separated with an hyphen.
Now I want to bind that VO to an af:table supporting filters, showing only Compound column as Prefix and Suffix alone doesn't make much sense to the end user. I therefore use Compound as the sortProperty. For sorting, I was able to enforce correct logic by overriding the VO's getOrderByClause and setOrderByClause methods. For findMode, an old solution proposed by Steve involving overriding createViewCriteria with a custom class extending ViewCriteria that needs to override createViewCriteriaRow works. However, the filter capability of the table seems to use something different involving ViewCriteriaItemValue. Although I would be able to create a different instance when a criterion is created for the Compound attribute, but even if I do, I don't know how to split that value into two columns afterward. I guess I could create three linked values when the compound filter value is created, but it seems complicated. Best would be to hook the method returning the list of ViewCriteriaItemValue during the where clause creation, but then again, the data binding layer use that to detect what filters are applied and output the table accordingly so I cannot really remove the compound value at that point either. I could also override the getWhereClause I guess. Another solution, the simplest, would be to put the compound value in the SQL query, but I find that option appalling as it shouldn't be the database responsibility. If there's no other option I guess that what I'm going to do however.
Anyone can shred any light on that issue?
~ Simon

Hi Peter,
Although it's not exactly what I need, I can indeed build a solution from that. Then again, it wouldn't be my first choice as it doesn't respect a correct separation of concerns (I guess I'm a purist). A listener is a view/controller layer entity and I would have preferred to hide the fact that the VO Attribute is a composition of two others to that layer. I would really have liked a pure model layer solution. That being said, I prefer the queryListener option to the Database one.
~ Simon

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    This cannot be generated out-of-the-box.
    It is easiest to add the shuttle post-generation to your page, and then create a custom template to generate your custom shuttle into the page. I suggest you take a look at an example of a generated shuttle in a page, and the JHeadstart IntersectionShuttleBean class. You will see that the value property of <af:selectManyShuttle> points to the selectedKeys method in the JHeadstart Shuttle bean. In your case, you can create your own managed bean and bind the value property to your own method which will provide you access to the selected rows. The value property of the selectItem within the af:selectManyShuttle determines the property that is used to identify the selected row (which is the row key in case of Jhs-generated shuttles).
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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    Didn't have to use populateAttribute at all. I just passed the text input fields using parameters from the controller to the AM where I was displaying the transient VO attributes and overrode the attribute there.

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    I'd suggest that you try changing
    If(isblank(A5)," ","Data")
    I changed the null string to a space character.
    When you sort, choose text is NOT a space. (Edit: I meant to say Filter, not sort)

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    2          cursor fnd_c is
                        select * from fnd_columns;
    3          type test_t is table of fnd_columns%rowtype;
    4          fnd_t test_t;
    5 begin
    6          merge into sample s using (select * from table  (fnd_pkg1.get_records(cursor(select * from fnd_columns)))) f
    7          on (s.application_id = f.application_id)
    8          when matched then
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    10          when not matched then
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         function get_records(p_cursor IN  SYS_REFCURSOR) return fnd_type;
    create or replace package body fnd_pkg1 as
            function get_records(p_cursor IN  SYS_REFCURSOR) return fnd_type is
                    fnd_data fnd_type;
                    fetch p_cursor bulk collect into fnd_data;
                    return fnd_data;
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    6/67 PLS-00642: local collection types not allowed in SQL statements
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    michaels>  CREATE TABLE fnd_columns (application_id ,table_id ,column_id ,last_update_date )
    AS SELECT object_id,data_object_id,ROWNUM,created FROM all_objects
    Table created.
    michaels>  CREATE TABLE SAMPLE (application_id INTEGER,table_id INTEGER,column_id INTEGER,last_update_date DATE)
    Table created.
    michaels>  CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE fnd_obj AS OBJECT (
       application_id     INTEGER,
       table_id           INTEGER,
       column_id          INTEGER,
       last_update_date   DATE
    Type created.
    michaels>  CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE fnd_type AS TABLE OF fnd_obj
    Type created.
    michaels>  CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE fnd_pkg1
       FUNCTION get_records (p_cursor IN sys_refcursor)
          RETURN fnd_type;
       PROCEDURE fnd_proc;
    END fnd_pkg1;
    Package created.
    michaels>  CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY fnd_pkg1
       FUNCTION get_records (p_cursor IN sys_refcursor)
          RETURN fnd_type
          fnd_data   fnd_type;
          FETCH p_cursor
          BULK COLLECT INTO fnd_data;
          RETURN fnd_data;
       END get_records;
       PROCEDURE fnd_proc
          CURSOR fnd_c
             SELECT *
               FROM fnd_columns;
          TYPE test_t IS TABLE OF fnd_columns%ROWTYPE;
          fnd_t   test_t;
             USING (SELECT *
                      FROM TABLE
                                         (CURSOR (SELECT fnd_obj (application_id,
                                                    FROM fnd_columns
                              )) f
             ON (s.application_id = f.application_id)
             WHEN MATCHED THEN
                   SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
                INSERT (application_id, table_id, column_id)
                VALUES (f.application_id, f.table_id, f.column_id);
       END fnd_proc;
    END fnd_pkg1;
    Package body created.
    michaels>  BEGIN
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    michaels>  SELECT COUNT (*)
         47469Now I'd like to see the stats and the ferrari too ;-)

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    filter[0] = new Filter(new Integer(100), "NUMBER", "equals",10020);
    filter[1] = new Filter(new Integer(100), "NUMBER", "equals", 10049);
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    Thank you.

    Here is an example of this using 11g. Note you will need to login programatically if data is secured.
    // Create search service and set SOAP URL
    OracleSearchService searchService = new OracleSearchService();
    // Get data group to search
    DataGroup dataGroup = new DataGroup();
    DataGroup[] dataGroups = new DataGroup[1];
    dataGroups[0] = dataGroup;
    // Get list of all attributes to fetch
    Attribute[] attributesAll = searchService.getAllAttributes("en");
    ArrayList<Integer> attributeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for(Attribute a: attributesAll)
    Integer attributeIdArrayAll[] = new Integer[attributeIds.size()];
    attributeIdArrayAll = attributeIds.toArray(attributeIdArrayAll);
    // Create filters (BE SURE THE FILTER ID IS CORRECT - I do not suggest you hard-code it but rather iterate through list of all attributes above and get ID that way)
    Filter[] myFilters = new Filter[2];
    myFilters[0] = new Filter(124, "Number", "EQUALS", "129224");
    myFilters[1] = new Filter(124, "Number", "EQUALS", "123730");
    // Query (BE SURE TO USE "or" as the operator between filters)
    OracleSearchResult result = searchService.doOracleSearch("", 0, 50, false, false, dataGroups, "en", null, true, "or", myFilters, attributeIdArrayAll);
    // Get count
    int hits = result.getEstimatedHitCount().intValue();
    // Print results
    ResultElement[] resElements = result.getResultElements();
    for(int i = 0; i < resElements.length; i++)
    // Get document
    ResultElement doc = resElements;
    Hope this helps!

  • How do I use f:subview with referance class attributes

    Hi all,
    Any pointer on the below problem will be greatly appretiated....
    I have a "Address" class used in "Customer" for billing and shipping address and "Customer" Class is placed in faces-config.xml as named with "CustomeBean".
    public class Address {
         private String street;
         private String city;
         private String state;
         private String zip;
    // Empty construtor + all getter and setter methods
    public class Customer{
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private Address billingAddress;
    private Address shippingAddress;
    //Empty Constructor and all getter and setter methods
    public void add(Customer customer){
    // Logic to make this as persitance
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
    <h:form id="customerForm">
    First Name: <h:inputText id="firatName" value="#{CustomerBean.firstName}" >
    Last Name: <h:inputText id="lastName" value="#{CustomerBean.lastName}" >
    Billing Address
    Street: <h:inputText id="bstreet" value="#{CustomerBean.billingAddress.street}" >
    City : <h:inputText id="bcity" value="#{}" >
    State: <h:inputText id="bstate" value="#{CustomerBean.billingAddress.state}" >
    Zip: <h:inputText id="bzip" value="#{}" >
    Shipping Address
    Street: <h:inputText id="sstreet" value="#{CustomerBean.shippingAddress.street}" >
    City: <h:inputText id="scity" value="#{}" >
    State: <h:inputText id="sstate" value="#{CustomerBean.shippingAddress.state}" >
    Zip: <h:inputText id="szip" value="#{}" >
    Now, what I want to do is "address" part as re-usable with <f:subview> by makeing it in seperate page and make it include in customer.jsp.
    <f:subview id = "bAddress">
    <jsp:include page="address.jsp" />.
    <f:subview id = "sAddress">
    <jsp:include page="address.jsp" />
    How do I make refer the CustomerBean.billingAddress.* and CustomerBean.shippingAddress.* values when I use <f:subview> ?
    How to make to access the values of address in managedbean( in add(customer) method?
    Any help ...

    I'm still bothered by "CustomerBean.shippingAddress".
    Please post a snip of the management of this object
    from your faces-config.xml. You actually name your
    object instance with the first letter captialized
    like your class?
    Sorry for breaking coding convestion ...:-)
    <description>Customer Bean Holder</description>
    I'm still not sure what you are trying to achieve.
    <f:subview> is mostly like an import of a frag of
    f jsf tags. Does not have runtime storage capability
    but is a way to repeat a frag different places. It
    does not control the workings, serial state of managed
    Post more snips...All i am trying to achive is , address( part is gona simillar in most of the places in application and it is gona just like an attribute to all other classes like customer, insurance, company etc ...SO when I do create data entry screens for customer, insurance, company etc .. i need to just include address part as a snippet with <f:subvirew> and wire that seamlessly to customerBean, insuranceBean, companyBean etc...
    So in my previous posting what i mention customerBean.billingAddress.*(street,city,state,zip) and customerBean.shippingAddress.* is directly inside customer.jsp
    But when you try to re-use address part as address.jsp, address.jsp knows only some object simillar to Address class. And the address attributes are unchanges extect the prefix of those attributes in valuebinding is changing based who is the parent object of that address attributes.
    So in address.jsp in the place of "???" , i need to find a way to pass the "parentObject.addressObject" (ex: customerBean.shippingAddress , customer.billing Address , insurance.mailingAddress etc ...) so that in process it should look like "parentObject.addressObject.street" , "" etc ...
    Street: <h:inputText id="bstreet" value="#{???.street}" >
    City : <h:inputText id="bcity" value="#{???.city}" >
    State: <h:inputText id="bstate" value="#{???.state}" >
    Zip: <h:inputText id="bzip" value="#{???.zip}" >
    Any clue ....

  • Using TABLE() syntax with collection types

    I have created a function that returns a collection type as TABLE of VARCHAR2.
    Function works just fine like this:
    SELECT * FROM TABLE(some_fcn('VALUE1','VALUE2'));
    Where I am passing in static values.
    However, I need to join this with another table, passing in the values from that table as the parameters:
    SELECT f.some_table_key, t.* FROM some_table f, TABLE(some_fcn(f.col1,f.col2)) t;
    When I do this, I get the error "ORA-00904: "F"."COL1": invalid identifier"
    I am using 11gR1
    Could anyone please offer some guidance with this?
    Edited by: odinsride on Aug 23, 2010 3:30 PM
    Edited by: odinsride on Aug 23, 2010 3:39 PM

    What are you doing differently?
    SQL> create or replace function some_fcn (col1 varchar2, col2 int)
       return sys.odcivarchar2list
       return sys.odcivarchar2list (col2);
    end some_fcn;
    Function created.
    SQL> select ename, t.* from emp f, table(some_fcn(f.ename, f.empno)) t
    SMITH      7369     
    ALLEN      7499     
    WARD       7521     
    JONES      7566     
    MARTIN     7654     
    BLAKE      7698     
    CLARK      7782     
    SCOTT      7788     
    KING       7839     
    TURNER     7844     
    ADAMS      7876     
    JAMES      7900     
    FORD       7902     
    MILLER     7934     
    14 rows selected.can you give a description of your table some_table?

  • How to use table-detail with uiXML-BC4J?

    is there any sample code available how to use the table-detail tag with BC4J?
    Found in the UIX samples that i need to implement a hide and a show event.
    How to implement these eventhandlers for a bc4j:table?
    Thanks, Markus

    Hi Markus:
    I am doing the same thing, I have a Master and Detail VO and calling Detail VO in <detail> </detail> tag.
    Everthing thing display correctly, but when i click on the sortedcolumnheader while detail is disclosed, it closes the detail part. My detail information generated based on BC4J:Table detail:disclosed elements. could you please let me if you have faced this problem.
    Mohammad Tahir

  • Using table rate with scale in transportation zone

    Hi Experts,
    I have a question with using a rate table and scale in transportation zone.
    I need a scenario of calculation sheet with rate table using a transportation zone scale. In my freight order, i have many freight unit of different destinations (many locations).
    I configure this scenario, but the system does not use the transportation zone with select price on table rate.
    Help me.

    Hi Tarun Kumar,
    well, go to more details.
    I have a freight order with two stages.
    My calculation costs is based on stage condition (FRT_PEDIDO).
    My configuration for this scenario is:
    )    Calculation Sheet
    )    Rate Table
    )    Config to condition
    )    Master data to Transportation Zone
    )    Locations included in transportation Zones
    )    transportation Lane
    location “PLC_SBC_014” is my plant and “Z_SP_SUL” is my transportation zone.
    “Z_SP_SUL” is the transportation zone and “0……021” is customer location 1.
    “Z_SP_SUL” is the transportation zone and “0……063” is customer location 2.

  • Using Document Filters with the Japanese character sets

    Not sure if this belongs here or on the Swing Topic but here goes:
    I have been requested to restrict entry in a JTextField to English alphaNumeric and Full-width Katakana.
    The East Asian language support also allows Hiragana and Half-width Katakana.
    I have tried to attach a DocumentFilter. The filter employs a ValidateString method which strips all non (Latin) alphaNumerics as well as anything in the Hiragana, or Half-width Katakana ranges. The code is pretty simple (Most of the code below is dedicated to debugging):
    public class KatakanaInputFilter extends DocumentFilter
         private static int LOW_KATAKANA_RANGE = 0x30A0;
         private static int LOW_HALF_KATAKANA_RANGE = 0xFF66;
         private static int HIGH_HALF_KATAKANA_RANGE = 0xFFEE;
         private static int LOW_HIRAGANA_RANGE = 0x3041;
         public KatakanaInputFilter()
         public void replace(FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length, String text,
                   AttributeSet attrs) throws BadLocationException
              super.replace(fb, offset, length, validateString(text, offset), null);
         public void remove(FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length)
                   throws BadLocationException
              super.remove(fb, offset, length);
         // @Override
         public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string,
                   AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException
              String newString = new String();
              for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
                   int unicodePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
                   newString += String.format("[%x] ", unicodePoint);
              String oldString = new String();
              int len = fb.getDocument().getLength();
              if (len > 0)
                   String fbText = fb.getDocument().getText(0, len);
                   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        int unicodePoint = fbText.codePointAt(i);
                        oldString += String.format("[%x] ", unicodePoint);
              System.out.format("insertString %s into %s at location %d\n",
                        newString, oldString, offset);
              super.insertString(fb, offset, validateString(string, offset), attr);
              len = fb.getDocument().getLength();
              if (len > 0)
                   String fbText = fb.getDocument().getText(0, len);
                   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        int unicodePoint = fbText.codePointAt(i);
                        oldString += String.format("[%x] ", unicodePoint);
              System.out.format("document changed to %s\n\n", oldString);
         public String validateString(String text, int offset)
              if (text == null)
                   return new String();
              String validText = new String();
              for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
                   int unicodePoint = text.codePointAt(i);
                   boolean acceptChar = false;
                   if (unicodePoint < LOW_KATAKANA_RANGE)
                        if ((unicodePoint < 0x30 || unicodePoint > 0x7a)
                                  || (unicodePoint > 0x3a && unicodePoint < 0x41)
                                  || (unicodePoint > 0x59 && unicodePoint < 0x61))
                             acceptChar = false;
                             acceptChar = true;
                        if ((unicodePoint >= LOW_HALF_KATAKANA_RANGE && unicodePoint <= HIGH_HALF_KATAKANA_RANGE)
                                  || (unicodePoint >= LOW_HIRAGANA_RANGE && unicodePoint <= LOW_HIRAGANA_RANGE))
                             acceptChar = false;
                             acceptChar = true;
                   if (acceptChar == true)
                        System.out.format("     Accepted code point = %x\n",
                        validText += text.charAt(i);
                        System.out.format("     Rejected code point = %x\n",
              String newString = "";
              for (int i = 0; i < validText.length(); i++)
                   int unicodePoint = validText.codePointAt(i);
                   newString += String.format("[%x] ", unicodePoint);
              System.out.format("ValidatedString = %s\n", newString);
              return validText;
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Runnable runner = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Katakana Input Filter");
                        frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
                        frame.add(new JLabel("Text"));
                        JTextField textFieldOne = new JTextField();
                        Document textDocOne = textFieldOne.getDocument();
                        DocumentFilter filterOne = new KatakanaInputFilter();
                        ((AbstractDocument) textDocOne).setDocumentFilter(filterOne);
                        frame.setSize(250, 90);
    }I run this code, use the language bar to switch to Full-width Katakana and type "y" followed by "u" which forms a valid Katakana character. I then used the language bar to switch to Hiragana and retyped the "Y" followed by "u". When the code sees the Hiragana codepoint generated by this key combination it rejects it. My debugging statements show that the document is properly updated. However, when I type the next character, I find that the previously rejected codePoint is being sent back to my insert method. It appears that the text somehow got cached in the composedTextContent of the JTextField.
    Here is the output of the program when I follow the steps I just outlined:
    insertString [ff59] into at location 0 <== typed y (Katakana)
    Accepted code point = ff59
    ValidatedString = [ff59]
    document changed to [ff59]
    insertString [30e6] into at location 0 <== typed u (Katakana)
    Accepted code point = 30e6
    ValidatedString = [30e6]
    document changed to [30e6]
    insertString [30e6] [ff59] into at location 0 <== typed y (Hiragna)
    Accepted code point = 30e6
    Accepted code point = ff59
    ValidatedString = [30e6] [ff59]
    document changed to [30e6] [ff59]
    insertString [30e6] [3086] into at location 0 <== typed u (Hiragana)
    Accepted code point = 30e6
    Rejected code point = 3086
    ValidatedString = [30e6]
    document changed to [30e6]
    insertString [30e6] [3086] [ff59] into at location 0 <== typed u (Hiragana)
    Accepted code point = 30e6
    Rejected code point = 3086
    Accepted code point = ff59
    ValidatedString = [30e6] [ff59]
    document changed to [30e6] [ff59]
    As far as I can tell, the data in the document looks fine. But the JTextField does not have the same data as the document. At this point it is not displaying the ff59 codePoint as a "y" (as it does when first entering the Hiragana character). but it has somehow combined it with another codePoint to form a complete Hiragana character.
    Can anyone see what it is that I am doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated as I am baffled at this point.

    You have a procedure called "remove" but I don't see you calling it from anywhere in your program. When the validation failed, call remove to remove the bad character.

  • Filtering a list using multiple filters with Parameters, if one filter empty no results returned. How to fix?

    Hi All,
    I would assume this is a common problem. 
    I am a having problems using filters on SharePoint 2013 Lists on a custom site page.
    I am using the Filter (text, date, Choice) Web Parts, however due to the limitations of the filter web parts, I am also using Parameters and the Filters from within SharePoint designer.  Using this method, I am able to search date ranges and partial
    text on set columns.   The problem is that I have to fill out all the filter fields in order to get any results.  If a filter is left blank then the list should only filter on the other filters.  Instead it no results are returned.
    In addition, if I do set the filters, how do you reset the filters to show all records again?

    The only way I've figured out is to create a field that is always empty, e.g., a calculated text field, and use that field to "test" if the parameter is blank.  Here's an example CAML query fragment:
                        <FieldRef Name="WorkflowDocsDescription"/>
                        <Value Type="MultiLookup">{DocDescriptionTextFilterValue}</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name="Empty"/>
                        <Value Type="Text">{DocDescriptionTextFilterValue}</Value>
    This may not perform well in a large list, but perhaps an index on the Empty field would remedy.

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    Slateskies wrote:
    ... I'm doing this because of a new game that requires OS 10.6.8. ...
    Why not just Upgrade to 10 6 8 which is Snow Leopard...
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    sometimes performence navigation problems ,
    when we use one of the pushbottens the application stuck.
    Any ideas ???
    Thanks Fanie.

    This never was an issue. At least, your post is first one that has such complains.
    Please describe your data structure used as table source -- cardinality, existence of child nodes, supply function code/data source (i.e. Adaptive RFC, WS, etc)
    Valery Silaev
    SaM Solutions

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    1)  Variable sequence isn't respected in XI3.1 - and can't be modified in OLAP.unv  (this enhancement exists in 4.0 )
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