'Wake for network access' causes multiple versions of machines to appear on the network

Can anyone help me to figure out why I have multiple versions of my machines showing up on the network with numbers in brackets after their name?
I think it's got something to do with the 'Wake for network access' setting.
Whenever a machine is woken from sleep, the network creates another version of it with (2) (3) (4) etc. after its name.
17" MBP 2011 and Mac Mini 2014
Both running 10.10.1
Airport Extreme
All firmware up to date.

Hi Ken,
I found a fix for my issue.
Here's what I did:
installed latest system software updates on both machines on my network
using the iCloud preference pane in System Preferences, I logged them both into the same iCloud account with 'Back to my Mac' enabled
booted them both in recovery mode (hold down command + r when rebooting) http://support.apple.com/en-au/HT4718
launched disk utility in recovery mode to verify and repair disk permissions
rebooted both machines and the airport basestation
Now it's working fine. I think repairing the disk permissions was the key step.
Hope this helps!

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    iMac 2009 -  after 10.6.8 no more wake for network access - is a sleep issue because i tested several approached to see what is the problem. If the computer enter in sleep mode then i cannot wake remotely. Anyone with the same problem? (vnc user, etc)

    I can confirm this works also. Thanks!
    GeekyPaul wrote:
    OK. I fixed the problem, for me at least. My time capsule wasn't even showing a light on for the ethernet port, the card in my mac pro was clearly powered down which would explain why the magic packets go missing.
    10.6.8 contained a modified version of /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext, more specifically /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/Intel82574L. kext.
    I replaced IONetworkingFamily.kext with the version that was present before the 10.6.8 update and my WOL now works once more.
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  • "wake for network access" not working

    Hi guys,
    I enabled System Preferences > Energy saver > Wake for network access
    System Preferences > Sharing > remote Login
    These are the exact settings I had under Snow Leopard and it used to wake my iMac via 5GHz WiFi. I use a AirPort Extreme and didn't change a thing on its side. But neither with VNC nor with my iPad app "Screens" I am able to wake it under Lion. Screens tells me "Computer in sleep mode"...
    Any help?
    Thanks in advance,

    I've been having problems with wake for network access on Lion as well. Similarly to others, if my iMac has recently gone into sleep mode, then it will wake up for Apple TV use or for file and screen sharing from another computer. After an extended period of time, however, all such functionality disappears.
    I've been rooting around in System Profile and have found something that may be of interest. Under the Hardware section, in the Power menu, there is a parameter called 'PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep'. On both my iMac and Macbook this is set to zero (i.e. 'no').
    Does anybody have any idea what it means? And if there is any way to change it? If I had to guess, it sounds as though there is a setting somewhere in the system configuration (thought apparently not visible from the GUI) that sets the computer to remain in sleep mode rather than briefly waking to maintain its registration with the relevant Bonjour sleep proxies.
    Hopefully we'll be able to get to the bottom of this, as over six months after Lion's release the problem has yet to be resolved by Apple through version updates, something that is especially frustrating given how excellent a feature wake on network access is when it can be reliably coupled with an Apple TV or Back to my Mac.

  • Wake for network access what has happened?

    Hi everyone...
    When snow leopard came out I tried the wake for access feature and used it quite often... Because the computer screen used to come on at night (no clue why) I reluctantly turned the feature off. Now I would like to reuse it and it doesn't want to work.. Why not? Is there a system preferences file that is corrupted?
    First my setup:
    iMac running 10.6.3 under energy preferences I've rechecked wake for network access. This is connected by ethernet to
    My airport base station running firmware 7.4.2 and it is a 802.11n model and as such "wake from sleep over network" compatible
    trying to access the imac is a macbook (early 2009) also running 10.6.3
    Now when the computers are running, they show up under "shared" and I can connect/share screens without a problem.
    Sadly when the iMac is asleep it doesn't show up under shared (it used to when I tried the feature last Winter.
    The only difference that I am aware of is that my imac was repaired a couple of weeks ago and the whole motherboard and network components were exchanged. Could that have anything to do with it?
    Also I do change preferences fairly often. Is there anything that I'm missing? On a related note, I do now hear my computer sometimes cycle up (screen now off), which makes me think the system is waking up to report to the base station. But why is it not showing up?
    Thanks for any and all help. Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
    Below a part of my console during the night..
    4/12/10 4:17:19 AM kernel Wake reason = RTC
    4/12/10 4:17:19 AM kernel RTC: maintenance alarm 2010/4/12 02:17:19, sleep 2010/4/12 00:17:21
    4/12/10 4:17:19 AM kernel System Wake
    4/12/10 4:17:19 AM kernel Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    4/12/10 4:17:19 AM ntpd[39] sendto( (fd=26): Can't assign requested address
    4/12/10 4:17:20 AM kernel Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,6f08,0de1,0200,45e1,4000]
    4/12/10 4:17:21 AM ntpd[39] sendto( (fd=24): No route to host
    4/12/10 4:17:27 AM configd[14] network configuration changed.
    4/12/10 4:17:27 AM ntpd[39] sendto( (fd=24): Network is unreachable
    4/12/10 4:17:35 AM ntpd[39] sendto( (fd=26): Network is down
    4/12/10 4:17:36 AM configd[14] network configuration changed.
    4/12/10 4:17:37 AM kernel System Sleep

    On the affected M<ac look at it's logs using /Applications/Utilities/Console. This way you can find out if a third party program might be waking it up to call home.

  • "Wake for network access" doesn't seem to work

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    I can't seem to get access to this computer on my network (get a "connection failed") after the display turns off.
    Any other settings I need to set to cure this?

    Please follow Linc Davis's advice to see if you have a Sleep Proxy server on your home network.  For example, here is what the command shows on my home network:
    dns-sd -B _sleep-proxy._udp local
    Browsing for _sleep-proxy._udp.local
    DATE: ---Sun 12 Apr 2015---
    16:34:14.530  ...STARTING...
    Timestamp     A/R    Flags  if Domain        Service Type         Instance Name
    16:34:14.531  Add        3   5 local.        _sleep-proxy._udp.   30-35-10-70.1 Pantry
    16:34:14.531  Add        2   5 local.        _sleep-proxy._udp.   50-35-10-70.1 TV_Console
    I have 2 Sleep Proxy servers active on my network (both are Apple Airport Extreme home WiFi Router base stations; the names Pantry and TV_Console are the management names I have given them).
    If you DO NOT have a Sleep Proxy server, then you MUST use a special program to wake up a sleeping Mac.  WakeOnLan is one such program.
    The Sleep Proxy or WakeOnLan will send a specially composed network packet that the networking hardware listens for and will wake up the Mac when it is seen.
    The Sleep Proxy server pretends to be your Mac while it is asleep, and if you attempt to connect to the Advertised service, the Sleep Proxy server will send that magic network packet to wake up the Mac, and forward the connection request to the new awake Mac.

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    Any ideas?
    Thanks guys!

    Check the Log Me in Client, it has an option for Wake for Network access - which enforces the option.
    I had the same issue and wanted to kill someone

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    Do you have a Apple AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule?
    Mac OS X v10.6: About Wake on Demand:
    Wake on Demand requires an Apple AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule with firmware 7.4.2 or later installed.
    Is the option on the computer: Wake for network access, Wake for Ethernet network access, or Wake for AirPort network access ?
    Is the effected computer running 10.6?

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Mac Pro won't wake for network access & streaming

    I used to enjoy streaming media from my G5 to various UPnP devices, as well as streaming videos to my iPhone using Air Video and accessing the G5 from my MacBook over my home network, and over the internet using Back to my Mac. But after upgrading to a Mac Pro, I find it no longer wakes from sleep mode for network access of this kind. I can stream media and access it from my notebook while it’s awake, but when it goes to sleep after ten minutes, it disappears from the MacBook’s Finder sidebars and can no longer be reached with UPnP or Air Video.
    Can anyone shed any light on this? Does the Mac Pro (or maybe Snow Leopard) sleep more deeply, and if so, is there any way around this? For the record, I have the Wake for Network Access box checked in Energy Saving preferences, and my network is controlled through a FRITZ!Box router; I don’t have a Time Capsule or AirPort Express.

    If your still around or for anyone else:
    Well, believe it or not sometimes you may have to enable and then re-enable it for it to "take".
    It doesn't happen very often but every once in a while it seems to rear it's ugly head. It seems to be hit or miss on what program it comes up on.
    Try going back into the "Energy Saver" (10.6.x) settings and un-check the box and then re-check it again, or un-check it then close the window then open it again and re-check the box.
    Hope it was that easy...

  • On my new iMac, mail has no sound after waking from sleep.  If I select do not wake for network access in general preferences, the problem does not occur.  Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

    On my new iMac, mail has no sound after waking from sleep.  If I select do not wake for network access in general preferences, the problem does not occur.  Anyone have an idea on how to fix this? Thanks --

    Same here on an older iMac since Lion. Thanks for the uncheck wake for network access tip though, it doesn't do it either in that case, I will leave it that way.

  • IMac/Mavericks won't Wake for Network Access

    I just migrated to a 3TB Fusion drive iMac and it will not awaken when the network Apple TV tries to load the iTunes library... on WLAN
    Energy Saver/Wake For Network Access is checked
    I even UNchecked Put Had Disks To Sleep
    Computer Sleep 1 hour /Display Sleep about 5 minutes
    This worked before on my previous iMac/1TB/Lion on LAN
    Any ideas?  (Other than setting Computer Sleep to NEVER)
    Is it because I'm on wireless now?  :-/  Does "Wake" require a LAN connection?

    I have the same problem. I have also checked the settings as described.
    It is really annoying that if I want to use my new Apple TV to stream from the iMac, I have to go upstairs and wake it up first.
    My wireless network is via a Sagem router using Channel 2 and 802.11g.
    Generally wireless network access is just fine.
    Problem is just that the iMac won't wake from sleeping.
    Could any installed software be interfering?

  • Why iMac turns by itself to "wake for network access"?

    does anyone know why my iMac turned automatically "Wake for network access" mode in Energy Saver preferences?
    I just installed 10.8.2 Mountain Lion to my iMac and changed sleep time to 1 hour and display sleep to 25 min.
    Created second user for other family member. And saw that when computer display sleeps and I wake up it, they ask me a password (there was no such thing on 10.6 to ask password just after display turns out).
    So, after all I Restore defaults of Energy saver and saw, that "Wake for network access" by default is unchecked?
    Should I worry about somekind of hijacking?
    P.S. Sorry for my english.


  • No "Wake for network access" over wired LAN

    I could not get “Wake for network access” to work over wired LAN connection. If I have WiFi enabled as well, or WiFi is the only network interface enabled the “Wake for network access” works fine. However, my Mac Pro is not responding to when I am trying to reach it remotely if only the wired Lan connection is used.
    Mac Pro 6-Core 3.33GHz 24GB RAM, latest updates, Snow Leopard, “Wake for network access” enabled in Energy Saver settings.
    It seams to me, that it was working some time ago.
    Can anyone suggest me places to look to, settings to check, commands to run ..... to get it working?

    Thank you Grant Bennet-Alder for responding. I will try to describe it as step-by-step as possible.
    - I have back to my mac enabled with screen and file sharing on my Mac Pro
    - By default I use wired NIC to connect my MP to network with manual configuration. (I have tried enable DHCP for that interface, however, the result was the same)
    If I need to reach files on my Mac Pro (while I am away from it) from my Macbook Pro, I open finder on my MBP where I see my Mac Pro. I click on it if I need to access files or use "Share screen..." button if I want to access MP screen. I have the same result if I try to enter vnc://xxx or afp://xxx
    my MBP tries to reach MP and brings the message after some time: Connection failed to "xxxxx" Please make sure the screen sharing is enabled....."
    I have no problems remotely accessing my MP if:
         - it is not sleeping (i.e. I ask someone at home to touch its keyboard to wake it up)
         - I have AirPort turned on on my Mac Pro
    I could not access my Mac Pro if:
         - it is sleeping and AirPort is off (the only wired NIC is used to connect to LAN)
    It does not matter am I trying to get screen/file sharing on local network or via internet - the result is the same - if the only wired connection to network is used and MP sleeps - no access.

  • ITunes and Wake for network access

    I recently purchased a Logitech Squeezebox music server for the game room. It plays music from my iTunes library remotely (among other things). I set up everything and all is working fine. However, if my iMac goes to sleep, it wouldn't connect. So, I checked the Wake for network access in the energy saver control panel. This also works fine. However, if I have iTunes running on my iMac and wake for network access checked, then the iMac will NEVER sleep. It won't sleep on time out, it won't sleep when selecting from the Apple menu or from the power button. I did some farily extensive testing and if iTunes is running and wake for network access is NOT checked, all is fine.
    I don't do any library sharing and have genius turned off. It appears that when iTunes is running, there is something on the network trying to connect to it.
    Any ideas?
    I am running iTunes 10.2.2 (haven't changed in a while) and OS 10.6.7.

    Anybody have any ideas?

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