Web form not updating database with stored procedure

i have a problem with the web form updating the database i have a stored procedure which i need to connect to. If i execute the procedure in the SQL it will update the database but when i run the web form i get my catch error "could not update database".
I have read so much on the net and my code seem ok but i,m just so lost.
stored procedure
PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateCustomer]
@Firstname VARCHAR(30),
@Surname VARCHAR(30),
@Age INT
UPDATE Customer
SET Firstname = @Firstname,
Surname = @Surname,
Age = @Age
update code
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
command.Connection = conn;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.CommandText = "UpdateCustomer";
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@ID";
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.Value = txtCustID.Text;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustID", txtCustID.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Firstname", txtFirstname.Text);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Surname", txtSurname.Text);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Gender", Gender.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Age" ,txtAge.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address1", txtAddress1.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address2", txtAddress2.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", txtCity.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Phone", txtPhone.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Mobile", txtMobile.Text.ToString());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", txtEmail.Text.ToString());
lblMessage.Text = "Your Record(s) Have been Updated";
lblMessage.Text = "Your Record was not updated please try again";
Thank you for your help

To expand on Mike's advice.
Change your catch to:
catch(Exception ex)
{ // Break point here
lblMessage.Text = "Your Record was not updated please try again";
Put a break point in where the comment says.
Run it.
Hover over ex or add a quickwatch ( right click it ) and see what the error and inner exception is.
I see several problems though.
You have way too many parameters and Age should be int.
They are objects  - they have a type.
It'll be a string with your code there.
Something more like
command.Parameters.Add("@Age", SqlDbType.Int);
command.Parameters["@Age"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(txtAge.Text);
Although that might not cut and paste, it's air code intended to give you the idea.
Hope that helps.
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    ** And the code!!!
    ** ###   I am forced to do this for each call to a procedure???? ###
    package myrefcursor.model;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Types;
    import oracle.jbo.JboException;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.NullValue;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
    import oracle.jbo.server.DBTransaction;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
    public class TraePolizasViewImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
        private static final String SQL = "begin ? := PKG_PRUEBA.trae_polizas(?);end;";
        private static final String COUNTSQL = "begin ? := PKG_PRUEBA.count_trae_polizas(?);end;";
        public TraePolizasViewImpl() {
        protected void executeQueryForCollection(Object qc,Object[] params,int numUserParams) {
            BigDecimal rut_contratante = null;
            Object[] theUserParam = null;
            if (params != null)
                theUserParam = (Object[]) params[0];
            //if (theUserParam != null && theUserParam.length > 0 )
            if (! (theUserParam[1]   instanceof NullValue) )
                rut_contratante = (BigDecimal)theUserParam[1];
            storeNewResultSet(qc ,retrieveRefCursor(qc, rut_contratante));
            super.executeQueryForCollection(qc, params, numUserParams);
        protected void create() {
        protected ViewRowImpl createRowFromResultSet(Object qc, ResultSet rs) {
          rs = getResultSet(qc);
          ViewRowImpl r = createNewRowForCollection(qc);
          try {
            populateAttributeForRow(r,0, nullOrNewNumber(rs.getBigDecimal(1)));
            populateAttributeForRow(r,1, rs.getString(2));
          catch (SQLException s) {
           throw new JboException(s);
          return r;
        protected boolean hasNextForCollection(Object qc) {
          ResultSet rs = getResultSet(qc);
          boolean nextOne = false;
          try {
            nextOne = rs.next();
            if (!nextOne) {
              setFetchCompleteForCollection(qc, true);
          catch (SQLException s) {
           throw new JboException(s);
          return nextOne;
        protected void releaseUserDataForCollection(Object qc, Object rs) {
           ResultSet userDataRS = getResultSet(qc);
           if (userDataRS != null) {
            try {    userDataRS.close();    }
            catch (SQLException s) { ; }  
          super.releaseUserDataForCollection(qc, rs);
        public long getQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet) {
          return viewRowSet.getRowCount();
        private ResultSet retrieveRefCursor(Object qc, BigDecimal rut_contratante) {
          CallableStatement st = null;
          try {
            st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(SQL, DBTransaction.DEFAULT);
            if (rut_contratante == null)
                st.setNull(2, Types.NUMERIC);
                st.setBigDecimal(2, rut_contratante);
            ResultSet rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)st).getCursor(1);
            return rs ;
          catch (SQLException s) {
            throw new JboException(s);
          finally {try {st.close();} catch (SQLException s) {;}}
        private void storeNewResultSet(Object qc, ResultSet rs) {
          ResultSet existingRs = getResultSet(qc);
          if (existingRs != null) {
            try {existingRs.close();} catch (SQLException s) {;}  
          hasNextForCollection(qc); // Prime the pump with the first row.
        private ResultSet getResultSet(Object qc) {
            return (ResultSet)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
        private static Number nullOrNewNumber(BigDecimal b) {
             try {
               return b != null ? new Number(b) : null;
             catch (SQLException s) { ; }
             return null;
        public BigDecimal getprutcontratante() {
            return (BigDecimal)getNamedWhereClauseParam("prutcontratante");
        public void setprutcontratante(BigDecimal value) {
            setNamedWhereClauseParam("prutcontratante", value);


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    Create a report.
    Create a form based on procedure.
    Create a link based on the above form.
    Attach this like to the report Id column.
    Now edit this link and supply the value for ID (Select the column) for the corresponding form field.

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    ***** PROBLEM **************
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    This topic is discussed at length in another thread "How Set Value For Query DataSource Arguments?"
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    My Bad. The problem Cause : I did not include all columns in the
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    It happens to me. But I am using CMP of Weblogic 7. If you write your own jdbc code, the following link may be helpful.

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    i am in the middle of SAP ECC 5.0 installation .In the Database instance installation at the step 29 database update statistics, system stops giving error
    ERROR 2009-05-24 08:46:44
    CJS-00288  Could not update database statistics.<br>
    DIAGNOSIS: Command brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPDB5 returned 3.<br>SOLUTION: See brconnect.log for details.
    when i checked in brconnect.log i found below error message
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (16)
    BR0999E Loading of SQL client library oci.dll failed - please check Oracle configuration
    BR0310E Connect to database instance DB5 failed
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2009-05-24 08.46.44
    BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
    Q))Which oracle version are you using since BRTOOLS 7.0 is designed to work with Oracle 10g?
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    please help me

    Hi All,
    Thanks for your help, that error it has passed but now in 31 st step starting RFC jobs
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    FRF-00007  Unable to open RFC connection.
    ERROR 2009-05-25 18:08:05
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    but early during the last error update database statistics the SAP MMC console was up and running but now SAP is down during this error
    i tried to start SAP manually but it never works dispatcher goes down, i searched in forums and thought to update the kernal, so i updated the kernal also and tried it then also same error
    please help me my situation is very pathatic, i will be greatful if you help me

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    Hi Gurus..
    Hi i am in the middle of NW 2004  installation . At the step 29 database update statistics, system stops giving error
    ERROR 2008-04-30 09:10:35
    CJS-00288 Could not update database statistics.
    DIAGNOSIS: Command brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPP47 returned
    3.SOLUTION: See brconnect.log for details.
    When i checked in brconnect.log i found below error message
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (16)
    BR0999E Loading of SQL client library oci.dll failed - please check Oracle configuration
    BR0310E Connect to database instance P47 failed
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2008-04-30 09.10.35
    BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
    Q))Which oracle version are you using since BRTOOLS 7.0 is desinged to work with Oracle 10g?
    If you are using an oracle 9.2.* it is needed to install oracle instantclient or to downgrade your db tools (brt* tools)......  Through :Forums I came to know that we have to downgrade  the br*tools to
    Could you please help me how to downgrade the Brtools.
    It's urgent.
    Points will be awarded .

    Hi janakiram
    Now i am facing the same error which you have faced before, have you solved that issue if it so could you pls help me how to solve this
    Hi All,
    i am in the middle of SAP ECC 5.0 installation .In the Database instance installation at the step 29 database update statistics, system stops giving error
    ERROR 2009-05-24 08:46:44
    CJS-00288 Could not update database statistics.
    DIAGNOSIS: Command brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPDB5 returned 3.
    SOLUTION: See brconnect.log for details.
    when i checked in brconnect.log i found below error message
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (16)
    BR0999E Loading of SQL client library oci.dll failed - please check Oracle configuration
    BR0310E Connect to database instance DB5 failed
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2009-05-24 08.46.44
    BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
    Q))Which oracle version are you using since BRTOOLS 7.0 is designed to work with Oracle 10g?
    If you are using an oracle 9.2.* it is needed to install oracle instant client or to downgrade your db tools (brt* tools)...... Through :Forums I came to know that we have to downgrade the br*tools to
    Could you please help me how to downgrade the Brtools or could you please suggest me how to proceed
    please help me

  • Could not update database error while installation

    Hi i am in the middle of 4.7 installation (IDES). At the step 29 database update statistics, system stops giving error
    ERROR 2008-04-30 09:10:35
    CJS-00288  Could not update database statistics.
    <br>DIAGNOSIS: Command brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPP47 returned
    3.<br>SOLUTION: See brconnect.log for details.
    Can anybody tell what could be the problem.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your reply. Following are the details of file brconnect.log:
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (16)
    BR0999E Loading of SQL client library oci.dll failed - please check Oracle configuration
    BR0310E Connect to database instance P47 failed
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2008-04-30 09.10.35
    BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors

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    I tried Peggy's List > Select All > Copy > Paste into an AW spreadsheet suggestion.
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    Post Author: Ranjith.403
    CA Forum: General
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    Help me to solve it.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Try modularising this large procedure into smaller procedures and functions, and determine which part is causing you trouble.

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    I think you can use DBMS_DATAPUMP (10.1+), see [DBMS_DATAPUMP|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28419/d_datpmp.htm#i1007277], for examples see [http://www.psoug.org/reference/dbms_datapump.html]

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    You cannot open or connect in plsql procedure, but can use database link.
    Message was edited by:

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