WD MyCloud - Using it for 2 TimeMachine backups?

Does anyone know how to use the WD MyCloud to set up for 2 time machine backups?  I have one computer and my wife has another and we want to use the MyCloud as TimeMachine for both our laptops.
Any help appreciated -- thank you

Hi, do you solved you problem??
I have a similar problem...
I want to be able to create 2 differents timemachiesbackup folder and use this with 2 different users and give a quota to the two different share, it's possible??
Or if it's not possible, can I set for example 300GB of quota for every users and than  I can use a single timemachinebackup folder of 300+300 GB of space (I can set time machines in space in the option menu) so in this way every user have the maximum of 300GB quota.
I don't knwo if we understand me because I'm italian and I don't speak english very well....

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  • Verbatim disk drive historically used only for time machine backups. Recently i added some other media files to use some of available space without partitioning, the disc now refuses to mount in finder despite appearing in disk utility. Repair fails. HELP

    Sorry to elaborate a bit more.
    I have used time machine since owning my mac book pro with no issues. i keep the timemachine backups on an external hard drive made by Verbatim. This has not external power source.
    Recently i decided to use up some of the available space on the external verbatim disk drive to store some movie files which were sitting on my macbook pro.
    Therefore i created a new folder outside of the time machine backup folder and stored the movie files in there.
    From then on Time machine failed... and a few days later i noticed it was not mounting in 'finder'
    Therefore i used disk utility to see if it was recognising it. Which i was. However when i try to repair it the repair process fails.
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    To summarize: You used an external Verbatim HD for your TM backups. Then, you stored some movie files on the "spare" space on the Verbatim drive. Now, Disk Utility isn't being recognized, and repair is disabled. Your home Samsung drive is working fine, but the Verbatim cannot be verified.
    The problem, I believe, is that the external Verbatim drive wasn't partitioned. There should be two partitions: one for TM backups, the other for video. That way, you can perform backups, and still retain some space for video or somesuch.
    Frankly, I don't know how to fix this except through the following. (1) Erase the Verbatim drive, (2) Create a new blank space and format it, (3) Make two partitions - one for backup, the other for video. (4) Run TM through one partition, but switch to the other for your videos.  The better solution might be to have one dedicated drive (perhaps the Verbatim) for backups, and another dedicated drive for video backups; that way, you'll have plenty of space for expansion.
    I hope someone will correct me if I'm incorrect, but I believe you've essentially lost your backups and media. I don't know how you can retrieve that clump of the now-undifferentiated data on the Verbatim drive. To retrieve any lost data, you're going to require another external drive that's larger in capacity, as well as data recovery software; don't expect encouraging results. If you're desperate, there are firms like Drive Savers that can offer a more comprehensive solution - at a cost.
    Post if you have questions, or additional concerns!

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    i seriously doubt you want to use wsdl4j unless you are doing really advanced webservice work. assuming you are developing this webservice from scratch, you basically want to use JAXWS: define an appropriate interface and your value classes, and let JAXWS do the rest. metro is the JAXWS implementation included in the oracle jdk and it has great tutorials and reference documentation online. i'd suggest you start here: http://metro.java.net/getting-started/

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    First of all, Apple doesn't support using Time Machine to back up to external drives connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station. See:
    But that doesn't mean that it won't work—a least for awhile—but it will need to start a new full backup.

  • MacBook 2.1 Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz 2GB Late 2006. The harddrive died. Replaced with a WD 320. Have used TimeMachine with a WD160 for several months. Tried to install Snow Leopard and use restore from the TimeMachine backup. Will not start.

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    Is it possible to use the Time Capsule for both an automatic backup drive for my Mac AND use it as a shared network drive to store my large library of home videos?  If so, does it require partitioning the drive and are there instructions available?  Alternatively, if I store my home videos on its own network drive, will Time Capsule backup this drive too?  If I don't want any external drives tethered to my mac, how would set up the  2 drive scenario, so that home video drive can be shared on the network?
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    4) If I use a two drive solution  (time capsule backup and cheaper second drive), I want to be able to have Time Capsule back up the home video content on the second drive. 
    5) I do not want any drive tethered to my Mac, only wirelessly connected.  Would the second drive be connected to the Time Capsule?  How would this be set up? 
    Many thanks!

    christianfromshaker heights wrote:
    Is it possible to use the Time Capsule for both an automatic backup drive for my Mac AND use it as a shared network drive to store my large library of home videos?
    basically yes, but i wouldn't recommend it.
    If so, does it require partitioning the drive and are there instructions available?
    the disk in the TC can't be partitioned in the traditional way. but you can use disk utility to create a "fixed-size" sparse disk image on the TC's disk for use with other data. use the instructions here, just leave out the encryption part.
    Alternatively, if I store my home videos on its own network drive, will Time Capsule backup this drive too?
    time machine can not back up from network drives.
    To be specific, I'm looking for a networked drive solution that allows me to do the following:
    1) automatically back up my Mac
    2) act as the primary storage drive for 750GB of the kids home videos (to save room on Mac) [Side question - ]
    consider a NAS that is time machine compatible.
    3) have the ability to watch the home videos on both my family room Apple TV (is this even possible?) and my kitchen Mac Mini display (would my Mac's iMovie's library be able to include my home video content  that is stored on a network drive, or does it require the content to be  on the Mac hard drive?).
    it's possible to stream content stored on a TC (or NAS) to TV. using home sharing, your mini would be able to access files in homeshared libraries.
    it doesn't matter where the files are stored as long as iTunes knows they are there. in other words, the content needs to be in an iTunes/TV friednly format and in your iTunes library - that doesn't mean the content can't be stored on an external HD, a TC, or a NAS.
    4) If I use a two drive solution  (time capsule backup and cheaper second drive), I want to be able to have Time Capsule back up the home video content on the second drive.
    What can Time Machine back up, and where can it put it’s backups?
    5) I do not want any drive tethered to my Mac, only wirelessly connected. 
    IMO, your best course of action is to get a NAS. if you're interested, i can highly recommend this device by Synology.
    Synology NASes play very well with Macs and have excellent backup features on board. given enough space (i have 4x2 TB drives installed) you can store your media files there, use time machine to backup your Macs to it and can use the on-board backup solution to back up the whole shebang to a USB drive connected to the NAS.

  • Partition external HD to use it for time machine backup and nas storage

    i have a macbook pro with retina display with 500gb of ssd storage runing yosemite and a airport extreme latest model.
    what i want to do is to use an external drive (1TB) and use it to hold all my files of my macbook, and i want to make time machine backups for each drive over airport extreme.
    so i have made in my mind a backup plan and im not sure if it will work.
    im planning to buy a 4TB external HDD and make 3 partitions, one for my macbook of 500gb, another for my external drive of 1TB and a third to use it as a NAS.
    im not an expert in storage but i have read a lot from internet.

    so i have made in my mind a backup plan and im not sure if it will work.
    It won't work with TM..
    TM will either backup the internal disk plus external or internal only.. it cannot backup external only. So there is no point using 3 partitions.. just two will work fine.
    You can buy Carbon Copy Cloner and it will work fine doing backups of internal and external as separate items.. but it is better over network to backup as sparsebundles.. much faster than direct copying.. but it does work.
    As a NAS.. an Airport Extreme plus USB drive.. is slow.. might be ok over wireless.. because the wireless is even slower.. but it is not ok over ethernet. A Time Capsule or a cheap single disk nas will work a lot better.
    So your plan can be made to work.. just need some adjustments.
    BTW be very careful what USB drive you buy. Not all work on the USB of the Airport routers.
    USB drive compatibility with Airport Routers. Help make database.

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    I'm working on a script to rip / compress / burn a DVD9 to DVD5.
    does anyone use vamps? what input filetype does it need? i've been pulling my hair out trying to get this to work.
    i know many gui programs are frontends to vamps and they seem to work (when they want to) i thought i'd get better results writing my own script, using k9copy is clunky and it doesn't always behave
    vamps manpage / help is lacking and google isn't giving me any help.
    i've tried:
    vamps -s file.mpeg -e 1.5
    vamps -s file.m2v -e 1.5
    vamps -s /dev/sr0 -e 1.5
    vamps -s /media/dvd/VIDEO_TS/* -e 1.5
    and other's i can't remember
    what does it want?
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-03-24 19:15:24)

    Have a look at this:
    http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php? … _id=444379
    I'm just looking at vamps, haven't actually used it yet.

  • Can you use the same external hard drive for Time Machine backups and as an additional storage drive?

    I have an external HD that I've been using exclusively for Time Machine backups. I need to clear space on my hard drive, so I was thinking to move music & photos to an external drive.  Wondering if I can use the same one I have (which I'll aslo keep using for Time Machine) or if I need to get another drive. 

    Hi Jossydtaylor,
    Time Machine can use either an entire external disk or a partition of that disk:
    OS X Mountain Lion: Disks you can use with Time Machine
    You can use Time Machine with a Time Capsule, and with USB, FireWire, and Thunderbolt disks. The backup disk can be directly connected to your computer or be on a network. If the backup disk has been divided into partitions, you can use one of the partitions.
    If the disk is partitioned using the Master Boot Record (MBR) partition type, some partitions may not be available for use with Time Machine. The GUID Partition Table (GPT) partition type is recommended.
    For more info on partitioning, see this article:
    Disk Utility 12.x: Partition a disk
    - Ari

  • Use TC 2TB for Time Machine Backup and Storage simultaneously?

    I am planning to buy a TC 2TB.
    I would like to know if the TC can be used as a Time Machine backup device and for storage simultaneously?
    for example:
    Can I use 1TB for Time Machine backups and 1TB for storage.
    Please let me know if this is possible?
    Thank you

    I tried for ages to seek a relatively easy way to do this.. i.e. partition it, it's a huge pain! You can, but i'm pretty savvy and got bored and confused! What I did do was switch the TM back-ups to manual so they don't end up filling the disk. Trust me it's the easiest and best option!

  • Do i need to re format my external drive if i am planning on using super duper for my  bootable backups or does super duper do that for me?

       do i need to reformat my external drive if i am planning on using superduper for my bootable backups or does superduper do that for me? thanks

    You need to format a external drive using Apple's Disk Utility 
    Partition 1
    Option: GUID
    Format: OS X Extended Journaled.
    Before OS X can be installed or cloned onto the drive, or else it can't be booted from.
    Formatting a drive erases all data on it, so backup up any data you want to retain off the drive.
    I really do not advise SuperDuper for the fact that it doesn't copy the RecoveryHD partition and restore it, as this is needed to reinstall a fresh copy of OS X from Apple's servers.
    Erase, formatting, OS X installs on Mac's
    A better, more powerful and more intelligent tool is Carbon Copy Cloner.
    See the cloning section of my User Tip here
    Most commonly used backup methods

  • Anyone using OEM for scheduling backups?

    I'd like to see a poll for the number of users using OEM for taking database backups. Had some interesting conversations with some colleagues via social media and it seems like some DBAs don't trust OEM for their backups even though the feature works IMO.
    Are you using OEM to do backups?
    Edited by: DBA on May 3, 2012 1:02 PM

    I have 91 scheduled recurring backup jobs running through OEM 12c BP1. They work quite well. I've only noticed a few problems and nitpicks:
    1) Occasionally, for unknown reasons, a backup job against a newly-added database target will fail stating that the backup cannot be run since the database is closed. The database is not closed, it's up and running fine. Changing the backup job to run using SYS as SYSDBA credentials resolves this problem.
    2) Identification of failed backups is not as customizable as I would like. For example, if I have a full "backup database plus archivelog" running, and during the course of that backup an archivelog backup runs and deletes archived logs, OEM will report that the backup job has failed since RMAN throws an error about not being able to backup an archivelog it expected to find. I dealt with this by adding SKIP INACCESSIBLE to the backup statement. I'm not totally comfortable about that but I monitor for offline datafiles so I consider this only a minimal risk. Our custom backup scripts used to catch this warning and ignore it.
    3) It's really annoying that, after creating a backup job through the target Availability -> Schedule Backup tool, I cannot then run a 'Create Like' against that backup job to create a nearly identical one against a different database target. You have to schedule each of them from the Schedule Backup tool. Clicky clicky clicky clicky.
    4) A backup job created through the 'Schedule Backup' tool has a job type of 'Database Backup', therefore when the job fails a high-availability incident is created, so you can configure incident rules to receive notification of this event. This is good. Unfortunately a backup job created from the Jobs page has a job type of 'RMAN Script' does NOT create an incident on job failure out of the box. I've had difficulty configuring incident rules to catch failures for RMAN Script job types. This is not good.
    5) The repeating schedule options for jobs are limited compared even to something like cron. I can schedule a job for a day of the week, or a day of the month, but cannot easily schedule a job for "the first Tuesday of each month". This can be worked around.
    6) After creating and submitting a backup job through the Schedule Backup tool, you cannot edit the RMAN script without recreating the job. You can only edit the RMAN script before submitting the job. I deal with this by having my backups run stored scripts in the recovery catalog, and make the changes there if I need to change something.
    7) It is very annoying that if I 'stop' a repeating job (instead of suspend), there is no way to resume that job. It has to be recreated. This is my own user error -- I just don't click the stop button. Not OEM's fault but I'd rather not even have that button.
    8) No ability to sequence jobs. You can sequence steps within a job, but then the entire job succeeds or fails as a unit. If you want to back up database A then immediately back up database B afterwards, you have to create a multi-task job. The multi-task job has the same problem as item #4 above such that it does not create a "backup failed" incident when the backup fails.
    Even with all of these gripes, I am quite pleased with the backups I have running through OEM.

  • Software RAID (level 0) with Timemachine Backup

    I am in the process of ordering a Mac Pro (two 2.26GHz Quad Core, 12GB) and will be using four 1.5TB Seagate Barracuda hard drives. I have read many posts on these discussion pages relating to RAID, etc but can't seem to find an answer to my query.
    Is it possible and effective to stripe two drives together and use that as my boot/files and then stripe the other two and use that as a timemachine backup.
    Also is Apple's in-built software RAID able to do this and without much strain on the CPU?? The £560 RAID card is not looking to pleasing to my wallet!
    Many thanks in advance and apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

    Time Machine does not benefit from anything other than mirror perhaps, and even then, I prefer to have two backups sets as a priority, and only then go with mirror.
    I can think of better uses for internal drives than to have two devoted just to TimeMachine.
    And "0+1" was 'briefly' tried by many and given up, and not supported post-Tiger, that does have too much overhead and problems - and slow.
    Fast boot drive, dedicated scratch, and 3rd drive for media files and data, would be a good start. SSD or 10K VelociRaptor boot drive perhaps.

  • Using Failover for DB Manager Service Objects

    Michelin Tire Corporation
    At Michelin, we are trying to implement a failover
    service object using Oracle 7.3 on RS6000 platform (AIX 4.1.4).
    We understand that we need to use HACMP (Clustering) and
    Oracle's parallel server. This way the DB Service objects
    on two different computer nodes can access the same database.
    Has anyone used this configuration? If so, have you had any problems?
    and how well does it work?
    We would appreciate any information on this subject.
    Thanks in advance,
    Thomas Sams

    Tommy Sams wrote:
    Michelin Tire Corporation
    At Michelin, we are trying to implement a failover
    service object using Oracle 7.3 on RS6000 platform (AIX 4.1.4).
    We understand that we need to use HACMP (Clustering) and
    Oracle's parallel server. This way the DB Service objects
    on two different computer nodes can access the same database.
    Has anyone used this configuration? If so, have you had any problems?
    and how well does it work?
    We would appreciate any information on this subject.
    Thanks in advance,
    Thomas SamsAt CSI, we have planned to use HACMP with Forte' failover to provide a
    high availability architecture for one of our customer.
    There are a lot of stuff to consider, some related to hacmp
    configuration, some to forte' mechanisms.
    In particular we should use HACMP for managing RDBMS backup and Forte'
    capabilities to deal with partitions/envs/nodemgrs failover. We have not
    take into account Oracle's parallel server at the moment ( althought it
    could be a good solution ) because we don't really need to access oracle
    from 2 different nodes at the same time, but "just" to have a "realtime"
    dbms backup in case of primary server fault.
    The architecure we choosen is based on tre AIX server ( 1 application
    server, 1 main dbms server, 1 backup server ( oracle failover, envs
    We have started testing it using forte 2.0.h, but we realized that a
    more complete functionality will be offered using 3.0 KEEP_ALIVE
    features. So I could give you more feedback in the near future.
    What type of solution have you in mind ?
    Fabrizio Barbero
    Barbero Fabrizio
    Cso Unione Sovietica 216
    10134 Torino ITALY
    tel: +39 11 3168515
    fax: +39 11 3168212
    e-mail: [email protected]

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