Waveform chart sweep rate

I inherited this application and am a beginner to LabView. I am hoping someone can give me some idea about the problem I am having.
The application originally display data using a set of waveform charts (sweep plot). I need to add a new set of charts that do the identical thing with slightly different data. Most of the charts are working great, except one. Somehow this one chart is sweeping twice as fast as the others. My new charts all started as clones of the original charts, so I don't understand why one is not working like the others. I didn't see any properties that appear to affect the sweep rate in my vi either.
I'd appreciate some starting point to look what can be causing the faster sweep rate.
Thank you very much.
Go to Solution.

You will probably need to post code or screenshots to get some useful responses.
That said, there could be a couple things at play here. The chart history length sets how much data is stored, and if that length is reduced, the chart will appear to sweep faster. It is set at edit time from the chart's right-click menu and would not be apparent from looking at the block diagram.
Also, the chart is updated each time a value is written to its terminal so it could be updating faster if it is in a loop with shorter delay (for example). This is where it would help to see the BD.
Finally, since you are new to LabVIEW, I would take a look at this if you haven't already:

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    Hi kdm,
    please stick in one thread for the same topic!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Display Data on waveform chart or XY graph over a long period of time

    Display Data on waveform chart or XY graph over a long period of time
    Can anyone help?
    I am acquiring data from an Ni DAQ card with the following parameters - sample rate = 12800, number of samples = 4096. I want to extract order information so as to track changes in the amplitudes of certain frequency harmonics. So I use the sound and vibration toolkit to extract this information as shown in the attached Vi.  I will like to plot the resulting amplitudes against real-time starting at the time the Vi was run.  I really want the display to show these changes over long periods (eg. days, months and even years).
    I have tried to plot the Y component of the resulting magnitude for a given order on a waveform chart. My choice of the waveform chart is because I also want to display  alarm limits (using the mask and limit vi) (I can't have these lines displayed on an XY graph plot).  I tried adjusting the scale offset using the property node and setting the offset to current time. However, the display on the X-axis can only show a span of  2 minutes as will be seen when you run the attached vi. I want the time display on the x-axis to be over a period of  days, months  and even years.  Is there a way to set the maximum scale on the x-axis to be say a year or so in future.
    I really want the display to be like the one in in the second attachment.
    Attached is a sample VI created using an Ni USB 9234 DAQ card. Any card will do but I am only getting the signal from one channel for this example
    I will appreciate any help that can be given to me.
    Real-Time Graph Display.vi ‏170 KB
    Sampe screen1.doc ‏37 KB

    Long term testing can be tricky- and we'l get into that later.  Lets start with the basics that you have wrong.
    The vi as you have constructed it has only one memory element, the chart history length (default is 1024.)
    You can change the number of points the Chart will remember by Right-clicking the chart an select Chart History Length from the menu.
    But for a long term test - and one where you want to REMEMBER the first value you need a memeory element that is independant of the application.  Your PC WILL loose power or need to be rebooted eventually.  Heck it might even need to be replaced! you really need to store your data in a file. Preferablly in a file that is backed-up on a regular basis so you don't lose every point of data if the PC dies.  It realy hurts when you have to restart a 2yr test because you've lost the 18months of data you collected.
    For an application like this I would seperate my "collection" and "Evaluation" operations. 
    Have one vi that takes the reading and writes it to a file at a configurable rate  You may want 1reading  per minute for seveal days then 1 per hour for a few weeks- then maybe only once or twice a week for the next couple of years since you are looking for LONG TERM stability.  having too much data to evaluate can take a lot of digging to find the few things that interest you (but always take more that you think you need)
    Have another utility that COPIES the files, reads them and displays the data you are interested in that day.  The data you want to look at won't change over time HOWEVER, you WILL want to analize it in different ways depending on what the data trends look like.  Having seperate routines for collection and display allows you to update the display style and analisys without even stopping the collection vi (much less editing the vi)

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    The default history length of a chart is 1024. To make it longer is a right click option.

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    I suspect I'm not sending data to the chart in the correct manner ( usualy takes two attempts to "clear chart" using shortcut menu).  I'm not too familiar with timed loops /producer consumer loops  and just tried to put something together based on examples.
    I've attached my host vi and front panel screenshot.

    Hope they appear attached this time.
    Basic DMA (Host).vi ‏444 KB
    screenshot2.jpg ‏113 KB

  • Using waveform chart to collect data

    I am a new user to labview, however I have been using it for a while now.
    I have a simple problem.
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    I want to record data for a sample rate of 1 sec.
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    Also, what can be the maximum buffer size of the waveform chart?

    Hey govindgoal,
    The max buffer size is pretty massive so don't worry about that. I would post your code or at least the part which is recording the data for people to help debug. It would seem however that you have some timing issues with your application.
    "To 'G' and not to 'C', this is not a question!"

  • Auto update waveform chart error

    Hi all!
    I have come across the problem when working on my VI. As you can see from the VI that I have attached, there is a waveform graph on the front panel for data acquisition. The value shown right now is from time, 00:00:00 to 00:05:00 (0-5minutes).
    The problem that I am faced right now is, everytime when I hit the run button, LABVIEW seems to automatically change my time value to some sort of generic time. What I want to accomplish here is that, I want to acquire data on the waveform graph from time 0 to 5 minutes. Also, I would like to specify the increments myself. For example on the time scale (x-axis) from 0-5 minuntes, I would like a 30 seconds interval between them. How do I actually accomplish it?
    I have tried absolute time format and changing my waveform chart to sweep chart.
    Thanks for any help!
    PDaq- Modified_07-08-2010.vi ‏61 KB

    The problem here is that Waveform Charts and Graphs always assume a constant delta time between data points. If you are absolutely certain the data points are guaranteed to be sampled at consistent intervals, the Waveform Chart or Graph is a good fit for the data.
    On the other hand, if data points are sampled at arbitrary time intervals, it will be necessary to use the XY graph, where different timestamps for each data sample determine the t-axis (time, horizontal axis).
    The deal here is that your horizontal axis is N, Sample Number, not t, sample time. Your samples start at 0, and increment 1, 2, 3... Therefore, if you are taking 120S/sec, it will appear two minutes - 00:02:00 (HH:MMS) - have elapsed in the first second! One way to convert Sample Number to Time is by mulitplying that scale by the factor 1/120. To add a multiplier (or offset) to your scale, go to the properties of the Chart. Likewise, you can use a property node to programmatically set scaling factors on the scale.
    a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

  • How to set waveform chart to start data since beginning of run

    Go to Solution.
    TCs.vi ‏106 KB

    You need to check the update mode of your chart.
    Strip Chart—Shows running data continuously scrolling from left to right across the chart with old data on the left and new data on the right. A strip chart is similar to a paper tape strip chart recorder. Strip Chart is the default update mode.
    Scope Chart—Shows one item of data, such as a pulse or wave, scrolling partway across the chart from left to right. For each new value, the chart plots the value to the right of the last value. When the plot reaches the right border of the plotting area, LabVIEW erases the plot and begins plotting again from the left border. The retracing display of a scope chart is similar to an oscilloscope.
    Sweep Chart—Works similarly to a scope chart except it shows the old data on the right and the new data on the left separated by a vertical line. LabVIEW does not erase the plot in a sweep chart when the plot reaches the right border of the plotting area. A sweep chart is similar to an EKG display.
    From the help menu:
    The waveform chart maintains a history of data, or buffer, from previous updates. Right-click the chart and select Chart History Length from the shortcut menu to configure the buffer.  The default chart history length for a waveform chart is 1,024 data points. The frequency at which you send data to the chart determines how often the chart redraws.
    resp2.jpg ‏36 KB

  • Waveform chart slow to read samples AIs when sending AOs

    Hi all,
    I am using labview to sample AI signals and send AO signals sampling at 4k with 400 samples to read... The AOs are triggered using buttons on the frontal (E-stim or M-Stim).. When the E-stim button is pushed it will generate a square-wave signal with the freq and pulse characteristics as selected on frontal panel (default is 1 pulse at 50Hz)... These are pulses are used to control a muscle stimulator... So the idea is to be able to send whatever signal I want and have the stimulator deliver that same stimulus to the muscle (e.g. 10 pulses at 50Hz, or 5 pulses at 100Hz, etc etc).. To check the timing of this, I connected the AO to the "trigger in" on the stimulator and the "trigger out" on the stimulator to an AI channel... The pulses are coming through from the stimulator as expected...
    However, when I send the AO pulses labview seems to "freeze" or "suspend" until all output pulses are sent... This is very apparent with a high number of pulses (e.g. 10 pulses at 50Hz)... That is, the waveform chart freezes/stops scrolling until all AO signals are sent, then the chart updates all the pulses in one hit and continuous displaying data; rathe than have each pulse displayed individually...Why concern is that AI during the AO phase may be losted ot not sampled properly...
    Can anyone provide me with an explanation for this behaviour? I am using a LV2010SP1 and a USB-6218 BNC multifuction DAQ.
    TMS2.vi ‏304 KB
    TMS2.vi ‏304 KB

    Hello Jack, 
    Reviewed the code.
    Remember The way labview executes code, Labview executes code by flow of information meaning that it is going to wait untill the neccesary items are ready before executing the next part of the code.
    For example If we want to make a simple add function for "x" and "y" labview is going to wait untill both inputs are ready for operation before operating and outputing  "z" as a result.
    It does it the same way everytime. I took the time and rearranged the code so we can understand it better, The execution happens from left to right, from top to bottom.
    If we refer to the image, the arrows show us the flow of information of the VI, The DAQ assitant, the filtering of the signal and the Triggering is done before you actually output data through device1 analog output.
    The code is expected to work that way cause it waits untill done acquiring with the DAQ asistant to start generating an output.
    I can think of different options,
    -You can modify this VI so that the output takes place regardless of the input data
    -Having two different vis where you can set the read and write at different rates, using a functional global variable.
    -Using a producer/consumer architecture.
    This is an example that I think might be useful.
    Using Producer/Consumer Architecture for DAQmx Read and Write to File
    Hope this was helpful,
    Luis Martinez.
    Applications Engineer.
    National Instruments.
    Flow.JPG ‏146 KB

  • How do i set the time frame of a waveform chart programmatically to be a 30 sec window or a 24 hour window

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    BX0265 ShelfLife DAQmx.vi ‏120 KB

    Okay, there seems to be some confusion here -- the X axis values are of type double, but they can be represented in the HH:MMS MMD:YYYY format if you want in which case it interprets the floating point as the number of seconds since 6pm Dec 31, 1903. 
    You can programmatically set this value using the XScale.Minimum and XScale.Maximum properties, but note that if you wire a waveform to the chart after setting these values the t0 parameter will override what you set using the property node for XScale.Minimum.  If instead you leave the t0 parameter empty you can use the XScale.Offset property and wire the same value in that you wire to XScale.Minimum.  Changing the amount you add to XScale.Minmum to obtain what you wire into XScale.Maximum will determine the time window size.
    Doug M
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    For those unfamiliar with NBC's The Office, my icon is NOT a picture of me

  • Waveform Chart Y-T Values

    I have a waveform chart plotting Voltage values against time. I have to store both the values into a Spreadsheet file. I am able to store the values on Y axis (vOLTAGE), but not the time values. How cal i do so?

    One way is to build a waveform data type with Build Waveform function, add t0 and dt info, and use the Export Waveforms to Spreadsheet function. The dt, (delta time) should be readily available from the sampling rate of your data acquisition. You could also create an array of time values, append this array to your Y array for a 2D array and use the 2D input of Write to Spreadsheet file. There is a function in LabVIEW called WDT Get Waveform Time Array that shows how to create an array of time values.

  • How to view signal in a waveform chart in Labview Signal Express?

    I would like to view a signal in Signal Express 3.0  in a "waveform chart" but don't know how to do it and I am thinking that it may be impossible?
    In Labview there are two ways of viewing data, either in a "waveform chart" or in a "waveform graph". The great thing with "waveform chart" is that it lets you define a history length and you can see the data move to the left (strip chart option) as the samples are being retrieved. It works perfect. 
    In Signal Express I can only select "XY graph" or "Waveform graph" by making a right-click the mouse but I cannot select "Waveform chart". Is it really true that it is not possible to view the data in a "waveform graph with Labview SE? (1 analog signal being read continuously, 100 samples to read at 1K rate)
    Thank you in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Enrique,
    You are correct that there is currently no waveform chart in SignalExpress. The closest thing you can get to, is recording the data as a log and then viewing it while recording (which I realize is not quite the same, interactive behavior).
    For your last comment, you wrote "waveform graph", but I assume you meant to say "chart" there as well.
    Sorry about this. We have recently been getting this request, so perhaps in a future version.

  • Problem with Waveform Chart X scale

    Hi guys.
    I am new here and Labview, sorry for my english wrongs. I am from Brazil.
    So, i try have an absolute time in x scale, from my waveform chart, but the VI don't execute this. I wish make like the picture in annex. It´s the only problem in my project.
    I Use Labview 8.6 version.
    Please help me 
    Icaro Kossmann
    LabVIEW 8.6 Newbie.
    tela labview.png ‏46 KB

    Kossmann wrote:
    This is a print of block diagram with a close in waveform chart.
    Your chart does not get any timing information, thus you need to set the dt manually or with a property node according to the update rate of your code (we cannot tell from the picture).
    If you want absolute time, you also need to set the t0 according to the start time of the chart. Then you also need to select the desired time format of the axis.
    (It really does not help to show us code pictures. I recommend you attach the actual VI.)
    Kossmann wrote:
    The datatype is 14 channel with single precision, and the format of the x-axis is absolute time, but, the VI don´t show it. And i wish to show divisions on each 5 min.
    Instead of telling us what it does not show, tell us what is shows instead and what's wrong with it.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Synchroniz​e reset of multiple waveform charts

    My main VI has multiple sweeping waveform chart, base off the Continuous Measurement and Logging template. I want to be able to change x axis range (toggling between 10 seconds of data and 3 seconds of data)
    I did it by changing the X scale range min to zero and max to the appropiate sample size, and clear the history. While this works for each chart they always ended up off sync instead. 
    At first I thought that's because I put it in a ub VI. But moving everything to te main vi does not change the behavior.
    Any ideas? Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    Well those all have to run sequentially in the UI thread so there is no way to do them "Simultaineuosly"  HOWEVER, if you bookend those property nodes with an Involk of the method Defer FP Updates (True then False) you'll see much more what you expect.
    Tighter alignment of the "Clear Histoys" would also be done by splitting up your p-nodes so do all of them at first then change all the scales.

  • Can my 600MHz P-3, 256MB Ram handle a data acquisition of more than 1kHz with waveform chart support?

    please suggest tools for acquiring high speed 8 analog channel data.
    can my 600MHz P-3, 256MB Ram handle a data acquisition of more than 1kHz with waveform chart support?

    I have performed data acquisition on a computer with lower specs than the one you described, at rates greater than 1 kHz. I don't quite understand the "waveform chart support" portion of your question, but if you are asking if it is possible to plot the acquired data on a Waveform Chart in LabVIEW, this should not be a problem.
    If you have more specific questions, let me know.
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman

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