Vim colorscheme issues

I'm trying to get the solarized theme for Vim working in the terminal
The problem I'm having is that it doesn't look like the pictures which are on the site; the colors are off. However, the solarized theme claims to support Vim terminal fine. I followed the readme about the setup.
I have copied the Xresources file provided with the solarized theme to my home folder, and I've set up my Vim appropriately. The colors are close, but not quite the same. My TERM setting is set to xterm, not xterm-256color, does this matter if my Xresources file is set up correctly? If not, how do I set up xfce4-terminal so that it does use xterm-256color? I tried changing the environment variable for it in the options instead of setting it in bashrc, but I just get VTE errors. I exported it manually in a terminal session and made sure tput colors outputted 256, but this made no difference when running Vim.
I tried using urxvt but it didn't work correctly and the fonts are really ugly, so I'd rather stick to xfce4-terminal if I can cause it doesn't require as much configuration.
I feel as if I'm missing something, this seems a lot more complicated than it should be to just get a colorscheme working in Vim terminal. Am I missing something?

What do you mean when you say you've set up your vim appropriately? Terminal colorschemes from .Xresources and vim colorschemes from .vim files are different. Did you install the solarized colorscheme for vim? More precisely, did you install solarized.vim file in either ~/.vim/colors or /usr/share/vim/vim73/colors, or alternately install vim-solarized-git from the AUR? Did you add "colorscheme solarized" to your .vimrc? You can check if you've got the solarized colorscheme properly installed for vim by issuing the command "colorscheme solarized" in vim. If solarized isn't recognized as a colorscheme, it's not installed.
Last edited by bananagranola (2013-05-04 18:14:18)

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    Last edited by instinct (2013-03-13 21:17:32)

    I recommend firstly to define all your terminal colors in your ~/.Xdefaults accordingly. Here's a sample from my own ~/.Xdefaults - I'm using urxvt terminal with standard terminal colors:
    URxvt.background: rgb:00/00/00
    URxvt.foreground: rgb:c2/c2/c2
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    *color10: rgb:50/fc/50
    *color11: rgb:f8/fc/50
    *color12: rgb:50/54/f8
    *color13: rgb:f8/54/f8
    *color14: rgb:50/fc/f8
    *color15: rgb:f8/fc/f8
    You can test your terminal colors with a color script found here.
    After that you should set up vim. Start with ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim/colors/yourcolor_scheme.vim.
    In ~/.vimrc you should have
    set t_Co=256
    syntax on
    And then you can find yourself a colorscheme that fits you. Now here's the tricky part: the colors in here are defined for terminals (cterm colors) and for gvim (gui colors). I find it hard to get the desired colors using cterm colors, so I am using a script that converts guicolors to the equivalent terminal colors - its called guicolorscheme. After you download the script, put it in ~/.vim/plugin, and add this to the bottom of your ~/.vimrc:
    if (&t_Co == 256 || &t_Co == 88) && !has('gui_running') &&
    \ filereadable(expand("$HOME/.vim/plugin/guicolorscheme.vim"))
    " Use the guicolorscheme plugin to makes 256-color or 88-color
    " terminal use GUI colors rather than cterm colors.
    runtime! plugin/guicolorscheme.vim
    GuiColorScheme hax
    " For 8-color 16-color terminals or for gvim, just use the
    " regular :colorscheme command.
    colorscheme default
    I have thinkered with my own colorscheme here to get some nice colors, so you are free to use that one, and remember to put it in ~/.vim/colors/.
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    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails … s_and_Code [jwr] --

    Does the problem occur with other vim colorschemes? Perhaps we can eliminate the colorscheme and any .vimrc configurations or plugins as the source of the problem.
    You can create a very basic .vimrc file, perhaps naming it basic.vim
    set nocompatible
    filetype plugin on
    set t_Co=256
    syntax on
    Start vim using basic.vim instead of your .vimrc:
    $ vim -u basic.vim <file_to_edit>
    Vim should open with the default colorscheme. Then add cursorline highlighting and see if the problem exists.
    :se cul
    If the graphical glitch is there, you've pretty much eliminated your .vimrc as the source of the problem. If the "tracing" problem isn't there, change to a colorscheme where you know it has previously occurred.
    :colo <my_colorscheme>
    Try editing different filetypes to make sure the problem isn't a filetype or syntax plugin.
    Edit: Ctrl+l, (Control plus lowercase L) should refresh the screen in vim.
    Last edited by thisoldman (2015-03-08 18:47:05)

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    Last edited by ANOKNUSA (2012-05-18 15:22:06)

    skanky wrote:It should do. There's a comment in /etc/vimrc recommending against changing, so it's worth looking into. There are other settings there that could affect some behaviour, apparently.
    That would likely be the issue: I overwrote the default with my own config file, without including runtime! archlinux.vim in my own config.  As far as I can tell, things are working as both user and root.  I suppose I should have paid more attention, but then again, there's no mention in the Arch wiki entry about not altering/deleting any of those files:
    Arch Wiki Vim Entry wrote:
    Vim's personal configuration file is located in the home directory: ~/.vimrc. Advanced users tend to keep a well-tailored ~/.vimrc. The global configuration file is located at /etc/vimrc. The fall-back $VIM variable is defined as /usr/share/vim/. For example, to create a global colorscheme the *.vim colorscheme file should be stored in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/.
    Currently, the vim global configuration in Arch Linux is very basic and differs from many other distributions' default vim configuration file. To get some commonly expected behaviors (like syntax highlighting, return to the line of the last edit...), consider using vim's example configuration file:
    cp /etc/vimrc /etc/vimrc.bak
    cp /usr/share/vim/vim73/vimrc_example.vim /etc/vimrc
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    Last edited by tomgg (2013-12-24 03:40:46)

    Glad that worked, please remember to mark the thread as [SOLVED] by clicking "edit" on the first post.

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    set lines=43 " Set the window's height
    set guioptions-=T " Remove the toolbar from the window
    set guifont=Terminus 12 " Use a clean monospaced font
    colorscheme desert
    set background=dark
    colorscheme desert
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    phrakture wrote:IIRC this happens for because gvim does not find a ~/.gvimrc and reads /etc/gvimrc after ~/.vimrc (I think).
    Try symlinking ~/.vimrc to ~/.gvimrc
    That solved the problem for me. Thanks 

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    I looked here in the forum, but I didn't find anything about.
    Just for information I downloaded it from
    Last edited by lsathler (2011-07-06 18:11:00)

    yngwin wrote:You can use wombat256:
    Thanks for helping. It worked like a charm !

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    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by ZombieX (2012-05-25 12:36:50)

    Thanks for the reply. In my case, it appears more frequent when you scroll back and forth over pages using j and k. I haven't noticed anything with the 'O' command but I will keep an I out. I haven't been able to find the root cause of this, nor have I found any 'real' fixes so I either deal with it or use emacs with VIM bindings. I'll consider this closed.

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    Last edited by blackout23 (2013-04-01 08:15:38)

    I'm sure I tried it with and without extension and it didn't work.
    However after creating a .vimrc (didn't have one before) according to this: … rc-molokai
    It worked.
    The AUR package installed it into that directory.
    Thanks to all!

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    Are you sure you are running vim and not vi. Vi isn't designed for arrow keys so you get that exact output when running it.

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    Look at the "-e" argument, or the sudoedit command. The manpage states that when using this argument/command, the environment should remain unmodified, but the problem persists. Again, I can confirm that I used this heavily on my Arch system in the past, and can also confirm that it works using my Debian server (which is using software from their testing repository).
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    Last edited by Dirk Sohler (2010-02-05 19:19:18)

    It is a symlink.   The symlink is owned by the vim package.  As vim is a dep for gvim, that file is being managed by the package manager.
    Saying I want to store a file there is like saying I want to store a text file at /bin/bash...   Sure you could, but do not expect bash to keep working.
    So what exactly is your issue here?

  • [solved] VIM and colorschemes

    Hi Everybody
    I try to setup up vim on my machine. Everything works fine but the colorscheme has wrong colors. (I am working with konsole)
    in my .vimrc
    set t_Co=256
    syntax on
    set background=light
    colorscheme solarized
    No matter what i try, konsole seems to override the colorscheme... I already tried to add TERM=xterm-256color ...
    May someone point out the mistake I made?
    Thank you!
    Last edited by wucherpfennig (2014-08-25 20:38:43)

    Thanks for your quick answer
    somehow I missed that...
    let g:solarized_termcolors=256
    syntax enable
    set background=light
    colorscheme solarized

  • Unreadable Vim tab completion bar with default colorscheme in console

    I am talking about the bar in Vim that shows up when I type, for example, ":colorscheme <Tab>".
    When using the default color scheme, a dark background and t_Co=8 in the console, this bar is light gray on white, which is barely readable.
    I have this in my .vimrc:
    if &term=~'linux'
    set t_Co=8
    set background=dark
    set t_Co=256
    set background=light
    Though when in X, I can manually set t_Co=8 and background=dark and the tab completion bar has high contrast, i.e. black on white. (Obviously, for this test I set my terminal background color to black.)
    Last edited by LovelyAlien (2011-11-07 12:17:28)

    frabjous wrote:
    Try opening the file with:
    vim -u NONE filename.tex
    (This will disable your .vimrc and other scripts from loading for the session.)
    ....and see if it's slow then.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Hmm.. Indeed, by doing something like that to the same .tex file, vim is fully responsive.
    So it seems that the .vimrc is 'causing all that. I guess that I should start commenting
    out things in the .vimrc until I see where the problem is...

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