Wd java docu in german

where can I find "web dynpro java"- and "nwdi"-docu in german (links, pdf-files)?
I found it in english and it´s ok but reading german would be more efficient

Hi Thorsten..
Chk these links..
and also chk this..

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    document.insertString(0, "\u001B&l2H", null);
    The "\u001B" is the ASCII escape character used by the control sequence and the "&l2H" is the PCL code for the Manual tray. This does insert the string into the document but when the ,prn file is created (print to file) it does not use the inserted value.
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    Ps The MediaTray.MANUAL does not work because the network print driver overwrites it.

    No, I does not set the print tray on the .prn file persited by the code. It would appear that the default tray (&l7H) is not overwritten with the tray I set in my document.
    It may have something to do with the escape characters?

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            StyleConstants.setBackground(styles, Color.RED);             
            doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), text, styles);waiting for your replies.

    I need complete line to be colored. How to apply this with StyleConstants. I don't know how to do this with StyleConstants. However, you should be able to use a highlighter. See how the setDrawsLayeredHighlights(...) method affects the painting of highlights:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class Highlighting extends JFrame
         public Highlighting()
              String text = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive";
              Dimension d = new Dimension(200, 200);
              JTextArea textArea1 = new JTextArea();
              textArea1.setText( text );
              JTextArea textArea2 = new JTextArea();
              textArea2.setText( text );
              JPanel north = new JPanel();
              getContentPane().add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              JTextPane textPane1 = new JTextPane();
              textPane1.setText( text );
              JTextPane textPane2 = new JTextPane();
              textPane2.setText( text );
              JPanel south = new JPanel();
              getContentPane().add(south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              DefaultHighlighter highlighter1 =  (DefaultHighlighter)textArea2.getHighlighter();
              DefaultHighlighter highlighter2 =  (DefaultHighlighter)textPane2.getHighlighter();
              Highlighter.HighlightPainter yellow = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter( Color.YELLOW );
                   textArea1.getHighlighter().addHighlight(4, 8, yellow);
                   textArea2.getHighlighter().addHighlight(4, 8, yellow);
                   textPane1.getHighlighter().addHighlight(4, 8, yellow);
                   textPane2.getHighlighter().addHighlight(4, 8, yellow);
                   textArea1.getHighlighter().addHighlight(16, 18, yellow);
                   textArea2.getHighlighter().addHighlight(16, 18, yellow);
                   textPane1.getHighlighter().addHighlight(16, 18, yellow);
                   textPane2.getHighlighter().addHighlight(16, 18, yellow);
              catch(BadLocationException ble) {}
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new Highlighting();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.setSize(500, 450);
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
    }Also, try selecting all the text with the mouse to see how the selection highlighting is different in each case.

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    Did you check this link,
    Does it help? Also did you look into the Java Docs Section,

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    Our developers ran in some problems with german characters "��"etc. They are using Java SDK 4.1 for LDAP for retrieving, creating and updating entries. If names have umlauts like in "J�RG" they are not presented right. Both systems have solaris 8 (engl) and they are using UTF-8 in the java application. As i know the server stores the values also in UTF-8, so why is the presentation wrong? Any idea?
    Many thanks
    PS: A perl script has no problems with umlauts.

    I know there are various versions of ldapsearch which have differing qualifiers. The one that comes with SUN ONE or iPlanet has the qualifier of -e which means that it will print out german characters. We had this trouble with spanish characters.
    However other versions of ldapsearch do not have this qualifier and hence any such data comes out as binary.
    If your java application uses ldapsearch it must have a qualifier like this. Perhaps the java application can call the ldapsearch function provided by SUN ONE.
    John reddington

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    How could it be activated for the user of document??
    Thank you all for help!

    I think this has resolved the issue.
    My system is running MS-Windows 7 SP1 64 bit.
    I de-installed & ran ccleaner as suggested and then inserted the product DVD & started that.
    The installation dialogue started in German language (the DVD was purchased in German & there is "Made in Germany" on the label).
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    The only snag was that both Organizer & Video Editor failed to start unless the installation DVD was in the DVD reader.
    However, after a reboot of the system this seems to have "gone away".
    Many thanks for your help - I'll reconfirm in a few days that all is still OK.

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    Whow can i adjust the ide to german?
    with best regards

    Sun Java Studio 8 has been made available only for English, Japanese and Chinese locales. It is not available for other locales yet.
    Sun Java Studio is based on netbeans (www.netbeans.org) which is also officially made available only for english, japanese and chinese locales. But being an open-source product, there have been community initiatives to translate netbeans into german.
    Pl. refer to

  • Need some help with java documents if possible

    Hello all,
    I am trying to decompile .class files ok, i decompile it without any problems but when i open the java source i see weird string codes, and its not readable for the human, i tried lot of decompiling softwares but no software can make the file readable this is the problem that i have:
    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
    // Source File Name:   b.java
    package com.pimpernel.a.a.a;
    import com.pimpernel.chatpointclassic.client.a.e;
    import java.io.DataOutputStream;
    import java.io.PrintStream;
    import java.util.*;
    // Referenced classes of package com.pimpernel.a.a.a:
    //            a, e
    public class b
        implements Runnable
        b(a a1, a a2, DataOutputStream dataoutputstream, com.pimpernel.a.a.a.e e1)
            a = a1;
            b = 2000;
            c = 50;
            d = 4;
            o = -1L;
            e = a2;
            f = dataoutputstream;
            g = e1;
            j = new Vector();
            h = c;
        b(a a1, a a2, DataOutputStream dataoutputstream, com.pimpernel.a.a.a.e e1, Properties properties)
            int i1 = a.ev;
            a = a1;
            b = 2000;
            c = 50;
            d = 4;
            o = -1L;
            b = a(properties, c("-!\001\025R-:\006\024Y\035+\001\037f;+\032\036d\"+\n\013C'#\n6V6"), 20000);
            c = a(properties, c("-!\001\025R-:\006\024Y\035+\001\037f;+\032\036d\"+\n\013C'#\n6^ "), 50);
            d = a(properties, c("-!\001\025R-:\006\024Y\035+\001\037f;+\032\036z' <\036Y*\037\032\036B+\f\n\035X<+?\tX-+\034\b^ )"), 4);
            e = a2;
            f = dataoutputstream;
            g = e1;
            j = new Vector();
            h = c;
            if(e.i != 0)
                a.ev = ++i1;
        public int a(Properties properties, String s, int i1)
                return Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(s));
            catch(Exception _ex)
                return i1;
        public void a()
            f = null;
            j = null;
        public void b()
            if(i == null)
                k = System.currentTimeMillis();
                m = 0;
                n = 0;
                i = new Thread(this, c("\007\034,(R *>\016R;+"));
        public void c()
            if(i != null)
                i = null;
        public void a(String s)
            j.insertElementAt(s, 0);
        public void b(String s)
            if((com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.b(a) & 0x10) == 16)
                System.out.println(c("\036<\006\024E':\026[z+=\034\032P+n<\036Y*tO") + s);
            o = 0L;
                if(f != null)
                        f.writeBytes(s + c("CD"));
            catch(Exception exception)
                    if((com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.b(a) & 1) == 1)
                        System.out.println(c("\0136\f\036G:'\000\025\027' O\bR *>\016R;+U[") + exception);
                    catch(Exception _ex) { }
        public void a(int i1)
            if((com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.b(a) & 4) == 4)
                n += i1;
                l = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if(l - k > 10000L)
                    long l1 = l - k;
                    k = l;
                    if(com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.a(a) == null)
                        com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.a(a, new Date());
                    System.out.println(c("ccB") + com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.a(a).toString() + c("ccB"));
                    System.out.println(c("\001;\033\034X' \b[z=)OT\027=+\f[\nn") + (long)m / (l1 / 1000L));
                    System.out.println(c("\001;\033\034X' \b[u7:\n\b\027an\034\036TnsO") + (long)n / (l1 / 1000L));
                    m = 0;
                    n = 0;
        public void run()
            int i1;
            i1 = a.ev;
            o = 0L;
            if(i1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1
            catch(Exception _ex) { }
            o += h;
            JVM INSTR icmple 73;
               goto _L3 _L4
            if(g != null)
            if(j.isEmpty()) goto _L6; else goto _L5
            String s = (String)j.lastElement();
            if((com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.b(a) & 8) == 8)
                System.out.println(c("\037;\n\016Rn=\006\001RnsO") + (j.size() - 1) + c("n\035\n\025Stn") + s);
                f.writeBytes(s + c("CD"));
            o = 0L;
            h = h << 1;
            if(i1 == 0) goto _L7; else goto _L6
            h = h >> 1;
            if(h > b)
                h = c;
            if(h < c)
                h = c;
            if(e.ed && o >= 10000L)
                o = 0L;
            continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */
            Exception exception;
                continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */
            com.pimpernel.a.a.a.a.b(a) & 1;
            if(i1 != 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8
            JVM INSTR icmpne 387;
               goto _L10 _L11
            break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_362;
            break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_387;
            System.out.println(c("\0136\f\036G:'\000\025\027' O\bR *>\016R;+U[") + exception);
            catch(Exception _ex) { }
            if(e.eo) goto _L1; else goto _L12
        private static String c(String s)
            char ac[] = s.toCharArray();
            int i1 = ac.length;
            int k1;
            for(int j1 = 0; j1 < i1; j1++)
                switch(j1 % 5)
                case 0: // '\0'
                    k1 = 0x4e;
                case 1: // '\001'
                    k1 = 78;
                case 2: // '\002'
                    k1 = 111;
                case 3: // '\003'
                    k1 = 123;
                    k1 = 55;
                ac[j1] ^= k1;
            return new String(ac);
        a a;
        private int b;
        private int c;
        private int d;
        private a e;
        private DataOutputStream f;
        private com.pimpernel.a.a.a.e g;
        private int h;
        private Thread i;
        private Vector j;
        private long k;
        private long l;
        private int m;
        private int n;
        private long o;
        private final int p = 10000;
    }can some body help me and tell me how i can read that strange codes:
    i am sorry because i am on the wrong forum.
    i hope someone can help me.
    Sorry for my bad english!

    This forum is for Sun Java Studio Creator questions.

  • Read an XML file with java: Document to Node conversion

    I want to read an XML file and convert data into a Node instance because I need this for an XForm application.
    My code is:
    private Node workstationType;
    public Node initModel() {
    try {
    //This one will hold the results
    Document document;
    //loading from XML File
    String fileName="C:\\documents\\iniForm.xml";
    FileInputStream inXML = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inXML));
    document = XMLLoader.loadFromStream(in);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("ERROR:" + e.getMessage());
    //Create the node for the root, 'typeOfWorkstation'
    workstationType = document.getDocumentElement(); //A
    //Return the root node
    return (workstationType);
    The problem: I can convert Node instance to Document instance (line A)
    The error message is: "document cannot be resolved".
    How can I do that??
    Thank you

    Here is my XMLLoader class:
    public class XMLLoader {
         public static Document loadFromStream(Reader reader) throws Exception {
              //Build a DOM document with the reader
              //prepare DOM document
              DOMImplementation impl;
              DocumentBuilder builder;
              try {
                   // Find the implementation
                   DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
                   builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                   impl = builder.getDOMImplementation();
                   //Read and parse the XML input stream into a DOM document
                   Document document = builder.parse(new InputSource(reader));
                   return document;
              } catch (IOException ex) {
                   throw new RuntimeException(
                        "[XMLLoader.loadFromFile]: Failed loading the InputStream. Root cause: \n"
                             + ex);
              } catch (Exception ex) {
                   throw new RuntimeException(
                        "[XMLLoader.loadFromFile]: Failed to initialize DOM factory. Root cause: \n"
                             + ex);

  • Java document is unavailable

    Recently i has installed jdk 1.6 but my java environment could not find its documentation.
    What can i do?

    Probably you can download from here:
    And point in your environment (I guess that you mean IDE), to that one.
    Anyway, probably you will get more feedback in this forum :

  • Java Document in Eclipse

    Hi frnds
    can anyone tell how to generate javadoc in eclipse3.2
    what is the JavaDoc Command in that??

    I got too
    Project->Generate JavaDoc
    set JavaDoc Command parametere to C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\bin\javadoc.exe

  • Streaming  PDF Documents Using JAVA

    Hello Geeks,
    I want to develop a document viewer which gets embedded in web browser.
    Are there any JAVA API available for this ?
    I am confused where to start.

    Embedded in a web browser -> java applet.
    Document viewer -> depends on which document type you want to show (and how you want to show it). Search on "java <document type> library"to see if anyone else solved it.

  • Needed Ultrasearch Query java API document

    Where i can find/download the complete ultrasearch java api documentation (i have java document only for one package i.e "oracle.context.isearch.query").
    The one which is shipped with Oracle9iASv2 is incomplete. It would be great if i can have some sample code also.
    Thanks for your help,

    The UltraSearch manual for Oracle 9.2 is here and for 901 is here.

  • Regarding phase approval document

       Error occuring when try to begin the approval of phases in cProject. A error message occurs as
    ''You cannot begin approval approval test without an approval document''
    But already I have assigned and activated the approval document DPR_APPROVAL_HIER in Customising---->Activate forms per project type. I have assigned the same in Customising -
    >define Phase types . Still I face the problem.
    Pls help me to solve this issue.
    Thanking you.

    Check with following Tests:
    I ABAP:
    1.  Use transaction SA38 to execute the program FP_TEST_00.
               Detailed information about this test program and about how you should then proceed is given in the Adobe Document Services Configuration Guide in the Help Portal under:
               http://help.sap. com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/37/504b8cbc2848a494facfdc09a359b1/frameset.htm -> Adobe Document Services Configuration Guide -> Configuring the Web Service -> Securing Access to the Web Service ->Configuration Check -> Configuration Check for PDF-Based Forms in ABAP
              o If the FP_TEST_00 form is displayed in the print preview, the ADS configuration is correct.
                        -> Check your application program that contains the call for the form, and the form itself, for possible errors See point 5 for further information.
              o If the system displays an error message instead of a form, the configuration of ADS is incorrect.
                        -> Carry out the additional tests from point 2 onwards.
    2.  Use transaction SA38 to execute the program FP_PDF_TEST_00.
                  This enables you to check the RFC connection to ADS (see the reference to the documentation given above).
              o If the system displays the version number of ADS, the configuration of the RFC connection is correct.
                        -> Proceed to point 4.
              o You receive one of the following error messages:
                        1. If the system displays dialog fields for user and password instead of the version number, the entries for user and password in the RFC connection do not match the entries in user management.
                        -> Check the user and the password. Continue with point 3.
                        2. The system displays a "SYSTEM ERROR" with the following text:
                        "ERROR CODE    :    100.101
                        ERROR MESSAGE : SOAP Runtime Exception: CSoapExceptionTransport : HTTP send returned with status code"
                        -> Contact your system administrator and ask them to check or correct the details for target device, service number and path prefix in the RFC connection (transaction SM59).
                        3. If the system displays an error message stating that there is no valid HTTP connection, then there is no RFC connection to ADS.
                        -> Contact your system administrator and ask them to correct or create the RFC connection (transaction SM59).
    3.  Check the user and password of ADS
                  Requirement: In order to carry out this test, you must know the user and password for ADS. If you do not know this information, contact your system administrator and ask them to carry out the test.
                  A detailed description about the procedure is contained in the documentation for the Adobe Configuration Guide at:
                  http://help.sap. com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/37/504b8cbc2848a494facfdc09a359b1/frameset.htm -> Adobe Document Services Configuration Guide -> Configuring the Web Service -> Securing Access to the Web Service ->Configuration Check -> Configuration Check for PDF-Based Forms in ABAP -> Checking the User and Password
              o If the system displays the version number of ADS, the configuration of the user and password is correct.
                        -> Proceed to the next point (4).
              o If the system does not display a version number (the page in the Web browser does not change, and submit continues to be displayed), the configuration of ADS is incorrect.
                        -> Contact your system administrator and ask them to correct the configuration for the user and password.
    4.  Check the settings for the destination service
                  To use the destination service on AS Java, settings are required on AS ABAP and AS Java. Therefore, this test contains several steps.
                  4. 1 In your ABAP system (transaction SA38), call the FP_CHECK_DESTINATION_SERVICE program (available as of NW2004s SPS 08).
                           a) First of all, execute the program without selecting the option "With Destination Service".
                           The system processes a test form in the background and displays the size of the generated PDF. It does not use the destination service in the process.
                           b) Now select the option "With Destination Service" and execute the program again. The system processes the test form, using the destination service.
              o If the system displays the same message (file size of generated PDF) as it does in a), the configuration of the destination service is correct.
                        -> Proceed to the next point (5).
              o If the system issues an error message, the configuration of the destination service is incorrect.
                        -> Carry out tests 4.2 to 4.4.
                  4. 2 Check whether the /default_host/sap/bc/fp and /default_host/sap/bc/fpads ICF services are active. (transaction SICF). If this service is not active, activate it. Note: As of NW2004s Support Package Stack 12, when you bundle in distributed systems (in other words, for "non-double-stack installations"), it is optional to use the fpads ICF service
                  4.3 Check the settings for the ICF service.
                           a) Enter the following URL in your Web browser:
                        < server> is the AS ABAP, <port> is the HTTP port of the AS ABAP. (you can determine this information using transaction SICF).
                           b) In the dialog box for the user, enter ADS_AGENT and the relevant password.
              o If the ICF service settings are correct, the browser displays the layout information of the FP_TEST_00 form in XML format.
                        -> Proceed with point 4.4.
              o If the browser displays an error message instead of the XML file, a configuration error occurred.
                        -> Check whether the user ADS_AGENT exists on the AS ABAP, and if the user has the required authorizations and roles (SAP_BC_FP_ICF).
                  4.4. Check the settings for the destination service on AS Java
                           a) Call Visual Administrator and navigate to Services -> Destinations
                           (detailed instructions are available on the Help Portal at: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/37/504b8cbc2848a494facfdc09a359b1/frameset.htm ->Adobe Document Services Configuration Guide -> Configuring the Web Service -> Securing Access to the Web Service -> Creating or Changing the Destination Service)
                           b) Extend the setting in field URLunder Connection Settings to:
                           (The <server> and <port> that are already available refer to the AS ABAP.)
                           c) Choose 'Save and Test'
                           d) The system calls the ABAP system that stores the form templates.
              o If the settings are correct, the system issues the message: "HTTP GET response code 200 Content Type/xml."
                        -> Proceed with point 5.
              o If the system issues an error message, the configuration of the destination service is incorrect.
                        -> Contact your system administrator and ask them to correct the settings for the destination service.
                           e) Do not forget to change the URL back to http://<server>:<port>.
    5. Generated PDF with additional information
                  Call your form and save the generated PDF with additional information locally. You receive a PDF with attachments, which enable you to analyze the problem in detail.
                  Information about the PDF with additional information is available in the problem analysis guide (PAG) for SAP NetWeaver (TM) at:
                        http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/71/7ffb3f6c78ee28e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm ->Usage Type Application Server Java -> Problem Analysis Scenario for Adobe Document Services -> Adobe Rendering Error
                  Setting using transaction SFP
                  For more information about how to proceed if you use the dialog box in transaction SFP to set this function, see the documentation for SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe in the SAP Help Portal at:
                        (You can display the document in German at: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/de/37/47a2be350c4ac8afe36b691203971f/frameset.htm)
                        -> SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe -> PDF-Based Print Forms -> Calling Forms in an Application Program -> Saving Runtime Information and a Generated PDF Locally
                  Setting using user settings
                  You can also use the user settings to activate the function "PDF with Additional Information".  Proceed as follows:
                        1. Call transaction SU3 ('Maintain User Profile') or SU01 ('User Maintenance').
                        Note that you require the relevant authorization for the user maintenance of other users.
                        2. Choose the tab page 'Parameters', and enter the required parameters and values:
                        FPTRACELEVEL = 04
    Setting the trace to the value required for the local saving of runtime information and for the generation of the PDF that contains additional information.
                        FPTRACEFILE = <directory>\<file name>
    File for the local saving of runtime information This specification is optional.
                        FPSAVEERRORPDF = X
    The system generates a PDF that contains additional information.
                        FPERRORPDFFILE = <directory>\<file name>
    File for locally saving the PDF that contains additional information
                         Caution: Local saving is possible only for applications that have a GUI connection, and therefore, this is not supported for Web Dynpro ABAP.
                        3. These values then have a fixed assignment to the user.
                         Reset these values after troubleshooting is completed.
                  -> Attach these files (PDF with attachment) to a message with the component BC-SRV-FP, including a precise description of the problem.
    Let me know if it helps !!!

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    Yes I want to see what this text file contains. Like clicking to a text file with mouse and opens. Then I can see what it contains.
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