Webservice being called multiple times throws strange error

This is something that just started occurring and doesn't make much sense to me.
Using JDK 1.7 and doing the following:
FlashlineRegistryTr registry = new FlashlineRegistryTrServiceLocator().getFlashlineRegistryTr(lUrl);
I can call registry.authTokenCreate(USERNAME, CREDENTIAL);  ONCE and it works fine.  When I immediately call it again, same command, it fails with the exception below.
The issue has to do with setting the Maintain Session to true.  If I remove that line it works fine, however I need that in there.
Any thoughts on where to even begin to look? 
faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.generalException
faultString: Tried to invoke method public com.flashline.cmee.openapi.databeans.AuthTokenBean com.flashline.cmee.openapi.service.FlashlineRegistry.authTokenCreate(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) throws com.flashline.framework.exception.OpenAPIException with arguments java.lang.String,java.lang.String.  The arguments do not match the signature.; nested exception is:
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class
Tried to invoke method public com.flashline.cmee.openapi.databeans.AuthTokenBean com.flashline.cmee.openapi.service.FlashlineRegistry.authTokenCreate(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) throws com.flashline.framework.exception.OpenAPIException with arguments java.lang.String,java.lang.String.  The arguments do not match the signature.; nested exception is:
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class
  at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:221)
  at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:128)
  at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(DeserializationContext.java:1087)
  at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
  at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(SAXParser.java:392)
  at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse(DeserializationContext.java:227)
  at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getAsSOAPEnvelope(SOAPPart.java:696)
  at org.apache.axis.Message.getSOAPEnvelope(Message.java:424)
  at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.MustUnderstandChecker.invoke(MustUnderstandChecker.java:62)
  at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(AxisClient.java:206)
  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(Call.java:2765)
  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2748)
  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2424)
  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2347)
  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:1804)
  at com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistryTrSoapBindingStub.authTokenCreate(FlashlineRegistryTrSoapBindingStub.java:7676)
  at com.flashline.registry.openapi.MikeTest.setUp(MikeTest.java:131)
  at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:125)
  at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
  at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
  at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
  at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
  at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.junit3.JUnit3TestReference.run(JUnit3TestReference.java:131)
  at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.TestExecution.run(TestExecution.java:38)
  at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:467)
  at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:683)
  at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.run(RemoteTestRunner.java:390)
  at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(RemoteTestRunner.java:197)

One possible solution is store the LOV values in some scope while retrieving it first time from the web service.
Next time whenever LOV is called then return the LOV values from the scope instead of calling the web service.
psedo code:
        if (ADFContext.getCurrent() != null &&
            ADFContext.getCurrent().getSessionScope().containsKey("LOV_LIST")) {
            LOVList =
        } else {
            LOVList = this.populateVendorListFromWS();
                                                          LOVList );
        }Hope it helps.

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  • Finalize() method being called multiple times for same object?

    I got a dilly of a pickle here.
    Looks like according to the Tomcat output log file that the finalize method of class User is being called MANY more times than is being constructed.
    Here is the User class:
    package com.db.multi;
    import java.io.*;
    import com.db.ui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * @author DBriscoe
    public class User implements Serializable {
        private String userName = null;
        private int score = 0;
        private SocketImage img = null;
        private boolean gflag = false;
        private Calendar timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance();
        private static int counter = 0;
        /** Creates a new instance of User */
        public User() { counter++;     
        public User(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
        public void setGflag(boolean gflag) {
            this.gflag = gflag;
        public boolean getGflag() {
            return gflag;
        public void setScore(int score) {
            this.score = score;
        public int getScore() {
            return score;
        public void setUserName(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
        public String getUserName() {
            return userName;
        public void setImage(SocketImage img) {
            this.img = img;
        public SocketImage getImage() {
            return img;
        public void setTimeStamp(Calendar c) {
            this.timeStamp = c;
        public Calendar getTimeStamp() {
            return this.timeStamp;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (obj instanceof User) {
                    User comp = (User)obj;
                    return comp.getUserName().equals(userName);
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                return false;
        public void finalize() {
            if (userName != null && !userName.startsWith("OUTOFDATE"))
                System.out.println("User " + userName + " destroyed. " + counter);
        }As you can see...
    Every time a User object is created, a static counter variable is incremented and then when an object is destroyed it appends the current value of that static member to the Tomcat log file (via System.out.println being executed on server side).
    Below is the log file from an example run in my webapp.
    User Queue Empty, Adding User: com.db.multi.User@1a5af9f
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin pulled from Queue, Game created: Joe
    User Already Placed: Dustin with Joe
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Joe destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    It really does seem to me like finalize is being called multiple times for the same object.
    That number should incremement for every instantiated User, and finalize can only be called once for each User object.
    I thought this was impossible?
    Any help is appreciated!

    I am already thinking of ideas to limit the number of threads.
    Unfortunately there are two threads of execution in the servlet handler, one handles requests and the other parses the collection of User objects to check for out of date timestamps, and then eliminates them if they are out of date.
    The collection parsing thread is currently a javax.swing.Timer thread (Bad design I know...) so I believe that I can routinely check for timestamps in another way and fix that problem.
    Just found out too that Tomcat was throwing me a ConcurrentModificationException as well, which may help explain the slew of mysterious behavior from my servlet!
    The Timer thread has to go. I got to think of a better way to routinely weed out User objects from the collection.
    Or perhaps, maybe I can attempt to make it thread safe???
    Eg. make my User collection volatile?
    Any opinions on the best approach are well appreciated.

  • On Execute operation, the bean getter is being called multiple times

    I have a JCR data control, i am trying to write a method that returns predicate, but this method is being called multiple times, when executing the advanced search operation.
      public List<Predicate> getPredicates() {
      ArrayList<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
       // predicates.add(new Predicate("jcr:content/idc:metadata/idc:xScope",Operator.EQUALS,"GLOBAL"));
      DCBindingContainer bc=(DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
      JUCtrlListBinding attrBinding=(JUCtrlListBinding)  bc.findCtrlBinding("StateId");
      Object stateId= attrBinding.getSelectedValue();
      if(stateId instanceof Row){
      predicates.add(new Predicate("jcr:content/idc:metadata/idc:xState"
      , Operator.EQUALS
      attrBinding=(JUCtrlListBinding)  bc.findCtrlBinding("DistrictId");
      Object districtId=attrBinding.getSelectedValue();
      if(districtId instanceof Row){
          predicates.add(new Predicate("jcr:content/idc:metadata/idc:xDistrict",Operator.EQUALS,((Row)districtId).getAttribute("DistrictId").toString()));
        attrBinding=(JUCtrlListBinding)  bc.findCtrlBinding("Scope");
        Object scopeId=attrBinding.getSelectedValue();
        if(scopeId instanceof Row){
            predicates.add(new Predicate("jcr:content/idc:metadata/idc:xScope",Operator.EQUALS,((Row)scopeId).getAttribute("ScopeType")));
        AttributeBinding tempAttrBinding=(AttributeBinding)bc.findCtrlBinding("CreatedDate");
        Object createdDate=tempAttrBinding.getInputValue();
            predicates.add(new Predicate("jcr:content/jcr:created",Operator.EQUALS,createdDate.toString()));
        if (predicates.size()>0){
          return predicates;
      return Collections.emptyList();
      } The problem is while it's being called multiple times different list's are being returned which is causing the method not to work . The bean is in pageFlowScope .

    That is bc ADF life cicle... Is always executing 2 times...

  • Calling multiple times BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE getting error

    Hi Friends,
    I am calling multiple times BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE for same Purchase order to post goods receipt.
    for the first 4 times it is creating the GR successfully, but then it returning the message 'No goods receipt possible for purchase order 4500001004 01350'.
    Please help.

    Use Wait up to statement in loop.
    loop at it_filedir1.
        REFRESH I_TAB.
        CLEAR I_TAB.
       REFRESH I_TAB2.
        data: g_file(100) type c .
        name = it_filedir1-name.
        concatenate: gfile '\' name into g_file.
        data : i_tab1(500).
                                         ENCODING DEFAULT
                                         IGNORING CONVERSION ERRORS.
        IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
            READ DATASET g_file INTO i_tab1.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              split i_tab1 at ',' into  I_TAB-SOL_DOCNO I_TAB-SOL_DOCDT
               I_TAB-ERFMG I_TAB-ERFME.
            APPEND I_TAB.
            clear I_TAB.
        CLOSE DATASET g_file.
        concatenate: hfile '\' name into h_file.
        CLEAR I_MAIN.
        I_MAIN[] = I_TAB[].
        REFRESH I_OUT.
        CLEAR I_TAB.
        I_OUT[] = I_TAB[].
        LOOP AT I_TAB.
          count = sy-tabix.
                                    WHERE GI_NO = I_TAB-SOL_DOCNO AND
                                    GI_DATE = I_TAB-SOL_DOCDT.
          IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
            I_TAB-FLAG = 'C'.
            modify i_tab index count.
            APPEND I_MSG1.
            CLEAR I_TAB-FLAG.
                        INTO G_DATE.
            gmhead-pstng_date = G_DATE.
            gmhead-doc_date = sy-datum.
            gmhead-pr_uname = sy-uname.
    "01 - MB01 - Goods Receipts for Purchase Order
            gmcode-gm_code = '03'.
            refresh itab.
            clear itab.
              IF I_MAIN-GI_TXN_TYPE = 'RMGI'.
                itab-move_type  = '291'.
              itab-mvt_ind    = ' '.
              itab-plant      = I_MAIN-WERKS.
              itab-material   = I_MAIN-MATNR.
              itab-entry_qnt  = I_MAIN-ERFMG.
             itab-stge_loc   = 'OMR1'.
    itab-move_stloc = pcitab-recv_loc.
              itab-stge_loc   = I_MAIN-LGOBE.
              itab-ENTRY_UOM = I_MAIN-ERFME.
              IF I_MAIN-WERKS = 'OMR'.
                itab-TR_PART_BA = '11'.
              ELSEIF I_MAIN-WERKS = 'OMR'.
                itab-TR_PART_BA = '12'.
              append itab.
            if not itab[] is initial.
              call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'
                   goodsmvt_header             = gmhead
                   goodsmvt_code               = gmcode
                 *   TESTRUN                     = ' '
                  goodsmvt_headret            = mthead
             *   MATERIALDOCUMENT            =
      MATDOCUMENTYEAR             =
                 goodsmvt_item               = itab
                return                      = errmsg.
              clear errflag.
              loop at errmsg.
                if errmsg-type eq 'E'.
                  write:/'Error in function', errmsg-message.
                  errflag = 'X'.
                  write:/ errmsg-message.
                move errmsg-message to i_msg1.
                append i_msg1.
              if errflag is initial.
                WAIT          =
                RETURN        =
               commit work and wait.
                if sy-subrc ne 0.
                  write:/ 'Error in updating'.
                  write:/ mthead-mat_doc, mthead-doc_year.
                  ZMM_GI_WIP-GI_NO = I_TAB-SOL_DOCNO.
                  ZMM_GI_WIP-GI_DATE = I_TAB-SOL_DOCDT.
                  INSERT ZMM_GI_WIP.
                  COMMIT WORK.
                  I_TAB-FLAG = 'C'.
                  MODIFY I_TAB INDEX COUNT.
                  CONCATENATE mthead-mat_doc  mthead-doc_year
                             into i_msg1.
                  append i_msg1.
                 perform upd_sta.
           wait up to 20 seconds.

  • Function being called multiple times

    In my custom workflow, when the user approves a notification, it goes to the next function in the workflow. I have used insert command in that function to insert data into a custom table. I see that the data is inserted 2 times with different values.
    I was wondering how the insert statement is called 2 times when it was supposed to do only once?
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.

    2 Scenarios that can occur:
    1) Check if you have a post notification function which is also doing an insert into the custom table.
    2) Make sure that the procedure being called by your function activity have proper if conditions for funcmode. Pasting the extract from Workflow Developer Guide:
    Standard API for PL/SQL Procedures Called by Function Activities
    All PL/SQL stored procedures that are called by function or notification activities in an Oracle Workflow process should follow this standard API format so that the Workflow Engine can properly execute the activity.
    Important: The Workflow Engine traps errors produced by function activities by setting a savepoint before each function activity. If an activity produces an unhandled exception, the engine performs a rollback to the savepoint, and sets the activity to the ERROR status. For this reason, you should never commit within the PL/SQL procedure of a function activity. The Workflow Engine never issues a commit as it is the responsibility of the calling application to commit.
    For environments such as database triggers or distributed transactions that do not allow savepoints, the Workflow Engine automatically traps "Savepoint not allowed" errors and defers the execution of the activity to the background engine.
    Oracle Workflow components that continue workflow processing asynchronously, such as background engines and the Notification System, do issue commits when appropriate on behalf of the calling application.
    The example in this section is numbered with the notation (1) for easy referencing. The numbers themselves are not part of the procedure.
    (1) procedure <procedure name>
    (itemtype in varchar2,
    itemkey in varchar2,
    actid in number,
    funcmode in varchar2,
    resultout out varchar2) is
    (2) <local declarations>
    (3) begin
    if ( funcmode = 'RUN' ) then
    <your RUN executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE:<result>';
    end if;
    (4) if ( funcmode = 'CANCEL' ) then
    <your CANCEL executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (5) if ( funcmode = 'SKIP' ) then
    <your SKIP executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE:<result>';
    end if;
    (6) if ( funcmode = 'RETRY' ) then
    <your RETRY executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE:<result>';
    end if;
    (7) if ( funcmode = 'VALIDATE' ) then
    <your VALIDATE executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (8) if ( funcmode = 'RESPOND' ) then
    <your RESPOND executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (9) if ( funcmode = 'FORWARD' ) then
    <your FORWARD executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (10) if ( funcmode = 'TRANSFER' ) then
    <your TRANSFER executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (11) if ( funcmode = 'QUESTION' ) then
    <your QUESTION executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (12) if ( funcmode = 'ANSWER' ) then
    <your ANSWER executable statements>
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    end if;
    (13) if ( funcmode = 'TIMEOUT' ) then
    <your TIMEOUT executable statements>
    if (<condition_ok_to_proceed>) then
    resultout := 'COMPLETE';
    resultout := wf_engine.eng_timedout;
    end if;
    end if;
    (14) if ( funcmode = '<other funcmode>' ) then
    resultout := ' ';
    end if;
    (15) exception
    when others then
    WF_CORE.CONTEXT ('<package name>', '<procedure name>',
    <itemtype>, <itemkey>,
    to_char(<actid>), <funcmode>);
    (16) end <procedure name>;

  • LoginModule login() method being called multiple times

    I have a J2EE application that is deployed in Oracle 10g that implements a cutom login module. The custom class (MyClassLoginModule) implements the LoginModule interface. Everything works great if the username and password entered by an end user are correct. However, it appears that if a user enters an incorrect password after failing authentication the container executes the MyClassLoginModule.login() method again. In some cases, it calls it serveral time each failing authentication.
    This wouldn't be a problem however, the username and password are also the end users workstation accounts. This behaviour is capable of locking their accounts in one failed attempt.
    Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    We're using FORM based authentication. The problem is not with multiple requests, but appears to be an issue with the container. See the following for more info:
    LoginModule login method called twice on unsuccessful logins

  • C# Constructo​r being called multiple times when I run my VI

    Hi all,
    We are runing LabVIEW 8.51 in the lab and have been using a bodged together C++ DLL which was crude but got the job done. Now looking at rewriting it in C# to make it easier to maintain and support long term.
    Ive got the C# DLL appearing in Labview and can happily call my test functions from the VI to prove both the DLL inputs and outputs are working fine (the simple input a number, add 1 and return result type of code).
    However, this DLL will end up managing a Serial port connection so the contstructor must only be called once as its responsible for making my .net serial port object. Ive added a text log message in the constructor and have found that just running the VI is causing the constructor to be called at least 5 times a second. There is no user input causing this....just running the VI.
    Both VI and C# source is attached.
    Any ideas folks? Im a complete newbie at LabVIEW having taken this on from another developer.
    The VI is in \Release and this is where the Log file is generated.
    Bus Pirate LabVIEW.zip ‏78 KB

    Ummmm.. yes, loop. That big thing gray rectangle that surrounds your code. Have you done any LabVIEW tutorials? That isn't even a LabVIEW question, but a basic programming question.
    To learn more about LabVIEW it is recommended that you go through the introduction material, tutorial(s), and other material in the NI Developer Zone's Learning Center which provides links to other materials and other tutorials. There are also several Technical Resources. You can also take the online courses for free.

  • H:commandLink and an Action being called multiple times.

    Hi everyone. I'm more or less relatively new in terms of JSF, though I've had to do a lot of "catching up" recently.
    I've been reading that with managed-beans, the getters/setters are not gaurenteed to be called once. http://www.jsf-faq.com/faqs/faces-misc.html#106
    My question is, are there any reasons why an action method would get called twice? An example of my jsp page.
    <h:commandLink action="#{exploreCaseAction.exploreCase}" >                    
         <h:outputText value="#{case.caseNumber}"/>
         <f:param name="caseId" value="#{case.caseId}"/>
    </h:commandLink>My faces-config
    </managed-bean>When I click on one of the links and set a breakpoint, it comes up twice. Here's the crazy part. if I use <af:commandLink> then it only runs once.
    Personally I'd rather not use oracles components (I know it got donated and is/will be Trinidad).
    Anyone with any ideas?

    Would you be willing to try the RI (1.1_02) [1] to see if you have the same problem?
    [1] https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=5225&expandFolder=5225&folderID=0

  • Php include file getting called multiple times

    I have created a form in file career.php. To carry out the validation user_registration.php is called at the beginning of the file.
    user_registration.php in turn calls library.php. Issue is that library.php is getting called multiple times.
    I have attached phperror.log which confirms the same.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <?php // This file is used for validating user form data. It calls process_upload.php to validate file uploaded by user
    $errors = array();  
    $messages = array();
    $testing = TRUE;
    error_log("Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode $testing", 0);
    try {
              error_log("user_registration.php: Entered try catch block",0);
              error_log("Successfully called library.php",0);
              $public_key = '6LeDsNUSAAAAAIoaYuNhGm2zx_qgBECiybUWUkt6';
              $private_key = '6LeDsNUSAAAAACuvmJrec-_5seLdmhqUMngt8AiU';
              $recaptcha = new Zend_Service_ReCaptcha($public_key, $private_key);
              if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {          // Only execute if form is submitted by user
                error_log("user_registration.php. Submit button pressed by user", 0);
                $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8');
                if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
                        $val = new Zend_Validate_Regex('/^\p{L}+[-\'\p{L} ]+$/u');
                        if (!$val->isValid($_POST['name'])) {
                          $errors['name'] = "Please enter your name, no numbers permitted";
    error_log("Exit- user_registration.php.", 0);
    error_log("Enter- library.php. Testing mode $testing", 0);
    if ($testing)  // If true then go to testing mode
              $library = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mgtools-india/ZendFramework/library';
              set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $library);
    try {
    error_log("Exit- library.php. Testing mode $testing", 0);
    Marker - 12-Oct-2012 10:27:26 AM
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] user_registration.php: Entered try catch block
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Enter- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Exit- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:33 UTC] Successfully called library.php
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Entered try catch block
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Enter- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Exit- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:57:36 UTC] Successfully called library.php
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Enter- user_registration.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Entered try catch block
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Enter- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Exit- library.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] Successfully called library.php
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:38 UTC] user_registration.php. Submit button pressed by user
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:39 UTC] user_registration.php, Processing enquiry form
    [12-Oct-2012 04:58:39 UTC] Enter- process_upload.php. Testing mode 1
    [12-Oct-2012 04:59:01 UTC] Exit- user_registration.php.
    I am not able to understand why user_registration.php and library.php are executing again and again.
    I ran this test on local testing server MAMP.
    The results are the same on remote server also.
    Please guide.

    I'm not sure what's happening there. The important question is whether the code is executed successfully.
    Since you're using the Zend Framework, it might be better to ask in a dedicated ZF forum.

  • Custom tag library called multiple times

    Hi ppl ,
    I have a custom tag library which i use to populate some menu components. When i do call my custom tag library though , it is called multiple times, use case is as follows.
    I have menu tabs and menu bars which thanks to Mr.Brenden is working splendidly as so:-
    <af:forEach var="menuTab" items="#{bindings.menu.vwUserMenuTabRenderer.rangeSet}">
    <af:commandMenuItem text="#{menuTab.MenuLabel}"
    selected="#{sessionScope.selectedMenuId == menuTab.MenuId }"
    onclick="fnSetSelectedValue('#{menuTab.MenuId}')" >
    <af:forEach var="menuBar" items="#{bindings.menu.vwUserMenuBarRenderer.rangeSet}">
    <af:commandMenuItem onclick="return clickreturnvalue()"
    onmouseover="dropdownmenu(this, event,#{menuBar.MenuId}, '150px')"
    rendered="#{menuBar.ParentId == sessionScope.selectedMenuId}"
    immediate="true" />
    now all of this code is within a subview , and just directly below the subview tag , i have the call to my custom tag library:-
    <myCustomTagLib:menuCascade />
    only issue now is that assuming i have in all 7 menu bar components, the doStartTag is called 7 times. the relevant code within my custom tag class is as follows :-
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
    return (EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE);
    public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
    try {
    return EVAL_PAGE;
    }catch (Exception ioe) {
    throw new JspException(ioe.getMessage());
    and within my declareVariables method i do an out of the jscript ( out.print(jscript.toString()); ) which is a simple string generated based on certain conditions...
    now it seems to be working fine on the front end , but when i view the source of the page, i notice that the declaration is called multiple times, and this happens because the doStartTag method is called multiple times, i haven't even nested the call to the custom tag within the menu components , any clue as to whats going wrong ?

    if you add the following print statement
    System.out.println("rendering "+FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getViewId());
    Then the output in my case is
    07/04/24 08:14:04 rendering /BrowsePage.jsp
    07/04/24 08:14:05 rendering /otn_logo_small.gif
    The image comes from the file system, which means it is rendered by the JSF lifecycle. If you reference the image with a URL then the lifecycle doesn't render the image but only refrences it.
    To avoid your prepare render code to be executed multiple times, just check for jsp and jspx file extensions, which will guarantee that your code only executes for JSF pages, not for loaded files.
    The reason why this happens is because the JSF filter is set to /faces , which means all files that are loaded through that path

  • ValidateEntity getting called multiple times

    There is a parent EO and a child EO. There is a composite association between the parent and child.Association accessors are generated for both source and destination. In the ChildEO's doDML method , the following code is added.
    Long abc = getPArentEO().getAttr1();
    Long xyz = getPArentEO().getAttr2();
    getParentEO() is the association accessor .
    After the addition of this code, all the method validators of the parent are getting fired more than once. The validateEntity of the parentEO is getting called more than once if I set some attribute of the childEO in childEO's doDML . Is this the expected behaviour?

    Even on adding the setter in prepareForDML (either in parent or child) , the validateEntity is getting called multiple times. In fact ,validateEntity is getting called once before prepareForDML and again after. One of my method validators fail on the subsequent call giving an error ..Please help.

  • ItemEditEnd called multiple times

    Am using a datagrid and using an item editor and item render for that. Item Renderer --> To give background color and Item Editor - to show a date picker. While implementing this, my need is to open a popup when we enter date. But, am getting the popup thrice , sometimes during "on change"  and sometimes, when I press "Enter" or "Tab out" . When analyzed further, I noticed that itemEditEnd event is called thrice. Can anyone let me know the alternative for this please ? Here is my code.          
    <mx:AdvancedDataGrid width="1000" height="300" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto"
            id="dProvider" creationComplete="init()" verticalScrollPolicy="auto" editable="true" itemEditBeginning="checkIfAllowed(event)" selectionMode="singleCell" itemEditEnd="onEditEnd(event)">
                                    private function onEditEnd(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent):void
                                         var oTaskPopupObj:TaskPopUp = new TaskPopUp();
                                                        //This part is called thrice !!!
    I have been struggling to get rid of this issue. Would be very happy if I get a help quickly !

    Thanks for being patient and answering my questions.
    And yes, the itemEditEnd is called multiple times, even for other scenarios. Find below a sample code, where-in,  iam using date editor to validate the field entered. Here too, the itemEditEnd is called thrice( you can notice that the alert creeps up thrice). Let me know if you need anything else
    Main mxml
    [[ [Bindable] 
    private var compManDataDef:XML =<CompManData>
    <Phase>Program Start</Phase>
    <Gate>Enter Date</Gate>
    private function onEditEnd(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent):void
    Alert.show("in date validate");
     <mx:AdvancedDataGrid width="100%" height="72%" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" id="
    dProvider" creationComplete="init()" dragEnabled="true" lockedColumnCount="5" editable="true" itemEditBeginning="checkIfAllowed(event)" selectionMode="singleCell" itemEditEnd="onEditEnd(event)">
     <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="
    Phase"headerText="" width="
    137" wordWrap="true" textAlign="center" itemRenderer="renderer.ColorwithLable" editable="false">
     <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="
    Date"headerText="" width="
    120" itemRenderer="renderer.ColorwithLable" editable="false"/>  
    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn id="
    Gate" dataField="Gate"headerText="
    Gate" width="120" editorDataField="newEmployeeType" labelFunction="dglfFormatDate" itemEditor="dateEditing" itemRenderer="renderer.ColorwithLable" />
     <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn id="
    WBP" dataField="WBP"headerText="
    WBP" width="120" itemRenderer="renderer.ColorwithLable"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" creationComplete="initMe()" >
     import mx.managers.PopUpManager; 
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn; 
    import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn; 
    import mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid; 
    import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData; 
    public var tempVal:String = ""; 
    public var newEmployeeType:String = ""; 
    public var newEmployeeType1:String = ""; 
     private function dateChanged(date:Date):void {
     if (date == null)newEmployeeType =
    elsenewEmployeeType = (date.getMonth()+1).toString() +
    '/' + date.getDate().toString() + '/' + date.getFullYear().toString() ;}
    private function initMe():void{tempVal = data.Gate;
    if (tempVal != null) {dateField1.text =tempVal.toString();
    </mx:Script><mx:DateField id="dateField1" yearNavigationEnabled="true" change="dateChanged(DateField(event.target).selectedDate)"/></mx:HBox 

  • Valuechange listener called multiple times for checkbox in table.

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to understand how value change listeners work for checkbox components within a table column. I have a checkbox declared as below
    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox id="sbc1"
    autoSubmit="true" />
    I notice the value change listener is called multiple times. There are 6 rows in the table within which the checkbox is a component. It is called 6 times for a change. How do I prevent this from happening as it's over writing the values of the other rows as well.
    Scenario : The page is based on a human task, so the outcome button cannot be set to Immediate = true since there are other validations on the page.

    Please make sure that Is there any logic being implemented in WD MODIFY VIEW of view controller.
    If yes that may be the cause of your problem because WDModifyView() is being called every time u perform an action.
    Try to Invalidate current context node which is bound to table UI element and actually containing data at run time. I think this node is not being refreshed. Try to refresh it in Search Button action.
    Check your loop code snippet, if you implemented it anywhere.
    Mandeep Virk

  • Download error under apps. After following download steps multiple times still showing error message.

    Download error under apps. After following download steps multiple times still showing error message.

    Hi There,
    Kindly try the below mentioned links.
    Creative Cloud Help | Download Error in Apps tab of Creative Cloud Desktop Application
    Creative Cloud - Download error - stubborn error
    Atul Saini

  • Generic Data Source is calling multiple times in RSA3

    [color:red}<Moderator Message: This topic has alread been discussed a lot of times. Additionally there are weblogs related to it. Please search the forums and/or the blogs for this issue>
    Hi experts,
    I have the requirement to get data from Generic Data Sources with function Module,
    after finishing the FM I have checked in extact checker(RSA)
    in the internal table I_T_DATA is displays 281 records,
    but in RSA3 it shows 112560 records, I found that the FM is calling multiple time by executing one time in RSA3.
    1.what would be the problem
    2.where is the porblem is it in FM coding or any other places to check.
    <removed by moderator>
    Edited by: Siegfried Szameitat on Feb 3, 2009 11:45 AM

    Hi Savita,
    I don't understand clearly from your reply regarding flow you transported and what all you transported.
    You need to first transport objects in R/3 and import them.
    Then transport Infoprovider, Datasource in BI assuming depenedent Infoare Infoobject, application component already transported.
    Then transport your Infosource, Update rule, Transfer rules, Infopackage.
    Hope you understood.

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