Warning: Loss of text when edited within iWeb

I am among the many who get the message "There was an error uploading to .mac" or the like.
Seems Apple doesn't even know all the reasons we get this error, but the advice has been "often it has loaded even though it says there was an error...check and see if it loaded after all."
Well, that's seemed to work for me, EXCEPT that after losing changes the third time, I realized it wasn't just me forgetting to Save. Seems it's imperative to edit text outside iWeb, and then paste it in. That way changes aren't lost due to the inexplicable errors while uploading, real or phantom.
Yes, any person reasonably sane would know to protect data by editing a stand-alone file, backing it up, etc. But hey, nothing wrong with a little minor tweaking that you could risk losing... which can end up substantive enough to still make you weep a little when it turns up lost, er, uh... doesn't turn up at all. *You can lose your changes, if you edit text in iWeb!*

Publishing errors have plagued every version of iWeb that I have owned. I found a work around for the earlier versions.... just ignor the pop up warning that iWeb has encountered a server error or whatever error message you get... just click 'ok' ..... then open Activity Monitor and wait till uploading finishes .... ie zero bytes sent in "Network" window. (make sure that you are not logged on in any other web apps like Skype that could be uploading or creating any activity)
Then close iWeb, find the domain.sites file in Library>Application Support>iWeb open the package and delete Prepublish.plist
That was a pain but it worked (most of the time)
Now in iWeb 08 the problems have become much more serious... and my work around does not work at all. In frustration I created a new user on my powerbook, I added a family pack to my .Mac account (my web sites are too large for a trial account to work) and I created a new .Mac id
I copied my domain.sites2 file to my public folder. I then logged into my new user account and moved the domain.sites2 file into the Library>Applications Support> iWeb folder and started iWeb.
Everything looked good the first time. I uploaded the site after making some edits to fix weird font size changes???? and formating problems that iWeb 08 had generated in the upgrade and publised all to .Mac. The site published ok the first time but I found a lot of links were missing for some reason. Then iWeb crashed. I was not worried and opened it again. What a mess! All my changes were gone..... worse than that... several generations of changes were gone! the iWeb site looked like one I had been working on about a day earlier and I had invested a lot of time in changes that WERE NOT SAVED... I save regularly because I know that iWeb will not save automatically when it publishes (why, why why?)
Digging deeper I found links that had changed randomly, and entire pages missing or blank. All the pages that I had duplicated and then moved into different sites had no content???? I tried this several times and always with the same result. It seems there is a problem with the code and iWeb cant save files with any consistency.... this is easily the worst bit of software that Apple have every authored in terms of debugging. The idea is fabulous and the old versions produced some great looking sites easily but the new iWeb 08 is a disaster.
Come on Apple, get your act together... it is not like you dont have the $ to deal with this kind of quality control issue. ..... oh and after mailing support via the Apple iWeb report form (yes they know there is a serious problem), NOTHING.... just an auto responder message.... get back to you in 48 hrs etc.... NOTHING.

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    Hi there,
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    Jeff Sengstack

    > In addition, after import, in the Comp panel, sometimes there are no visual differences between that display and the display in PS. But in individual style layers in the Timeline panel, things have changed. Most typically, strokes with gradients are changed either to a solid color (gray or red) or to a simple white-to-black gradient. How is it the display can show a gradient when the stroke layer shows a solid color?
    After Effects includes the entire Photoshop rendering engine, so any PSD and its layer styles should render fine (i.e., just like in Photoshop). If it doesn't, please submit a bug report.
    But After Effects does not include the entire UI from Photoshop for creating and modifying layer styles.
    The layer styles feature in After Effects exists primarily to provide fidelity between what you see in Photoshop and what you see in After Effects---not so that you can add and modify layer styles in After Effects. The UI in the Timeline panel is therefore a barebones implementation that doesn't include many of the features of layer styles in Photoshop. As you observe, there are many cases in which the representation in the Timeline panel is much more simplistic than what is in the Composition panel.
    This separation between the UI and the ability to render with good fidelity is most apparent with pattern overlays. See this video for a good demonstration of how to use layer styles in After Effects by tapping into these features in Photoshop:
    http://library.creativecow.net/articles/harrington_richard/photoshop_layer_styles_with_ae. php
    > In CS5.5, when I import a PSD file with one or more text layers (retaining layer styles and editable layer styles) some of the layer styles change upon import.
    How, exactly, do they change? A screenshot would be useful.
    If it's what I'm suspecting, then the page that Mylenium points you to has the clue:
    "When a layer style is applied to a vector layer—such as a text layer, a shape layer, or a layer based on an Illustrator footage item—visual elements that apply to the edges of the contents of the layer apply to the outlines of the vector objects, such as text characters or shapes. When a layer style is applied to a layer based on a non-vector footage item, the layer style applies to the edges of the layer’s bounds or masks."
    When you convert between Photoshop text and editable text, you're changing the render order and also switching between raster images and vectors. This can affect appearance in many ways.

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    Grid control should be used if you have multiple dbs to manage.
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    With the manual method, you create the repository via emca -repos create.
    Then you configure it using emca -config dbcontrol db. This will ask for sys passwords, ports setting etc...

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    Contact Apple support - they can answer that type of questions - we are just users here like yourself
    BTW - it is best not to order when you have errors - to resolve that error place a single space in the subject text box
    and always
    Before ordering your book preview it using this method - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1040 - and save the resulting PDF for reference - the delivered book will match it.

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    Any thoughts on how to compress without adding a bunch of complicated steps?

    Yes, it's very ridiculous that an application for creating webpages has no features for compressing video.
    And the movies in iPhoto are usually the raw material that comes out of a camera. They have to be edited too.
    Perhaps an application for editing movies does what you want. iMovie comes to mind. What a burden.

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    My request is to change an existing app so when the user presses a button, control should go to the inputText control (this part works, see existing backing bean code from another developer below) but automatically select the text within for editing by the user (saving the user from having to select the text first before editing).
    Backing bean code to set the focus to an inputText field:
    * sets the cursor to the given component id
    * @param  componentId of item on page
      public void setFocusOnUIComponent(String componentId) {
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ExtendedRenderKitService service =
          Service.getRenderKitService(facesContext, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
        UIComponent uiComponent = facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent(componentId);
          "Component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('" + componentId + "'); Component.focus();");
      } I hope this isn't a dumb question and would appreciate it if someone can steer me in the right direction.
    Thank you for any info,

    not a dumb question at all. Before answering it, here some comments on the code you pasted in your question
    1. UIComponent uiComponent = facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent(componentId);
    This code line is not used at all in your method. So it seems you can get rid of it
    2. "Component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('" + componentId + "'); Component.focus();");
    I suggest to change it to
    "var component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('" + componentId + "'); component.focus();");
    as it is better coding practice to have variable names starting with a lower case letter and being flagged with the "var" identifier
    For pre-selecting text in an an input component, there is no API available in ADF Faces, which means you need to reach out to the rendered HTML ouput. To access the markup for the rendered component, you can try
    var markup = AdfRichUIPeer.getDomContentElementForComponent(component)
    If this markup returns the HTML input component then you can use JavaScript you find on the Internet to select the area of it. If it does not return the input component then you may have to use
    Note however that working directly with generated HTML output bears the risk that your code breaks when - for whatever reason - the ADF Faces component rendering changes in the future

  • Message re text when I click to buy - need help

    Good day all:
    Have been trying to buy book all day.
    When I click to buy I get the following message and I cannot figure out why.
    The message reads " Book appears to have text that doesn't fit. Do you want to continue?"
    Okay, so I checked every page, no warnings, and all text is well within the confines of the boxes.
    So, next I changed the font size from 12 down to 10. Still can't buy.
    Next I even downsized the font on Dust Jacket, flaps and all. Same message.
    Did another preview. The embossed text on the cover (which is the default and I cannot change), is
    much larger than on the jacket.
    My Apple ID info is correct, 1 click is enabled, in preview the book is lovely.
    The font I used for all of the book (except Hard Cover) is Lucinda Calligraphy (from the drop down menu), and looks great. I really do not want to change it.
    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    The embossed text on the cover (which is the default and I cannot change), is much larger than on the jacket.
    Does it all show and look correct?
    If you have previewed the book very carefully and are happy with it, say yes you want to continue and hope that everything prints just like your preview (save it in case it does not and you need to "discuss" it with Apple) - I would not order more than one copy until you see how it prints
    Message was edited by: LarryHN

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