Video is blurry

In fcpx the the video is blurry when I play back in edit mode but is not when I export the video?

When editing, FCP X plays back at reduced resolution, so as to avoid dropping frames (it takes a lot of power to play back, especially if you have multiple layers and effects).
As innocentius said, you'll get improved appearance if you select high quality in playback preferences.

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    Good for you! I haven't tried it, but I'm sure it works.
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    Let me know if you need more details or clarifications.

    What are the properties of what you are putting on the Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 Timeline? Are you working with a SD or HD file?
    What have you set as the project preset when you started the projec?
    1. So, video compression, audio compression, frame size, frame rate, interlaced or progressive, file extension, pixel aspect
    much information as you can supply....sometimes the brand, model, settings of the camera recording the video will give us all the
    information that you need to set up the project correctly or to verify that it has been set up correctly.
    Case Study....
    Let us assume that your video is 1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 progressive frames per second.
    Project Preset in New Project Dialog
    DSLR 1080p30@ 29.97
    When you go to take your Timeline content to Vimeo from within the Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 feature
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    with Presets = MP4 H.264 1920 x 1080p30
    Have you been there and done that?
    The answers are in the details....needed
    a. properties of source media
    b. project preset
    c. details of your project's Timeline content
    c. export settings used
    We will be watching for your follow up.
    Thank you.

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    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
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    the camera is a two stage camera to get it to focus well.
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    Hi Mr. Hunt!  Thank you so much for responding.  I really appreciate it.
    What is my project preset?  That's a great question.  My settings are:
    Editing Mode: DV NTSC
    Timebase: 29.97 frames per second
    Frame Size: 720 horizontal x 480 vertical
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV NTSC (0.9)
    Fields: lower field first
    Display format: 30fps drop frame timecode
    Title Safe Area: 20% horizontal and vertical
    Action safe: 10% horizontal and vertical
    Capture Format: HDV Capture  (Footage/tape is SD, camera is HD, does this impact anything?)
    Video Rendering:
    Maximum bit depth - box is NOT checked
    File Format: DV NTSC
    Compressor: DV NTSC
    Color Depth: millions of colors
    Optimize stills - box IS checked
    Footage is shot on a Canon XHA1 Hi-def camera, but on standard definition tapes.  Footage is shot drop frame.
    Does that answer your question?  If not, where would I go to find my presets?
    I'll have to check out MS Windows Media Encoder.

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    H.264 format
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    Frame Height (pixels): 240
    4:3 Aspect Ratio
    30 frames per second
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    MP3 audio

    I heard sometime ago that YouTube converts everything uploaded to
    Flash or FLV format. I have not used the iPod format for this purpose in CS3 but Rick has obviously found that it works well, however, I would recommend using Adobe Media Encoder to FLV and set it to 320X240 with no more than 1MB/sec bit rate to maximize quality and minimize file size since it's not going to be larger than that on Youtube.
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    I'm not sure, but I think I know the answer.  And, I have a very similar computer.
    Is there a red line above the time line?  There should be when you are using multiple file types. 
    When you start a new project you asked for a "project preset".  PrE10 uses that to make preview video for the editing process.  If there is a mismatch between your preset and the first clip you bring into PrE10, it asks you to change so they match.  With three file types, it can only be right for one.  When you bring in clips of the other two types, PrE10 has to "preview render" in order make the monitor previews run smoothly.  It does not do that automatically.  It puts a red line above the clips that need it.  Then anytime you press the Enter key, it will stop everything and "preview render" your content.  It can take awhile.  But, after that, your preview should look better.
    You didn't say what the target output will be.  When you work through to the Share menu and select what you are going to make, PrE10 goes to work doing a "final render".  That's because what is needed for a Blu-Ray is different than for a DVD or posting to YouTube is different than making video for a website.  The "final render" starts all over and uses you project as markers and paths to your original clips.  It goes though frame by frame and makes new frames using the "final render" settings.  And, it can take its time doing it!
    Unless you buy a super computer, you may have to put up with a little less than perfect in the preview window.  The real test is how the final output looks on the device you want to use as a viewer.

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    You need to supply more details than you have in order to get to the core of the issue.
    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running? What do your computer resources look like, installed and available RAM, total and free hard drive space, location and free space for the Scratch Disks?
    What are the properties of the source media that you are putting on the Timeline?
    Based on the properties of your source media, what is the project preset that you or the program are setting in the new project dialog?
    Video (video audio compression, frame size, frame rate, interlaced or progressive, file extension, duration, PAL vs NTSC, camera source, etc.)
    Photos (how many, what format, what pixel dimensions)
    What is your export choice and settings?
    Let us start here and then we can decide the troubleshooting strategy.
    Thank you.

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    Do the videos start to play and quit? Do they not start at all?
    Close all apps and restart the iPad and then try YouTube or Netflix again.
    Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    You can also try resetting/rebooting the iPad and see if that helps.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Even if your the internet is OK with other applications doesn't mean that there isn't an issue with the way that the iPad is connecting to NetFlix and YouTube. You can always try rebooting your router - unplug it for about 30 seconds and then plug it in again.

  • DV captured video is blurry

    I am trying to load DV footage via Firewire into FCP 5.1.4 and all of the video, including the color bars, appears a little bit blurry when I import it. It looks fine on a video monitor connected to the deck, so it is not a problem with the footage on the tape. I am using a rented Sony DSR-1500A to load my miniDV footage. Is there a setting that I need to change in FCP or on the deck, or is this the way all DV footage looks when imported into FCP and will it look OK when I export it? (This is my first time loading my own footage from a deck.)
    Thank you.

    Thank you for the feedback... Here are my answers...
    Ken Summerall, Jr. wrote:
    How are you judging the quality of this footage? Using your computer monitor?
    I had been judging the quality through my computer monitor. I have now viewed it on a video monitor (via the FW deck) and it does look a lot clearer. However, it does not appear quite as clear as the system-generated bars.
    If so, then what you have is just a proxy image. Set your canvas to 100% and see if it is OK then.
    I have set my canvas to 100%, and it still looks the same. It is almost as if there is a slight double image (see in my link how the bars appear to slightly overlap). I spoke to a tech yesterday who said "that's just the way NTSC is" but I don't recall seeing this before. Are there other settings within FCP that I need to be looking at before I capture (i.e. interlace/de-interlace, drop-frame vs. non-drop frame)? I apologize if these questions/answers seem obvious. Like I said, I am new to ingesting my own footage via firewire and any help would be greatly appreciated.
    If so, then you know that what you are getting is OK which it will be because FW is just simply a data transfer, you can't mess up good footage that way.

  • IPod video fuzzy/blurry and juddrey when played back on video editors

    i have recorded many videos on my ipod before but the most recent videos have become fuzzy/blurry when i have uploaded them onto video editors i have tried many different editors but all of them made the video qulity poor, fuzy and juddery. when i play them back on my ipod or PC there absolutly fine but as soon as they are in a video editor the become fuzzy.

    (PAL would be less than 768x576 pixels)
    BUT...why do commercial DVDs (i.e. the ones I rent from Blockbuster) look ok on my laptop? Do they use better compression or something?
    A little "better compression" and a lot of "something".
    Yes, commercial DVDs are produced by better compressors, but the primary reason for better quality is better original content. Commercial DVDs aren't shot with consumer DV camcorders, while they are shot using a tripod and carefully lit.
    MPG-2 works by looking at image frame to image frame variations - things like camera shake and noise due to poor lighting can cause major frame to frame differences in the video stream causing MPG-2 artifacts.
    In addition, the commercial content is just a lot sharper to start with - better lenses, 3 chip cameras with more pixels than DV camcorders, as well as no compression of the shot footage (DV stream content is compressed about 4:1).
    It the old computer saying: GIGO
    Garbage In - Garbage Out
    Now I'm confused! If a monitor has more pixels shouldn't it give a better picture?
    Only if your source image has the same number of pixels. Your DVD only has (PAL) 768x576 pixels and if you 'blow them up' to something like 1280x1024 (or larger) on your computer monitor the image with 768x576 pixels will look very soft.

  • Blurless Source Video Becomes Blurry on Export.

    I have a Premiere Pro Project using 29.97fps 60i AVC video (MTS). A few of my cuts have pans. The pans are razor sharp and detailed in both the source material and when playing back in the editor.
    When I put them through Adobe Media Encoder (keeping the resolution and framerate the same as the source) the pans come out very blurry. I've tried, mpeg2, Quicktime Animation, and H264. Quicktime Animation seems to be blur free but I can't use that for youtube.
    I've tried tweaking the bitrate but it does not seem to help. Is there anyway to get blur free H264?

    60i AVC video (MTS).
    I haven't yet been able to get a truly Interlaced H.264 export out of Premiere Pro.  It seems to turn everything into Progressive, no matter what the settings are.  This will mess with the appearance of motion.  I wonder if that's what you're seeing, especially since it doesn't happen with the Animation export.  (Though I would expect the MPEG2 export to be fine as well, so maybe this is not the issue.)

  • IPad video is blurry, but pictures are fine

    We are trying to record our morning announcements with the iPad.  We are able to take pictures just fine - there are no focus issues.  But when we switch to the video mode, it will gradually switch to blurry and it can't focus in.  The transition only takes a second or two.  The students are sitting behind a desk, so there is no quick movements, and the iPad is resting on the other end of the table so it is stable.  Any thoughts?

    Actually, what I really want is to download the video the way I used to with the QuickTime Pro 7 player. That way I'll have it when it's no longer front page news.
    Strange! I downloaded it on "Day 1" of the announcement on my old G5 PPC with no problems. To check things further, I just re-downloaded it again with both QT 7 Pro and QT X on my PowerBook Pro using the same work flow as with my old G5. Still no problems. Would assume your work flow or software is at fault here. Try THIS LINK TO APPLE'S iPAD TOUR and see if it works any better.

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