Want to print Logo

I want to print logo in the RTF header. The Logo file path is coming from Profile value. I am getting the path given in the profile. but i am not able to print the pic(logo). Can anyone help me on this.
Thanks in advance

Adding question for Tim to this thread for dynamically printing image.
If I hard code value then I can see my image on report.
But If add a reference element from XML file then I don't see image on my report.
My XML file look like this:
Any suggestion?

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    Hi All,
      I want to print LOGO on my smartform(PO) based on a Printer which i am using.If i use one perticular printer(PRIMO) i should get the LOGO and for other Printers it should not appear.Will it be possibel to control the printing based on a printer condition? if yes please suggest me where i can add these conditions.
    If u need any further information please revert back to me.Thanks in Advance.
    Best regards,

    Based on the device type in OUTPUT_OPTIONS in smartforms interface find out the printer name and write logic for printing appropriate LOGO in smartform.

  • I want to print the LOGO on the report output

    Hi ,
    i want to print the LOGO on the report output. How can tyhis possible ?

    using "SMWO" to upload LOGO image.
    add a customer "customer control" named P1 using "SE51"
    the following program for your reference:
    REPORT  ytest17.
    DATA ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm,
              save_code TYPE sy-ucomm.
    DATA  container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
    DATA  picture TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture.
    DATA  init.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      save_code = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      CASE save_code.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
    ENDMODULE.                    "user_command_0100 INPUT
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      IF init IS INITIAL.
        DATA url(255).
        CLEAR url.
        CREATE OBJECT container
        EXPORTING container_name = 'P1'.
        CREATE OBJECT picture
        EXPORTING parent = container
        EXCEPTIONS error = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        PERFORM load_pic_db CHANGING url.
        CALL METHOD picture->load_picture_from_url
            url = url.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ENDIF .
        init = 'X'.
    ENDMODULE.                    "status_0100 OUTPUT
    *&      Form
    FORM load_pic_db changing p_url.
      data query_table like w3query occurs 1 with header line.
      data html_table like w3html occurs 1.
      data return_code like w3param-ret_code.
      data connect_type like w3param-cont_type.
      data connect_length like w3param-cont_len.
      data pic_data like w3mime occurs 0.
      data pic_size type i.
      refresh query_table.
      query_table-name = '_object_id'.
      query_table-value = 'TESTPIC'.
      append query_table.
        query_string              =  query_table
        html                      =  html_table
        mime                      =  pic_data
        return_code               =  return_code
        content_type              =  connect_type
        content_length            =  connect_length
       OBJECT_NOT_FOUND          = 1
       PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND       = 2
       OTHERS                    = 3
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    pic_size  = connect_length.
        type                       = 'image'
        subtype                    =  cndp_sap_tab_unknown
        SIZE                       =  pic_size
      DATE                       =
      TIME                       =
      DESCRIPTION                =
        LIFETIME                   = cndp_lifetime_transaction
      CACHEABLE                  =
      SEND_DATA_AS_STRING        =
      FIELDS_FROM_APP            =
        data                       = pic_Data
      FIELDS                     =
      PROPERTIES                 =
      COLUMNS_TO_STRETCH         =
        url                        = url
       DP_INVALID_PARAMETER       = 1
       DP_ERROR_PUT_TABLE         = 2
       DP_ERROR_GENERAL           = 3
       OTHERS                     = 4
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *&      Module  CANCEL  INPUT
    module CANCEL input.
    endmodule.                 " CANCEL  INPUT

  • Print Logo in Report

    Hi All
    I want to print the report along with Logo in the reporting.
    Is it possible via ALV or Classical reporting or whether we should go for Smartform or Adobe

    Use this program
    REPORT y_pic_show .
    docking TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
    picture_control_1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture,
    url(256) TYPE c .
    DATA : sum(4) , num1(4) , num2(4).
    PARAMETERS: p_dummy(4) DEFAULT '4' .
    PARAMETERS: p_dummy1(4) DEFAULT '5' .
    PERFORM show_pic.
    num1 = p_dummy.
    num2 = p_dummy1.
    sum = num1 + num2.
    WRITE : / sum.
    *& Form show_pic
    FORM show_pic.
    DATA: repid LIKE sy-repid.
    repid = sy-repid.
    CREATE OBJECT picture_control_1 EXPORTING parent = docking.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_3d_border
    border = 5.
    CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_display_mode
    display_mode = cl_gui_picture=>display_mode_stretch.
    CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_position
    height = 150
    left = 700
    top = 10
    width = 138.
    CALL METHOD picture_control_1->load_picture_from_url
    url = 'd:/subhadip.bmp'.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    * Fehlerbehandlung
    ENDFORM. "show_pic
    <b>Reward Points if this helps,</b>

  • I need to print logo in alv grid

    I need to print logo in alv grid .As of now its getting displayed but it cannot be printed .Kindly tell me wether there is any option to print it .Eitjer using ALV or Object oriented ALV.Please reply soon

    Hi Deepti,
    Refer the code below.
    report  sy-repid.
    type-pools : slis.
    *ALV Formatting tables /structures
    data: gt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    data: gt_events type slis_t_event.
    data: gs_layout type slis_layout_alv.
    data: gt_page   type slis_t_listheader.
    data: gs_page type slis_listheader.
    data: v_repid like sy-repid.
    *ALV Formatting work area
    data: w_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv.
    data: w_events type slis_alv_event.
    data: gt_bsid type table of bsid with header line.
      perform build_events.
      perform build_page_header.
    *perform build_comment.     "top_of_page - in initialization at present
      select * from bsid into table gt_bsid up to 10 rows.
    *perform populate_for_fm using '1' '3' 'BUKRS' '8' 'GT_BSID' 'Whee'.
    *USING = Row, Column, Field name, display length, table name, heading
      perform build_fieldcat.
      gs_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    *top of page event does not work without I_callback_program
      v_repid = sy-repid.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
          i_callback_program                = v_repid
          i_structure_name                  = 'BSID'
       i_background_id                   = 'ALV_BACKGROUND'
          i_grid_title                      = 'This is the grid title'
      I_GRID_SETTINGS                   =
          is_layout                         = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat                       = gt_fieldcat[]
          it_events                         = gt_events[]
          t_outtab                          = gt_bsid.
    Form..............:  populate_for_fm
    Description.......:  Populates fields for function module used in ALV
    form populate_for_fm using    p_row
      w_fieldcat-row_pos = p_row.          "Row Position
      w_fieldcat-col_pos = p_col.          "Column Position
      w_fieldcat-fieldname = p_fieldname.  "Field name
      w_fieldcat-outputlen = p_len.        "Column Lenth
      w_fieldcat-tabname = p_table.        "Table name
      w_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = p_desc.    "Field Description
      w_fieldcat-input = '1'.
      append w_fieldcat to gt_fieldcat.
      clear w_fieldcat.
    endform.                    " populate_for_fm
    *&      Form  build_events
    form build_events.
      data: ls_event type slis_alv_event.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET'
                i_list_type = 0
                et_events   = gt_events.
      read table gt_events with key name =  slis_ev_user_command
                               into ls_event.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move slis_ev_user_command to ls_event-form.
        append ls_event to gt_events.
      read table gt_events with key name =  slis_ev_top_of_page
                               into ls_event.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move slis_ev_top_of_page to ls_event-form.
        append ls_event to gt_events.
    endform.                    " build_events
    *&      Form  USER_COMMAND
    When user command is called it uses 2 parameters. The itab
    passed to the ALV is in whatever order it currently is on screen.
    Therefore, you can read table itab index rs_selfield-tabindex to get
    all data from the table. You can also check r_ucomm and code
    form user_command using  r_ucomm      like sy-ucomm
                             rs_selfield type slis_selfield.
      read table gt_bsid index rs_selfield-tabindex.
    error checking etc.
      set parameter id 'KUN' field gt_bsid-kunnr.
      call transaction 'XD03' and skip first screen.
    *&      Form  top_of_page
    Your own company logo can go here if it has been saved (OAOR)
    If the logo is larger than the size of the headings in gt_page,
    the window will not show full logo and will have a scroll bar. Thus,
    it is a good idea to have a standard ALV header if you are going to
    use logos in your top of page.
    form top_of_page.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'
                it_list_commentary = gt_page
                i_logo             = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'.
    *&      Form  build_fieldcat
    *Many and varied fields are available here. Have a look at documentation
    form build_fieldcat.
      w_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUDAT'.
      w_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Dte pst'.
      w_fieldcat-ddictxt(1) = 'M'.
    Can change the position of fields if you do not want them in order
    of the DDIC or itab
    w_fieldcat-row_pos = '1'.
    w_fieldcat-col_pos = '10'.
      append w_fieldcat to gt_fieldcat.
      clear w_fieldcat.
    endform.                    " build_fieldcat
    *&      Form  build_page_header
          gt_page is used in top of page (ALV subroutine - NOT event)
          *H = Header, S = Selection, A = Action
    form build_page_header.
    For Headers, Key is not printed and is irrelevant. Will not cause
    a syntax error, but is not used.
      gs_page-typ = 'H'.
      gs_page-info = 'Header 1'.
      append gs_page to gt_page.
      gs_page-typ = 'H'.
      gs_page-info = 'Header 2'.
      append gs_page to gt_page.
    For Selections, the Key is printed (bold). It can be anything up to 20
    bytes. It gets printed in order of code here, not by key value.
      gs_page-typ = 'S'.
      gs_page-key = 'And the winner is:'.
      gs_page-info = 'Selection 1'.
      append gs_page to gt_page.
      gs_page-typ = 'S'.
      gs_page-key = 'Runner up:'.
      gs_page-info = 'Selection 2'.
      append gs_page to gt_page.
    For Action, Key is also irrelevant.
      gs_page-typ = 'A'.
      gs_page-info = 'Action goes here'.
      append gs_page to gt_page.
    endform.                    " build_page_header
    Settings for the Logo :
    01) GOTO - OAOR (Business Document Navigator)
    02) Give Class Name - PICTURES
    Class Type - OT
    Object type - whatever you want to call your area EG: OURCOMP.... then Execute
    03) Top left will say PICTURES. Bottom left will have multi tab. Select Create and double-click on Screen.
    04) Select your image from the appropriate directory.
    05) Give the image an appropriate name (not Screen)
    06) It will tell you document stored successfully.
    07) You can now find your logo under the heading OURCOMP in top left window.
    08) You can reference the logo in things like FM REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE or any other area which may reference these things. EG: I_LOGO = 'OURCOMP'. You can preview image by double-clicking it.
    <b>Please reward points if it helps.</b>
    Amit Mishra
    Message was edited by: Amit Mishra

  • Printing logos for a mic flag?

    I want to print a logo for a mic flag, something to:
    1.) What type of paper can I use to print on that I can stick to the flag?
    2.) Any tips for doing something like this?

    For any serious/professional use of a microphone with an ID flag wrapped around it, hot stamping, silkscreening, etc. directly on the flag would be a more rugged solution. If this is just for casual, infrequent use, laminate the printed Photoshop art with clear plastic and use contact cement to place it around the flag. Then trim with a sharp razor to remove the excess.
    But be prepared to replace it or reglue it periodically because the edges will eventually lift off giving a sloppy appearance.

  • Printing Logo with Zebra 105SL

    Moderator message: Do not offer points
    Hi All,
    I want to print company logo in the goods label but am unable to do so. I tried using ~DG command in SAPScript for downloading graphics in the zebra printer like:
    Format ~DGd:o.x,t,w,data
    where data is the HEX representation of the graphic, d = device to store image, o = image name, x = extension, t = total number of bytes in graphic, w = number of bytes per row
    The example i tried is:
    But i am getting printer error - out of memory. Can anyone tell me what should i do in this case? How can i increase the printer flash memory size or is there some other way to store the graphic image in printer?
    <<text removed>>
    Edited by: Matt on Nov 19, 2008 2:31 PM

    (I'm answering this question for a reference to a problem, with the knowledge that this question may be terribly out of date. But at least this way, the answer to this question is actually answered.)
    What you need to do is look into the printers properties and find a tab relating to its configuration and settings. Under there, you'll find 4 buttons. 2 of them were greyed out for me, but the important one, labled something along the lines of "cache" or "memory" (the bottom right if I'm not remembering the label correctly) is what you need to click on. Then flush the printer's cache and reset it's memory.
    Be sure to back up any custom/non-default settings it may have, as they might get erased.

  • How do I take 300 dpi photos with my iPhone 4s? And how do I export them to my MacBook Pro at 300 dpi to use as I want to print photos.

    How do I take 300 dpi photos with my iPhone 4s?
    And how do I export them to my MacBook Pro at 300 dpi to use as I want to print photos.
    I have been using the standard camera on the iPhone and require 300 dpi to create photo books as the photos are resized according the layout.
    Your time and assistance in appreciated.

    Thanks Tonefox!
    After looking at a few of the links I found a mathematical equation that assisted me.
    Inches = Pixels/DPI
    eg: 3 inches = 300 pixels/100 DPI
    Using this equation and the fact that iPhone 4s takes photos that are 3264 x 2448 I was able to work out the largest print I could make with 300 DPI.
    Width 3264 pix/ 300 DPI = 10.88 inches
    Height 2448 pix/ 300 DPI = 8.16 inches
    Therefore, the largest print (with 300DPI) I can make of these photos is 10.88 inches x 8.16 inches.
    Which is great!
    So is it critical for me to change the dpi in say photoshop or does it not matter as long as I don't go above the 10.88 inches x 8.16 inches?
    From what I can gather the smaller I resize the photo the higher the DPI and the bigger I stretch the photo the lower the DPI?
    Further clarification will be much appreciated. Thanks

  • My iPad shows a message "Cannot find AirPrint printer". I used to use my iPad to print materials using HP wireless printer D110. Now it does not want to print. Is this because I am now using IOS 7? What should I do to solve the problem? Help please.

    My iPad shows a message "Cannot find AirPrint printer". I used to use my iPad to print materials using HP wireless printer D110. Now it does not want to print. Is this because I am now using IOS 7? What should I do to solve the problem? Help please.

    Restart your WiFi router and printer by removing power for 30 seconds.

  • Print Logo in Classic Report (Write Method,Not ALV)

    Hi All,
    I'm currently doing conversion of the All the Classic Report with addition of Header with 'LOGO'.
    I'm willing to find out that Function (CALL FUNCTION 'WWW_GET_MIME_OBJECT') is only able for display but not show out during printing.
    Is that any method, I can do it(Print with Logo) without conversion to SAP Script or Smartform that was exhausted.
    *Please take note is Classic Report with Write Method (Line by Line), Not ALV.
    Thank you all in advance
    Trevor Wong.

    It is possible to include logo in classical report but its not possible to print logo in classical report. It can be done in ALV's.
    Write  the code in Top-of-page event in ALV.
    The following is the code for inserting the logo in ALV.
               I_LOGO             = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'

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    I don't have a wireless printer, and want to print things off of my iPad.  I know that I can use the iPad Camera Connection kit to connect USB devices like keyboards and I am wondering if I could do the same with a USB printer.

    I don't think you can connect a printer since you won't have the printer drivers. I use FingerPrint from collobos.com to print to my non-AirPrint printers.

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    Why does my printer automatically go to send a fax when I just want to print?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi pa_tom,
    In your printers folder on your computer, is the default printer set to your printer, or your printer- fax?
    If I have solved your issue, please feel free to provide kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP.

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    I have a HP Deskjet 3510 and it wants to print only in black and white. 
    The Print Quality Report is fine and in color.
    Is there a color button I am missing?

    In the Print & Scan system preferences, does it indicate it is using a generic printer driver or a Gutenprint driver?
    Also, if you click on Options & Supplies, you might want to check and see if has to be enabled. That kind of sounds odd though.
    Another thing is it might not be showing. If the bottom of the print dialog has a button that says "Show Details," click it. Then, you can change settings in the popup menu.

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    I have a user who wants to do this same thing. I did not find any way either to default the attributes to anything other than what you see the first time. Seems like such a trivial thing, hard to believe they do not allow it. I did find a program for this called iDress but I can't seem to download it from any links on the Internet. Not sure if it is free or not, but it was recommended by a link on the Mac support site.

  • I have a HP Photosmart C7280 All-in-One Printer and want to print from my ipad

    I have a HP Photosmart C7280 All-in-One Printer and want to print from my ipad's and my iphones at home...  My printer is set up to print wirlessly on my Network.  I need to know is there a firm wear update i can get or a good app to install so i can print?? 

    hi there, 
    This article should have everything you need to get started . Check it out and let us know if it helps.
    Best of Luck! 
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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