Using xdk:processXSLT

I was going through Performance Tuning webinar at
One of the tip is to use xdk instead of ora for transformation. I have downloaded xdk but i am not quite sure how to use it with bpel. What are the variables/parameters we need to set before we can use it with Developer version as well as production version.
I believe xdk is bundled with oracle AS so does that mean we dont have to configure anything to use it on oracle AS?

The namespace you require for xdk is:
The namespaces can be found in Part V Reference Information Section D XPath Extension Functions in the Oracle BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide
10g (
Regard Dave

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    XDK pl/sql is suggested to be used with Oralce 8.1.6 and later versions as for 8.0.7 you will have problems with java loading.
    You may use XDK for Java.

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    You can probably set the output format in the stylesheet, like:
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    if you really don't want to use xhtml. The result might have to be wraped in a cdata block in the bpel flow?

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    dp.setPreserveWhitespace (true);
    XMLDocument doc = dp.getDocument();
    // works
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    // ERR: oracle.xml.xpath.XPathException: Namespace prefix 'xsd' used but not declared
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    public String resolveNamespacePrefix(String prefix) {
    String ns = null;
    if(prefix.equals("xsd")) {
    ns = "";
    return ns;
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    return 0;
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    I have XDK 9i installed on my host and I'm trying to use xml parser class.
    SunOS btXXXXXX 5.8 Generic_108528-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise-10000
    I use Forte6 Sun workshop
    I add $ORACLE_HOME$/xdk/include directory path
    I add user lib :core9 xml9 xmlg9 xsd9 unls9 nls9
    I select standard libraries : socket nsl
    the source code is quite basic:
    #include "oraxml.hpp"
    int main()
    XMLParser parser;
    return 0;
    BUT when linking I get this kind of errors:
    ild: (undefined symbol) SltsPrUnlock -- referenced in the text segment of
    undefined symbols are this :
    - sltsini
    - sltsmxd
    - lxujmd
    - sltsmnr
    - slmaacb
    - SltsPrUnLock
    and all are referenced in libnls9.a
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    You can start from reading the XSU document and try the demos come with the package. The document is at:

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    Hi Jason!
    I already used Oracle XML parser for parsing XML schema files, but I wouldn't recommend it!
    The classloader loads Oracle XDK classes first, so you can't use other XDK version then Application Server own XDK version.
    (This is a not yet solved classloader issue in application server.)
    I reallized, that Oracle sometimes change APIs in XDK, so sometimes it is no longer compatible with the old version API.
    If you develope a code that works in your Jdeveloper, perhaps it won't work on the application server and you won't have the option to use the appropriate XDK version.
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    Yes, "String" can be found in oraxml.hpp in 8i, 9i, and 10g.
    "BITS32" can be found in oratypes.h in 8i and 9i. I believe is has been removed in 10g.
    "String" is "marked" for removal. (there's a comment saying it was added by mistake in the 9i release but it still exists in the 10g release.)

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    XSDBuilder bob =new XSDBuilder();
    XMLSchema sch = (XMLSchema);
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    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the reply. But that is not my requirement.Suppose I have a schema representing the following xml
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    XMLSchema schema;
    Hashtable hashtable=schema.getXMLSchemaNodeTable();

  • XML validation using XDK DOM/SAX Parser

    I am trying to validate xml against xsd using SAX/DOM parser, both the files are stored as CLOB column in the database. I have the requirement to report all the validation errors and based on some helpful advice/code from the earlier posts in this forum, I have used the following code to validate and report the errors.
    The code works fine but for large files it never goes beyond a certain number of errors i.e. getNumMessages() (XMLParseException) never returns value greater than 100 and thus limits the output of the validation errors. Any pointers to suggest change in code or an alternative will be extremely helpful.
    Datebase Version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sql.CLOB;
    import oracle.xml.parser.schema.*;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class XMLSchemaVal
    public static String validate(CLOB xmlDoc, CLOB xsdDoc)
    throws Exception
    //Build Schema Object
    XSDBuilder builder = new XSDBuilder();
    Reader xsdInUnicodeFormat = xsdDoc.getCharacterStream();
    XMLSchema schemadoc = (XMLSchema), null);
    //Build XML Object
    Reader xmlInUnicodeFormat = xmlDoc.getCharacterStream();
    // Genereate the SAX
    SAXParser saxparser_doc = new SAXParser();
    // Set Schema Object for Validation
    saxparser_doc.setPreserveWhitespace (true);
    String returnValue;
    try {
    saxparser_doc.parse (xmlInUnicodeFormat);
    returnValue = "The input XML parsed without errors.\n";
    catch (XMLParseException se) {
    returnValue = "Parser Exception: ";
    for (int i=0 ; i < se.getNumMessages(); i++)
    returnValue += "<LN: " + se.getLineNumber(i) + ">: " + se.getMessage(i);
    //returnValue = "Parser Exception: " + se.getNumMessages();
    catch (Exception e) {
    returnValue = "NonParserException: " + e.getMessage();
    return returnValue;
    Function to call the above utility from PL/SQL
    LANGUAGE JAVA NAME XMLSchemaVal.validate(oracle.sql.CLOB,oracle.sql.CLOB) return java.lang.String';

    I have the same question. I have an external DTD. I wish to parse an xml file using XMLParser.xmlparse. If I first call XMLParser.xmlparseDTD and then call xmlparse with the XML_FLAG_VALIDATE will the xml automatically be validated against the previously parsed DTD? There is no DOCTYPE declaration in the xml file.
    The demo code on OTN for Java is great but has no relation to the code you would use in C++ (no set functions in C++).

  • XML Validation using XDK SAX/DOM Parser

    I am trying to validate xml against xsd using SAX/DOM parser, both the files are stored as CLOB column in the database. I have the requirement to report all the validation errors and based on some helpful advice/code from the earlier posts in this forum, I have used the following code to validate and report the errors.
    The code works fine but for large files it never goes beyond a certain number of errors i.e. getNumMessages() (XMLParseException) never returns value greater than 100 and thus limits the output of the validation errors. Any pointers to suggest change in code or an alternative will be extremely helpful.
    Datebase Version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    CREATE OR REPLACE AND RESOLVE JAVA SOURCE NAMED <> as package <package name>;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sql.CLOB;
    import oracle.xml.parser.schema.*;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class XMLSchemaVal
    public static String validate(CLOB xmlDoc, CLOB xsdDoc)
    throws Exception
    //Build Schema Object
    XSDBuilder builder = new XSDBuilder();
    Reader xsdInUnicodeFormat = xsdDoc.getCharacterStream();
    XMLSchema schemadoc = (XMLSchema), null);
    //Build XML Object
    Reader xmlInUnicodeFormat = xmlDoc.getCharacterStream();
    // Genereate the SAX
    SAXParser saxparser_doc = new SAXParser();
    // Set Schema Object for Validation
    saxparser_doc.setPreserveWhitespace (true);
    String returnValue;
    try {
    saxparser_doc.parse (xmlInUnicodeFormat);
    returnValue = "The input XML parsed without errors.\n";
    catch (XMLParseException se) {
    returnValue = "Parser Exception: ";
    for (int i=0 ; i < se.getNumMessages(); i++)
    returnValue += "<LN: " + se.getLineNumber(i) + ">: " + se.getMessage(i);
    //returnValue = "Parser Exception: " + se.getNumMessages();
    catch (Exception e) {
    returnValue = "NonParserException: " + e.getMessage();
    return returnValue;
    Function to call the above utility from PL/SQL
    LANGUAGE JAVA NAME XMLSchemaVal.validate(oracle.sql.CLOB,oracle.sql.CLOB) return java.lang.String';

    Got the answer !!!
    NetBeans it self support generation of dtd file based on XML file.
    Open XML file and right click on the code block. Select option to generate dtd file.
    This is the drtd file it has generated..
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!--- Put your DTDDoc comment here. -->
    <!ELEMENT book (person)*>
    <!--- Put your DTDDoc comment here. -->
    <!ELEMENT person (age|last|first)*>
    <!--- Put your DTDDoc comment here. -->
    <!ELEMENT first (#PCDATA)>
    <!--- Put your DTDDoc comment here. -->
    <!ELEMENT last (#PCDATA)>
    <!--- Put your DTDDoc comment here. -->
    <!ELEMENT age (#PCDATA)>

  • Funny Error When Using XDK for Java2???

    Has anyone ancounter this error before? Can someone please tell me what does it means? Thanks!
    A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.100(x)) error 'Structured Exception(c0000005)' has occurred in : 'oracle/xml/parser/v2/FilterExpr.getValue (Loracle/xml/parser/v2/XSLTContext;)
    Loracle/xml/parser/v2/XSLExprValue;': Interpreting method.

    hi steven,
    thanks! but i am using jdk 1.3. are you using the same compiler as me?

  • XPATH using XDK Samples provided by oracle.

    I have compiled the demo/cpp/new program samples of Oracle and executing XvmXPathSample which makes use of 'processWithBinXPath' however I am getting correct results only for NODES ... and not text.
    Example .
    In pantry.xml -
    "/pantry/shelf/supplies/*" - works fine and provides me with a list of all the nodes
    "/pantry/shelf/supplies/paper_good[1]/text()" - does not provide me a string output ... it still detects a node output on the XPATHNodeObject.
    Could someone help me out on this ?

    hi Guys please help, I am still stuck I have to learn Rule Author in order to work on Business Rules, I am not able to locate car-objs.jar file no where in SOA suite or Oracle 10 g. I am not able to follow the sample provided by Oracle "".
    If I wont get help form forum then where to get help from??
    Please tell me where to find car-objs.jar file or email me [email protected]

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