Variable class names,QUESTION

how do I get information from a class using a String for the class name? (in an applet)

whether you are in an applet or java application, just use Class.forName to retrieve a java.lang.Class instance for that class- then you can get field or method informaiton. There are additional security restrictions in applets, so you may not have access to the particular class, but, if it is accessible, java.lang.Class.forName("yourClassName") is the best choice.

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    paste some code around the line
    especially how you define variableName.

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    while (there are more Frames to be added) {
      frameList.add(the next frame);

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  • Declare a variable typed "name of a class"-Need help

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    import Exercise12.Point123;
    public class segment {
         private Point123 start;
         private Point123 end;
         public segment(Point123 start, Point123 end) {
              this.start = start;
              this.end = end;
         public double length() {
              return start.distance(end.getX(), end.getY());
         public String midlePoint() {
              return (end.getX() + start.getX()) / 2 + " "
                        + (end.getY() + start.getY()) / 2;
              // return insidePoint(1,1);
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              double ratio = m / (m + n);
              return new Point123(start.getX()+(end.getX() - start.getX()) * ratio,
                        start.getY()+(end.getY() - start.getY()) * ratio);
    //return (start.getX()+(end.getX() - start.getX())*ratio);
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         private double x;
         private double y;
         public Point123(double xAsis, double yAsis) {
              x = xAsis;
              y = yAsis;
         public double getX() {
              return x;
         public double getY() {
              return y;
    //     public String toString() {
    //          return String.format("%.1f,%.1f", x, y);
         public boolean isOrigin() {
              return x == 0 && y == 0;
         public boolean isOnX_Axis() {
              return y == 0;
         public boolean isOnY_Axis() {
              return x == 0;
         public double distance(double xAsis, double yAsis) {
              return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xAsis - x, 2) + Math.pow(yAsis - y, 2));
    }I remove toString method in Point123 class, but whenever I call insidePoint method in segment class it print out "Exercise12.Point123@addbf1". In other hand, I don't remove toString method, I call insidePoint method,then it prints out the correct result which I want.
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         public static void main(String[] args) {
                   segment s  = new segment(new Point123(3,4), new Point123(6,7));

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    import javax.servlet.http.*;
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    public static final String DOCTYPE =
         "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 " +
    public static String headWithTitle(String title) {
         return(DOCTYPE + "\n" +
              "<HTML>\n" +
              "<head><title>" + title + "</title></head>\n"); (getting error when compile)
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    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response)
         throws ServletException, IOException
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    out.println(ServletUtilities.headWithTitle("Hello WWW") +
              "<body>\n" +
              "<h1>Hello WWW</h1>\n" +

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    import javax.servlet.*;
    ^ Package javax.servlet.http not found in import.
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    ^ Superclass coreservlets.HttpServlet of class coreservlets.Hell
    oWWW3 not found.
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    3 errors
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    and compiled and got this error
    C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\lib>javac -classpath . Package javax.servlet not found in import.
    import javax.servlet.*;
    ^ Package javax.servlet.http not found in import.
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    ^ Superclass coreservlets.HttpServlet of class coreservlets.Hell
    oWWW3 not found.
    public class HelloWWW3 extends HttpServlet
    3 errors
    Here is what I hava defined for my CLASSPATH
    C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\lib>echo %CLASSPATH%

  • Undefined variable, class, or package name

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    <% if (parent.app_main_frame.location == ("")) { %>
    <% } else { %>
    <a href="/cgi-java/Holdings/jsp/SecurityInventoryQuery.jsp?which_search=none&which_category=none
    <% } %>
    I am getting the following error:
    Generated servlet error:
    Undefined variable, class, or package name: parent
    if (parent.app_main_frame.location ==
    ("")) {

    If app_main_frame is a frame in a frameset then you cannot
    simply refer to it in a Java scriptlet.
    You can refer to it in a JavaScript script, like this:
    if (parent.app_main_frame.location == "")
       document.write("<a href=\"javascript:submit_Form('none')\"target=\"app_main_frame\">Securities</a>");
       document.write("<a href=\"/cgi-java/Holdings/jsp/SecurityInventoryQuery.jsp?which_search=none&which_category=none\"target=\"app_main_frame">Securities</a>");

  • How to convert a String variable as class name and method name?

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    class Student
    public String insertStudent(String sname)
    { return("Student has been inserted ");     }
    class Teacher
    public String execute(String methodName, String className)
    {  //return statement of the method 'insertStudent' in the class 'Student'; }
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    Can anyone please help me out. Thanks

    You should have just added that as a comment on your [initial posting|] instead of starting a new thread.
    Now, i have a class with the main method. Here, i would like to call the method 'insertStudent' of class 'Student'using the method 'execute' of class 'Teacher', passing the method-name and the class-name (viz. insertStudent, Student) as the
    String parameter.
    Why oh why? What do you want to achieve?
    Let me tell you: there is a way to do what you try to do, but it's not recommended and should be used only very sparingly. Especially not in anything like your code, that resembles normal business logic (as opposed to an application framework such as Spring, for example).
    Can you explain what exactly you want to do with that? Why should a Teacher be able to call any random method ony any other class. And what good would that do?

  • Quick question about class name

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    The <E> portion of class definition is in reference to Generics. Take a look at Generics in the Tutorial.

  • How to get CLASS name for the generic item?

    I wrote following method to create a service instance.
    public static <IType> IType GetServiceInstance()
           IType type=null;
            InitialContext ic=new InitialContext();
    //ERROR:      type=   ic.lookup(IType.class.getName());
            catch(Exception ex)
            //do handle
            return type;
        }please see the //Error: here its giving error, also i m not getting "class" variable in IDE!!!
    i want use like this;
    IUserService userService=ServiceFactory.GetServiceInstance<IUserService>();so how can i do this?
    Edited by: Manikandan.Java on Oct 31, 2007 3:02 AM

    I don't know if I understand your question, but you cannot find the class name because it is in run time just an object. You can, however, check if it is an instanceof.
    if (genericType instanceof MyType) {

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    can i get all classes name from a package using reflection or any other way?
    If possible plz give the code with example.

    You can't, because the package doesn't have to be on the local machine. It could be ANYWHERE.
    For example, via a URLClassLoader (ie from the internet) I could load a class called:
    com.paperstack.NobodyExpectsTheSpanishInquisitionI haven't written it yet. But I might tomorrow. How are you going to determine if that class is in the package?
    This subject comes up a lot. If you want to do something a bit like what you're asking for (but not quite) there are plenty of threads on the subject. Use google and/or the forum search facility to find them.
    But the answer to your question, as you asked it, is "you can't do that".

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    Thanks in advance.

    If there's a file named "" in a "demos" directory in the jar, then yes. You'd just use
    InputStream code = getResourceAsStream("/");Or if those dots in the name actually separate directory names, i.e. you have a "package" directory under "demos" and a "subpack1" director under that and so on, then:
    InputStream code = getResourceAsStream("/demos/package/subpack1/subpackn/");

  • Can you determine a dragged objects Class Name when it is dropped?

    Is there a way to determine the class name for a dragged object.
    I have set up two objects. One is a JList that acts as a data source for the second object which is a JTable. Both objects serve as both drag source and drop targets. I need to be able to react to the following events:
    1. Drag value from JList to JTable.
    2. Drag value from JTable to JTable (itself) to reposition order.
    3. Drag value from JTable to JList (deletes item from JTable).
    So far, I have had no problem in getting #1 to work.
    The problem is determining how to consistently interpret which event is happening for 2 and 3. Both the drop (DropTargetDropEvent event) and the dragDropEnd (DragSourceDropEvent event) are fired for either 2 or 3 above. If I could identify the source class for the dragsource and the target class for the droptarget, the coding would be easy. I haven't been able to find anything on this while reviewing the API documentation.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    No, there are not multiple policies - the host names for all aliases on that single webserver are together in a single host identifier. And I realize I can only have a single challenge redirect, I just want to use a variable to redirect to the host name that was accessed as opposed to a static name.

  • Error in File name or class name not found during Automation operation: 'CreateObj​ect'

    Hello Team,
    When I am trying to execute the below code i am getting the following error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If Not oFSO.FolderExists(SavePath) Then
    Set f = oFSO.CreateFolder(SavePath)
    End If
    53 4/11/2014 12:27:22 PM Error:
    Error in <NoName(4).VBS> (Line: 9, Column: 1):
    File name or class name not found during Automation operation: 'CreateObject'
    I have googled through the error and tried to re-register the scrrun.dll using regsvr32 eventhogh it is successfully registered, i am getting the following error. My PC is windows 7 32bit OS.
    any help is greatly appreciated.

    The following script class will write a log file entry. See if it will run for you.
    The script is using a class object that you might not have seen before. A little intro:  The top section is just for testing the class. Normally I just comment this out after the class is working well.  It should run right way. I would save the vbs file in the editor, That way when you are using autoactpath or currentscriptpath variables they will be able resolve the paths.
    LoggingCode_V2.VBS ‏5 KB

  • How to get class name of a object in run time, from its accessible context.

    I need to get the class name of a java object in run-time, given the AccessibleContext of that object.
    I gone through the AccessibleContext api documentation. but there is not way to get the class name for a java object using its AccessibleContext object.
    Do any one have any idea how to get the class name of an java object, given its accessible object Accessible.

    816311 wrote:
    Please try to provide a solution for my requirement and avoid evaluating a requirement.
    I am a curious guyit's great to be curious. however, in this situation, the requirement makes no sense in the given context. so, in an effort to be helpful, the people on this forum are asking you the reason behind the requirement. the reason we do this is because we have experience answering questions on this forum and, more often than not, requirements which don't make sense are the result of misunderstandings or confusion on the part of the person making the requirement. if we can figure out why you want to do what you want to do, we may be able to point you in a direction which makes more sense.

Maybe you are looking for