Web Cache Parameters?

Hi Friends,
Can Anybody suggest a way to get the Web Cache CurrentTime/CurrentWebcacheStart/TimeSinceStart from the Command Line.The Web Cache GUI Tool running on port number 4000 shows All these details.My Problem is I need these kind of parameters from the Command Line.
Hope to Hear From your Side
G Sreekumar

I'm not sitting at a machine with access to a running cache, so I can't verify this just now. But somehow I don't think you can access these stats from the current webcachectl utility. According to the documentation, webcachectl status only gives you process id info: http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/A97688_08/generic.903/b10055/admin.htm#1009289
Please log an enhancement request via Metalink if you need this functionality.
Thank you.

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    Yes that works. But my question is how to cache the urls which has querystring. I was trying to give a regular expression to match the url so that the url which contains parameters like _afrLoop which changes with each HTTP request can also be cached.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    I suppose Deborah and Michael are working on the same project.
    If you're JESI tags, you can specify the cacheability of fragment within the code. You may want to refer to the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE JSP Tag Libraries and Utilies References. Chapter 6 contains a detailed description of JESI tags.
    Try this link

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    2) origin server
    3) site to server mapping
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    Hi, I can't exactly answer this as am not aware of Forms. But, as such, Web Cache does a good load balancing work provided you configure it well. Probably, you should try posting this in Forms forum too.
    Priyanka GES

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    Thanks in advance,

    Not sure I need any update to this now, I've just read through the help section 'help/edit_add_appserver.htm' and can see that a 404 is not considered a failure and also that the server only starts to poll when the failover threshold has been reached.
    This would explain why the server was not being marked as down, although I'm still not sure why I do not see the polling traffic in Apache logs but I can live with that :)

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    Shen Jie

    Shen Jie,
    Please review the Enterprise Deployment to see what are the best architectures.
    Hope this helps.

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    Output generated from configuration assistant "Web Cache Configuration Assistant" (attempt 2):
    Command = /oracle/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -DORACLE_HOME=/oracle/oms10g -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -classpath /oracle/oms10g/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/webcachecfg.jar:/oracle/oms10g/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/emd.jar:/oracle/oms10g/lib/emSDK.jar:/oracle/oms10g/dcm/lib/dcm.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jlib/repository.jar:/oracle/oms10g/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jdbc/lib/classes12.zip:/oracle/oms10g/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jlib/jndi.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jlib/rt.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jdk/lib/i18n.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jlib/ldapjclnt10.jar:/oracle/oms10g/jlib/ojmisc.jar:/oracle/oms10g/j2ee/home/jazn.jar:/oracle/oms10g/j2ee/home/jaas.jar oracle.ias.webcache.config.WebcacheConfig -oh /oracle/oms10g
    Failed in smi manipulation().
    A problem has occurred reading the initial configuration and storing it into repository
    Please refer to the base exception for resolution, or call Oracle support.
    Base Exception:
    /oracle/oms10g/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libdb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Please make sure the values entered in OHS configuration files are correct.
    oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.InvalidConfigurationException: Base Exception:
    /oracle/oms10g/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libdb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Please make sure the values entered in OHS configuration files are correct.
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.plugin.advanced.apache.StateTranslator.checkConfigFileValidity(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.plugin.advanced.apache.StateTranslator.validateConfigDuringEvaluate(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.plugin.advanced.apache.PlugInImpl.localConfigValidation(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.DcmPlugin.localConfigValidation(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.RepositoryImpl.performLocalValidation(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.SyncUpHandler._updatePluginConfigData(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.SyncUpHandler.syncUpFromLocalFiles(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.RepositoryImpl.syncUpFromLocalFiles(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.utility.editpropagator.PropagateLocalEdit.repositoryInit(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.utility.PMUtility.initConfiguration(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.initConfiguration(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.sysInit(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.sysInit(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.sysInit(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.init(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.EntryPoint.init(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.webcache.config.WebcacheConfig.smiSetup(WebcacheConfig.java:483)
         at oracle.ias.webcache.config.WebcacheConfig.smiEnableWebcache(WebcacheConfig.java:454)
         at oracle.ias.webcache.config.WebcacheConfig.enableConfiguration(WebcacheConfig.java:299)
         at oracle.ias.webcache.config.WebcacheConfig.main(WebcacheConfig.java:87)
    Configuration assistant "Web Cache Configuration Assistant" failed
    The "/oracle/agent10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    My etc/hosts file looks like:
    cat /etc/hosts
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost k25

    sorry, a little bit late but i had the same problem.
    /oracle/oms10g/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libdb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    simple make the link "ln -s libdb.so.3 libdb.so.2" in the /usr/lib directory.

  • Cisco Web Caching Solution

    Hi There,
    I need a high availability web caching solution for 500 users, preferential with proxy funcionality.
    Cisco had the Cisco Web Caching Engine, but it is End-of-Sales already. The new product that will replace the EOS product, is Wide Area Application Engine (WAE) plataforms. Is that right?
    The Cisco Global Price List has a SKU product SE512-IPROXY-K9 (Security / iProxy WAE-512 bundle, 1GB MEM, 1 250GB HDD Incl.).
    The question are:
    The SKU product SE512-IPROXY-K9 is the right product for my needs?
    What is the difference between the SKU SE512-IPROXY-K9 and the SKU WAE-512-K9?
    Pedro Vasques

    Hi Pedro,
    The WAE product line does WAN Optimization which includes HTTP optimization. The WAN Optimization solution works between two WAEs (one being at a Branch office and the other being at Data Center ). When employees at branch office tries to access resources like Servers at Data Center their TCP based traffic gets optimized. For more info pl go to http://www.cisco.com/go/waas
    Cisco's Web Caching was a different solution. It caches the web objects when first user goes to a given web site. The following user requests will be served locally as long as cache history is available for that web page.
    I suggest you contact either a Cisco partner or Cisco representative in your area.

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    when member_1 is working, i'm able to access site from all 3 web servers through both web cache http listener port and OHS listener port.
    Help !

    I understand this is not an EBS related question, so please post your question in the appropriate forum for a better/faster reply -- https://forums.oracle.com/forums/category.jspa?categoryID=13

  • Problem in web cache cluster in 10.1.2

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    But all the requests are getting routed through cluster member 1. When i'm bringing down services(HTTP, webcache,webcache admin) of member1 i'm unable yto access my website.
    when member_1 is working, i'm able to access site from all 3 web servers through both web cache http listener port and OHS listener port.
    Help !

    I understand this is not an EBS related question, so please post your question in the appropriate forum for a better/faster reply -- https://forums.oracle.com/forums/category.jspa?categoryID=13

  • Wccp web-cache -- can't get it working

    I installed a Squid based caching appliance, by Stratacache. it supports GRE wccp redirect in transparent mode, I have it configured as wccpv2 using the Router's LAN ip address
    Every time I turn on the caching for a host (or the entire LAN) the internet breaks for whomever I turn wccp on. I have tried disabling CEF and have moved the cache to it's own router interface.
    Topology of the Cisco 2801-SEC-K9 router, running 12.4(22)T advsecurity
    FastE 0/0 ( ---> connected directly to cache server
    FastE0/1 ( ---> Connected to internal LAN
    MultiLink1 (12.x.x.98)  ---> 4 T1 multilink to AT&T Internet Service
    so here is my config,
    ip wccp web-cache redirect-list 46 group-list 40 password webcache
    ip wccp version 2
    access-list 40 permit (cache server)
    access-list 46 permit (test host for wccp)
    interface fastethernet0/1
    ip wccp web-cache redirect in
    here is the output from the router
    Roosevelt-2801(config)#do sh ip wccp web-cache view
        WCCP Routers Informed of:
        WCCP Clients Visible:
        WCCP Clients NOT Visible:
    Roosevelt-2801(config)#do sh ip wccp web-cache det
    WCCP Client information:
            WCCP Client ID:
            Protocol Version:        2.0
            State:                   Usable
            Redirection:             GRE
            Packet Return:           GRE
            Assignment:              HASH
            Initial Hash Info:       00000000000000000000000000000000
            Hash Allotment:          256 (100.00%)
            Packets s/w Redirected:  914
            Connect Time:            1d18h
            Bypassed Packets
              Process:               0
              CEF:                   0
              Errors:                0
    Roosevelt-2801(config)#do sh ip wccp web
    Global WCCP information:
        Router information:
            Router Identifier:                   12.x.x.98
            Protocol Version:                    2.0
        Service Identifier: web-cache
            Number of Service Group Clients:     1
            Number of Service Group Routers:     1
            Total Packets s/w Redirected:        7800
              Process:                           94
              CEF:                               7706
            Service mode:                        Open
            Service Access-list:                 -none-
            Total Packets Dropped Closed:        0
            Redirect Access-list:                46
            Total Packets Denied Redirect:       8195426
            Total Packets Unassigned:            0
            Group Access-list:                   40
            Total Messages Denied to Group:      14
            Total Authentication failures:       8
            Total Bypassed Packets Received:     0
    So I can see the packets redirected, the cache never sees them, the router and cache can ping each other, the cache and LAN clients can ping each other - am I missing something?

    so I found the problem... hopefully this helps somebody else in the future... the problem is the redirected packets were sourced from the router multilink1 interface IP address and the cache was expecting them from the router fa0/0 interface, so it dropped them.
    also the cache has a "spoof client IP" option that was on, because we prefer to do this for netflow, but, I don't think client-IP-spoofing works with the standard web-cache wccp service. It was causing internet problems so I turned the spoofing off and it works fine...
    hope this helps

  • Web Cache doesn't work with Oracle Enterprise Manager

    In my Oracle 9i Application Server Release 2 since I have changed the administrator and invalidator password in the Web Cache Manager the Web Cache appears as unavailable in the Oracle Enterprise Manager, but it's working!! Any idea?

    You have to modify the password manually in OEM's target.xml.

  • IE browser and Web Cache and SSL - Internet Explorer cannot display the web page

    When using IE8, IE9, or IE10 with Web Cache and SSL certain pages which display a lot of data returns the error - "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page."
    if we eliminate SSL but continue to use Web Cache, the error does *not* reproduce & If we eliminate Web Cache altogether the error again does *not* reproduce.  The error is only reproducible when we use SSL with Web Cache and if we use IE and we access *large* pages. The error is not reproducible with Firefox or Chrome. This is a Web Tier installation with WebLogic 10.3.6 & Red Hat Enterprise 5 Linux x86-64
    Event_log shows below errors.
    [2013-06-13T16:34:35-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09002] [logging] [ecid: ] Generated by Oracle Web Cache on Thu Jun 13 16:34:35 2013 - Build 130113.0721
    [2013-06-13T16:34:36-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-08513] [logging] [ecid: ] Cache server process ID 4469 is starting up.
    [2013-06-13T16:34:36-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09612] [main] [ecid: ] Oracle Web Cache 11g (, Build 130113.0721
    [2013-06-13T16:34:37-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-13002] [config] [ecid: ] Maximum allowed incoming connections are 1000
    [2013-06-13T16:35:00-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09441] [stats] [ecid: ] DMS enabled
    [2013-06-13T16:35:28-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-12209] [cluster] [ecid: ] A 1 node cluster successfully initialized
    [2013-06-13T16:35:29-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09614] [main] [ecid: ] The following Oracle Web Cache internal files are pre-populated to the cache: [[
    [2013-06-13T16:35:29-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09614] [main] [ecid: ]  [[
    The following Oracle Web Cache internal files are pre-populated to the cache: [[
    [2013-06-13T16:35:29-04:00] [webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09608] [main] [ecid: ] The cache server process started successfully.
    [2013-06-13T16:35:29-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-12104] [utl] [ecid: ] Oracle Web Cache process has page faulted
    [2013-06-13T16:44:22-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-29049
    [2013-06-13T16:44:22-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: The record type is unknown.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:22-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: Remote IP []:55145
    [2013-06-13T16:44:22-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: Local IP
    [2013-06-13T16:44:22-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: SSL error during handshake (details: internal=The record type is unknown. system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-29049
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: The record type is unknown.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: Remote IP []:55144
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: Local IP
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: SSL error during handshake (details: internal=The record type is unknown. system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-29049
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: The record type is unknown.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: Remote IP []:55148
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: Local IP
    [2013-06-13T16:44:27-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: SSL error during handshake (details: internal=The record type is unknown. system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:35-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-28864
    [2013-06-13T16:44:35-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-28864
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:44:47-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:45:18-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:45:18-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:45:22-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-28864
    [2013-06-13T16:45:22-04:00] [webcache] [ERROR:32] [WXE-11904] [security] [ecid: ] SSL handshake fails SSL-28864
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:45:38-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    [2013-06-13T16:45:41-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11905] [security] [ecid: ] SSL additional information: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    [2013-06-13T16:45:41-04:00] [webcache] [WARNING:1] [WXE-11906] [security] [ecid: ] SSL details: success during initialization (details: internal=success system=Success)
    Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated
    Tnx a lot,

    Hello ,
    Try Below Workarounds:
    Workaround 1:
    Open Central Admin
    àApplication Management  à
    Configure Alternate access mapping-->Edit your web application zone and add your server name in Intranet zone. So default can be serverIP and intranet could be servername.
    Workaround 2:
    Might be there is some issue with DNS and try to check that WebApplication is pointing to correct IP or not.  
    Also try to access your Sharepoint site using ip Address .. If you still gets error Kindly share the logs .. 
    Regards Kuldeep Verma
    Please remember to click "Mark As Answer"
    if a post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if it was useful.

  • An error occurred while starting "Web Cache".

    We have corrected the issue. There was something wrong with the files in the WebCache Folder.
    When starting Web Cache we get the following message:
    An error occurred while starting "Web Cache".
    WebCache : WebCache - failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
    WebCache : WebCacheAdmin - failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
    For more information, look at the logs using the related link below.
    Related Link Error Logs
    When we open the event_log in the \webcache\logs folder, there is nothing there. The process is not writing any type of message to the event_log.
    We have tried changing port numbers without any success.
    This process was working until a restart of the server yesterday. Now Web Cache and Portal are not showing active.
    Thank you for any input on this matter.
    Message was edited by:

    Try to stop processes that might still occupy the port of the webcache and webcache admin.
    Also check the logfiles in the opmn.

  • Need help resolving Web Cache upgrading error

    I successfully installed 10g AS on top of my 9i AS (9.0.3) on a different Oracle home. Then I proceeded to run the Upgrade Assistant (iasua.bat). Everything went well except the upgrade of Web Cache failed. I'm only installing/upgradeing the J2EE and Web Cache. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm running on XP SP2.
    the following are the lines in iasua.log related to the error:
    2007/04/04 21:10:22.890 GMT NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Starting to upgrade WebCache.
    2007/04/04 21:10:23.515 GMT ERROR:1 WebCache: Invalid element 'MULTIVERSIONHEADERSRULE' in content of 'CACHEABILITYRULE', expected elements '[SELECTORS]'.
    2007/04/04 21:10:23.515 GMT ERROR:1 WebCache: Unable to upgrade file C:\Oracle\ora9ias\webcache\webcache.xml
    2007/04/04 21:10:23.515 GMT NOTIFICATION:1 Framework: Finished upgrading WebCache with status: Failure.

    What that means is Silverlight can't find a required component.
    When I clicked on the site, it loaded pretty slow but I got to see the login screen without error.
    Either the expected dll is cached on my machine or you have an intermittent problem.
    As I'm a some-time Silverlight developer I could well have necessary dll if they are standard components.
    As an outside chance...
    You could try clearing your cache in case it's a versioning issue.
    Failing  that, I suppose you could maybe install the Silverlight and blend sdk.
    One thing you could easy try.
    Does Silverlight work for you generally?
    Follow the link on this page:
    If that errors then it's the install on your machine.
    Hope that helps.
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    Dynamic XAML

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