Virtual adobe printer

Hi commun9ity. After having installed 7.0 pro an error regarding the missing virtual adobe printer occurred. I have un- and reinstalled the software using admin permission. Same error. After each online update same error.
print as/with adope pdf printer (which is unavailable
How can solve this challenge?
Thx for ur help

The simple answer is that Acrobat 7 does not support any 64-bit version of Windows. There are no workarounds. Acrobat 8.1 (an update to Acrobat 8.0) was the first version to support 64-bit Windows and primarily, the area of support that was added was that of the AdobePDF PostScript printer driver instance, which is what you are referring to as the “Virtual Adobe Printer.”
The current version of Acrobat is 11.0.9. Previous versions are no longer available for licensing.
          - Dov

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  • How to set up Adobe Printer to save .pdf in folder

    Good morning.
    I am looking for guidance on how one can set up a virtual "adobe" printer that saves a print job as a .pdf in a specific shared folder.
    1. External application creates a print job
    2. Print job goes to a pre-named, virtual printer.
    3. The virtual printer accepts the print job
    4. The print job is turned into a .pdf document and the document is saved in a shared folder.
    Additionally, can the naming convention of the saved folders be "dynamic"?  In this scenario, a print job named "ABC123" is saved as "ABC123.PDF" and another print job named "XXX900" is saved as "XXX900.pdf", etc.
    Appreciate the help.

    Ideally it would be installed on the application server where the job is generated and sent to the specified printer (internal settings). Then when the job hits the printer it drops a .pdf in a shared folder.
    Appreciate the help.

  • Setting up a virtual PDF printer in MacOS

    On my previous Mac (System 10.4), I had set up a virtual PDF printer called Adobe PDF 3016.102. I had Creative Suite installed at the time, but I'm not sure if that's relevant. I can't remember how I installed that virtual printer.
    Now I have two newer Macs, one on Mavericks and one on Yosemite. I have Creative Cloud 2014 on both computers. Is there a way to install a virtual printer equivalent to the Adobe PDF 3016.102 virtual printer on these computers?
    I found this virtual printer particularly useful for exporting full bleed PDFs from Microsoft Word. The option called 'Adobe PDF' in the Print dialogue box of Mavericks and Yosemite does not seem to produce full-bleed PDFs from Microsoft Word.
    By the way, is there is another way to produce full bleed PDFs from Microsoft Word? That would at least solve my Microsoft problem, but I would also like to install the virtual printer, because it has worked well with all programs, not just Office.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Thank you Test Screen Name for the link to the article 'Can't print PDFs | Mac OS X 10.6 and later'. I don't think this helps me with my problem. This is the scenario I'm struggling with: When I try to export a Microsoft Word document, I can select 'Save as Adobe PDF' from the PDF dropdown in the lower left of the Print dialogue box. However, at the top of the Print dialogue box, the only option I have available currently is Fuji Xerox Docuprint C3210, which is the only printer I have installed. My understanding is that Word always queries the printer driver for the size of it's non-printing margins. Consequently, it does not send print data for the margin zones to the PDF and I lose the full bleed. This is why I want to install a virtual PDF printer - because it would not have non-printing margins, and then Save as Adobe PDF would work correctly re the bleed.
    If this is not possible, is there another workaround?

  • Open Adobe Print Form from ALV Int. Rprt using the XSTRING already present

    Hello Friends,
    I have a typicall issue that how to open a Adobe Print Form when a user double clicks in the ALV Report. Here when the user double clicks in the ALV Interactive Report using the unique ID I am getting the Adobe Form from a FTP location in the Form of XSTRING, now using the ABAP ADOBE PRINT FORM not using WebDynpro Application, I need to process this XSTRING and show up the Adobe Print Form.
    Is there a way to send the XSTRING to the Output Device or Printer to Display the PDF Form.
    Friends please help me in solving this issue.
    Thanks and Regards
    Pradeep Goli
    Edited by: Pradeep Goli on Mar 19, 2009 1:49 PM
    Edited by: Pradeep Goli on Mar 19, 2009 2:51 PM

    Hi Pradeep Goli,
    it is possible to show PDF in SAP GUI.
    * You must create dynpro 500 with custom control named HTML.
    * In this custom control will be displayed PDF.
    DATA: g_pdf              TYPE xstring,
          pdf_my_container   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          pdf_html_control   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer.
    PERFORM create_and_display.
    FORM create_and_display.
    *** Your code fo filling g_pdf
    CALL SCREEN '500'.
    * PDF preview in HTML control
    module html_control output.
      perform pbo_html_control.
    module html_control input.
      perform pai_html_control.
    * PAI
    FORM pai_html_control.
      SET SCREEN '0'.
    * Showing of PDF
    FORM pbo_html_control.
      DATA: l_pdf_alignment TYPE i,
            l_count         TYPE i,
            l_noprint       TYPE fpboolean,
            l_noarc         TYPE fpboolean,
            l_noprintarc    TYPE fpboolean.
    *  CLEAR: fcode.
    * container
      IF pdf_my_container IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT pdf_my_container
            container_name = 'HTML'
            OTHERS         = 1.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e150(FPRUNX).
    * html control
      IF pdf_html_control IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT pdf_html_control
            parent = pdf_my_container
            OTHERS = 1.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e150(FPRUNX).
    *   alignment
        l_pdf_alignment = pdf_html_control->align_at_left  +
                        pdf_html_control->align_at_right +
                        pdf_html_control->align_at_top   +
        CALL METHOD pdf_html_control->set_alignment
            alignment = l_pdf_alignment
            OTHERS    = 1.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e150(FPRUNX).
      PERFORM pdf_show USING g_pdf.
    FORM pdf_show USING p_pdf_data TYPE xstring.
      STATICS: ls_url           TYPE i.
      TYPES: lt_pdf_table(1000) TYPE x.
      DATA:  l_myurl(80)        TYPE c,
             l_url(80)          TYPE c,
             l_pdf_data         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lt_pdf_table,
             l_pdf_size         TYPE i,
             l_pdf_line         TYPE lt_pdf_table,
             l_offset           TYPE i,
             l_len              TYPE i.
      l_pdf_size = XSTRLEN( p_pdf_data ).
      l_len = l_pdf_size.
      WHILE l_len >= 1000.
        l_pdf_line = p_pdf_data+l_offset(1000).
        APPEND l_pdf_line TO l_pdf_data.
        ADD 1000 TO l_offset.
        SUBTRACT 1000 FROM l_len.
      IF l_len > 0.
        l_pdf_line = p_pdf_data+l_offset(l_len).
        APPEND l_pdf_line TO l_pdf_data.
      ADD 1 TO ls_url.
      l_myurl(8) = ls_url.
      CONCATENATE l_myurl '.pdf' INTO l_myurl.
      SHIFT l_myurl LEFT DELETING LEADING space.
      CALL METHOD pdf_html_control->load_data
          url          = l_myurl
          size         = l_pdf_size
          type         = 'application'                          "#EC NOTEXT
          subtype      = 'pdf'                                  "#EC NOTEXT
          assigned_url = l_url
          data_table   = l_pdf_data
          OTHERS       = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE e152(FPRUNX).
    * show data
      CALL METHOD pdf_html_control->show_data
          url    = l_url
          OTHERS = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE e152(FPRUNX).

  • Internal table in adobe print forms

    hi there,
    in my WDA-application i use adobe print forms for output.
    i use a table for displaying an internal abap-table.
    in the formular-hierarchy it looks like this:
    --> line1
      --> cell1
      --> cell2
      --> cell3
    my problem is that i am a complete newbie in scripting in print forms.
    here is what i want to do:
    if cell1 = 'X' then the text in cell2 has to be bold or underlined.
    Can someone provide me with a code-example either in javascript or formclac???

    thx for answering.
    first i tried the following code:
    data.T1.Tabelle2::ready:form - (JavaScript, Client) -
    this.Zeile1.Zelle2.font.weight = "bold";
    this.Zeile1.Zelle2.font.underline = "1";
    the result is, that cell2 is bold and underlined but only the first row of the table. i want all cell2 in all rows bold and underlined.
    then i tried this:
    data.T1.Tabelle2::ready:form - (JavaScript, Client) -
    if(this.Zeile1.Zelle1.rawValue == "01"
    this.Zeile1.Zelle2.font.weight = "bold";
    this.Zeile1.Zelle2.font.underline = "1";
    nothing happens and i dont understand why. The visible value in Zelle1 is "01"!

  • Unable to print to Adobe printer in any program including Office 2010

    My sustem is a Windows 7 64 bit.  I have Office 2010 installed as well as Adobe Acrobat Pro X ver 10.1.3.  I am unable to print to the Adobe PDF printer.  If I select it in Notepad it is Greyed out.  If I select it in an Office product like Word or Excel it shows that it is READY.  However if I select it so I can print to PDF I get an error message "Word cannot print.  There is no printer installed."
    If I got to Devices and Printers Adobe PDF is listed.  If I right click on it and select "Printing Preferences"  I get an error message "Operation could not be completed."
    If I select Printer Properties I get an error message "The "Adobe PDF Converter" printer driver is not installed on this computer.  Some printer properties will not be accessible unless you install the printer driver.  Do you want to install the driver now?"
    If I click YES a wizard pops up, the Add Printer Driver Wizard.  I select Next, choose either any of the Adobe PDF Converter Versions or HAVE DISK, the NEXT.  If I select have disk I go to the proper place "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10\Acrobat\Xtras\AdobePDF" and select the file AdobePDF.inf.  I then select the top Adobe PDF Converter and select Next.  It says You have successfully completed the Add Printer Driver Wizard.  You are about to add "Adobe PDF Converter, x64, Type - User Mode.  I click Finish and get another error.
    This error says "Unable to install Adobe PDF Converter, Type - User Mode, x64 driver.  Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000002)."  I select OK and Adobe PDF Properties pops up.  It has tabs like General, Sharing, Ports, Advanced, Color Management & Security. I can click on any of them and make any changes but once I click on OK and close the window and then Right Click on Adobe PDF there is no change to my results.  I still get all of the above errors.
    I have tried deleting the Adobe PDF printer and then selecting in Programs & Featues (Old ADD/REMOVE) the Adobe Acrobat X Pro item and right clicking on it and the selecting Change.  It goes through almost a reinstall, it adds the Adobe Printer back but NO CHANGE.  I still can't print to Adobe PDF.
    Can someone help?

    Can you try 'Print as Image' (Advanced button on Print panel).

  • Adobe Print Services in Java Instance on iSeries

    Comment by moderator: An english overview of this thread is given in an answer to this posting.
    Sehr geehrter Herr Hoelters,
    wir möchten gerne GTS on System i fahren. Für fast alle Module aus GTS
    braucht man die JAVA Instanz. Das soweit ist wohl kein Problem.
    Für die Adobe Printing Services brauchen wir die Java Instanz auch.
    Nun gibt es wie unten aus dem Buch zitiert non supported Platforms.
    Im Hinweis Hinweis 925741 wird eine Lösung mit einem zusätzlichen
    Applikationsserver empfohlen.
    Dadurch stellt sich raus, das wir doch einen zusätzlichen Windows
    Server für diese ADS benötigen.
    In der PAM kann man folgende Informationen finden:
    Freigaben Adobe Document Services Datenbank-Plattformen DB2/400...
    Datenbankversion Betriebssystemversion Datum Status
    DB2/400 V5R3 WINDOWS SERVER 2003/IA32 32BIT 05.12.2005 Freigegeben
    DB2/400 V5R4 WINDOWS SERVER 2003/IA32 32BIT 14.02.2006 Freigegeben
    Bedeutet das jetzt das ich die ADS nicht ohne Windows Server nutzen
    kann ?
    mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Carsten Schulz
    Book: Global Trade Services Using SAP® GTS 7.0
    Page 13
    Depending on our process, it can be necessary to set up the following
    additional instances:
    SAP NetWeaver Java Stack
    All print forms in SAP GTS are available in Adobe print technology. If
    you want to use printing functions the Adobe Document Server (ADS) is
    required that is icluded in the delivery of SAP NetWeaver Java Stack.
    Printing documents and forms can be necessary in the following areas:
    - SAP Customs Management
    - SAP Risk Management Preference Processing
    - SAP Risk Management Letter of Credit
    Book: SAP NetWeaver 2004s SR1 Java: IBM eServer iSeries
    2.4 Running Adobe Document Services on Non-Supported Platforms
    Adobe document services (ADS) are currently not supported to run
    natively on all platforms supported by
    SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver, in particular on 64-bit platforms.
    To use ADS in SAP landscapes on non-supported platforms, install an
    additional standalone AS Java on a
    platform supported by ADS.
    For more information, see SAP Note 925741.
    Hinweis 925741 - Adobe Doc. Services (ADS) auf nicht unterstützt.
    Hinweis zu IBM iSeries
    Zusätzlich zu der beschriebenen Lösung können Sie einen zusätzlichen
    Microsoft-Windows-Applikationsserver für die ADS im Java-Stack
    einsetzen, wenn Ihre Umgebung auf einem IBM-iSeries-Server installiert
    Message was edited by:
            Carsten Schulz
    Message was edited by:
            Carsten Schulz

    This question and its answer might be interesting for the non german speaking members of this community, too. So I made a short translation of the discussion. Not in every detail but it should be sufficient to get the idea. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask here. For future discussions I would like to encourage all of you to use english as the forum language. The members of this community are distributed all over the world and using english is the only way to get feedback from most of them.
    Now to the question:
    Mr Schulz is interested in using GTS on a system i. To use the Adobe Printing Services support in GTS it is necessary to set up a Adobe Document Server (ADS). At the moment ADS does not run natively on system i. The PAM states that ADS runs on DB2/400 using a windows server. SAP Note 925741 suggests to run an additional application server. The question is now if there is no way to run a ADS on a system i without a windows server.
    The answer given by Mr Hölters can be outlined as follows:
    In fact ADS is not supported under i5/OS. To allow usage of ADS without introducing a second database platform to your system landscape there is a solution given in SAP Note 925741. Instead of having a second NetWeaver installation on a different platform you can add an additional dialog instance to your application server running on system i. If this dialog instance is running under Windows you can install ADS there and don't have to use a second database platform.
    With kind regards,
    Jan Stallkamp

  • Adobe print forms - Intergration with Webdynpro ABAP

    We are working on SAP Adobe print forms with Webdynpro ABAP. We are getting the PDF form's Hexadecimal content as a part of the FPFORMOUTPUT parameter when we execute the FM of the Form.
    I tried to assign that to a context variable and assigned that to the PDFSource of the form and tried to generate the PDF. But is is showing a black page.
    Can you please suggest a way if any to get this done.

    You can use the print form directly. I mean the same way as you would use the WD/ online form. Provide the form name, the data source and stuff and the form should work. If that would be an interactive one, you would not be able to change any values if the form is based on DDIC dictionary, but since you want to use the printform, this is not your concern.
    Regards Otto

  • I just installed Adobe CreatePDF desktop printer, when I try to use from Word or Excel, it does not work.  The Adobe print queue says "error" in the status screen.  I have uninstalled and re-installed.  Any ideas of what to do next?

    I just installed Adobe CreatePDF desktop printer on a Windows 7 home PC.  When I try to use from Word or EWxcel, it does not print.  The Adobe print device queue reports an "error" in the status column.

    Adobe retired this Feb 17, 2014.
    This app sent content to and got content from the web based services of "CreatPDF" and "PDF Pack".
    These are subscription services out in "the cloud". When the app was live you had to be online and signed into your account.  The user forum for CreatePDF has a DOC that speaks to the app removal.
    Be well...

  • How to install Adobe printer's 'postscript driver' in mac os x

    hello again,
    as posted recently hv a problem with adobe printer's postscript driver (ppd),In Indesign cs4 It shows ppd is missing while making Print File(.ps),
    pls suggest how to install ppd again, i tried to install ppd driver downloaded from adobe website, but it fails to install.
    pls help.

    I guess you didn't read the link I gave you inthe other thread...
    Here's one of the comments that you would have found:
    Short description to the workaround Solutions
    1) Usual workaround for printing with Distiller under SL and InDesign CS4:
    Copy the PPD called “ADPDF9.PPD” (download-link here in this topic) to Library/Printers/PPDs /Contents/Resources/en.lproj
    Works for CS4. Problem: Does NOT work for CS5.
    2) Workaround for InDesign CS5:
    - Go to Applications/Adobe Indesign CS5/Presets
    - Create a folder called “PPDs” (attention: foldername is case-sensitive!)
    - Copy the PPD called “ADPDF9.PPD” (download-link here in this topic) into this folder.
    - PostScript Printer will be useable within InDesign CS5
    Hope that helped and clears up all questions so far.
    Cheers, hi2hello

  • Adobe Printer In Acrobat 8.1.5 Hangs in Windows 7 Pro X64

    I have been trying to find some info on why the Adobe Printer Hangs when it prints. I Have Acrobat 8.0 & upgraded to 8.1.5 as a possible fix but so far to no avail. At least the Adobe Printer is listed and attempts to print but then it "Stops Responding" .  Of course I have Windows 7 professional & noticed around the forum allot of answers deals with upgrading to 9.0 , but has anyone a fix for the adobe printer fix?  All functions work great other than the Adobe Printer function
    it makes no sense to upgrade makes more sense for Adobe to make a patch to fix this issue as a gesture to loyal customers ! or is it greed?  Any hints on a fix?

    If you update AA8 (now at AA8.2.4) you may be successful. Part of this is a Win7 issue and part is a X64 issue. I think at least AA8.2 is needed for X64. Open Acrobat and do an update, or download all of the updates after 8.1.5 from the Adobe download site and install them (in order). If that does not do the job, I don't have other ideas. But that is your first step. The other is to search the forum for the wealth of comments on AA8 on Win 7.

  • Adobe print form - Purchase order MEDRUCK_PO

    Today I tried to make use of the MEDRUCK_PO adobe print form.
    This form is defined by SAP. They also updated the print program, which is SAPFM06P with entry ADOBE_ENTRY_NEU.
    The first problem I encountered was that the print program didn't find the PDF function module name. In stead it was looking for the FM of the smartform. I did a modification to this part so now the logic looks first at the type (Smartform, PDF of SapScript). This works but now I get an update termination.
    This error says that ULINE is not recognised.
    Did someone already this? I thinks its impossible to have the ULINE statement in a PDF form?!

    I have sorted my problem out.  If you do not have transaction SAPLWMC you can use sm30 on view V_TNAPR.
    Now I am getting error messages when SAP generates the FM for the form.  It is complaining about currency fields that do not exist in the HEADER stucture of the interface.  Specifically it is complaining about WRF_POTB_CURRENCY-OTB_CURR which is referred to as the currency key for a couple of other fields.  The structure WRF_POTB_CURRENCY is included in the table EKKO and EKKO is included in the MMPUR_PRINT_EKKO which is used for the HEADER structure for the interface (both MEDRUCK and MEDRUCK_PDF).  Any ideas how to fix this?  I am probably going to have to create a new structure(s) to get this working.

  • I will try to print from word to the Adobe printer.  Sometimes it just freezes.  I cannot select another printer.

    I will try to print from word to the Adobe printer.  Sometimes it just freezes.  I cannot select another printer.  It’s like all my printers are gone.  Sometimes I get an “Unable to Connect” error and sometimes I get “1 document in printer queue”.  No matter what printer I choose after I try to go to Adobe, I cannot connect to a printer.  The only solution I have come up with is a clean reboot which I can't afford to do 4-5 times a day.
    Currently on Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.09

    Hi Tymuls,
    The first step I would try is delete the Adobe pdf printer and then repair Acrobat.
    Repairing Acrobat will bring back the pdf printer. We released an update yesterday i.e. 11.0.10. try updating to the latest version and check.
    Have you tried uninstalling the software and reinstalling it.
    You might also want to check the performance in a new admin user account.

  • Display tree hierarchy in adobe print form scenario

    Can someone suggest what is the best way to create a tree structure in adobe print scenario ? can we display icon also next to the text in the tree. For example I want to get folder and file icons also along with their names in hierarchial manner.

    to populate the dropdown list you can do it...
    1). manually or 
    2). by code
    1). <b>manually</b> go to interactive form->edit
         go to Object tab->field tab ->
         you must see something like
         List Items :
         Text     + x
         click on the green + sign...
         it promps you to type. type in the value press enter... and so  on...
    2) <b>by Code...</b>
        //set up contents of a drop down list dynamically...
        IWDAttributeInfo countryInfo = wdContext.nodeTravelData().getNodeInfo().
        ISimpleTypeModifiable countryType =
        IModifiableSimpleValueSet countryValueSet  =
    This will work....
    -amol gupta

  • No Adobe Printer installed with Acrobat XI Pro

    I have recently replaced Acrobat 8 Pro by XI Pro on a machine running Win XP Pro SP3. After installation, the Adobe printer was missing in the printer menu, and attempts failed to use the "Make pdf" button from within MS Office applications. When prompted to re-install, I did so, but the problem remained. 

    What version of Office? Acro XI only supports 2007 ansd 2010. The printer should be available, though....

Maybe you are looking for