VLC DVD playback

Hi, I am trying to play a DVD from within file structure. Everything works just fine in VLC under win7(64bit) my system is ArchLinux(32bit) whenever I try to read the dvd it gives me tons of errors (below). I have libdvd* installed all. I used to do this all the time, I can't figure out why doesn't it work now. thanks for your answers
[sdoky@sdoky-r400 ~]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib vlc -vv
VLC media player 1.0.5 Goldeneye
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - version 1.0.5 Goldeneye - (c) 1996-2010 the VideoLAN team
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure '--prefix=/usr' '--enable-libass' '--enable-dvdread' '--enable-jack' '--enable-dvdnav' '--enable-zvbi' '--enable-qt4' '--enable-faad' '--enable-alsa' '--enable-skins2' '--enable-dvb' '--enable-v4l' '--enable-theora' '--enable-flac' '--enable-snapshot' '--enable-hal' '--enable-dbus' '--enable-ogg' '--enable-dbus-control' '--enable-shared' '--enable-nls' '--enable-lirc' '--enable-shout' '--enable-pvr' '--enable-ncurses' '--enable-mozilla' '--enable-release' '--program-suffix=' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-loader' '--enable-live555' '--with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live' 'CFLAGS=-march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed' 'CXXFLAGS=-march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe' 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig'
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: checking plugin modules
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: loading plugins cache file /home/sdoky/.cache/vlc/plugins-04041e.dat
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc'
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: module bank initialized (389 modules)
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: opening config file (/home/sdoky/.config/vlc/vlcrc)
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 3 candidates
[0x88accf8] main libvlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[0x8946d28] main input debug: Creating an input for 'Media Library'
[0x8946d28] main input debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options
[0x8946d28] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MBytes
[0x8946d28] main input debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'
[0x8946d28] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x8946d28] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x894b018] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
[0x894b018] main demux warning: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
[0x894b018] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.714 ms - Total 2.714 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.714 ms)
[0x8946d28] main input debug: creating access 'file' path='/home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x894b018] main access debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates
[0x894b018] access_file access debug: opening file `/home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x894b018] main access debug: using access module "access_file"
[0x894b018] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.842 ms - Total 0.842 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.842 ms)
[0x894c7b0] main stream debug: Using AStream*Stream
[0x894c7b0] main stream debug: pre buffering
[0x894c7b0] main stream debug: received first data after 0 ms
[0x894c7b0] main stream debug: pre-buffering done 296 bytes in 0s - 13764 kbytes/s
[0x894d5a8] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 5 candidates
[0x894d5a8] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.382 ms - Total 0.382 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.382 ms)
[0x894d5a8] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
[0x894d5a8] main stream debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
[0x894d5a8] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[0x8946d28] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x894ec98] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate
[0x894ec98] playlist demux debug: using XSPF playlist reader
[0x894ec98] main demux debug: using demux module "playlist"
[0x894ec98] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.236 ms - Total 0.236 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.236 ms)
[0x8946d28] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/sdoky/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' successfully opened
[0x894fe00] main xml debug: looking for xml module: 2 candidates
[0x894fe00] main xml debug: using xml module "xml"
[0x894fe00] main xml debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.489 ms - Total 0.489 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.489 ms)
[0x894ec98] playlist demux debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully
[0x894fe00] main xml debug: removing module "xml"
[0x8946d28] main input debug: EOF reached
[0x894ec98] main demux debug: removing module "playlist"
[0x894d5a8] main stream debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
[0x894b018] main access debug: removing module "access_file"
[0x8946d28] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'Media Library' : 7.685 ms - Total 7.685 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 7.685 ms)
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: Activated
[0x894c7b0] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x894c7b0] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[0x894c7b0] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.309 ms - Total 0.309 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.309 ms)
[0x894c7b0] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x8946ec0] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
[0x894c7b0] main interface debug: thread started
[0x8946ec0] main interface debug: using interface module "inhibit"
[0x8946ec0] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 55.926 ms - Total 55.926 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 55.926 ms)
[0x8946ec0] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x894a5e8] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x894a5e8] main interface debug: using interface module "screensaver"
[0x894a5e8] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.259 ms - Total 0.259 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.259 ms)
[0x894a5e8] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x894a940] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x8946ec0] main interface debug: thread started
[0x894a5e8] main interface debug: thread started
[0x894a940] main interface debug: using interface module "signals"
[0x894a940] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.342 ms - Total 0.342 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.342 ms)
[0x894a940] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x894d560] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x894a940] main interface debug: thread started
[0x894a940] main interface debug: thread ended
[0x894d560] main interface debug: using interface module "globalhotkeys"
[0x894d560] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 8.254 ms - Total 8.254 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 8.254 ms)
[0x894d560] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x88accf8] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0x89523a8] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 4 candidates
[0x894d560] main interface debug: thread started
[0x894d560] main interface debug: thread ended
[0x89523a8] main interface debug: using interface module "qt4"
[0x89523a8] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 256.577 ms - Total 256.577 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 256.577 ms)
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: Error while initializing qt-specific localization
[0x89523a8] main interface debug: thread (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:151)
[0x89523a8] main interface debug: thread started
[0x89523a8] main interface debug: thread ended
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: adding item `dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS' ( dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS )
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: Adding a new MRL to recent ones: dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: processing request item dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS node null skip 0
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: resyncing on dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS is at 0
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: starting new item
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: Creating an input for 'dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS'
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: thread (input) created at priority 10 (input/input.c:230)
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: thread started
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: IM: Setting an input
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: Updating the geometry
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MBytes
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: `dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS' gives access `dvd' demux `' path `/media/sda7/VIDEO_TS'
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: creating demux: access='dvd' demux='' path='/media/sda7/VIDEO_TS'
[0x8be82d8] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: Updating the geometry
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.3
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/sda9 mounted on /media/sda7 for CSS authentication
libdvdnav: Can't read name block. Probably not a DVD-ROM device.
libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/sdoky/.dvdnav/.map'
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
libdvdnav: vm: failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO
[0x8be82d8] dvdnav demux warning: cannot open dvdnav
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/sda9 mounted on /media/sda7 for CSS authentication
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
[0x8be82d8] dvdread demux warning: cannot open VMG info
[0x8be82d8] main demux warning: no access_demux module matching "dvd" could be loaded
[0x8be82d8] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 13.539 ms - Total 13.539 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 13.539 ms)
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: creating access 'dvd' path='/media/sda7/VIDEO_TS'
[0x8bcf5b0] main access debug: looking for access module: 0 candidates
[0x8bcf5b0] main access error: no access module matched "dvd"
[0x8bcf5b0] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.240 ms - Total 0.240 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.240 ms)
[0xb6e19d70] main input error: open of `dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS' failed: no access module matched "dvd"
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: thread ended
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: dead input
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
[0x8945448] main playlist debug: nothing to play
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: IM: Deleting the input
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: Updating the geometry
[0x89523a8] qt4 interface debug: Updating the geometry
[0xb6e19d70] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'dvd:///media/sda7/VIDEO_TS' : 114.385 ms - Total 114.385 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 114.385 ms)

I think the problem is here
[0x8bcf5b0] main access error: no access module matched "dvd"
because xine gives me similar error
The dvd structure is ok, there's no problem with that. I've checked that

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    Try installing AC3 Filter:
    ******Clicking the Thumbs-Up button is a way to say -Thanks!.******
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    /usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv -ao oss -zoom -nokeepaspect -framedrop -input conf=/usr/share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 41943052 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -contrast 0 -brightness 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -dvd-device /dev/dvd -dvdangle 1 -nocache -osdlevel 1 -vf-add screenshot -channels 2 dvd://1
    MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9500 @ 2.60GHz (Family: 6, Model: 23, Stepping: 6)
    CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
    Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
    115 audio & 237 video codecs
    mplayer: could not connect to socket
    mplayer: No such file or directory
    Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
    Playing dvd://1.
    libdvdread: Invalid main menu IFO (VIDEO_TS.IFO).
    *** Zero check failed in ifo_read.c:1361
    for vts_tmapt->zero_1 = 0x1b01
    libdvdread: Invalid title IFO (VTS_01_0.IFO).
    There are 19 titles on this DVD.
    There are 5 chapters in this DVD title.
    There are 1 angles in this DVD title.
    audio stream: 0 format: ac3 (stereo) language: en aid: 128.
    audio stream: 1 format: ac3 (stereo) language: fr aid: 129.
    audio stream: 2 format: ac3 (stereo) language: es aid: 130.
    audio stream: 3 format: ac3 (stereo) language: en aid: 131.
    number of audio channels on disk: 4.
    subtitle ( sid ): 0 language: en
    subtitle ( sid ): 1 language: fr
    subtitle ( sid ): 2 language: es
    subtitle ( sid ): 3 language: pt
    subtitle ( sid ): 4 language: en
    subtitle ( sid ): 5 language: es
    subtitle ( sid ): 6 language: pt
    subtitle ( sid ): 7 language: es
    subtitle ( sid ): 8 language: pt
    number of subtitles on disk: 9
    CHAPTERS: 00:00:00,00:00:45,00:11:29,00:22:35,00:23:21,
    MPEG-PS file format detected.
    edit: tried installing ogle to see what i could do with that, this libdvdcss output might come in handy. this doesn't make a whole lot of sense because i have libdvdcss and all installed.
    [sa@mootop ~]$ ogle
    ERROR[ogle_nav]: ifoRead_VTS_ATRT faild
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB (0x000003a0)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB (0x00005c80)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB (0x00018120)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB (0x00018360)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB (0x00018380)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_0.VOB (0x002379c0)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB (0x002379e0)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_0.VOB (0x0029c000)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_1.VOB (0x0029c020)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_05_0.VOB (0x002c21e0)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_05_1.VOB (0x002c2200)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_0.VOB (0x002fe7e0)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB (0x002fe800)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_0.VOB (0x0032ce60)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB (0x0032ce80)!!
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_08_0.VOB (0x0035d560)
    libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_08_1.VOB (0x0035d580)!!
    FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks failed
    Last edited by sa (2008-05-30 01:19:27)

    Sort of looks like hardware issues to me.  Do you know that the drive works (i.e. tested in another OS, or it used to work and just stopped?)
    Did you try just mplayer dvd://  ?  That's quite a long options list you've got there.
    What kind of drive is it?

  • Annoying video/DVD playback problems on new Mac mini (2010)

    I have a Mac mini at home right now, latest edition (2010).
    I am very surprised to find that DVD playback exhibits signs of stutters here and there. Not huge stutters, but I can constantly see small "skips" and what seems like frame drops here and there. Playing back the same DVD on a $120 Blu-ray-player shows no sign of this behaviour.
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    Any idea what's going on here? Why will such a expensive machine with HDMI output not play back video properly, while a cheap Blu-ray-player does it just fine?
    Are there any known issues?
    (sorry for posting this in the wrong from earlier!)

    I have not used the dvd player app in my 2010 mini, but I've certainly played every media type under the sun since receiving it.
    It plays them all without dropping frames, stuttering, pausing, etc.
    Are you using dvd player with dvd disc images, video ts folders, or actual DVD discs in the drive?
    If you're playing a disc image or video ts folder, are you accessing them over wireless networking? If so, try them on the internal drive, or over a wired network connection.
    Try turning off the option is in energy saver that allows drive sleep (system sleep can stay where it is, just turn off *hard drive* sleep).
    For best performance, make sure you aren't running other apps besides the media player app that you're using at the time.
    Make sure you don't have software or utilities running background tasks (such as disk warrior, drive genius or tech tool pro).
    If you have external devices connected (including printer and/or scanner), try the system without them connected. Does the video playback improve without them connected? If it does, then try reconnecting them one by one to figure out which one of them is related to the problem.

  • Annoying video/DVD playback problems on new Mac mini

    I have a Mac mini at home right now, latest edition (2010).
    I am very surprised to find that DVD playback exhibits signs of stutters here and there. Not huge stutters, but I can constantly see small "skips" and what seems like frame drops here and there. Playing back the same DVD on a $120 Blu-ray-player shows no sign of this behaviour.
    I have tried this on two different TV sets (one 720p and one 1080p), and the mini is not able to play back a DVD without these stutters/skips. Two different blu-ray players play the disc just fine (I have been using Ghost Dog to test - check chapter to and the scenes containing panning, it's easier to notice that way).
    It seems ordinary video files playback (files from HD, 720p, mkv) exhibit some of the same behaviour, though this seems more dependent on which app is used for playback. Quicktime seems worse (noticeable stutters/skips), VLC 1.1 a bit better (though both DVD playback and file playback show signs of stutter), while XBMC is the best of the three, with very little frame drop (if that is in fact what it is).
    Any idea what's going on here? Why will such a expensive machine with HDMI output not play back video properly, while a cheap Blu-ray-player does it just fine?
    Are there any known issues?

    Any other processes running on the mini at the same time?

  • Satellite L300: Where to get free software available for HD-DVD playback

    I have a toshiba Satelitte L300 and an xbox 360 hd-dvd drive.
    Can i get the Toshiba hd dvd player software without having to pay as i originally have the normal dvd play software?
    If not does anyone know if there is any freeware software available for hd-dvd playback

    Hi neill64,
    Im a little bit confused about your posting. I dont understand why your Xbox 360 has something to do with your notebook.
    For watching HD DVDs you need a drive that can read this kind of disk. Furthermore as Mike30 wrote HD DVD player is preinstalled on all notebooks with such a drive. Alternative you can use VLC media player for watching DVDs. I also use this player!

  • Lackluster DVD Playback

    I used to have a G3 iMac and the DVD playback was great, crystal clear. Now I have a 17 inch iMac G5 and the placyback is just plain nasty. The playback is never fullscreen, even when widescreen DVD is in. The playback is very grainy, with all sorts of DVDs. i have tried new movies old movies music everything. There is always a 2-3 inch black border on all sides of the video. Why is the playback so horrible?- It is seriously awful.

    Try one of the free DVD players from versiontracker to try and isolate the problem (VLC or MPlayer).
    My 10" Rev A iMAc G5 is great

  • New computer tip : Getting healthy discounts on DVD playback and authoring software

    Lots of times when a user purchases a new computer, the manufacturer includes OEM software to supplement the hardware that was purchased. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. They can choose what features to include with your computer while disabling others. For most users, the included feature set is going to be enough to get the new owners feet wet about how their DVD Burner works, but what if you need more features then what is given? A great example is when I purchased a Compaq a long time ago. It had a feature limited version of NERO loaded on the machine. After registering the software, which I thought was required to use it, I was sent an email to buy the full version of the software for a discount. I was very skeptical. Then when I clicked the link in the email to see what the discount was , it was Nero Ultimate for $19.99! This was an upgrade version , however. but the discount was tempting! I bought it, downloaded and installed it, and within an hour I had 85 percent more features on my computer then what was included when I used the factory default software. So before you write off promotional emails as spam , listen to what they have to say. You can always opt out if you dont like it.
    I am not an employee of BBY in any shape or form. All information presented in my replies or postings is my own opinion. It is up to you , the end user to determine the ultimate validity of any information presented on these forums.

    Or you can go the "free and open source" route.
    DVD playback:
    Combined Community Codec Pack + Media Player Classic
    DVD authoring:
    Not sure for Windows.  There's dvdauthor + various frontends for Linux.
    *disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

  • DVD playback issue with Windows Media Player

    This isn't an Encore specific question, rather, a DVD playback one. Has anyone had issue playing their replicated DVDs in Windows Media Player? I truly believe it's the media player, not the DVD.  When we put a DVD in the drive and try to open it in WMP, it jumps right to a video, or jumps directly to the last place we were in a video.... it's not defaulting to the main menu.
    Has anyone experienced this? Is it a programming glitch on my DVD? I feel like it's a WMP issue, as it's only happening on certain computers.

    WMP has never been a good player for DVD's. At some point in the past, much of that functionality was disabled my MS, in hopes to reduce piracy. For some versions, no burned DVD would even play, though replicated/pressed DVD's were supposed to play fine.
    I use CyberLink's PowerDVD and it is fine, even with my burned DVD's. The free MediaPlayer Classic HC plays my discs well too, with full menuing.
    Good luck,

  • DVD Playback problem with H/w accel on Ti4200

    Hello folks,
    I have a problem with DVD playback using WinDVD Platinum on my MSI 128Mb GF4 Ti4200 (MS-8700). When I play a DVD with hardware acceleration enabled I get a sort of ghosting or delayed flash photography effect similar to that which gives headlights trails. This doesn't occur with the Detonator 40.72 drivers
    or MSI 41.07 drivers but occurs with
    the NVidia 41.09s, 43.00s and now 43.45 drivers under WinXP SP1. The problem only occurs with hardware acceleration enabled and has happened with both DX8.1 and 9.0. I didn't have this problem with the 41.09s under Win2k SP3.
    Does anyone else have this problem or know of a solution.
    System Specs:
    Athlon XP 2000+
    512MB DDR Ram
    Asus A7V333-R
    Soundblaster Audigy Player
    Realtek 8139 based NIC
    Win XP SP1
    DirectX 9.0

    Sound is fine its just the picture that has the problem but I have narrowed it down further by downloading WinDVD Tweaker. If I disable DxVA but leave hardware decode and colour selected the problem isn't present. Therefore I suspect something has corrupted my DxVA   drivers however as I originally had 8.1 installed and then installed 9.0 in an attempt to fix this I don't think a reinstall of DX will solve the problem.
    Any ideas.

  • DVD playback: screen goes black in full-screen mode

    Hi. Having problems with DVD playback on 1 Ghz Powerbook G4 12 ". When trying to view in full-screen (or even sometimes in maximum) mode, screen simply goes black. Sound still works, but no visuals. As soon as I revert back to Normal size, visuals play fine.
    Any ideas ? This is a problem which has developed rather than being with the machine since I bought it. Just for the record, I have 1.25 GB RAM installed and am running 10.4.5.

    OK, if you see words, it's not your graphics card. Follow this knowledge base article. The BlackBerry desktop message suggests a corrupted device os. NOTE THIS WILL ERASR ALL DATA SI BACK UP AS POSSIBLE!
    How to to recover a BlackBerry® smartphone after all other possible means of recovery have been exhausted.
    Remove the battery from the BlackBerry smartphone.
    Open a web browser and navigage to the following link.  
    Click Check for Updates.
    Wait for the Device Connection dialog box to appear with no result for pin.
    Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer with the battery removed.
    Press Ok when the PIN field is populated with the BlackBerry smartphones PIN number or PIN-Unknown is displayed.
    Note: Some BlackBerry smartphones may be in a reset loop, which will cause the field to populate and depopulate. This is not an issue; pressing OK when the PIN field is populated will allow the process to move forward.
    Select the appropriate version of BlackBerry Device Software and applications for the BlackBerry smartphone, click Next.
    At the Review the following options before you begin dialog, insert the battery without unplugging the USB cable.
    Press Install update.
    1. If a post has helped you, show your appreciation by clicking Like at the bottom of the message box.
    2. If a post has solved your question, please click ''accept as solution'' to verify your question has been solved.

  • DVD playback blurry with Kaffeine/Xine

    Hi guys,
    I wanted to watch my first DVD under Linux yesterday and I noticed that the image quality is really, really bad compared to watching the same DVD under Windows with PowerDVD.
    DVD playback in Kaffeine with Xine engine is really blurry. Does anybody know what the reason could be? There's a lot of options for xine engine parameters in Kaffeine, but I don't have a clue about them. Any tipps appreciated.
    I've also tried kmplayer, but the image there has small black horizontal lines in it, which looks really weird. I thinks that's called interlaced, right? I'm a total video noob. ^^

    [timetrap@darkstar ~]$ mplayer dvd://
    MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
    CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2060 @ 1.60GHz (Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 12)
    CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
    Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
    115 audio & 237 video codecs
    mplayer: could not connect to socket
    mplayer: No such file or directory
    Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
    Playing dvd://.
    There are 9 titles on this DVD.
    There are 1 chapters in this DVD title.
    There are 1 angles in this DVD title.
    number of audio channels on disk: 0.
    number of subtitles on disk: 0
    MPEG-PS file format detected.
    MPEG: No audio stream found -> no sound.
    VIDEO: MPEG2 720x480 (aspect 3) 29.970 fps 8000.0 kbps (1000.0 kbyte/s)
    Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough
    VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred colorspace: Mpeg PES)
    Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
    Opening video filter: [scale]
    The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.
    Try appending the scale filter to your filter list,
    e.g. -vf spp,scale instead of -vf spp.
    VDecoder init failed :(
    Opening video decoder: [libmpeg2] MPEG 1/2 Video decoder libmpeg2-v0.4.0b
    Selected video codec: [mpeg12] vfm: libmpeg2 (MPEG-1 or 2 (libmpeg2))
    Audio: no sound
    Starting playback...
    VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
    VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
    Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
    VO: [xv] 720x480 => 854x480 Planar YV12
    V: 0.3 2/ 2 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0
    Exiting... (End of file)
    [timetrap@darkstar ~]$
    For reference I am trying to play: Planet Earth; From the BBC; Disc 4
    mplayer VERY briefly flashes up a window then writes Exiting. . .

  • DVD Playback Error Problems.

    When I put in a DVD a initialation error pops up saying Player requires a newer version of DVD Playback frame work
    [-70103]. How do I fix this? Thanks.

    I would suggest running a system software update.
    Keep in mind that it is recommended to back up your important files and data before doing so.
    The option to do so should be in your Apple menu.

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