Variables for images?

RH 8 outputting a CHM or webhelp
Is it possible to use variables to switch images in and out when I compile?
I would like to use single source to create 2 guides for 2 audiences. While nearly all of the text content is the same, the screen shots need to vary by audience.
I know I can have popups/dropdowns to accommodate both audiences in one topic...just thinking of a more ideal solution...

Hi there
You may accomplish this using Conditional Build Tags. You tag the desired images, then exclude tags at compile time using a Build Expression.
Cheers... Rick
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    That is because you are caching _tpLd.content which will be a Bitmap object. So, as soon as you do an addChild again on it, it will be removed from the previous container as it can only have one parent.
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              var bitmapData:BitmapData = (content as Bitmap).bitmapData;
                         _imageDataCache.putImageData(_imageId, bitmapData);
    So, you can re-use it by constructing a new Bitmap object from the same BitmapData. The difference in memory usage will be negligible as you are using the same BitmapData again.
    Here is an implementation of CachedImage component along with ImageDataCache so that we do not have to write plumbing code everywhere. You can use it or modify your code on the same lines. It is available at:

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    CONFIG_FILE variable =
    BOOTLDR variable =
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    AccessCommand.Parameters.Add("BLOBData", OleDbType.LongVarBinary, BLOBData.Length, DataRowVersion.Current).Value = BLOBData
    Paul ~~~~ Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)

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    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    Program Name:     ImageURLButtonBar
         Author:               Paul Whitelock
         Version:          1.1
         Copyright:          (c) 1997 by Paul Whitelock and Modern Minds, Inc.
         Requires:          ImageURLButtonBar.class
                             ButtonBarObserver.class (Interface definition)
    Modifications: v1.01 (15 April 97)
                             *     Added "sticky" button behavior (controlled
                                  by applet "stick" parameter)
                             v1.03 (25 June 97)
                             *     Added applet parameter "useCodeBase". If useCodeBase
                                  is true, then image file locations will be based on the directory
                                  in which the Java class files are located. If useCodeBase is false, then
                                  the locations will be based on the HTML directory. Note that audio
                                  file locations are always based on the Java directory. The default
                                  for useCodeBase is false (use HTML directory for base).
                             *     The "stick" parameter will now accept a button number in
                                  addition to the value of "true" or "false". If a button number
                                  is specified, then that button will be "stuck" down
                                  when the button bar initializes.
                             *     Added the capability of loading multiple URLs for each button
                                  with an optional target for each URL.
                             v1.1 (25 September 97)
                             *     Added "baseBrighten" and "baseBrightenTint" parameters to control
                                  highlighting for base button bar.
                             *     Added "mouseOverBrighten" and "moBrightenTint" parameters to control
                                  highlighting for base button bar.
                             *     Added "mdBrightenTint" and "mdBrightenAll" parameters to control
                                  highlighting for base button bar. Previous versions of the applet
                                  supported "mouseDownBrighten," but only if button borders were not
                                  drawn for the button-down button bar (the "mdBrightenAll" can be set
                                  to "true" to override the this default behavior).
                             *     An "appletBGColor" parameter has been added to set the
                                  applet background color. The applet background color is
                                  sometimes visible during scrolling or during a page repaint.
         NOTE:               This source code was composed using Microsoft Visual J++
                             with tab stops of 4. Text may not be formatted correctly
                             if another editor is used.
         ******************************** PARAMETERS ********************************
              Applet Parm               ButtonBar Class Parm     Default Value
              ================== =======================     ==================
              disableBadURL                                        true
              mouseEnterAudio                                        null (audio disabled)
              mouseClickAudio                                        null (audio disabled)
              buttonDownAudio                                        null (audio disabled)
              stick                                                  false
         *     useCodeBase               base                         false (i.e., use getDocumentBase())
              orient                    barHorizontal               horizontal if applet width > height
              base                    baseBarName                    none - parameter REQUIRED
              mouseOver               mouseOverBarName          null
              mouseOver2               mouseOverBar2Name          null
              mouseDown               mouseDownBarName          null
              mouseDownOver          mouseDownOverBarName     null
              buttonsDisabled          buttonsDisabledBarName     null
              background               backgroundImageName          null
              barXPos                    barXBackgroundPos          0
              barYPos                    barYBackgroundPos          0
              buttonBorders          drawButtonBorders          ButtonBar.BORDERS_NONE
              borderColorTL          borderColorTopLeft          null (Color.white if error)
              borderColorBR          borderColorBottomRight     null (Color.gray if error)
              borderIntensity          borderIntensityPercent     50 (used only if borders)
              borderSize               buttonBorderSize          1 (used only if borders)
              downShift               downShift                    false
              downShiftAmt          downShiftAmt               buttonBorderSize
              baseBrighten          baseBrightenPct
              baseBrightenTint     baseBrightenTint
              mouseOverBrighten     mouseOverBrightenPct
              moBrightenTint          mouseOverBrightenTint
              mouseDownBrighten     mouseDownBrightenPct     
              mdBrightenTint          mouseDownBrightenTint
              mdBrightenAll          mouseDownBrightenAll
              buttonsDisabledDim     buttonsDisabledDimPct     25     (used only if no buttonsDisabled)
              grayBarBrighten          grayBarBrighten               0
              frameRate               frameRate                    150 (used only if mouseOver2)
         *     If useCodeBase is true, then all file locations are based on the Java class file
              directory (i.e., use getCodeBase()).
    public class ImageURLButtonBar extends Applet implements ButtonBarObserver {
         // Instance Variables
         ButtonBar buttonBar;
         Vector buttonURL = new Vector(10, 10);
         Vector buttonURLTarget = new Vector(10, 10);
         Vector buttonDescription = new Vector(10, 10);
         AudioClip mouseEnterAudio = null;
         AudioClip mouseClickAudio = null;
         AudioClip buttonDownAudio = null;
         // Applet Initialization
         public void init() {
              // =================================================================
              // Applet ImageURLButtonBar specific parameters
              // =================================================================
              // appletBGColor
              //          Set applet background color
              String parm = getParameter("appletBGColor");
              if (parm != null) {
                   try {     
                        setBackground(new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16)));
                   catch (Exception e) {
              // disableBadURL
              //          If true, then any button with an invalid URL will be disabled
              parm = getParameter("disableBadURL");
              boolean disableBadURL;
              if (parm == null || !parm.equals("false")) disableBadURL = true;
              else disableBadURL = false;
              // mouseEnterAudio
              //          Sound to play each time the mouse enters any of the buttons
              parm = getParameter("mouseEnterAudio");
              if (parm != null) {
                   mouseEnterAudio = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), parm);
                   if (mouseEnterAudio == null) reportError("Can't load " + parm);
              // mouseClickAudio
              //          Sound to play each time a mouse down click occurs in a button
              parm = getParameter("mouseClickAudio");
              if (parm != null) {
                   mouseClickAudio = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), parm);
                   if (mouseClickAudio == null) reportError("Can't load " + parm);
              // buttonDownAudio
              //          Sound to play each time a mouse up occurs in a button (i.e, the
              //          button has be toggled through it's "down" position)
              parm = getParameter("buttonDownAudio");
              if (parm != null) {
                   buttonDownAudio = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), parm);
                   if (buttonDownAudio == null) reportError("Can't load " + parm);
              // stickyBar
              //          If the "stick" applet parameter is "true", then buttons will stay
              //          "stuck" in the down position until another button is clicked.
              //          If the "stick" applet parameter is the number of a button in the
              //          button bar, then that button will be "stuck" down when the
              //          button bar initializes.
              int stickyBar = -1;
              parm = getParameter("stick");
              if (parm != null && !parm.toLowerCase().equals("false")) {
                   try {
                        stickyBar = Integer.parseInt(parm);
                   catch (Exception e) {
                        stickyBar = 0;
              // =================================================================
              // Class ButtonBar specific parameters
              // =================================================================
              // orient (barHorizontal)
              //          If this parameter = 'h' then the button bar is horizontal
              //          If this parameter = 'v' then the button bar is vertical
              //          If this parameter is not specified, then the button bar is
              //          horizontal if the applet width is greater than the applet height
              boolean horizontal;
              parm = getParameter("orient");
              if (parm == null) horizontal = size().width > size().height;
              else horizontal = parm.equals("h") ? true : false;
              // base     (baseBarName)
              //          The base image file for the buttons. This is the only image
              //          file that MUST be specified.
              String baseBar = getParameter("base");
              if (baseBar == null) {
                   reportError("Parameter 'base' REQUIRED!");
              // barXPos (barXBackgroundPos)
              // barYPos (barYBackgroundPos)
              //          If a background image is specified then these to parameters
              //          represent the top-left corner location where the button bar
              //          should be placed on the background
              int barXPos = 0, barYPos = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("barXPos");
                   if (parm != null) barXPos = Integer.parseInt(parm);
                   parm = getParameter("barYPos");
                   if (parm != null) barYPos = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("barXPos or barYPos");
                   barXPos = barYPos = 0;
              // buttonBorders (drawButtonBorders)
              //          "none" = do not draw any button borders
              //          "all"     = draw borders around all button bar buttons
              //          "base"     = draw borders only around buttons on base button bar
              //          "other"     = draw borders around all button bar buttons EXCEPT base button bar buttons
              parm = getParameter("buttonBorders");
              int drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_NONE;
              if (parm != null) {
                   if (parm.equals("base")) drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_BASE;
                   else if (parm.equals("other")) drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_OTHER;
                   else if (parm.equals("all")) drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_ALL;
              // borderColorTL (borderColorTopLeft)
              // borderColorBR (borderColorBottomRight)
              //          Normally, borders are drawn around buttons by lightening or darkening
              //          the image in the border region. A specific color can be used instead
              //          for the top and left borders and/or the bottom and right borders. The
              //          value specified for either of these two parameters should be a hexadecimal
              //          number (e.g., "FF0000" for red, "888888" for medium gray, etc.).
              Color borderColorTopLeft = null;
              Color borderColorBottomRight = null;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("borderColorTL");
                   if (parm != null) borderColorTopLeft = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
                   parm = getParameter("borderColorBR");
                   if (parm != null) borderColorBottomRight = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("borderColorTL or borderColorBR");
                   borderColorTopLeft = Color.white;
                   borderColorBottomRight = Color.gray;
              // borderIntensity (borderIntensityPercent)
              //          If borders are drawn for buttons, and if a border color is not specified
              //          (see above), then the image in the border region will be lightened or
              //          darkened by this percentage to create the borders.
              int borderIntensityPercent = 50;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("borderIntensity");
                   if (parm != null) borderIntensityPercent = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
                   borderIntensityPercent = 50;
              // borderSize (buttonBorderSize)
              //          The size of borders, if borders are specified.          
              int buttonBorderSize = 1;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("borderSize");
                   if (parm != null) buttonBorderSize = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // downShift
              //          If true, then the button image is shift down and right downShiftAmt
              //          (see below) pixels when the mouse is clicked on the button.
              parm = getParameter("downShift");
              boolean downShift = (parm == null || !parm.equals("true")) ? false : true;
              // downShiftAmt
              //          If downShift is true, then the button image is shift down and right
              //          downShiftAmt (see above) pixels when the mouse is clicked on the button.
              int downShiftAmt = buttonBorderSize;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("downShiftAmt");
                   if (parm != null) downShiftAmt = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // baseBrighten (baseBrightenPct)
              //          The base bar will be lightened by this percentage
              int baseBrightenPct = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("baseBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) baseBrightenPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // mouseOverBrighten (mouseOverBrightenPct)
              //          A button will be lightened by this percentage when the mouse
              //          moves over a button.
              int mouseOverBrightenPct = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("mouseOverBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) mouseOverBrightenPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // mdBrightenAll (mouseDownBrightenAll)
              //          A button will be lightened by this percentage when the mouse
              //          moves over a button.
              boolean mouseDownBrightenAll = false;
              parm = getParameter("mdBrightenAll");
              if (parm != null && parm.charAt(0) == 't') mouseDownBrightenAll = true;
              // mouseDownBrighten (mouseDownBrightenPct)
              //          A button will be lightened by this percentage when it is
              //          clicked.
              int mouseDownBrightenPct = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("mouseDownBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) mouseDownBrightenPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // baseBrightenTint (mouseOverBrightenTint)
              // moBrightenTint (mouseOverBrightenTint)
              // mdBrightenTint (mouseDownBrightenTint)
              Color baseBrightenTint = null;
              Color mouseOverBrightenTint = null;
              Color mouseDownBrightenTint = null;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("baseBrightenTint");
                   if (parm != null) baseBrightenTint = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
                   parm = getParameter("moBrightenTint");
                   if (parm != null) mouseOverBrightenTint = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
                   parm = getParameter("mdBrightenTint");
                   if (parm != null) mouseDownBrightenTint = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("baseBrightenTint, moBrightenTint or mdBrightenTint");
              // buttonsDisabledDim (buttonsDisabledDimPct)
              //          If a button is disabled and if there is no buttonsDisabled image,
              //          then the button will be dimmed by this percentage.
              int buttonsDisabledDimPct = 25;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("buttonsDisabledDim");
                   if (parm != null) buttonsDisabledDimPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // grayBarBrighten
              //          If there is no mouseOver image, then the base image will be used for
              //          the mouseOver image, and a grayscale version of the base image will
              //          be used for base button images. This parameter can be used to lighten
              //          COLORS (not grays) in the image before it is converted to grayscale.
              //          This can help if the standard conversion produces buttons that are
              //          too dark.
              int grayBarBrighten = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("grayBarBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) grayBarBrighten = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // frameRate
              //          If a mouseOver2 image is specified, then this parameter controls
              //          how quickly animation will be performed (using mouseOver and mouseOver2
              //          images) in milliseconds when the mouse is moved over a button.
              int frameRate = 150;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("frameRate");
                   if (parm != null) frameRate = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // =================================================================
              // Instantiate the button bar
              // =================================================================
              try {
                   // Allow the use of documentBase (default) or codeBase for image file
                   // base directory.
                   URL documentBase;
                   parm = getParameter("useCodeBase");
                   if (parm == null || parm.equals("false")) documentBase = getDocumentBase();
                   else documentBase = getCodeBase();
                   // Create the button bar
                   buttonBar = new ButtonBar(
                                                 horizontal,                         /* barHorizontal */
                                                 documentBase,                         /* base */
                                                 baseBar,                              /* baseBarName */
                                                 getParameter("mouseOver"),     /* mouseOverBarName */
                                                 getParameter("mouseOver2"),     /* mouseOverBar2Name */
                                                 getParameter("mouseDown"),     /* mouseDownBarName */
                                                 getParameter("mouseDownOver"), /* mouseDownOverBarName */
                                                 getParameter("buttonsDisabled"),/* buttonsDisabledBarName */
                                                 getParameter("background"),     /* backgroundImageName */
                                                 barXPos,                              /* barXBackgroundPos */
                                                 barYPos,                              /* barYBackgroundPos */
                                                 drawButtonBorders,               /* drawButtonBorders */
                                                 borderColorTopLeft,               /* borderColorTopLeft */
                                                 borderColorBottomRight,          /* borderColorBottomRight */
                                                 borderIntensityPercent,          /* borderIntensityPercent */
                                                 buttonBorderSize,                    /* buttonBorderSize */
                                                 downShift,                         /* downShift */
                                                 downShiftAmt,                         /* downShiftAmt */
                                                 baseBrightenPct,                    /* baseBrightenPct */
                                                 baseBrightenTint,                    /* baseBrightenTint */
                                                 mouseOverBrightenPct,               /* mouseOverBrightenPct */
                                                 mouseOverBrightenTint,          /* mouseOverBrightenTint */
                                                 mouseDownBrightenAll,               /* mouseDownBrightenAll */
                                                 mouseDownBrightenPct,               /* mouseDownBrightenPct */
                                                 mouseDownBrightenTint,          /* mouseDownBrightenTint */
                                                 buttonsDisabledDimPct,          /* buttonsDisabledDimPct */
                                                 grayBarBrighten,                    /* grayBarBrighten */
                                                 frameRate                              /* frameRate */     
                   // =================================================================
                   // Add buttons to the button bar
                   // =================================================================
                   ButtonRegion buttonToAdd;
                   String buttonNbr, urlString;
                   URL urlForButton;
                   int nbr = 0;
                   int buttonStart, buttonSize;
                   // Initialize button on bar flag (used to determine if at least one button
                   // was successfully added to the button bar)
                   boolean buttonOnBar = false;
                   // This loop will be exited when no more buttons can be found in the HTML
                   while (true) {
                        // Construct the prefix for the button parameters
                        buttonNbr = "button" + ++nbr;
                        // Find the starting offset and the size of the button
                        // If null is returned as the starting offset parameter value for the
                        // button, then all buttons should have been read so the loop can
                        // be exited.
                        try {
                             parm = getParameter(buttonNbr + "Start");
                             if (parm == null) break;
                             buttonStart = Integer.parseInt(parm);
                             buttonSize = Integer.parseInt(getParameter(buttonNbr + "Size"));
                        catch (Exception e) {
                             reportError("Button" + nbr + " start or size in error or missing");
                             buttonStart = 0;
                             buttonSize = 0;
                        // Create a ButtonRegion for the button
                        // The button ID will be set to the number of the button (this will
                        // be converted to an integer later when a buttonBarEvent is received).
                        buttonToAdd = new ButtonRegion("" + nbr, buttonStart, buttonSize);
                        // If the buttons on this button bar are "sticky" buttons, then
                        // enable "sticky" behavior for this button. The button will always
                        // "pop-up" whenever another button is clicked.
                        if (stickyBar >= 0) {
                             buttonToAdd.stickyButton(true, ButtonRegion.POPUP_ALWAYS, false);
                             // If the current button number matches the value of stickyBar, then the
                             // current button should be "stuck" down for its initial state.
                             if (stickyBar == nbr) buttonToAdd.setStuck(true);
                        // Try to add the button (i.e., the ButtonRegion) to the buttonBar
                        if (buttonBar.addButton(buttonToAdd)) {
                             // Set flag to indicate that at least one button has been added
                             buttonOnBar = true;
                             // The button was successfully added, so save the button's description
                             // (which will be displayed in the status bar) and the target frame
                             // for the button URL in the appropriate Vector.
                             buttonDescription.addElement(getParameter(buttonNbr + "Desc"));
                             buttonURLTarget.addElement(getParameter(buttonNbr + "Target"));
                             // Try to create a URL for the button.
                             // If the URL is invalid, then place an error message in the
                             // buttonURLTarget Vector (this will be used to warn the user
                             // when the button is clicked). Also, if disableBadURL is true, then
                             // disable the button.
                             String theURL;
                             urlString = getParameter(buttonNbr + "URL");
                             if (urlString != null) {
                                  Enumeration urls = new StringTokenizer(urlString);
                                  while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
                                       theURL = (String)urls.nextElement();
                                       try {
                                            urlForButton = new URL(theURL);
                                       catch (Exception e) {
                                            try {
                                                 urlForButton = new URL(getDocumentBase(), theURL);
                                            catch (Exception e2) {
                                                 reportError("Button" + nbr + " has invalid URL");
                                                 buttonURLTarget.setElementAt("Invalid URL", nbr - 1);
                                                 urlString = null;
                             else {
                                  reportError("Button" + nbr + " has no URL");
                                  buttonURLTarget.setElementAt("No URL", nbr - 1);
                   // Remove any unused elements in the Vectors
                   // If no buttons were added, throw exception
                   if (!buttonOnBar) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No buttons on bar");
                   // Let the buttonBar know that all buttons have been defined. This is
                   // really only necessary if downShift is true, but it won't hurt calling
                   // the method in either case.
                   // Add the applet as an observer so that the applet will be notified
                   // when button events occur.
                   // Enable the button bar now that all buttons have been defined.
                   // (the buttonBar is disabled when it is created and must be
                   // specifically enabled).
                   // Add the buttonBar to the applet
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("Can't create ButtonBar\n" + e);
         // buttonBarEvent
         //          This method is called by the ButtonBar whenever a button event occurs
         //          It provides the ButtonBar that the event occurred for, the button ID
         //          that the event occurred for, and the event type.
         public void buttonBarEvent(ButtonBar barID, String buttonID, int buttonEvent) {
              String description;
              // The buttonBar will send an IMAGES_READY event when all button bar images
              // have been prepared. We are not interested in this event, but only in
              // certain "action" events that occur for a button.
              if (buttonEvent != ButtonBar.IMAGES_READY) {
                   // A number in String format was assigned as the buttonID when each
                   // ButtonRegion was created. The buttonID String will now be converted
                   // back into a number that can be used as a Vector index to retrieve
                   // button specific information (i.e., URL, target frame, and description).
                   int buttonNbr = Integer.parseInt(buttonID) - 1;
                   switch (buttonEvent) {
                        // If a mouseDown event has occurred for the button, and if an
                        // AudioClip is available for this event, play the AudioClip.
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_CLICK:     
                             if (mouseClickAudio != null);
                        // If the mouse has been moved over a button, display the button's
                        // description in the browser's status area. If the button that the mouse
                        // is over is an active button, and if there is an AudioClip available
                        // for this event, then play the audio clip.
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_ENTER:     
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_ENTER_DISABLED:
                             description = (String)buttonDescription.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             if (description != null) showStatus(description);
                             if (mouseEnterAudio != null && buttonEvent == ButtonBar.MOUSE_ENTER) {
                        // If the mouse has been moved off of a button and if the button has
                        // description text associated with it, then clear the browser's
                        // browser's status area.
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_EXIT:
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_EXIT_DISABLED:
                             description = (String)buttonDescription.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             if (description != null) showStatus("");
                        // If the button has been depressed (i.e., a mouseDown followed by
                        // a mouseUp for the same button) then load the URL(s) for the button
                        // in the target frame(s), if specified. If the URL is null, then the
                        // URL was found to be missing or invalid, so display the text stored in
                        // the buttonURLTarget Vector in the brower's status area. If there is
                        // an AudioClip for the event, play the audio.
                        case ButtonBar.BUTTON_DOWN:
                             // Get the string of URLs and Targets for the button
                             String urlString = (String)buttonURL.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             String targetString = (String)buttonURLTarget.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             // If there is at least one URL for the button
                             if (urlString != null) {
                                  URL urlForButton;
                                  String theURL;
                                  String theTarget;
                                  Enumeration urls = new StringTokenizer(urlString);
                                  Enumeration targets = null;
                                  if (targetString != null) targets = new StringTokenizer(targetString);
                                  // While there is another URL for the button
                                  while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
                                       // Get the next String token that represents a URL
                                       theURL = (String)urls.nextElement();
                                       // Convert the String to a URL
                                       try {
                                            urlForButton = new URL(theURL);
                                       catch (Exception e) {
                                            try {
                                                 urlForButton = new URL(getDocumentBase(), theURL);
                                            catch (Exception e2) {
                                                 urlForButton = null;
                                       // If the String was successfully convert to a URL
                                       if (urlForButton != null) {
                                            // If there is a target for this URL
                                            if (targets != null && targets.hasMoreElements()) {
                                                 // Get the String that represents the target
                                                 theTarget = (String)targets.nextElement();
                                                 // If the target String does NOT begin with a "-",
                                                 // then load the URL in the target
                                                 if (theTarget.charAt(0) != '-') {
                                                      getAppletContext().showDocument(urlForButton, theTarget);
                                                 // Else a target for this URL should not be used
                                                 else {
                                            // Else there is no target for this URL, so just show
                                            // the URL.
                                            else {
                             // Else URL is missing or invalid
                             else showStatus((String)buttonURLTarget.elementAt(buttonNbr));
                             if (buttonDownAudio != null);
         // Error reporting
         private void reportError(String message) {
              message = "[ImageURLButtonBar] Error - " + message;

  • Relative paths for images upset by forwarding requests

    Hello World.
              I am using a web app deployed in Weblogic 5.1 with service pack 8.
              I have hit a problem which puzzles me. When I forward a request from
              one JSP to another (say from A to B) the web server seems to take the
              URLs of the images on the served file (B) relative to the path on the
              calling file (A). Here's a detailed explanation...
              Suppose I have a the web app structured as follow
              Page A simply stores its request URI and forwards its request to page B
              <jsp:forward page="/B.jsp" />
              Page B displays its requestURI, contextPath and servletPath. It also
              to show three images
              <img src="images/tick.gif">
              <img src="../images/tick.gif">
              <img src="/images/tick.gif">
              When I invoke page B directly, the first image is shown, the others are not.
              When I invoke page A, it forwards to B and the second image is shown, the
              others are not.
              In each case the URI, contextPath and servletPath are correctly displayed
              with regard to page B.
              URI = [oddApp/B.jsp]
              contextPath = [oddApp]
              servletPath = [B.jsp]
              The URI in A.jsp is also correct (i.e. /oddApp/launch/A.jsp).
              The search for the images seems to be relative to the original URI (i.e. not
              the URI used to forward), which strikes me as daft. It means that page B
              must be aware of where it is being called from. It is perfectly plausible
              relative paths which suit when called from one location are incorrect when
              called from another.
              I had thought that including the leadling slash (as shown as the third
              would cause the search relative to the document root (/oddApp/), but this
              appears not to be the case. The search is done relative to the root of the
              server not the web app.
              Adding jsp mappings in the deployment descriptor of the web app does not
              help (I had thought it a long shot anyway).
              Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    i face the same problem (WinNT, WLS6.0): my wep app has a contextRoot " root " which makes it react to the URL: http://host:port/root /: it is this folder which will be used as a basis by the Web server But in the jps I use a relative URL for images: / images/toto.gif : it works very well when I deploy my jsp out of a Web-app by setting a document.root to the weblogic web server.On the other hand, once deployed in a Web-app, images are not found because the default path of the browser is http://host:port, without the context root of the Web-app! In other words, my war has images/*.gif in its root but when /images/toto.gif is resolved in a jsp, as the relative URL is not prefixed by my context-root, the image is not search in the war! actually, if I type http://host:port/root/toto.gif, my image appearsany clues? an alias on the web server? a setting in web.xml/application.xml and their weblogic equivalent files?

  • Need a Syatem variable for Executing the report by RFC.

    Hi Experts,
    Need a Syatem variable for Executing the report by RFC.
    what i mean to say is,i can execure the report directly ...then no issues.
    But if i execute the Report by RFC ,then i should put a condition with system variable...
    Please suggest me ,how can put a condition when i am executing the report through RFC.

    Hello Friend,
    what I understood that you want to put some extra condition if that report is getting called from RFC...
    you can use the system variable will hold the value of the report when it is geeting executing directly...
    but when it is getting executed therough will hold that RFC name...

  • How do I show file size in the Finder icon view for images?

    How can I add the file size to the icon view "File Info" for images?
    I know how to get it to display the image size under View Options. In this mode it shows pixel dimensions for some images (not for svg or pdfs tho) and file size for some non-images (rar, zip, but not txt or plain text files).
    Is there some plist I can modify?

    Just found the answer in a post with this subject: 
    How Do I Change the Mailbox Font Size in the Sidebar?

  • How can I use variable for a package filename and target file inODIFileMove

    I want to use a variable for paths so that when I migrate from Dev to QA to Prod I don't have to do a lot of editing.
    Specifically, I want a variable to be the first part of the path for the filename (\\sundev1\fnd1-hypd1) and join this with the rest (\update\log\*.log or specific filename) using several different objects like the ODIFileMove, ODI OS Command, OS Command, etc.
    Thank you!

    you could set up a database table holding processing parameters (i.e. Column1 - ParamName, Column2 - ParamValue).
    One row could then be ParamName = FilePath, ParamValue = \\<server>\folder\
    So, the refreshing query (attached to a logical schema) would be something like SELECT ParamValue FROM <your table> WHERE ParamName ='FilePath'
    Then, create a variable which can refresh from the database and in the package, drop the variable onto the flow and set it's type to 'Refresh Variable' in the properties.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to use one Bex Variable for two purposes in one query?

    I want to prompt for a UOM in a query. Then I want to use that one UOM variable to do 2 tasks in the query:
    1. Perform a UOM conversion on one restricted key figure (no filtering)
    2. Filter in a second restricted key figure (no conversion)
    How would I use a variable (or two?) to do this? I do not want to have 2 UOM prompts.

    Oh, it all seems so easy now!  Hindsight 20-20...
    Solution was to create a new input ready variable for Unit.
    1. Restrict the key figures which need restricting using new variable
    2. For conversions, in BI backend us T-code RSUOM and create new conversion type associated with new variable. Then for each key figure needing conversion, set the conversion parameter to use the new conversion type.
    Between both 1 & 2 above, the same variable is used & thus prompted only once.
    Solution works perfectly.... as it should. Hope this helps someone else!

  • How to substitute a bind variable for a IN condition?

    Dynamically I am setting the WHERE condition for one of my blocks using SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY Built in. The condition that I am attaching has two IN conditons..
    For Eg.,
    contracts_tbl.status_col IN ('NEW', 'OLD', 'EXPIRED', 'OPEN')
    AND contracts_tbl.id_col IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
    The number of choices in the IN condition will vary depending upon the user choice in my screen. Because of this the parsed SQL state is could not be shared and multiple of these are getting created in shared pool. To avoid this I would like to use bind variables.
    There are two ways I am trying to do this..
    1. Generating one bind variable for each value. i.e.,
    contracts_tbl.status_cod IN (:global.var1, :global.var2,
    Now this could result it memory error if no. of choices exceeds the avilable memory. Also its a tedious task to purge the variables after querying the block. Also because of multiple IN conditions, the chances of different set of selections are possible and then again sharing will be minimal.
    2. The second method is to set the one bind variable for each IN condition. i.e.,
    :GLOBAL.Var1 := '( 'NEW', 'OLD', 'EXPIRED', 'OPEN' )';
    :GLOBAL.Var2 := '(1, 2, 3)';
    contracts_tbl.status_col IN :GLOBAL.Var1
    AND contracts_tbl.id_col IN :GLOBAL.Var2
    In this case, forms is not querying as the IN condition takes the global variable value as one string and the query returns no rows though there are plenty available for each status. Also any NUMBER type condtions erroring out as the , and ( are invalid numerals.
    Q: Is there anyway you can make this work? or Is there any other better method to substitute bind variables in place to avoid creating new set of statements for each query in the shared pool?
    Your suggestions and pointers are higly appreciated. Please respond immediately as this is a P1.
    -- Raam.

    2. The second method is to set the one bind variable for each >>IN condition. i.e.,
    :GLOBAL.Var1 := '( 'NEW', 'OLD', 'EXPIRED', 'OPEN' )';
    :GLOBAL.Var2 := '(1, 2, 3)';
    contracts_tbl.status_col IN :GLOBAL.Var1
    AND contracts_tbl.id_col IN :GLOBAL.Var2 This method should work - not sure if you put exact syntax in or not but your first assignment would cause a problem as everywhere you want one ' mark you would have to put two so that it does not close your quoted string
    Try the following syntax:
    :GLOBAL.Var1 := '( ''NEW'', ''OLD'', ''EXPIRED'', ''OPEN'' )';
    :GLOBAL.Var2 := '(1, 2, 3)';
    SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY('blk name',
    'contracts_tbl.status_col IN ' || :GLOBAL.Var1
    || ' AND contracts_tbl.id_col IN ' ||
    Hope this helps,
    Candace Stover
    Forms Product Management

  • Variables for calendar year/month

    Hi All,
    My requirement is to create a headcount report which has to display the number of employees for different time period. ´
    1) When user chooses calender day then the report should display total number of employees on that time period(01.01.2005)-(10.01.2009).
    2) If user chooses calyear /month then he should see the report for each calyear/month (like 01.2005 , 02.2005,02,2005....)in the columns.
    I tried dropping calyear/month in column and i got the result for my second scenario (like 01.2005 , 02.2005,02,2005....)
    But when the user chooses the calday it still shows the report by calmonth (bcoz of calyear/month in the column).
    I also tried text variable for calyear/moth(replacement path method) but i have the restriction in the interval (from date or to date - i have to choose one by default) so it shows only either date in the columns .
    The  two variables. 1) Calender Day (Interval,Optional)) 2) Calender Year /Month (Interval,Optional)
    I got four restricted key figure to restrict number of employees by business.
    Eg :
    When Cal Day is choosed then the report will be :(01.01.2005 -10.01.2009)
                   (01.01.2005 - 10.01.2009)
    Country  Sales Finance
    India        20      30        
    Denmark  30      50        
    When Calyear / Month is choosed then the report will be : (01.2005 - 02-2005) :
                        01.2005                    02.2005                                
    Country     Sales Finance      Sales Finance    
    India           24     70                70         45       
    Denmark    36      60               56        30         
    Edited by: vasister a on Oct 9, 2009 11:10 AM

    This cannot be achived dynamically.
    I think the two ways you can work out is creating two different reports one to include daywise and the other to include montwise structure.
    Otherwise you can keep calday in free char and ask user to swap calmonth with calday as per requirement.
    Else you have to create a workbook report and make use of VB macros to calculate report dynamically which is a very complex approach.

  • How do I check the Oracle enviornment variables for a connection?

    I am using Oracle JDBC and trying to output the Oracle enviornment variables for a connection.
    I am trying to determine if the values output from sqlplus from the following two SQL select statements are different in the connection object:
    SELECT * from NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS order by 1;
    SELECT sys_context('userenv','language') from dual;
    Is there a way to do this in the API or do I just need to run the SQL statements in a Class and output the values to a log?

    So try it.
    Create a connection with no settings.
    Alter all of the (session only)
    Query again and see.
    Either the query will return the altered values or it won't.

  • Using a variable for two different characteristic

    I've to following situation:
    1) While execuring a query in BEx Analyzer, the user should manually enter a specific key date KEY_DATE
    2) Then, two InfoObjects should be restricted by using that KEY_DATE as follows
         a) InfoObject BEG_DATE <= KEY_DATE
         b) InfoObject END_DATE > KEY_DATE
    So, in Query Designer I've created a variable KEY_DATE and added it to each of the above InfoObjects. Now, while executing the query I get an error: "Variable KEY_DATE is used for two different characteristics".
    Is there another possibility to realize my requirements?

    Hi Dear,
             create variable for that date and restrict the char. info object by that date.
    -->create a variable of date char.
    -->in General tab, select processing by Replacement path
    -->in replacement path , offset 0 and lenght 0
    when u restrict, select value ranges and select greater than for one and less than equal for another
    try and let me know if any probm...

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  • Photoshop not saving my edits

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