Valuechangelistener in oracle jdeveloper

I am using jdeveloper
Before this im using jdeveloper,,, from this version, i build my own valuechangelistener for a dropdownlist to filter another dropdownlist,,,
When i'm migrating my application to, my valuechangelistener not functioning as expected in version...
it seems on the valuechangelistener refresh the page, compare to valuechangelistener in it doesn't refresh it..
So it's a bug,,,,
I need a solution for this.. pls help me,,It's an urgent case... needed to settle this...

Thanks for immediate reply.
The strange behavior of valuechangelistener is, it works in jdeveloper where the partial page request done well...
but in jdeveloper, the partial page doesnt work, my page totally refresh a.k.a been submitted....
this is my jsp code:
<af:panelForm labelWidth="29%" fieldWidth="71%" width="100%">
<af:selectOneChoice autoSubmit="true" id="filters"
label="Daerah :" showRequired="true"
binding="#{backingSpoc.daerahHasil}" valuePassThru="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{listKodDaerah.list}"/>
<af:selectOneChoice label="Bandar/Pekan/Mukim :"
partialTriggers="filters" showRequired="true"
<f:selectItems value="#{listKodBandarPekanMukim.list}"/>
this is my coding part in backing bean:
public void madeChanges(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent){
ManageCRUD manager = new ManageCRUD();
Object obj = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
Object test = valueChangeEvent.getSource();
CoreSelectOneChoice csoc = (CoreSelectOneChoice) test;
String a = new String();
KodDaerah obj1 = (KodDaerah)valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
Expression exp = new ExpressionBuilder();

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    If you create a new application and try to create a new JSF page there are you still getting this error?
    If you do then I think something in your installation went wrong - the first step would then be to delete the system directory at: C:\Documents and Settings\youruser\Application Data\JDeveloper and restart JDeveloper.

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    "); out.println("</body></html>");
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    If "Check for Updates Wizard" is not launched, you can try to set LANG.
    see: 10.1.3 Can't not launch Update Wizard in Japanese environment.
    10.1.3 Can't not launch Update Wizard in Japanese environment.
    Takuya Ono

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    Oracle is proud to announce the immediate availability of Oracle JDeveloper 10g (
    This new version is focused on making J2EE development simpler by providing a visual and declarative development approach using the innovative Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF).
    Oracle JDeveloper 10g includes features that will appeal to both novice and experienced Java developers. Some of the new features in this release include:
    Visual layout editing for both JSP/HTML and Swing user interfaces.
    Drag-and-Drop data-binding of business services to the user interface
    Visual Struts-based page flow modeler
    Declarative creation of business services based on EJB, TopLink, JavaBeans, Web Services, or Oracle ADF Business Components
    Visual UML modeling with code generation
    Code Auditing and Metrics
    Hot-Swap Debugging
    Improved code editor
    XML Schema visual editor
    Database development and Database modeling
    One-Click deploy to Oracle Application Server, BEA Weblogic, JBoss and Tomcat
    Web services development and consumption with support for WS-I
    And much more.
    Download Oracle JDeveloper 10g from

    Not quite there yet, but very, very close, the zip archive is 0k in size after downloading the complete install.

  • [ANN] Oracle JDeveloper 10g is now available for download.

    It's probably worth a mention in this forum too ;-)
    In case you haven't notice we have just released Oracle JDeveloper 10g production with a many new features that makes it the ideal Java tools for Oracle Application Server users.
    Check it out at:
    A partial list of new features:
    Visual layout editing for both JSP/HTML and Swing user interfaces.
    Drag-and-Drop data-binding of business services to the user interface
    Visual Struts-based page flow modeler
    Declarative creation of business services based on EJB, TopLink, JavaBeans, Web Services, or Oracle ADF Business Components
    Visual UML modeling with code generation
    Code Auditing and Metrics
    Hot-Swap Debugging
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    Database development and Database modeling
    One-Click deploy to Oracle Application Server, BEA Weblogic, JBoss and Tomcat
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    It is no longer available for download - if you have a valid Support contract, pl create an SR and request Support to ship you the media

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