Web Page Cmposer  XML EditorFramework

Hi Guru's,
I search alot in sdn and help.sap but i couldn't able to find out the Web Page Cmposer  XML EditorFramework . So Please help me .
Points will be revert back.

Web Content Management: Web Page Composer in SAP NetWeaver Portal
Web Page Composer - the XML Editor Framework (Part II)
reward points if helpful

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    Two places with loads of information on this:
    Look at Xalan or Cocoon.
    Also, there was an article on http://www.javaworld.com on XML with JSP.

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    The lack of answers is likely due to folks having no clue. What you have asked is not really the purpose of either Acrobat or LiveCycle, but that is not to say it can not be done. A starting point is to bring a WEB page into Acrobat as a PDF. This can be done by printing from the browser to the Adobe PDF printer, using PDF Maker with IE or FIrefox, or simply creating directly in Acrobat. Those are the normal ways to get things from a web page to a PDF.
    That said, it is not what you asked. You are asking about being able to parse parts of the web page. That is a lot more work and may not be directly possible, though with JavaScript it might be possible. I suspect that if it is possible you would require a lot of extra programming to allow the material selection. It may be the folks in the SDK sub-forum can help.
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    In terms of your post, I really don't remember seeing the original, but that was right near the end of the semester and I was not checking the forum very much. There are various reasons folks may not reply, typically because they have no clue. Templates are also somewhat specialized and there are not many posts about them. My guess is that the template aspect may have had a lot of folks skip the post. In any case, I have tried to give you some thoughts.

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    Hi Anja,  yes i can index other files in other repositories and  it worked well, at Display Queue Entries, i  saw that the error is only indicated in output.xml into Site/Web Pages/name of web page / output.xml of WPC , will  i need to configure other parameters for index?
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    XML Publisher Template Builder for WORD
    Version 5.6 Build 45
    XDO.H     *3263588*
    4.5.0     *3554613*
    5.0.0     *3822219*
    5.5.0     *4206181*
    5.0.1     *4236958*
    5.6.0     *4561451*
    5.6.1     *4905678*
    5.6.2     *5097966*
    5.6.3     *5472959*

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    Parameter value:
    Pass thru String List to Xml Parser with delim ";"
    Repeat on each row/item and pass thru String List to Xml Parser with delim ","
    Of course, your columns aren't flat but they are easy to ref, to get "column 2" for example:
    So now you have rows and columns. Assign your data to your BAPI structured as needed.
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    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache" >
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/xpath.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/SpryUtils.js"> </script>
    <script type="text/javascript">var A1D1xml = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("A1D1ACRs_testWxmlCode.asp", "tests/test");</script>
    <title>Test XML Main</title>  
          <div id="A1D1xml" spry:region="A1D1xml">
                                    <table id="A1D1">
                <th>Last Name</th>
                <th>Final Status</th>
                <tr spry:repeat="A1D1xml">
    Here's the code for the page that generates the XML: A1D1ACRs_testWxmlCode.asp
    set objConn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.Open application("web_test")
    set rs = objConn.Execute( "SELECT acr_id, acr_lastName, acr_final_status from acr_records_grid_view where acr_changeOption = 'A1D1'")
    Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
    Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "public"
    Response.AddHeader "Cache-control", "private"
    Response.AddHeader "Expires", "-1"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <%While (NOT rs.EOF)%>
                                    <acr_final_status><![CDATA[<%=(rs.Fields.Item("acr_final_status").Value)%>]]></acr_final_s tatus>
    Set rs = Nothing

    Thanks, but no; I'm using the correct case and folder.
    With this code on the main page, The region flashes the table column header names
    and the code as written for the spry repeat; then instantly disappears from the screen.
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/xpath.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js"></script
    <script type="text/javascript">var A1D1x = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("A1D1ACRs_testWxmlCode.xml", "tests/test");</script>
    <title>Test XML Main</title>  
          <div id="A1D1" spry:region="A1D1x">
                   <table id="A1D1a">
                <th>Last Name</th>
                <th>Final Status</th>
                <tr spry:repeat="A1D1x">

  • Is there any way to read XML directly from a Web Page ??

    i have a url, which on sending request, shows XML in browser.
    Now i need to read this XML in browser and then manipulate it according to my need and display it on another page.
    actually the process is. :
    1) i have to first retrieve an xml from other site. (XML will only be shown in browser)
    2.)then i have to read the Xml and show it in according to my requirements.
    Is there any way to read XML directly from a Web Page ??
    is their logic to accomplish this.
    e.g in Servlet i can do somewhat like this :
    String wholeXml=Somemethod(url);
    Please Advice

    the average Java XML parser will accept an InputStream, so just open an URLConnection to the webpage, get the inputstream from it and feed that inputstream to the XML parser. If the URL has valid XML data, it will get parsed without problems.

  • Creation of a portal page using XML web form

    Hi Experts,
    I want to know how to make a portal page using XML web forms... Please tell me the steps involved in doing the aforesaid.
    Thanks in advance...

    You compose page using WPC(Web page Composer), this is a bussiness package, which you need to deploy it on portal server then will get a WPC role which you can assign the user and then user can start composing the using follwoing PDF
    To compose it chect this pdf

  • Best technology to navigate through a very large XML file in a web page

    I have a very large XML file that needs to be displayed in my web page, may be as a tree structure. Visitors should be able to go to any level depth nodes and access the children elements or text element of those nodes.
    I thought about using DOM parser with Java but dropped that idea as DOM would be stored in memory and hence its space consuming. Neither SAX works for me as every time there is a click on any of the nodes, my SAX parser parses the whole document for the node and its time consuming.
    Could anyone please tell me the best technology and best parser to be used for very large XML files?

    Thank you for your suggestion. I have a question,
    though. If I use a relational database and try to
    access it for EACH and EVERY click the user makes,
    wouldn't that take much time to populate the page with
    Isn't XML store more efficient here? Please reply me.You have the choice of reading a small number of records (10 children per element?) from a database, or parsing multiple megabytes. Reading 10 records from a database should take maybe 100 milliseconds (1/10 of a second). I have written a web application that reads several hundred records and returns them with acceptable response time, and I am no expert. To parse an XML file of many megabytes... you have already tried this, so you know how long it takes, right? If you haven't tried it then you should. It's possible to waste a lot of time considering alternatives -- the term is "analysis paralysis". Speculating on how fast something might be doesn't get you very far.

  • How to read XML from web page inside servlet/jsp ?

    i have a url, which on sending request, shows XML in browser.
    Now i need to read this XML in browser and then manipulate it according to my need and display it on another page.
    actually the process is. :
    1) i have to first retrieve an xml from other site. (XML will only be shown in browser)
    2.)then i have to read the Xml and show it in according to my requirements.
    Is there any way to read XML directly from a Web Page ??
    is their logic to accomplish this.
    e.g in Servlet i can do somewhat like this :
    String wholeXml=Somemethod(url);
    Please Advice

    if u wanna extract data from XML. you can use Digester(Apache-jakarta) parser. All u need to create the beans(as per the data in xml), that will be populated by Digester.
    Digester takes xml(string) as parameter and populates the bean specified.
    U can use this bean in ur JSP.
    :::Note:::; use Digester in ur servlet.
    for more read:::
    I hope it shall work..

  • XML web pages

    Dear All,
    How come the URL (http://www.sun.com/training/index.xml) contains the page extention as xml instead of html, jsp, php ... etc? and the web browser open the xml page like other normal web pages.
    However, when i try to open any xml page in web browser it opens it as xml tags instead of any web page.

    Suppose if i am calling a web page like this www.blabla.c#
    whether it is possible to done this in web.xml

  • Setting web pages resource in web.xml

    Hi all
    I want to set the location of my jsps in a different folder of my web app root.
    I mean i have a subfolder of web app root and i want to set this subfolder as web pages location.
    Any idea ? setting anything with the web.xml?

    you need not set a different path.. u can just type in folder name in the browser
    http://localhost ..../folder/index.jsp
    (immediately after the port number)

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    Sounds like you'll need to manually substitute a compatible iPad font...

  • How can I display XSLT transformer errors on a web page ?

    I have some JSP pages that access DB, create an XML based on DB data and then transform it into HTML through an XSLT stylesheet. Developing the XSL code it's easy to make mistakes and generate errors on trasformation, but what I receive on the web page is only a "Could not compile stylesheet" TransformerConfigurationException, while the real cause of the error is displayed only on tomcat logs. This is the code for transformation:
    static public void applyXSLT(Document docXML, InputStream isXSL, PrintWriter pw) throws TransformerException, Exception {
            // instantiate the TransformerFactory.
            TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
            // creates an error listener
            XslErrorListener xel = new XslErrorListener();
            // sets the error listener for the factory
            // generate the transformer
            Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new SAXSource(new InputSource(isXSL)));
            // transforms the XML Source and sends the output to the HTTP response
            transformer.transform(new DOMSource(docXML), new StreamResult(pw));
    }If an exception is thrown during the execution of this code, its error message is displayed on the web page.
    This is the listener class:
    public class XslErrorListener implements ErrorListener {
        public XslErrorListener() {
        public void warning(TransformerException ex) {
            // logs on error log
            System.err.println("\n\nWarning on XEL: " + ex.getMessage());
        public void error(TransformerException ex) throws TransformerException {
            // logs on error log
            System.err.println("\n\nError on XEL: " + ex.getMessage());
            // and throws it
            throw ex;
        public void fatalError(TransformerException ex) throws TransformerException {
            // logs on error log
            System.err.println("\n\nFatal Error on XEL: " + ex.getMessage());
            // and throws it
            throw ex;
    }When I have an error in the XSL stylesheet (for examples a missing closing tag), I can find on tomcat logs the real cause of the error:
    [Fatal Error] :59:10: The element type "table" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</table>".
    Error on XEL: The element type "table" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</table>".but on my web page is reported just the TransformerConfigurationException message that is:
    "Could not compile stylesheet".
    How can I display the real cause of the error directly on the web page?

    This code is part of a bigger project that let developers edit XSL stylesheets through a file upload on the system and we can't impose the use of any tool for checking the xsl. So, I need to display the transformer error on the web page.I see. This code is part of an editorial/developmental tool for developers to create and edit XSL stylesheets.
    As part of the editorial process, XSL errors during editing can be considered a normal condition. In other words, it is normal to expect that the developers will generate XSL errors as they are developing stylesheets.
    In this light, handling the XSL transformation errors is a business requirement that you need to handle. Using the Java Exceptions mechanisms, e.g. try / catch are inappropriate to handle business requirements, in my opinion.
    I suggest that you look at how you handle the occurence of XSL errors differently than what you currently have. You need to:
    (1) capture the Transformation exception on the server;
    (2) extract the message from the exception and put it into a message that can be easily understood by the user;
    The current error message that you have going to the web browser is not useful.
    And you should not have the Transformation exception sent to the web browser either.
    What you are attempting to do with the exception is not appropriate.
    Handle the Transformation exception on the Business tier and use it to create a useful message that is then sent to the Presentation tier. In other words, do not send Java exceptions to web browser.

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