Virtual Charactertistic Code .

Hi All,
I am trying to write a code for the virtual charactertistics  . I am using these 3 programs :
ZXRSRTOP - Global declaration of variables is done here
ZXRSRU02 - Mode of access for each of the IOs used in the exit is defined here.
ZXRSRZZZ - Association of the global variable to the actual IO is done here.The exit logic is also written here.
I want to generate an indicator in the report output, so i took on dummy char of length 1 .
Now in the report selection screen user enters the date range .
In my virtual char code , i want to access these dates given by the user in the selection screen , so that i can write my logic.
How do i access anything which the user enters in the selection screen, that is my question .
Ashutosh Singh

Hi All,
Issue got solved .

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    I suspect that you are trying to solve the wrong problem. I don't see any reason for converting characters to virtual keys because:
    * this is dependent of current keyboard layout
    * many characters will not map at all
    If you want to use shortcuts use the virtual key codes instead. I wrote few articles regarding keyboard usage in an international context - check

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    There is no way for us to be able to tell you whether it will work under XP since we have no idea what the driver does. That's something that's better asked of the vendor.
    As for the LabVIEW code itself, if you cannot get a newer version of the code then you can upload the code here and someone can save it for you in 8.x so you can open it in 2009.
    Note: in the future, please stick to one thread for the same topic.
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 12-10-2009 12:48 PM

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    I am not able to debug the code written for virtual characterstics.
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    Thanks in advance!

    Where have u written the code for vir char?
    Are u using BADI ?

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    DATA: l_zcount1 TYPE int4.
    IF <L_0COMP_CODE> = 'AB99'.
    P_DATE1 = <L_0BILL_DATE>
    P_DAYS = l_zcount1.
    <L_ZCOUNT1> = l_zcount1.
    Edited by: Sujatha Raghunathan on Mar 19, 2009 5:48 PM

    check this thread: Re: Working days of month with factory calendar and FM 'DATE_CONVERT_TO_FACTORYDATE'. You can use it twice like described in thread. End date will be your booking date...
    I solved a similar scenarion with this coding...

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    2) created the BADI using definition RSR_OLAP_BADI
    3) used the characteristics in the report
    Appreicate your inputs

    I have already debugged alot. At one condition it checks
    l_s_rkbif-userexitmode EQ rrke_c_mode-no_selection.
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  • Short Dump ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT in Virtual KF implementation

    Iam getting a short dump in my virtual KF code. Here is the code that I have written. If I have only bill date it works fine. The minute I add company code it gives the short dump. Can you pls let me know what is it that Iam doing wrong. any help will be greatly useful. Thanks.
    DATA: L_SUBRC1 TYPE SY-SUBRC. "execute only, if key figure really used
       WHEN '0SD_C03'.
                L_S_CHANM-CHANM = '0BILL_DATE'.
                L_S_CHANM-MODE  =  RRKE_C_MODE-READ.
                APPEND L_S_CHANM TO E_T_CHANM.
                L_S_CHANM-CHANM = '0COMP_CODE'.
                L_S_CHANM-MODE = RRKE_C_MODE-READ.
                APPEND L_S_CHANM TO E_T_CHANM.
                APPEND 'ZCOUNT1' TO E_T_KYFNM.
    *Include ZXRSRTOP*
    DATA : G_POS_0SD_C03_0COMP_CODE(4).
    Include ZXRSRZZZ
      DATA: l_zcount1 TYPE int4.
      IF <L_0COMP_CODE> = 'AB99'.
            P_DATE1  = <L_0BILL_DATE>
            P_DATE2  = SY-DATUM
            P_CAL_ID = 'Z1'
            P_DAYS   = l_zcount1.
        <L_ZCOUNT1> = l_zcount1.
      ELSEIF <L_0COMP_CODE> = 'DC99'.
            P_DATE1  = <L_0BILL_DATE>
            P_DATE2  = SY-DATUM
            P_CAL_ID = 'Z2'
            P_DAYS   = l_zcount1.
        <L_ZCOUNT1> = l_zcount1.
    The short dump:
    "CL_IM_RSR_OLAP_BADI===========CP" or "CL_IM_RSR_OLAP_BADI===========CM002"
    get field postions for characteristics in structure
    LOOP AT i_th_sfc ASSIGNING <l_s_sfc>
         WHERE user_exit NE rrke_c_mode-none.
    field name in structure is keyreturnnm
    name of the global variable
      CONCATENATE '(SAPLXRSR)G_POS' i_s_rkb1d-infocube <l_s_sfc>-chanm
          INTO l_global_name
          SEPARATED BY '_'.
    fill the global variable
      UNASSIGN <l_global>.
    >>>>>>>>  ASSIGN (l_global_name) TO <l_global>.

    My suggestion is that you review the how-to papers on SDN regarding exit RSR00002 or RSR_OLAP_BADI.  These are alternative methods of accomplishing virtual characteristics and key figures.  The code you have given is for exit RSR00002 (although it is full of syntax errors so is not executable), but the short dump you are getting refers to RSR_OLAP_BADI, so you must have implemented that Class as well, but incompletely. 
    Which method are you attempting to use?

  • Request for sample ZXRSRU01 code-  pass to VKF

    I wrote an earlier mssg but I fear I may have been too complicated in my request.
    I would like to pull a BEx variable user entry in and use it to calculate a key figure.
    I have the virtual KF code working fine.
    I just need help pulling the user value in.
    The variable is a single value entry. So I am unsure about the high/low range that I see in most examples.
    My include is setup as follows-
    *how would I write the code to pull the user entry?
    REFRESH e_t_range.
    *- Steps
    CASE i_step.
      WHEN '2'.
        CASE i_vnam.               " Variable name
      When 'VariableTech_name'.
         <insert code to pull here>
    Additional questions:
    1) Is there a way to turn off the filtering of the user entered variable? I would prefer to only use it to just pass the info to CMOD rather than filter out data on the report.
    2) Do I need to create special BEx variable? (customer exit, etc) Or will any work with this?
    Thank you very much.
    - Brandon

    Hi KJ,
    Thx for the quick reply!
    In the code example-
    and 'MONTH' represents the variable tech name that we are pulling. And 'CUMMONTH' represents the place we are passing it to?
    Is this correct? Then calculations are done in BEx.
    I would like to do calculations in ZXRSRF02.
    If my infoobject is defined as <ZNEWEST> in my virtual KF code-  How do I get it passed to ZXRSRF02?
    I would like to take user entry and pass it to <ZNEWEST> infoobject in my VKF code.
    Here is my code as I translated it from the example:
      WHEN '2'.
        CASE i_vnam.               " Variable name
          WHEN 'ZNEWEST'.
               WHERE VNAM = 'NEWTSK'.
            Clear L_S_RANGE.
            L_S_RANGE-LOW      = LOC_VAR_RANGE-LOW(4).
            L_S_RANGE-LOW+4(2) = '01'.
            L_S_RANGE-HIGH     = LOC_VAR_RANGE-LOW.
            L_S_RANGE-SIGN     = 'I'.
            L_S_RANGE-OPT      = 'BT'.
            APPEND L_S_RANGE to E_T_RANGE.

  • File download code works without error, but no file is downloaded

    I have a very strange problem -- I am trying to download a
    simple file from a server, using virtually identical code to what
    is in the examples. My code executes
    flawlessly, I get the browse window to select the location to save
    and name of the file, as expected. I click "Save" in the file
    dialog, and the window disappears -- but no file. I know my URL is
    right, because I can test the URL from the browser, and I get the
    file back. But here's the even weirder thing: I threw TCPMon in
    between Flex and the server, and discovered that the method isn't even sending a request to the
    server. If I try the exact same URL through a browser, TCPMon shows
    both the request and response. But Flex never registers a request
    at all.
    Help! I have 100% error free code that follows the
    documentation examples but doesn't request or download the file.
    Your help is appreciated!

    I found the answer to my problem, but now I want to know WHY
    this is, and if it is considered a bug by Adobe -- if anyone out
    there has an explanation, that would be great.
    I implemented the full set of event handlers, and guess what
    -- not only was I not getting any HTTP request being made, but I
    also didn't get any event callbacks. Bottom line, I think I found
    an Actionscript bug.
    The answer to the $64,000 question is this: when the
    FileReference object goes out of scope (I had it declared locally),
    because the download() call is asynchronous, it doesn't call event
    handlers or make a request. It must be garbage collecting it. So
    you have to have your variable as a member, not a local variable.
    Weird. I find no other objects in Actionscript work like that. I
    wonder if it has something to do with the fact that the call
    crosses the native boundary (because it is leaving the Flash
    sandbox, and interacting with the browser/native OS.
    To me, that's like prematurely killing a thread before it has
    completed processing just because it has no parent object with a
    reference to it. In general, most rules for garbage collection I've
    seen in various platforms require either a parent object or thread
    of processing to prevent cleanup.
    If anyone has an explanation, I'm all ears!

  • Register User and code validation Images

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    Please help me.

    I don't know where the information for that field is from
    Validation 1.
    IF T.CODE ; VA01 or VA02 and User id isXXXXX ( REAL group),then check ZZSO_SORT = REAL (hard code value)
    Validation 2.
    IF T.CODE ; VA01 or VA02 and User id isXXXXX ( VIRTUAL group),then check ZZSO_SORT = VIRTUAL (hard code value)
    The field VBAK-ZZSO_SORT can be filled programatically by the user-exit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAK (include MV45AFZZ):
      IF T180-AKTYP = 'H' OR                                    "---->VA01
         T180-AKTYP = 'V'.                                      "---->VA02
        IF SY-UNAME = <......>.
          VBAK-ZZSO_SORT = 'REAL'.
        IF SY-UNAME = <......>.
    ENDFORM.                    "USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAK
    Otherwise it needs to know who/what inserts the value of  VBAK-ZZSO_SORT in order to decide where the control has to be placed.

  • Custom Keyboard Scan Code

      We have a custom keyboard with 20Keys . We need to implement a custom scan code for every keys . Has microsoft documented any custom keys so that OEMs or IHV can use for their requirement so that it doesnt conflict with the standard keyboard scan codes 

    About Keyboard Input
    From above link.
    "Scan Code
    The scan code is the value that the keyboard hardware generates when the user presses a key. It is a device-dependent value that identifies the key pressed, as opposed to the character represented by the key. An application typically ignores scan codes.
    Instead, it uses the device-independent virtual-key codes to interpret keystroke messages."
    Virtual-Key Codes
    La vida loca

  • Virtual Chars - a new problem

    Hi folks, new to the forum but been working with BW since version 1.2A!!!!
    Anyway, I have implemented Virtual KF to allow me to rank values within a report. This solution was put in place to give a certain ranking when there are drill down and drill across chars on the same page.
    The issues I have is that I would like to access different Virtual Char code depending on which query is being executed.
    Virtual KF sit at the Cube level and execute the same code whenever a qurey with that KF is executed, I need to be able execute different code for the same Virtual KF for different queries
    any ideas?

    Hi Roberto,
    Thanks for providing Alan with information on how to assign points. This time I gave you points on his behalf.
    Contribution Recognition Program FAQ:

  • Virtual keys - JIS keyboard layouts

    I have found that the mapping of virtual key codes to actual characters is not exactly right using a Mac JIS keyboard and the US layout. For instance, the @ sign is on the key next to the 'P' key. Using a non-Mac JIS keyboard and setting the US layout gives the expected result: the @ sign is on the same key as '2'
    Is there some way to tell Carbon that when I post a keyboard event (CGPostKeyboardEvent()) for the virtual key code corresponding to key '2', I want the receiver program to get a @ sign (if shift is being pressed)?

    Thanks guys for your help. Much appreciated.
    I tried your suggestion to reset the SMC, but unfortunately it didn't help.
    So I rang the Apple customer service here in Japan. To my surprise the phone call was toll-free, even from a mobile. They were very helpful and even called me back several times. I usually only complain about Apple customer service in Japan, so it's nice to be able to say something nice about them for a change.
    Anyway, my keyboard is working properly again now, and I'll write about how it got fixed so in case anybody else has this problem they can find some help here.
    So, resetting the SMC didn't work, so we tried clearing the PRAM by restarting and holding CMD-OPT-P-R. According to the Apple operator, that usually helps with this problem, but it didn't in my case.
    Next we created a new user account to see if the problem was system-wide, or just specific to my user account. The keyboard worked fine in the new account, so the problem was specific to my user account, which suggested that the problem was in one of the libraries (.plist).
    The operator consulted her techies and called me back. Unfortunately, there was no way to find the problem without going through every .plist one by one, so in the end I had to do an 'erase and install'. So I backed up with Time Machine and reinstalled.
    When I restored from Time Machine, I had to do it manually by dragging and dropping from my external hard drive. I restored everything EXCEPT the 'library' folder. The operator went through the back-up library folder with me, taking only those .plists that I really needed, such as my email settings etc.
    And that's it. Finished. Took me ages, and I'll never know what caused the problem in the first place.
    Thanks again for your help, everyone.

  • Game key codes

    Hello all
    I have a vi that gives virtual key codes to the Call Library Function Node, to control the cursor keys. The codes are: 37(left), 38(up) and 39(right), which are the ASCII (decimal) values. Using this output I want to control any kind of game running on windows. However, the program is able to move the cursor keys on applications such as MsWord and Notepad, it is not able to control cursor keys for game.
    So here is my question: Do games, like nfs all have different key codes, or do they have common key codes? Since games do not accept ASCII values, then what are the key codes that they use? Any urgent help would be appreciated.

    Hi ashu,
    first: 37-39 (left to right) are not ASCII values of the keys (37=%, 38=&, 39=')! These numbers seem to be scancodes of the keyboard (although mine gives different values for the cursor keys, while 37-39 corresponds to K-Ö on a German keyboard). The operating system translates scancodes to corresponding chars using the currently used keyboard setting (keyboard layout).
    second: Games often don't use OS routines for input devices. So they read the scancode with their own routines and kindly ignore OS wishes...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • HT5839 Save files under Tags without single virtual location

    Today I was wondering about the OS X Mavericks tagging system. Sometimes I try to save a file, such as an image, in the TAGS section of the finder window in Mac OS X. As soon as I do so, because it is not a location rather a search algorithm that searches for files in multiple locations, because the computer to hang. I wanted to ask if you can actually save the file as a tag,and if not then why allow it appear available in the save dialog pop-up appears within the save dialog interface, and so I tried it out various times. My computer just hangs and Finder becomes Logic says, it cannot be possible to save the file under tags, unless OS X has programmed itself to save the files and SQL data instead of as an actual file.
    This would require database settings and reprogramming into the OS X Mavericks system. I should definitely think about saving files under the tag section,if it is possible, and how one will achieve it as a programmer and developer. It would be an excellent way to file things without any necessity, for knowing where they are. So long as one saves every file with the right tags. Of course one could then save under a main tag and add more tags in the text dialogue interface which pops up when you are saving a file.
    Or one could remove it from the save dialogue interface completely, to avoid crashes and confusion.attack is not a particular location but then again neither is a folder really. Both folders and tags are just virtual binary code translated into pixels on the screen. I therefore do not really see any difference between an album, a folder, a photo stream, or attack or I could take very. To the binary system they are just different waysof presenting virtual data in a visual way so that humans can interface with it.but tags can be added to a file as more than one tag. And this allows for multiple terminologies and search filters to be used when searching for a file. It allows for cross reference searching.
    Tagging files in OSX is an art and a science, which one must learn and have a very strict regimen with oneself, in order to achieve a truly organized filing system. but, if you truly must of this ought and I strict enough with yourself to organize your tags properly, you can have an extremely powerful way of accessing your data without having to have too many folders and visual interfaces to find them with. This requires that you manually name and tag all of your files of costs which if you work with hundreds of files a day is rather tiresome.
    but that is like planting a field of flowers, you must plod along every day until you have thousands of them and it becomes enough to be called a field. Once you have planted plenty, and that means you have created lots of tags, and have the discipline to name every saved file under is relevant tags, then finally, once you have thousands of files, this will become an indispensable way of arranging and searching for your work files

    Thanks for input. The price changes occur infrequently - Norton/ Symantec software. Not a lot of sku's to make a database plus page is flowery and does not need to be searched on by the user. Links connect directly to Norton. Now I make the changes on one page and "Save as" to the others but my button links fail. It is curious CS4 would make the change from images of the link in the actual link box in html. In view it works fine but on site buttons are not visible?

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