Using WebSphere Studio Device Developer

Hi guys,
I'm looking into options for coding for PDAs in java. I want to use some powerful GUIs, so naturally I've chosen to use J2ME/CDC and PP.
I grabbed the trial version of the WebSphere software and I'm looking for a good guide on using the software. To start I just want to create a basic program which can show me what controls are available in Java.
Is there anything more advanced than AWT GUIs currently?
If there is how do I install it so I can use it with WebSphere.
Thanks in advance,

Ok.. I got the J9 VM on it... i think..
But I can't seem to run my app.
Here is my apps code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class HelloWorld extends Frame {
     boolean inAnApplet = true;
     TextArea output;
     public HelloWorld() {
          addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
               public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                    if (inAnApplet) {
                    } else {
          setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          output = new TextArea(5,30);
          add("Center", output);
     public void speak() {
          output.append("Hello World.\n");
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          HelloWorld window = new HelloWorld();
          window.setTitle("HelloWorld Application");
          window.inAnApplet = false;
When I try to run it with "Java on Device" and i select my pocket pc i get the following error - Java Application: There are no Java applications available for the selected project and device
Any ideas?
It seems to run fine when i select the local JRE (ive-2.2)

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    We use WSAD 4.0 and TopLink 4.6 together on our project. We did the following:
    1. Created a Java Project in WSAD.
    2. Created all our Java Data Objects in this project.
    3. Added the following files in the ClassPath of this Project:
    a. wdiwasx.jar
    b. wdiall.jar
    c. wdiwsadx.jar
    4. Created a TopLink Project in the Mapping Workbench.
    5. Set the ClassPath to the location of our Java Data Objects' class files.
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    7. Exported TopLink Project to 'Java Source'.
    8. Added the Java Source back into the WSAD Java Project.
    Hope this helps.

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    Yes I believe all of the classes and their methods are OK and the server restarted.
    We have another EJB developed by someone else and mine appears to be identical - except for my own methods that are required. I can't help thinking that I have missed out some configuration somewhere.

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    Look around for existing Ajax for JSF frameworks, such as Ajax4jsf, then read its documentations.

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    set PATH = %PATH%; <Clearcase bin directory>
    Alternatively, if you are using Windows 2k or the like... set the same in Environment variables.

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    [4/15/02 10:18:55:232 MDT] dc3bd46 EJBEngine I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ejbjar
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:732 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Inside LoggerHelper(String null, String
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:748 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U System property:LoggerConfigFile:null
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:748 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Default file being used:log4j.conf
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:748 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Searching for the configFile=log4j.conf
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:748 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Searching for the config file in C:/Program Files/IBM/Application Developer/plugins/
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:748 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Searching for the config file in C:/Dev/RACCommon/bin/
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:748 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Config file for LoggerHelper in the current VM=null
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:795 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Could not read the file log4j.conf. Logging is disabled.
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:810 MDT] dc3bd46 EJBEngine X WSVR0062E: Failed to start EJB, RAC#RACServer.jar#AccountAO: sealing violation
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:951 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U static in EntityObject
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:951 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U static in AccountEOBean
    [4/15/02 10:18:55:951 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Inside EntityObject(AccountEO)
    [4/15/02 10:18:56:045 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Inside AccountEOBean() after calling super()
    [4/15/02 10:18:56:045 MDT] dc3bd46 EJBEngine X WSVR0062E: Failed to start EJB, RAC#RACServer.jar#AccountEO: sealing violation
    [4/15/02 10:18:56:076 MDT] dc3bd46 SystemOut U Inside EntityObject(AdminEO)
    [4/15/02 10:18:56:076 MDT] dc3bd46 EJBEngine X WSVR0062E: Failed to start EJB, RAC#RACServer.jar#AdminEO: sealing violation
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    [4/15/02 10:18:56:998 MDT] dc3bd46 ServletEngine A SRVE0162I: Servlet Specification Level: 2.2
    [4/15/02 10:18:57:013 MDT] dc3bd46 ServletEngine A SRVE0163I: Supported JSP Specification Level: 1.1
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    [4/15/02 10:18:58:045 MDT] dc3bd46 WebGroup I SRVE0091I: [Servlet LOG]: JSP 1.1 Processor: init
    [4/15/02 10:18:58:091 MDT] dc3bd46 WebGroup I SRVE0091I: [Servlet LOG]: SimpleFileServlet: init
    [4/15/02 10:18:58:310 MDT] dc3bd46 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport http is listening on port 8,080.
    [4/15/02 10:18:58:357 MDT] dc3bd46 Server A WSVR0023I: Server Default Server open for e-business
    To dig into the problem, I created a sample ejb project and added it to the same server configuration. When I server instance,
    I got the sealing violation for my sample ejb also.
    After that I created a new server configuration and added the Sample ejb project to the server configuration.
    When I started the fresh server instance with this server configuration, the server was up without any sealing violation.
    I know the concept of sealing violation. I have even solved the sealing violation in other examples.
    But now here I don't have a control over RACServer.jar which I doubt might be sealed.
    Any comments will be appreciated.

    Using Visual Source Safe with Websphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)
    Installing Visual Source Safe Plug In
    1.     Navigate to Netservb\data1\vol1\itdw\dev\new apps\vsswasplugin (Netservb should be the S: drive).
    2.     Double click on setup.exe.
    3.     Click OK on the initial message.
    4.     Browse to the Eclipse home directory. It should be similar to: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\eclipse. Click Next.
    5.     The plug in should install.
    Integrating with WSAD
    A. Joining an Existing Visual Source Safe Project:
    1.     Open WSAD.
    2.     Create a project in WSAD.
    3.     Right click on project and select Team/Share Project.
    4.     From the Share Project screen, select VSS Configuration Wizard as the repository type and click Next.
    5.     The SS.EXE path should be similar to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\VSS\win32\SS.EXE.
    6.     Enter username and password.
    7.     The VSS directory should be Netservb\MIS-PC\VSS (Netservb should be the S: drive).
    8.     Leave source directory blank
    9.     Put Visual Source Safe project name in the Relative mount point entry.
    10.     Click Finish.
    11.     Right click on the WSAD project and select Team / Refresh.
    B. Creating a New Project (doesn�t exist in Visual Source Safe)
    1.     Open WSAD.
    2.     Create a project in WSAD.
    3.     Right click on project and select Team/Share Project.
    4.     From the Share Project screen, select VSS Configuration Wizard as the repository type and click Next.
    5.     The SS.EXE path should be similar to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\VSS\win32\SS.EXE.
    6.     Enter username and password.
    7.     The VSS directory should be Netservb\MIS-PC\VSS (Netservb should be the S: drive).
    8.     Leave source directory blank
    9.     Put Visual Source Safe project name in the Relative mount point entry.
    10.     Click Finish.
    11.     Right click on the WSAD project and select Team / Add to VSS
    12.     Restart Visual Source Safe and new project should appear.
    C. Adding Source to Visual Source Safe from WSAD
    1.     Right click object to be added to Visual Source Safe.
    2.     Select Team / Add to VSS. Object should appear in Visual Source Safe.
    D. Checking out Visual Source Safe object from WSAD
    1.     Right click object to checkout and select Team / Check Out.
    2.     To undo check out, right click object and select Team / Undo Check Out.

  • Debugging in websphere studio application developer

    hi all
    i am working on websphere studio application developer.
    i wrote a Junit test calss for a systemaccessor which interact with DB2 database.
    the test is failed.
    i dont know debugging.
    can any one tell me how to debug a test case in WSAD in detail please?
    thanks in advance

    Check if the properties that specify the parser JAXP will use are well set:
    The javadoc for the newInstance() method of DocumentBuiderFactory says:
    Use the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory system property.
    Use the properties file "lib/" in the JRE directory. This configuration file is in standard java.util.Properties format and contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class with the key being the system property defined above.
    Use the Services API (as detailed in the JAR specification), if available, to determine the classname. The Services API will look for a classname in the file META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory in jars available to the runtime.
    Platform default DocumentBuilderFactory instance.

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    Perhaps naively I thought Visual Studio should be able to help. I've read of useful things like Remote Event Receivers - sounds exactly what I need. I've used VS before for Windows desktop applications in VB, so downloaded a trial version of VS 2013.
    Now I'm having doubts. It looks like I can create a Sharepoint App on a development site and create lists and workflows within it, but I can't access my existing lists to do anything more sophisticated than I already can in SPD. Is that right?
    I was expecting to be able to enter my Sharepoint site URL into Visual Studio somewhere, just like in SPD, and do wonderful things with my lists - but unless I'm missing something, that's not possible.
    Have I just got it completely wrong??!

    yes you can check those links
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Senior Consultant
    John Naguib Blog
    John Naguib Twitter
    Please remember to mark this as answered if it helped you

  • TopLink in WebSphere Studio Application Developer

    Could anybody point me to any documentation on how to install and configure toplink in WSAD? Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks.

    We use WSAD 4.0 and TopLink 4.6 together on our project. We did the following:
    1. Created a Java Project in WSAD.
    2. Created all our Java Data Objects in this project.
    3. Added the following files in the ClassPath of this Project:
    a. wdiwasx.jar
    b. wdiall.jar
    c. wdiwsadx.jar
    4. Created a TopLink Project in the Mapping Workbench.
    5. Set the ClassPath to the location of our Java Data Objects' class files.
    6. Mapped the Data Objects to Tables.
    7. Exported TopLink Project to 'Java Source'.
    8. Added the Java Source back into the WSAD Java Project.
    Hope this helps.

  • DOM in WebSphere Studio Application developer

    I am trying to create a Document Object in WSAD by the following method.
    1. get DocumentBuilder factory instance
    2. get DocumentBuilder
    3. create document instance from document builder instance.
    I am returned a null document object...No instance is created.
    The same method works fine in sun JDK....
    What do I need to change in WSAD....
    Thanks in advance
    Nitin Kohli

    Check if the properties that specify the parser JAXP will use are well set:
    The javadoc for the newInstance() method of DocumentBuiderFactory says:
    Use the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory system property.
    Use the properties file "lib/" in the JRE directory. This configuration file is in standard java.util.Properties format and contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class with the key being the system property defined above.
    Use the Services API (as detailed in the JAR specification), if available, to determine the classname. The Services API will look for a classname in the file META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory in jars available to the runtime.
    Platform default DocumentBuilderFactory instance.

  • IBM Device Developer and Personal Profile

    There are two workarounds for Running Personal Profile on IBM Websphere Studio Device Developer 5.5 ...
    1) When adding a build from the build wizard, deselect the check boxes for "Java libraries not to include in jxe/jar file" on the Jxelink options page of the wizard. This will include all of the necessary Java(tm) library class in the JXE.
    2) Add the following VM arguments in the Arguments tab of the launch configuration:
    -Xbootclasspath:C:\wsdd\wsdd5.0\ive\runtimes\common\ive\lib\jclFoundation\;C:\wsdd\wsdd5.0\ive\runtimes\common\ive\lib\jclFoundation\;C:\wsdd\wsdd5.0\ive\runtimes\common\ive\lib\;C:\wsdd\wsdd5.0\ive\runtimes\common\ive\lib\jclPPro\ -jcl:foun
    BUT THE Problem is still there....
    help me if anyone can ??? Thnx a lot

    Click on classpath In configuration wirzard and uncheck the default class path and add the using Add external jars/jxes button...
    it working fine....

  • Webshpere Studio Site Developer 5.1.1

    We have added the Kodo plug-in as instructed into the C:\Program
    Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\Site Developer\v5.1.1\eclipse\plugins\
    directory. When you select package.jdo in your project and then "Ehance
    Metadata" menu item of the Kodo menu we get the following error response:
    <error>-The Enhancer failed. The message included was:
    if I look in the .log file at ...\My
    Documents\IBM\wssitedev51\workspace\.metadata it shows that the above
    error is a rethrow and that the real error is a class not found exception.
    The ProgressivePerson class is the first defined in the package.jdo file
    driving the enhancement and exists in the project being enhanced. I have
    done a build all prior to trying to enhance.
    I also have Eclipse 2.1 installed elsewhere on my machine, and the exact
    same project and Kodo plug-in installed, works just fine. I need to get
    this working in Websphere Studio... looks like a classpath issue for the
    WSSD initiated Kodo Enhancer....

    Evidently, when the Kodo Enhancer runs it cannot handle this type UNC pathInteresting ... we have not heard of any problems using Kodo against a
    UNC path.
    If you run the enhancer (jdoc.bat) from a command prompt using the UNC
    path, do you still get the same error?
    In article <[email protected]>, Robert Grimwade wrote:
    This issue apparently has been resolved. The default in WebSphere Studio
    is to place the workspace directory in "My
    Documents\IBM\wssitedev51\workspace". On our system this resolves to a
    UNC path such as "\\Server\joeUser\My
    Documents\IBM\wssitedev51\workspace". Evidently, when the Kodo Enhancer
    runs it cannot handle this type UNC path, and needs a specific mapped
    drive path - such as "U:\My Documents\IBM\wssitedev51\workspace". Once
    the default project path is set using a mapped drive, everything seems to
    work just fine. This was the actual difference between the integration of
    Kodo with regular Eclipse and the integration with WebSphere Studio Site
    Robert Grimwade wrote:
    We have added the Kodo plug-in as instructed into the C:Program
    FilesIBMWebSphere StudioSite Developerv5.1.1eclipseplugins
    directory. When you select package.jdo in your project and then "Ehance
    Metadata" menu item of the Kodo menu we get the following error response:
    <error>-The Enhancer failed. The message included was:
    if I look in the .log file at ...My
    DocumentsIBMwssitedev51workspace.metadata it shows that the above
    error is a rethrow and that the real error is a class not found exception.
    The ProgressivePerson class is the first defined in the package.jdo file
    driving the enhancement and exists in the project being enhanced. I have
    done a build all prior to trying to enhance.
    I also have Eclipse 2.1 installed elsewhere on my machine, and the exact
    same project and Kodo plug-in installed, works just fine. I need to get
    this working in Websphere Studio... looks like a classpath issue for the
    WSSD initiated Kodo Enhancer....
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • IBM new WebSphere Studio tools and Weblogic?

    Does anybody know does BEA has any plans to create plug-in for new
    (currently beta) IBM's Java development tools to support Webloigic?
    Vladyslav Kosulin, Hauppauge, NY
    ([email protected])

    Its true that WSAD is based on Eclipse, which is an open source IDE-framework.
    Anyone can make there own extensions like : editors, testenvironments, deployment-wizards
    The main difference between Eclipse an WSAD is that while eclipse comes with a
    minimal set of tools, IBM has made a broad range of tools, which is what they
    are really selling.
    The framework is, as you said, Eclipse.
    If I was to start out using Eclipse now for large enterprise solutions, I would
    start out with WSAD.
    But in time, Eclipse will probably grow beyond WSAD, by the contributions made
    by the open source community.
    Chemi <[email protected]> wrote:
    Nirav, I have several comments about this point:
    - IBM WSAD is based on an Open Source project called Eclipse.
    - So I don't understand your comment "how open is"......... Perhaps you
    should review the meaning of Open Source.
    - From my point of view, you could forget IBM WSAD and just concentrate
    - BTW, WebGain (I think you know them) is part of the board.
    - Eclipse R1.0 ( is GA some months ago, IBM WSAD
    ( is
    one month ago, but I haven't seen any new official post about the future
    of this integration.
    And.......... speaking a little bit more about "how open is....", how
    is your new "Cajun" strategy?
    Nirav Chanchani wrote:
    We are evaluating the IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer beta.
    Since the tool is reportedly based on a new framework, we are not sure
    of integration API's available or how "open" is the IBM WebSphere

  • WebSphere Studio

    I am using websphere studio for EJB development. When i am compiling deployable code for EJB in studio. I am getting error as "RMIC is not in your system path. please set the path for RMIC". when i check my path RMIC is in my path. I am not able to generate deployable code for EJB in studio. Please help me if any one gets the same problem

    Which version of studio are you using? and on which O/S?

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    Does anyone received the same error in a similar situation and know how to fix it?
    Thank you in advance,

    Hi Janina,
    First check whether you have the correct version of the plugin for the NWDS. Reason is, different versions of plugins exist for different versions of Eclipse. I wasn't able to find a version for Eclipse 2.0, may be it is hidden somewhere in the internet
    If you couldn't find the correct version then you need to manually Check-in and check-out the files from the VSS client outside the Eclipse IDE.
    Best regards,
    PS: Award points for replies.

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