Warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast found

I am getting the following warning when I compile my code. Please help.
warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast
found : java.lang.Object
required: java.util.Vector<java.lang.Long>
copy.path = (Vector<Long>) this.path.clone();
1 warning
Here is the code
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package cs572project1;
import java.util.*;
* Richard Becraft
* 1/22/2010
* CS 572 Heuristic Problem Solving
* This class represents a node in a search tree of a graph that represents a street map.
public class SearchNode implements Cloneable {
public long depth;
public double costSoFar;
public double estimatedCostToGoal;
public Vector<Long> path;
public SearchNode() {
depth = -1;
costSoFar = -1;
estimatedCostToGoal = -1;
path = new Vector<Long>(20, 20);
public void printSearchNode() {
System.out.println("\n****In printSearchNode");
System.out.println("depth: " + depth + " costSoFar: " + costSoFar + " estimatedCostToGoal: " + estimatedCostToGoal);
for (Enumeration<Long> e = this.path.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
System.out.println("****Exiting printSearchNode\n");
public SearchNode clone() {
SearchNode copy;
try {
//System.out.println("in clone SearchNode");
copy = (SearchNode) super.clone();
copy.path = (Vector<Long>) this.path.clone(); // <<<< the offending line
//copy.path = new Vector<Long>(this.path.capacity());
//System.out.println("copy.path.size: " + copy.path.size());
//System.out.println("this.path.size: " + this.path.size());
//System.out.println("copy.path.capacity: " + copy.path.capacity());
//System.out.println("this.path.capacity: " + this.path.capacity());
//Collections.copy(copy.path, this.path);
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("This class does not implement Cloneable " + e);
return copy;

rickbecraft wrote:
I am getting the following warning when I compile my code. Please help.
warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast
found : java.lang.Object
required: java.util.Vector<java.lang.Long>
copy.path = (Vector<Long>) this.path.clone();The variable path has a type of Vector but clone() returns an Object. It is only a warning, not an error, so you can ignore it - I think you can be confident that clone() will always return a Vector. A slightly more typesafe approach (in my opinion) is to create a new Vector<Long> using the constructor that takes a Collection as an argument, passing in the Vector that you want to clone. Something like
copy.path = new Vector<Long>(this.path);

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    Yep. Looks as if that's 'cause of
    JAXBElement<CatalogType> catalogElement = (JAXBElement<CatalogType>)unMarshaller.unmarshal(xmlDocument);The Java compiler is warning you that it has no way of ensuring (either at compile time or at runtime) that the JAXBElement is actually an element with the type CatalogType. So if you're wrong, things won't work the way you expect.
    You can safely ignore this warning if you're certain you're correct; the compiler is just drawing your attention to the possibility. Ideally, you'd have an API that returned the correct type rather than just an Object, but the Unmarshaller class doesn't have that capacity. So you'll just have to check it yourself to make sure it's right.

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    Message was edited by:

    True, and due to the fact that it always will be a Vector<String> and never anything else, there really is no need to "fix" this.
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  • Unchecked Cast

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                if (settori == null) {
                    request.setAttribute("messaggioErrore", messaggioErrore1);
                    getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/errore.jsp").forward(request, response);
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    found   : java.lang.Object
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    this is a compile time warning; java can only know during runtime what type of object will actually be in the session; because the session is defined as an <Object,Object> map you can put basically anything in there, which is the flexibility you would expect from the session.
    To the compiler however you are now casting an Object to a <Integer, Settore> map, which COULD go wrong during runtime. Hence the unchecked warning, it is only there to make sure you know what you are doing, meaning you have to add the unchecked annotation.

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    That's because it is not 100% sure (at compile time) that the object is really of a type LinkedList<String>, that's why you received a warning (note that this is just a warning: not an exception or error). You cannot do anything about is. You could suppress the warning like this:
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                LinkedList<String> times = new LinkedList<String>();
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        }Good luck.

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    There is nothing wrong (it is just a warning).
    In the new type system, you would later do something like
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        return (Class<T>[]) new Class[] { MyRemote.class };  //  <-- unchecked cast

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    ArrayList<Class<? extends Remote>>(1);
    return c;
    }Just for comparison, without judgement over applicability:
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        List list = new ArrayList(1);
        return list;

  • Warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion.. how to avoid this warning?

    Hi all,
    When i compile my java file, i get this warning.
    Z:\webapps\I2SG_P2\WEB-INF\classes\com\i2sg>javac testwincDB.java
    Note: testwincDB.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    Z:\webapps\I2SG_P2\WEB-INF\classes\com\i2sg>javac -Xlint testwincDB.java
    testwincDB.java:15: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion
    found   : java.util.ArrayList
    required: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String[]>
        ArrayList <String[] > recRep2 = dbh.getReconReport2(projID);My functions are:
    public ArrayList getReconReport2(int projID)
            ArrayList <String[] > recRep2 = new ArrayList <String[] > ();
            String getReconReportQuery2 = "select recon_count FROM i2sg_recon1 WHERE PROJECT_ID = " + projID;
            int i=0;
            try {
            resultSet = statement.executeQuery(getReconReportQuery2);
                  while (resultSet.next())
                         recRep2.add(new String[1]); // 0:RECON_COUNT
                ((String []) recRep2.get(i))[0] = resultSet.getString("RECON_COUNT");
                  } catch (Exception ex)
            return recRep2;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.*;
    public class testwincDB
        public static void main(String args[])
        int projID=8;
        wincDB dbh = new wincDB();
        ArrayList <String[] > recRep2 = dbh.getReconReport2(projID);
        int totalRec = recRep2.size();
         for(int i=0;i<totalRec;i++)
        System.out.println(((String []) recRep2.get(i))[0]);
    }Thanks in advance,

    found : java.util.ArrayList
    required: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String[]>
    ArrayList <String[] > recRep2 = dbh.getReconReport2(projID);This tells all about the warning.....
    public ArrayList getReconReport2(int projID)change it to:
    public ArrayList<String[]> getReconReport2(int projID)Thanks!
    Edit: Very late.... :-)
    Edited by: T.B.M on Jan 15, 2009 7:20 PM

  • Warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to getMethod when updating to JDK 1.6

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    warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<?>...> as a member of the raw type java.lang.Class
    removeChangeListener = myParent.getMethod("removeChangeListener",
    The code is this class is instantiated by many classes. The class instantiating this class is passed through a constructor.
    Here is a partial code snippet of the class, constructor and method where the warning occurs:
    public class DumpDisplay extends javax.swing.JFrame implements javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
    private Class changeListenerParameterTypes[] = new Class[2];
    public DumpDisplay(Object mvc)
    Class myParent = mvc.getClass();
    public void removeListeners()
    Method removeChangeListener = null;
    changeListenerParameterTypes[0] = ChangeListener.class;
    changeListenerParameterTypes[1] = Integer.TYPE;
    // Get the removeChangeListener method from the MVC class
    removeChangeListener = myParent.getMethod("removeChangeListener",
    catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
    System.out.println(" DumpDisplay class addChangeListener method: "+e);
    This compilation warning does not appear in JDK 1.5. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Class myParent = mvc.getClass();Class<?> myParent = mvc.getClass();

  • How to avoid "unchecked cast" warnings

    Hi all,
    here is my code:
    private Vector<String> vector1;
    private Vector<String> vector2=new Vector<String>();
    ...How can i avoid "unchecked cast" warnings, while compiling with "-Xlint:unchecked" option.

    I'd also add that you should think about the following idioms:
    1. Ask yourself do I really need a synchronized structure? The answer might be that unsynchronized structure like ArrayList might be more appropriate. If you DO need a concurrent structure then you may find high-performance one in java.util.concurrent package.
    2. Using interfaces will be more appropriate in the long run:
    List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); because you can replace the implementation of the specific interface with more appropriate structure just on one place.
    Best regards,

  • Netbeans warning: unchecked/unsafe operations

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    Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    When I re-compiled, I get 37 warnings similar to:
    warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to addElement(E) as a member of the raw type java.util.Vector
    all involving adding/inserting/removing elements in a vector...any ideas why?

    if you're not using 1.5, you can turn off the warnings by changing the source compability level in NetBeans. In your Project Properties, look under the Sources node at the bottom of the window you'll see a "Source Level" drop-down list. Change it to 1.4.

  • Possible solution for unchecked casts?

    Proposal: add to java.lang.reflect.Type the following methods:
    /** Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with the object
    * represented by this Class. This method is the dynamic equivalent of the
    * Java language instanceof operator. The method returns true if the specified Object
    * argument is non-null and can be cast to the reference type represented by this Class
    * object without raising a ClassCastException. It returns false otherwise.
    public boolean isInstance(Object obj)
    * Casts an object to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
    * Checks all fields in the object that they are of the proper type by calling
    * types.class.instanceof() recursively.
    public T Class.cast(Object obj, java.lang.reflect.Type ... types)
    Then any unchecked cast
    Object obj;
    T0<T1, .. Tn> checked = (T0) obj;could implicitly be converted to:
    Object obj;
    T0<T1, .. Tn> checked = T0.class.cast<obj, T1.class, ... Tn.class);No more unchecked casts in the compiled classes!

    Well, neither the code above nor the code referenced
    in the link to the other discussion above compiles with the
    1.5.0 beta compiler :)
    But the referenced example does! To be sure, here's the faulty but compilable example again:
    public class HiddenCheckedExceptions
      public static void main(String argv[])
        throwHidden(new Throwable());
      public static void throwHidden(Throwable t)
        ExceptionHider a = new ExceptionHider(t);
        ExceptionHider<RuntimeException> b = a;
        b.throwHidden();  // this is line 8
      private static final class ExceptionHider<T extends Throwable>
        private final T t;
        ExceptionHider(T t)
          this.t = t;
        void throwHidden() throws T
          throw t;
    }When running it throws:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Throwable
            at HiddenCheckedExceptions.main(HiddenCheckedExceptions.java:8)Either a ClassCastException should be thrown during the assignment of a to b, or it should not compile at all.

  • Urgent: IMP-00034: Warning: FromUser "USER1" not found in export file

    Hello all
    I succeccfully export DMP file using sys user with the option full=y.
    I want now to import the schema objects for the user1 with the folloing command:
    C:\oracle\ora81\bin\IMP.EXE sys/sys@bas fromuser=user1 touser=scott file=C:\omran12-06-2005.dmp
    But I received this error :
    IMP-00034: Warning: FromUser "OMBR" not found in export file
    Import terminated successfully with warnings.
    What is the problem
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for ur replay but doesn't work at all:
    - Itried the first by creatint the user and i received this error:
    C:\oracle\ora81\bin\IMP.EXE newuser/newnewuser@sid file=C:\x.dmp log=c:\log.log full=y
    Warning: the objects were exported by SYSTEM, not by you
    import done in AR8MSAWIN character set and AR8MSAWIN NCHAR character set
    . importing SYSTEM's objects into OMBR1
    Import terminated successfully without warnings.
    Then I tried this:
    C:\>C:\oracle\ora81\bin\IMP.EXE sys/sys@sid file=C:\x.dmp log=c:\log.log full=y show=y
    I received this:
    Warning: the objects were exported by SYSTEM, not by you
    import done in AR8MSAWIN character set and AR8MSAWIN NCHAR character set
    . importing SYSTEM's objects into SYS
    Import terminated successfully without warnings.
    Then i tried this:
    C:\>C:\oracle\ora81\bin\IMP.EXE system/system@sid file=C:\x.dmp log=c:\log.log full=y show=y
    And I get this error:
    Export file created by EXPORT:V08.01.07 via conventional path
    import done in AR8MSAWIN character set and AR8MSAWIN NCHAR character set
    . importing SYSTEM's objects into SYSTEM
    Import terminated successfully without warnings.
    Why nothing work with me????????

  • WARNING: No help provider found for helpTopicId when trying to create Help

    JDEV Version:
    Build JDEVADF_MAIN.BOXER_GENERIC_081203.1854.5188
    New to JDEV and following chapter 16 - Displaying Tips, Messages, and Help
    16.5.1 How to Create Resource Bundle-Based Help
    Oracle® Fusion Middleware
    Web User Interface Developer’s Guide for Oracle Application
    Development Framework
    11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
    to create Help in my application.
    1. I have created helpFile.properties in view.resources which has following info
    RBHELP_PH_DEFINATION=This is test help for Panel Header.
    2. I have created META-INF directory at the same level as WEB-INF and created adf-settings.xml file as per instruction in the doc and registered the help provider in there.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adf-settings xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/settings">
    <adf-faces-config xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/settings">
    <help-provider prefix="RBHELP_">
    3. Created a test page to test the help out.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
    <f:facet name="bottom"/>
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:panelHeader text="TestHelpHeader"
    <f:facet name="context"/>
    <f:facet name="menuBar"/>
    <f:facet name="toolbar"/>
    <f:facet name="legend"/>
    <f:facet name="info"/>
    <f:facet name="start"/>
    <f:facet name="end"/>
    <f:facet name="top"/>
    When i run the page i don't see a icon for defination help as shown in Table 16-1 in the doc nor do i see any Help when i hover the mouse have panel Header Text on the page.
    The Default Server log window in jdev shows
    WARNING: No help provider found for helpTopicId=RBHELP_PH_DEFINATION.
    When i go to Package Browser and try and search for oracle.adf.view.rich.help.ResourceBundleHelpProvider i don't find it.
    Am i missing something here?

    I followed the example as shown on
    which shows instruction text and definition text (question mark icon)
    Checking the code i ended up creating/copying the following class for HelpProvider.
    package view.webapp;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.help.ResourceBundleHelpProvider;
    * This class extends ResourceBundleHelpProvider. This is needed to create an implementation for
    * the demo that will return a url. In this case, for the demo, the url is just hardwired
    * to a value.
    public class DemoHelpProvider extends ResourceBundleHelpProvider
    public DemoHelpProvider()
    protected String getExternalUrl(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String topicId)
    if (topicId == null)
    return null;
    if (topicId.contains("TOPICID_ALL") ||
    topicId.contains("TOPICID_DEFN_URL") ||
    topicId.contains("TOPICID_INSTR_URL") ||
    return "/Application2-ViewController-context-root/faces/helpPages/PatchParamHelp.html";
    return null;

  • (WARNING: ps7_ethernet_0: No reset found) and (WARNING: ps7_usb_0: No reset found)

    Hello Everyone,
    *Before stating my problem I would like to say I am fairly new to Linux and Petalinux, I just started working with the two this summer.
    I am following the Petalinux Reference Guide UG1144 (v2014.4) and I am currently trying to import my hardware configuration from Vivado to my Petalinux Project on my Ubuntu Virtual Machine. When I import the hardware description with the petalinux-config command, by giving the path to .hdf file, I recieve Two Warnings.
    WARNING: ps7_ethernet_0: No reset found
    WARNING: ps7_usb_0: No reset found
    ^I am not sure what these warnings are or how to solve them.^
    My Petalinux Project is named: petalinux_soc
    Here is a copy of what shows up in the terminal after I put the command in:
    james@james-virtual-machine:~/petalinux_soc$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description='/home/james/petalinux_vivado_project/petalinux_hw_project.sdk'
    INFO: Checking component...
    INFO: Getting hardware description...
    INFO: Rename design_1_wrapper.hdf to system.hdf
    ****** hsi v
    **** SW Build 1071353 on Tue Nov 18 16:37:08 MST 2014
    ** Copyright 1986-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 5 seconds
    source /home/james/petalinux_soc/build/linux/hw-description/hw-description.tcl -notrace
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:47:53 2015...
    INFO: Config linux
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux
    [INFO ] generate DTS to /home/james/petalinux_soc/subsystems/linux/configs/device-tree
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 0 seconds
    WARNING: ps7_ethernet_0: No reset found
    WARNING: ps7_usb_0: No reset found
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:48:10 2015...
    [INFO ] generate linux/u-boot board header files
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 0 seconds
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:48:16 2015...
    [INFO ] generate BSP for zynq_fsbl
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 2 seconds
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:48:23 2015...
    INFO: Config linux/kernel
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux/kernel
    INFO: Config linux/rootfs
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux/rootfs
    Also the guide says that the "petalinux-config --get-hw-description" should launch the top system configuration menu; however, I have yet to see this. Any thought as to why?
    Thank you,
    James Berkley

    I followed the link you shared and I was able to remove the warnings. I followed the instructions of the user named rankeney; however, this is what is displayed afterwards.
    james@james-virtual-machine:~/petalinux_soc$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description=</home/james/petalinux_vivado_project/petalinux_hw_project.sdk
    INFO: Checking component...
    INFO: Getting hardware description...
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/build’
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/components’
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/hw-description’
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/subsystems’
    ****** hsi v
    **** SW Build 1071353 on Tue Nov 18 16:37:08 MST 2014
    ** Copyright 1986-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 5 seconds
    hsi::get_sw_cores: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00.20 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 104.719 ; gain = 3.000 ; free physical = 71 ; free virtual = 0
    source /home/james/petalinux_soc/build/linux/hw-description/hw-description.tcl -notrace
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Tue Aug 11 10:01:43 2015...
    INFO: Config linux
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux
    [INFO ] generate DTS to /home/james/petalinux_soc/subsystems/linux/configs/device-tree
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 1 seconds
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Tue Aug 11 10:01:55 2015...
    ERROR: Failed to post config linux
    make[1]: *** [autogen-dts] Error 1
    make: *** [post-config-auto-dts] Error 255
    ERROR: Failed to config subsystem linux.
    Python error: <stdin> is a directory, cannot continue

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    I haven't synced my ipad2 with my mac  mini for a  while.  Now, since updated my ipad2 to 8.1.2 I can not see the device on itunes allowing me  to sync the two OS devices together.  The device option on itunes on the mac mini, stays grey,  not recogn

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    Hi Supply Shortage Report question: In my cube I have material, 0calday, receipts and demand key figures. Formula for Supply Shortage = Receipts u2013 Demand. Users want to see number of consecutive days a particular productu2019s Supply shortage val

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    Hello I just bought a new HP laptop with Windows 8 preinstalled. It has 500 gb HDD and since I also have a 1TB hdd i wanted to swap them. I created Image of the disk and then recovered it on the bigger HDD (using Acronis 13). Everything worked fine,