Webdynpro to flashisland binding issue

Hi all, i have i think a little issue, I have a flashIsland with a property called "val1", this property binded with a context element called "valor" filled with a value in wdDoInit method.
In my flash movie I had a public bindible variable called "val1" as string, all I want to do is pass val1 wd value to a label placed in the flash movie, something lke label.text = val1 ;  but nothing appears in the label.
I can pass values flex -> sap with a storeproperty statement but not sap -> flex

adding a text={"val1"} to the mxml tag bind the variable

Similar Messages

  • Attachment binding issue in workflow

    Hi All,
    I have used FM 'SAP_WAPI_ATTACHMENT_ADD ' in method of my workflow. Here after executing this FM i m getting id of the attachment for this workitem. But now i need to assign this to  '_Attach_Objects' of workflow container. so please help me for this binding issue. which i need to bind from method to> task to> workflow. so from next step onwards in workflow i will get that attachment.
    Smit Shah

    1) In the T.code SWO1, you have to create a custom method for the BO, there execute that method and check whether it working fine
    2) Then goto  T.code PFTC and Create a Task (Task no. will generate automatically), then call this method and generate the binding
    3) Goto  T.code SWDD and call that Task by assigning that Task no. and assign the binding
    Then test your workflow.
    For the Binding see this [link|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/c8/bfc39b0fc57a49a0291378f8be0cd6/frameset.htm].

  • A data-binding issue with a combo box.

    Iu2019m having a data-binding issue with a combo box.  The field it is bound to is an integer.  The valid values in the combo box are 1, 2, and 3.  If I add a record when it is set to 1 or 2, the value gets stored correctly.  If I add a record when it is set to 3, it is stored as 1.  However, I can bring up the record just added on the form, change it to 3, and click u201CUpdateu201D and it is saved correctly as 3.  If I change it so that the valid values are 4, 5, and 6, it saves a 1 regardless of what is selected in the combo box.  It looks like the combo box is correctly bound for updates but not for adds.  The table is a master type UDO.  Any ideas?  Iu2019m somewhat committed to the field being an integer.  I'm using 2007A PL47.
    Edited by: Mike Angelastro on Jul 1, 2009 2:43 PM

    I tried a few things on my own.  The result is that I decided that it was not a good idea to use a combo box bound to an integer (numeric) field.  I donu2019t think the SDK can handle it.  The reason it was an integer field in the first place is that before I changed it to a combo box it was a group of two option buttons.  Option buttons use an integer (numeric) field.  This worked just fine until I added a third option; the SDK didnu2019t handle the third option correctly when adding records.  I thought that using a combo box instead would fix that.  I was wrong; the problem remained.  So I decided to use a character (alphanumeric) field instead.  This works just fine.
    So here is my advice:  Never use option buttons if they need to be bound to the database; a combo box will actually work better when bound to the database.  But use a character (alphanumeric) field.
    Edited by: Mike Angelastro on Jul 5, 2009 9:15 PM

  • [svn:cairngorm3:] 17187: Fixed binding issue on the source property of the contact's picture

    Revision: 17187
    Revision: 17187
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-08-04 13:44:35 -0700 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fixed binding issue on the source property of the contact's picture
    Modified Paths:
        cairngorm3/trunk/samples/insync/insync-modularExtended-contacts/src/insync/contacts/prese ntation/ContactForm.mxml

    Revision: 17187
    Revision: 17187
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-08-04 13:44:35 -0700 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fixed binding issue on the source property of the contact's picture
    Modified Paths:
        cairngorm3/trunk/samples/insync/insync-modularExtended-contacts/src/insync/contacts/prese ntation/ContactForm.mxml

  • [svn:cairngorm3:] 17186: Fixed binding issue on the source property of the contact's picture

    Revision: 17186
    Revision: 17186
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-08-04 13:43:41 -0700 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fixed binding issue on the source property of the contact's picture
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 17186
    Revision: 17186
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-08-04 13:43:41 -0700 (Wed, 04 Aug 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fixed binding issue on the source property of the contact's picture
    Modified Paths:

  • DataSource - FlashIsland concepts issue

    Hi everyone, I´m working with FlashIslands and I guess I have a concept issue here with the GACDATASOURCE ....I just can´t iterate the arraycollection in flex.
    in WD:
    I have a node called A, with 3 attributes, the node cardinality can be 0 .... to N.
    I have GACDataSource (Context Node) and three properties (Node Attributes) binded to the context
    in flex :
    I set a Bindable ArrayContainer object called "tableDataContainer"
    I set a Bindable attribute for each of the properties
    well, i cant get the attributes values,  the arraycontainer is properly created.... the arrayContainer size and the context node size are both of 3, then i guess I already have the values in flex. but i cant get data, only Objects...
    Try 1:
    var obj:Object = tableDataContainer.getIndexAt(0);
    Try2 :
    var obj:Object = tableDataContainer.getIndexAt(0);
    does everyone know how to iterate the plain content of the ArrayContainer ?

    hi isaac,
    not sure this is what you are looking for. i am a flex developer, have limited amount of knowledge of SAP.
    the result of the following code:
    Object 0 => name = p
    Object 1 => name = m
    Object 2 => name = e
    completed code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
                   import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                   private function initApp(event:FlexEvent):void
                        var leng:int = tableContainer.length;
                        for(var i:int=0; i<leng; i++)
                             trace("Object " + i + " => name = " + tableContainer<i>.name);
         <mx:ArrayCollection id="tableContainer">
                   <mx:Object id="p" name="p" />
                   <mx:Object id="m" name="m" />
                   <mx:Object id="e" name="e" />               
    normally, when i get the set of data from the server into my flex app, i will put them into value objects(vo) individually and add each vo to the array collection which is binded to the data source.
    hopefully this helps.

  • SQL query / binding issues on my web page

    This may or maynot be the place to ask, but maybe someone can
    tell me what
    to look at...
    I created a page some time back.. and its displays a few
    fields of data
    based on the id passed to it..
    This works fine, but now that we are trying to improve the
    site a little,
    they want some additonal information displayed
    on the page.. so those changes were made about 2 weeks ago...
    now that some
    of the newer records contain the data
    they want displayed, some data is not displaying.. or it will
    display and
    other fields ( that were displaying before ) are now
    missing.. the web page hasnt been touched in 2 weeks.. if we
    execute the
    store procedure within SQL and within our web program
    it always returns the correct data.. but the fields that i
    have binded to
    the page are taking on a life of there own...
    Not sure if anyone has had this problem, but its getting
    annoying.. when i
    execute this within SQL it returns all the values requested.
    If i execute it
    within dreamweaver to show me what results i will get back it
    works there..
    but after i bind the fields to my page and view it only some
    or all my
    fields do not display any data... but if i play around with
    the order of my
    select statement below i can get some fields to display and
    disappear... and i dont ever touch my webpage again...
    Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Or is there a
    better way to
    display my results so that what i get back with my query will
    here is my stored procedure that im calling
    availsat1,availsat2,h.comby,ssn_dash = dbo.SSN_dash(cssn),
    Home = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(chphone),
    Mobile = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(cmphone),
    Other = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(cophone),
    Jobtitle =
    when c.st = '90' then
    (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j where j.hjob
    = h.jobid and
    j.hlocation = 'DC')
    (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j where j.hjob
    = h.jobid and
    j.hlocation <> 'DC')
    (Select T.term_reason
    From has.dbo.termcodes T, has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    where T.term_val = H.termcode and h.cid = @cid) as
    Days = @day,
    Months = @month,
    Years = @year
    FROM has_arc.dbo.EmpCandidate C, has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    WHERE C.cid = @cid AND C.cid = H.cid
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript

    And when it says read the columns left to right... i would
    imagine that
    means my select statement should select the columns in the
    order of which
    they are in the tables?
    so in my case.. if HomePhone is last column in my table it
    should be the
    last in the select statement?
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript
    "Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Now when you say TEXT type.. your refering to the data
    types i have setup
    > in the database? correct
    > Within the database the fields that im querying are
    pretty much all
    > varchar a few are date and one int
    > --
    > ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript
    > "Joris van Lier" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> "Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> This may or maynot be the place to ask, but
    maybe someone can tell me
    >>> what
    >>> to look at...
    >>> I created a page some time back.. and its
    displays a few fields of data
    >>> based on the id passed to it..
    >>> This works fine, but now that we are trying to
    improve the site a
    >>> little,
    >>> they want some additonal information displayed
    >>> on the page.. so those changes were made about 2
    weeks ago... now that
    >>> some
    >>> of the newer records contain the data
    >>> they want displayed, some data is not
    displaying.. or it will display
    >>> and
    >>> other fields ( that were displaying before ) are
    >>> missing.. the web page hasnt been touched in 2
    weeks.. if we execute the
    >>> store procedure within SQL and within our web
    >>> it always returns the correct data.. but the
    fields that i have binded
    >>> to
    >>> the page are taking on a life of there own...
    >>> Not sure if anyone has had this problem, but its
    getting annoying.. when
    >>> i
    >>> execute this within SQL it returns all the
    values requested. If i
    >>> execute it
    >>> within dreamweaver to show me what results i
    will get back it works
    >>> there..
    >>> but after i bind the fields to my page and view
    it only some or all my
    >>> fields do not display any data... but if i play
    around with the order of
    >>> my
    >>> select statement below i can get some fields to
    display and other
    >>> disappear... and i dont ever touch my webpage
    >>> Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Or is
    there a better way to
    >>> display my results so that what i get back with
    my query will always
    >>> display....
    >>> here is my stored procedure that im calling
    >>> SELECT
    >>> h.cdatet,h.startdate,h.managername,h.termby,
    >>> availsat1,availsat2,h.comby,ssn_dash =
    >>> Home = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(chphone),
    >>> Mobile =
    >>> Other =
    >>> Jobtitle =
    >>> case
    >>> when c.st = '90' then
    >>> (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j
    where j.hjob = h.jobid
    >>> and
    >>> j.hlocation = 'DC')
    >>> else
    >>> (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j
    where j.hjob = h.jobid
    >>> and
    >>> j.hlocation <> 'DC')
    >>> end,
    >>> (Select T.term_reason
    >>> From has.dbo.termcodes T,
    has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    >>> where T.term_val = H.termcode and h.cid = @cid)
    as TermReason,
    >>> Days = @day,
    >>> Months = @month,
    >>> Years = @year
    >>> FROM has_arc.dbo.EmpCandidate C,
    has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    >>> WHERE C.cid = @cid AND C.cid = H.cid
    >>> END
    >>> --
    >>> ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript
    >> Are any of these fields by chance of TEXT type (or
    other Binary Large
    >> OBject type)?
    >> In this case there are certain limitations the text
    fields must be the
    >> last in your SQL statement and may only
    >> be retrieved ONCE reliably.
    >> <%
    >> Dim myTextVar
    >> myTextVar = Recordset.Fields.Item("TEXTFIELD").value
    >> %>
    >> <% If NOT IsNull(myTextVar) Then%>
    >> <%=(Replace(myTextVar, chr(13),
    >> <% End If ' NOT IsNull(myTextVar) %>
    >> Here's an excerpt from the Microsoft Site
    >> When dealing with BLOB fields from Microsoft SQL
    Server, you must put
    >> them
    >> to the right of non-BLOB columns in the resultset.
    To be safe, you should
    >> also read the columns in left-to-right order, so if
    you have two BLOB
    >> columns as the last two columns in your resultset,
    read the first one and
    >> then the second. Do not read them in the reverse
    >> MS:
    >> Joris van Lier

  • SQL query / binding issues within dreamweaver

    Not sure if anyone has had this problem, but its getting
    annoying.. when i
    execute this within SQL it returns all the values requested.
    If i execute it
    within dreamweaver to show me what results i will get back it
    works there..
    but after i bind the fields to my page and view it only some
    or all my
    fields do not display any data... but if i play around with
    the order of my
    select statement below i can get some fields to display and
    disappear... and i dont ever touch my webpage again...
    Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Or is there a
    better way to
    display my results so that what i get back with my query will
    here is my stored procedure that im calling
    availsat1,availsat2,h.comby,ssn_dash = dbo.SSN_dash(cssn),
    Home = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(chphone),
    Mobile = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(cmphone),
    Other = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(cophone),
    Jobtitle =
    when c.st = '90' then
    (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j where j.hjob
    = h.jobid and
    j.hlocation = 'DC')
    (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j where j.hjob
    = h.jobid and
    j.hlocation <> 'DC')
    (Select T.term_reason
    From has.dbo.termcodes T, has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    where T.term_val = H.termcode and h.cid = @cid) as
    Days = @day,
    Months = @month,
    Years = @year
    FROM has_arc.dbo.EmpCandidate C, has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    WHERE C.cid = @cid AND C.cid = H.cid
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript

    Can anyone help shed some light on this?
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript
    "Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ff3ud8$10k$[email protected]..
    > Not sure if anyone has had this problem, but its getting
    annoying.. when i
    > execute this within SQL it returns all the values
    requested. If i execute
    > it within dreamweaver to show me what results i will get
    back it works
    > there.. but after i bind the fields to my page and view
    it only some or
    > all my fields do not display any data... but if i play
    around with the
    > order of my select statement below i can get some fields
    to display and
    > other disappear... and i dont ever touch my webpage
    > Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Or is there a
    better way to
    > display my results so that what i get back with my query
    will always
    > display....
    > here is my stored procedure that im calling
    > SELECT
    > h.cdatet,h.startdate,h.managername,h.termby,
    > availsat1,availsat2,h.comby,ssn_dash =
    > Home = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(chphone),
    > Mobile = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(cmphone),
    > Other = dbo.PhoneNumber_complete_format(cophone),
    > Jobtitle =
    > case
    > when c.st = '90' then
    > (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j where
    j.hjob = h.jobid
    > and j.hlocation = 'DC')
    > else
    > (select top 1 j.jobtitle from has.dbo.JobCodes j where
    j.hjob = h.jobid
    > and j.hlocation <> 'DC')
    > end,
    > (Select T.term_reason
    > From has.dbo.termcodes T, has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    > where T.term_val = H.termcode and h.cid = @cid) as
    > Days = @day,
    > Months = @month,
    > Years = @year
    > FROM has_arc.dbo.EmpCandidate C,
    has_arc.dbo.EmpTermHistory H
    > WHERE C.cid = @cid AND C.cid = H.cid
    > END
    > --
    > ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript

  • ABAP WebDynPro Application : Refresh (F5) issue

    We have developped an application on WEB Dynpro which is like a CRM application. This application will be use by many people around the world. Like a e-commerce site. So, it's very difficult to know the concurrent users we will have in a timeframe.
    The issue is that if the user press on F5 touche to refresh the page within the browser, that's open a new session of the user on our SAP Servers. This session is not running but it uses memory.
    I heard that the issue was about Internet Explorer 8 release but, when I refresh on Chrome browser I get the same issue : new session opened !!!
    So, as the F5 touch is often use by the people, I expect a lot of these 'dead' session. That's raise a risk about stability and performance of our SAP Servers.
    Have you a solution to resolve this behaviour?

    Hello Samuli,
    Is the application accessed directly or through a portal?
    --> Through a portal
    Are you sure it is a Web Dynpro ABAP application and not a Web Dynpro Java application?
    --> Yes, sure. It's a WebDynpro Java. But when I make some traces I find out some URL with Javascript.
    Anyway, it sounds like work protect is prohibiting from navigating away from the application hence a new window is opened.
    --> None new window is opened on PC client just a new session on SAP server and it is not use my the process.
    I just noticed that it seems we have our issue when the user press a second time on F5 and when the first F5 refresh is not still ended. I think that F5 is managed like an interruption on PC client and so sent immediately the second http request to the SAP server. And maybe, the ICM of SAP server doesn't understand why it gets this new http request while the first http request is not ended. And so open another session.
    Do you know more of the application? Is it a Floorplan Manager for Web Dynpro ABAP application?
    I don't know what you mean ny floorplab manager. But, this application is an application which manages incident between customers, suppliers and the entreprise. The customer will be able to declare the incident directly into the application, exchange with the resolvers, follows the workflow, ...
    I know that F5 go back to the default iview of the application but it's not my problem : the first screen is the incidents opened and so the customer will use the F5 to refresh the list to know if an incident is updated or not for instance..

  • XML JAXB Binding issue

    Hi All
    Im using Webservices in which i need to Bind my XML to Java objects and reverse. Im trying to use JAXB (1.0) Ref Imp from SUN as binding framework. The problem which im facing is that for elements like:
    <xs:element name="inputRequests">
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="inputData" type="data" />
    JAXB genetrates:
    1. InputRequest - Interface
    2. InputRequestImpl - Class
    3. InputRequestType - Interface
    4. InputRequestTypeImpl - Class
    in InputRequestType it has generated a getter method
    public java.util.List getInputData();
    but no setter method for 'inputData'.
    Can any one help on that how we can set a sequence element in JAXB classes. I even used JAXB 2.0, but faced same issue...
    No Setter for a LIST :-(((

    That method, getInputData() is returning a reference to a List Object that is already instantiated. Once you retrieve the reference, you can invoke all the methods in the List interface, but if there is a way to reassign the reference to refer to a different list, I'm not aware of one.
    I believe that limitation is necessary my the nature of JAXB. A JAXB Object, in your case a List, is guaranteed to be marshaled and unmarshaled to XML, if you redefine the reference to some arbitrary List, how could JAXB guarantee its functionality?
    I may be way off base here, I'm no JAXB expert by any means.
    Rather than redefining the reference to a different List, you have to manipulate the List

  • SAP Webdynpro ABAP Application Caching Issues

    Hi All,
    We have developed custom applications using Webdynpro - ABAP, using FPM and accessing those applications through SAP Netweaver Portal 7.0. I have deactivated all the caching techniquies in Portal @ iview level and Page level, Portal Runtime and ContentFetch side, But still causing the same problem.
    I have a doubt, wether this is happening because of SAP Logon Caching @ SAP WAS system level. I have checked the SSO parameter settings in RZ10 Profile parameters. Our basis people have set both accept and create parameter value = 1. Is this causing issue?
    Or Is there any other settings which is required to do in Portal or SAP system level. Please let us know , really appreciate your value suggestions and help.
    Please find the below links, which im referring to...
    Thanks in Advance

    (though the url seen in the application in se80 in the webdynrpo abap component does not have workitem id paramter)
    It is required to have a parameter WI_ID (as an Application parameter) in your WDA. And via this Application parameter WDA will receive the workitem id, when the task is exceuted from UWL (provided configuration is done in swfvisu)
    Could you confirm, there is no Application parameter (WI_ID) in your WDA?
    It picks the same workitem id everytime. I tried doing this with a couple of different user ids. but I cant figure out from where it picks this particular workitem id
    If you defined WI_ID in Application parameter and there is an option to provide value and it seems, you have defined some value over there or other way might be in your method (inbound plug), you may gave default value to WI_ID in the parameter
    If your application is working properly from UWL and for testing purpose, you could put a breakpoint and change the workitem id, when executing from se80

  • Webdynpro model context mapping issue

    I have created a faceless Web Dynpro model component (DC1) and an UI Component (DC2).
    DC1 is an used component in DC2.
    After mapping the model node from the interface controller of DC1 to DC2 it says "Referenced model class is missing".
    I asume, I should add the model as used model to DC2 as well.
    But when I proceed this way I am wondering why you should create a seperate model Web Dynpro DC? Where are the Pros?
    Can anybody tell my how to proceed with this issue?
    Are there any best practices how to use a central model DC in Webdynpro and access the data via interface mapping from other DCs?
    Thanks ahead

    Hi Bernd,
    For reusability, model component and functional components are seperated. In model component, all the model created which are used for all func components. and In Func component usage model component based on the requirement to use number of model that web dynpro componetization
    >But when I proceed this way I am wondering why you should create a seperate model Web Dynpro DC? Where are the Pros?
    Can anybody tell my how to proceed with this issue?
    For seperation of business logic model component from visual component.
    Componentization, resualbilty, easy to maintain etc
    Are there any best practices how to use a central model DC in Webdynpro and access the data via interface mapping from other DCs?
    Please refer to [Here |http://www.williamcui.com/blog/resources/principles_patterns_and_practices_in_web_dynpro_for_java.swf] and go through [Articles|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/articles-webdynpro-all?startindex=161] and [Blogs|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/weblogs/topic/43] and [Wikkies|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/WDJava/WelcometoWebDynproJava%21]
    Hope it helps

  • Binding issue in 12.1.2?

    Our application is running on just fine.
    I migrated it over to 12.1.2 yesterday and I noticed that when I was executing dynamic SQL to build out my VO that when it goes to set up the binding it throws an exception:
    ADF_FACES-60098:Faces lifecycle receives unhandled exceptions in phase RENDER_RESPONSE 6
         javax.el.ELException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at javax.el.BeanELResolver.getValue(BeanELResolver.java:310)
    at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._getValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:176)
    at      com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver.getValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:203)
    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(AstValue.java:138)
    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(AstValue.java:183)
    at      com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(ValueExpressionImpl.java:224)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBeanImpl.getProperty(FacesBeanImpl.java:73)
    Here is the code that doesn't work:
    <pre jivemacrouid="_13764864521421785" ___default_attr="plain" jivemacro="code" class="jive_text_macro jive_macro_code jivemacrouid_13764864521421785">
    <af:table value="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                              rows="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1.rangeSize}" summary="xxx"
                              emptyText="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                              fetchSize="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1.rangeSize}" rowBandingInterval="0"
                              queryListener="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1Query.processQuery}" filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                              selectionListener="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}" rowSelection="single"
                              id="t1" autoHeightRows="5" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
                              rendered="true" columnStretching="column:c6" width="900px"                         
                        <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.DynamicSOVO1.hints.ORDER_NUMBER.name}" filterable="true" rowHeader="unstyled"
                                   sortable="true" headerText="Order #" id="c1" width="60">
                            <af:outputText value="#{row.ORDER_NUMBER}" id="ot12"/>
    When I have the <af:column> without the binding to the DynamicSOVO1 it works fine and displays correctly. When I bind it then it throws the error

    I resolved the issue. I guess it just need to be binded again.

  • Container binding issue

    Hi All,
       I have modified a SAP workflow and seem to have problems ppassing sata between steps, The first step I use object CA_WRTOFF method Write-off. This completes a write off. After this step variable DOCUMENTNUMBER is filled with the created document number.
    In the next step I want to display the document, I use object CA_DOC method display. The main parameter it neeeds is document number. I try to use the generate binding. It will pass &CA_DOC& to &_WI_OBJECT_ID&. from workflow to step, both these objects contain document number.
    However when I look in SWEL at the display document step &_WI_OBJECT_ID&. says no instaance under value? How can I populate this value. I try to manually add document number to the binding but am told I cannot use &_WI_OBJECT_ID&.  as a target. I have CA_DOC set as inport and export. Any idea's?? I am on a 4.6 system

    Hi First of all thanks for your patience,
       Second I seem to have passed the document number but it still is not actually passing to the document number field in trans FPE3 (I mentiooned FP08 in error before, that is ultimately my goal which I will clarify)
    Ok here is what I am trying to accomplish
    The original SAP wrtoff workflow CA_WRTOFF activates with event FP04 create writeoff, my company does not like the fact that when it goes to an approver the writeoff is held in limbo. This allows others access to the write off amount. So they have asked me to restructure the workflow.
    The event link as above is CA_WRTOFF with event trigger approval required as above, the first thing I do in the workflow is complete the writeoff with object CA_WRTOFF method writeoff. I then send a user decision to the approver asking if he wants to display document, accept write-off, reverse write-off. I use CAA_DOC display for the display as CA_WRTOFF does not have document number associated with it.
    In the last few moments I changed my binding in the display to coyp all elements except system, this has passed the document number to the display container. When the approver clicks on the display item it brings him to transaction FPE3 but does not populate the document number in FPE3. So the real issue is to have the display method take the approver to FPE3 and fill in the document number so all the approver has to do is hit enter.
    Again thanks for your time and patience, Much appreciated. I am an ABAPPER but quite new to work flows.

  • JNDI binding issue

    Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with a not bound exception. According to the logs, I'm getting the not bound exception with the following details:
    The excerpt is here: 04/24/08 11:44:42.692 Info: [ProcessWrapper] org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean with name 'myDataSource' defined in ServletContext resource [WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is javax.naming.NamingException: Could not dereference object [Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: WRP not bound]
    It looks for me that Spring is doing the lookup correctly but failing to find the resource in JNDI. What I found for binding in the log is following.
    04/24/08 11:44:31.302 Info: [ProcessWrapper] 11:44:31,302 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=DefaultD S' to JNDI name 'javaefaultDS'
    04/24/08 11:44:31.552 Info: [ProcessWrapper] 11:44:31,552 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryBinding,name=J msXA' to JNDI name 'java:JmsXA'
    04/24/08 11:44:31.614 Info: [ProcessWrapper] 11:44:31,614 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=MACRAE' to JNDI name 'java:MACRAE'
    We can see these JNDI names are successfully bound. WRP is the app which I am trying to run, MACRAE is another app that works in that environment. The web server is JBoss running in a DataSynapse grid server. Any tips on how to get the binding fixed?

    OK, I seem to be getting a new exception, not sure if I did any change but ran into this exception in the logs,
    11/08/24 18:45:08 ----YOGI----the exception from this specific block is javax.naming.Reference cannot be cast to javax.sql.DataSource*
    From what I read on the web, this is prevalent in glassfish and jboss. The reason could be that missing j2ee.jar in classpath or duplicate jdbc jars. I added j2ee.jar to my application library in oc4j dint resolve the issue. I removed jdbc jar from the OAS lib folder and restarted, it dint help.
    Any other clues, anyone?

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