Weird Black Box/Cursor Issue

I fell asleep watching a movie last night and when I wkoe up I had this weird Black Box issue that I can't get rid of. Normally I can come up with search terms to find an answer to the problem but I'm not even sure how to describe this. There is a Black Box outline, generally where the cursor was last, and, in the lower left corner, a black text box with a white outline and white text. At the moment the Black Box is around the Close Button for Firefox and the Black Text Box says "close button". Sometimes it will give a "command-shift-whatever" needed to activate that button. WHen I shift to a finder window it will tell me I am Currently on a Browser etc. Ad Nauseum. As I shift around it will highlight (with the black outline) whereever I am and continute to give me useless advice!!! How do I get rid of this?!?!?!?!???
Thanks for the time!!!

BINGO!!! That solved the problem!!! Course there remains the mystery of *HOW* those button got pushed while I was sleeping.
Thanks Dominic!!!

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    The problem lies with the psd file. Could be a couple of things. Presumably, there is a proper alpha channel in Photoshop?
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    first to set the screen not to go to sleep click on the battery sign in the top toolbar.
    then click on 'open energy saver...' if you can only see two different setting boxes (setting for... and optimization) click on the 'show details' button and change the slider to when you want the screen to turn off, and the computer to sleep...
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    hope this helps!

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    CREATE procedure [dbbackup].[spbackup_databases] (@BackupSysyemDB bit = 1,@BackupUserDB bit = 1, @BackupType char(1) = 'D', @BackupDB varchar(128) = NULL )
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupID [uniqueidentifier]
    DECLARE @ActiveEnabled char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupDb varchar(128)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupOrder tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupDirectory nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupType nvarchar(15)
    DECLARE @ActiveFullRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveDiffRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveLogRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveVerifyBackup char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveCompress char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveCopyOnly char(1)
    DECLARE @BackupBlocksize int
    DECLARE @ActiveChangeBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupSoftwareID tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveEnableChecksum char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupBlocksize int
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupMaxTransferSize int
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupStripes tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveCompressionLevel tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupDescription nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveThreads tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveThrottle tinyint
    DECLARE @ActiveEncrypt char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveEncryptionAlgorithm varchar(30)
    DECLARE @ActiveServerCertificate nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveEncryptionKey nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupReadWriteFileGroups char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveOverrideBackupPreference char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveLogAction char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveExecuteAction char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupBufferCount int
    DECLARE @ActiveBackupSystemDb varchar(128)
    DECLARE @ActiveSystemBackupDirectory nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @SystemBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveSystemVerifyBackup char(1)
    DECLARE @ActiveSystemFullRetainHours int
    DECLARE @ActiveRetentionHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultEnabled char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupOrder tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupDirectory nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultFullRetainHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultDiffRetainHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultLogRetainHours int
    DECLARE @DefaultVerifyBackup char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultCompress char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultCopyOnly char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultChangeBackupType char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupSoftwareID tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultEnableChecksum char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupBlocksize int
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupBufferCount int
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupMaxTransferSize int
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupStripes tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultCompressionLevel tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupDescription nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultThreads tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultThrottle tinyint
    DECLARE @DefaultEncrypt char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultEncryptionAlgorithm varchar(30)
    DECLARE @DefaultServerCertificate nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultEncryptionKey nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupReadWriteFileGroups char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultOverrideBackupPreference char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultLogAction char(1)
    DECLARE @DefaultExecuteAction char(1)
    DECLARE @BackupDirectory nvarchar(255)
    DECLARE @Error int
    DECLARE @ErrorMessage nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @ErrorMessageOriginal nvarchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupKeysFolder nvarchar(maX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupCertificatesFolder nvarchar(maX)
    DECLARE @DefaultBackupSystemDbsFolder nvarchar(maX)
    DECLARE @DefaultSnapshotLocation nvarchar(maX)
    -- Initiate Backup Configuration Default Values
    EXEC dbbackup.spinitiatebackup
    -- Load defaults and insert into table if not present.
    -- The default is full database backups as standard
    @DefaultEnabled = [Enabled]
    ,@DefaultBackupOrder = [BackupOrder]
    ,@DefaultBackupDirectory = [BackupDirectory]
    ,@DefaultBackupType = [BackupType]
    ,@DefaultFullRetainHours = [FullRetainHours]
    ,@DefaultDiffRetainHours = [DiffRetainHours]
    ,@DefaultLogRetainHours = [LogRetainHours]
    ,@DefaultVerifyBackup = [VerifyBackup]
    ,@DefaultSnapshotLocation = [DBCCFolder]
    ,@DefaultCompress = [Compress]
    ,@DefaultCopyOnly = [CopyOnly]
    ,@DefaultChangeBackupType = [ChangeBackupType]
    ,@DefaultBackupSoftwareID = [BackupSoftwareID]
    ,@DefaultEnableChecksum = [EnableChecksum]
    ,@DefaultBackupBlocksize = [BackupBlocksize]
    ,@DefaultBackupBufferCount = [BackupBufferCount]
    ,@DefaultBackupMaxTransferSize = [BackupMaxTransferSize]
    ,@DefaultBackupStripes = [BackupStripes]
    ,@DefaultCompressionLevel = [CompressionLevel]
    ,@DefaultBackupDescription = [BackupDescription]
    ,@DefaultThreads = [Threads]
    ,@DefaultThrottle = [Throttle]
    ,@DefaultEncrypt = [Encrypt]
    ,@DefaultEncryptionAlgorithm = [EncryptionAlgorithm]
    ,@DefaultServerCertificate = [ServerCertificate]
    ,@DefaultEncryptionKey = [EncryptionKey]
    ,@DefaultBackupReadWriteFileGroups = [BackupReadWriteFileGroups]
    ,@DefaultOverrideBackupPreference = [OverrideBackupPreference]
    ,@DefaultLogAction = [LogAction]
    ,@DefaultExecuteAction = [ExecuteAction]
    FROM [dbbackup].[backupconfig]
    INSERT INTO [dbbackup].[db_backupconfig]
    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases s
    WHERE not in (select BackupDb from dbbackup.[db_backupconfig] where BackupType = @BackupType)
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsSuspect') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsShutdown') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsOffline') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsInLoad') = 0
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsInRecovery') = 0
    AND isnull(DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsNotRecovered'),0) = 0 -- 2012 bug
    AND DATABASEPROPERTY([s].name, 'IsReadOnly') = 0
    AND [s].name NOT IN ('master', 'msdb', 'model', 'distribution', 'tempdb')
    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR
    FROM [dbbackup].[db_backupconfig] bc
    INNER JOIN [dbbackup].backuptype bt ON bt.BackupType = bc.BackupType
    LEFT JOIN sys.databases [s]
    ON [s].[name] collate database_default = [bc].[BackupDb]
    WHERE [Enabled] = 'Y'
    AND bc.[BackupType] = @BackupType
    AND (@BackupDB is NULL OR bc.[BackupDb] = @BackupDB)
    AND @BackupUserDB = 1
    ORDER BY [BackupOrder] ASC
    OPEN db_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor
    SELECT @ActiveRetentionHours = CASE
    WHEN @ActiveBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN @ActiveDiffRetainHours
    WHEN @ActiveBackupType = 'LOG' THEN @ActiveLogRetainHours
    WHEN @ActiveBackupType = 'FULL' THEN @ActiveFullRetainHours
    IF (@ActiveBackupSoftwareID = 1) SET @ActiveBackupSoftwareID = NULL
    SET @ActiveBackupDescription = 'Backup for ' + @ActiveBackupDb + ' Type = ' + @BackupType + ' ON ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),GETDATE(),113)
    select @ActiveBackupDb,
    EXEC [dbbackup].[spbackup_db]
    @Databases = @ActiveBackupDb,
    @Directory = @ActiveBackupDirectory,
    @BackupType = @ActiveBackupType,
    @Verify = @ActiveVerifyBackup,
    @CleanupTime = @ActiveRetentionHours,
    @Compress = @ActiveCompress,
    @CopyOnly = @ActiveCopyOnly,
    @ChangeBackupType = @ActiveChangeBackupType,
    @BackupSoftware = @ActiveBackupSoftwareID,
    @CheckSum = @ActiveEnableChecksum,
    @BlockSize = @ActiveBackupBlocksize,
    @BufferCount = @ActiveBackupBufferCount,
    @MaxTransferSize =@ActiveBackupMaxTransferSize,
    @NumberOfFiles = @ActiveBackupStripes,
    @CompressionLevel = @ActiveCompressionLevel,
    @Description = @ActiveBackupDescription,
    @Threads = @ActiveThreads,
    @Throttle = @ActiveThrottle,
    @Encrypt = @ActiveEncrypt,
    @EncryptionAlgorithm = @ActiveEncryptionAlgorithm,
    @ServerCertificate = @ActiveServerCertificate,
    @ServerAsymmetricKey = @ActiveEncryptionKey,
    @EncryptionKey = @ActiveEncryptionKey,
    @ReadWriteFileGroups = @ActiveBackupReadWriteFileGroups,
    @OverrideBackupPreference = @ActiveOverrideBackupPreference,
    @LogToTable = @ActiveLogAction,
    @Execute = @ActiveExecuteAction
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor
    CLOSE db_cursor
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor
    -- Deal with system databases
    -- Read parameters
    IF (@BackupSysyemDB = 1)
    SELECT @ActiveBackupSystemDb = sysbk.[BackupDb],
    @ActiveSystemBackupDirectory = sysbk.[BackupDirectory],
    @ActiveSystemVerifyBackup = sysbk.VerifyBackup,
    @ActiveSystemFullRetainHours = sysbk.[FullRetainHours]
    FROM [dbbackup].[system_backupconfig] sysbk
    EXEC [dbbackup].[spbackup_db]
    @Databases = 'SYSTEM_DATABASES',
    @Directory = @ActiveSystemBackupDirectory,
    @Verify = @ActiveSystemVerifyBackup,
    @CleanupTime = @ActiveSystemFullRetainHours,
    @BackupType = 'FULL'

    Does your SQLAgent account has enough permissions to do this? Is SQLAgent given sysadmin permissions?
    Which account does you use in SSMS to run this stored procedure?
    Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\\
    It has the permissions as its sysadmin, if it didnt then the 2 data sets would not be returned. for some reason its only looping twice. could this be something to do with the cursor type ?

  • Weird black box that shows what i am on but won't go away.

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    Probably VoiceOver. Go to System Preferences - Universal Access - and turn off VoiceOver.

  • Black Box Mouse Cursor in After Effects

    Hi everyone! ☺
    OK, my Adobe After Effects CS3 in my laptop has a weird mouse cursor. The cursor's not atypical mouse pointer, it looks like a black box with weird arrow-like heads at the edges. I don't why does this happen in After Effects alone. My other Adobe products do work fine.
    My laptop is Sony Vaio F Series. I have a NVIDIA video card GT 300M and I already updated the  but still didn't do well.
    Guys please help me out with this. I am quite desperate. I need to do a project with After Effects smoothly.
    Thanks in advance guys! More power!

    Hi Mylenium, I really appreciated your respone! ☺
    Anyway, I still got to see if my VAIO is running an  input helper software. But I think your theory about Windows 7 not so pefectly compatible with CS3 does makes sense. I am actually running Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit). I guess CS4 will work fine for that. But to add up, I also double checked my Photoshop. It actually also has weird mouse cursor. It has 3 fading mouse pointers in a line. But I think that would do me another topic in Photoshop section.
    And I might as well toggle and tweak some specific options on my NVIDIA.
    Oh well, I hope I could find solution to this soon.

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    I'm not sure what happened, but when I select ANY tool other than the 'move tool' my cursor shows up a a solid black box of varying sizes. The move tool shows up correctly but any other tool shows up a a large solid square. If I hold the command, the black box converts back to the move tool... see screen shot below. I circled the 'cursor' in red to show the black box state.
    Any help GREATLY appreciated. I'm not sure if my 2 year old pressed keys to turn something on/off or if my Macbook Pro is failing?
    The black box in the red circle below IS my cursor...

    Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?

  • Display Error - weird black/blue flickering boxes on display

    I have recently started experiencing a very strange error with my iMac G5 display. I notice it most when using Expose. As the screens zoom in and out, several black or blue boxes can be seen flickering in the background. Each box is square and approximately 2 inches x 2 inches.
    Also, if I scroll my mouse across the icons in my dock, suddenly a large, very zoomed in version of my dock is superimposed over the actual dock. Sometimes random black boxes appear behind an icon in the dock too.
    If I activate expose, the boxes or zoomed in dock disappear. Also if I scroll up and down a page, the boxes vanish but can sometimes reappear later.
    It started a few days ago, but then went completely by itself. It's just started up again tonight. I haven't changed anything on my computer or downloaded anything that might have caused this issue.
    I'm not sure if it's a hardware thing or something wrong with my settings. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

    I have already checked those and neither are activated.
    Also, if there is an animated gif, or something that moves, the entire display is filled with a horizontal line that's the same colour and height as the gif. If I refresh the screen or activate expose, it vanishes, but then comes back pretty soon after,
    It's funny because I've had it on most of today (after being shut down all night) and it's been fine. It's just started again this evening. Makes me think something could be overheating perhaps.
    Thanks for trying to help anyway.

  • No matter where I click a black box appears and on the left side a black box telling me where my cursor is at the moment. How do I get rid of those black boxes?

    No matter where I click a black box appears and on the left side a black box is telling me where the cursor is at the moment. How do I get rid of it?

     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Universal Access ▹ Seeing ▹ VoiceOver: Off

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    My kids have been playing on my iMac and I now have a black box on the screen that describes where the cursor is or what I am typing etc.
    Can anyone help me with removing this box
    I thought it might be subtitles but not sure?

    How about asking your kids? 
    Care to share which OS you are using? 

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    Experiencing similar issues on both imac and power book: after replacing an original airport extreme with a new airport extreme both computers display a black box msgs that reads: "...turn off your computer by holding down the power button and or the reset button for a few seconds and then restart your computer."...
    one of the printers are usb'd to the imac. The printer is not "seeing" the imac nor will it print wireless from the powerbook which was the norm prior to the upgrade on the airport extreme.
    Upon restart, the imac does not "see" the wireless keyboard or the mouse until it is "found" again.
    At this time the imac or the powerbook can get on line.

    It sounds like your computer is getting Kernel Panics. Please look at About "You need to restart your computer" (kernel panic) messages and if the message seen on your display is like the one in the link then you have confirmed you had a KP. KP's can be tough to track down because they can be caused by software or hardware. The first place to start is to post the complete crash log so we can look at it, often there are clues in the log. You can find it at:

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    Thanks in advance

    Is this in DOS or Windows?
    Press the INS key. If it still does it, install the A500 Display Driver from the Toshiba Website.

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    Our BizTalk process consist of 2 schemas, a map to transform schema1 to schema2, and an orchestration.  When the BizTalk process "Receive Port" receives an xml file (with policy data information), BizTalk will suspend the xml file
    and it will never get pass the Receive Port to be transformed because some of the policy data will include an "en dash" a hexadecimal 0X01 (looks like a tiny black box when opened in TextPad), how can we configure the receive port
    and or schema1 in BizTalk to ignore/or replace/remove the "en dash" a hexadecimal 0X01 (looks like a tiny black box)?
    Thank you for your help in advance!
    Thank you for your help! M_Blanc

    Yes, BizTalk has a solution for that. If you know the encoding and BOM then in the XML Receive/FFDASM or in a custom component you can specify the encoding for BizTalk to process the message.
    Refer to understand how the character encoding works in the pipeline and on how the XML Dissembler component can be configured in your own custom pipeline to address issues pertaining to charset encoding and

  • Flickering black boxes on CS6 with Macbook Pro Intel Iris

    I'm experiencing a flickering black box whenever using large brush sizes on Photoshop CS6 using a Macbook Pro (16GB RAM, 2.8 GHz i7, Intel Iris, Late 2013 13") similar to what is shown on: black flickering boxes on Vimeo.  The issue stops if you: Preferences -> Performance -> Uncheck "Use Graphics Processor."  I've contacted Apple Care multiple times and they say it is an Adobe issue.  I've attempted uninstalling/reinstalling CS6, resetting NVRAM and SMC, and verified CS6 and System settings are all up-to-date.  When booting in Safe Mode the issue is also resolved (as it appears Graphics Processor is disabled).  There appears to have been a similar issue on the 2013 Macbook Air that Apple released a fix for (MacBook Air (Mid 2013) Software Update 1.0) but I do not see anything regarding the Macbook Pro line.  Anyone experience/resolve this issue? 

    Professional engineers would look at the report, even if it happens in a single application, because usually that one application is just more commonly used and exposes an existing problem that is only occasionally seen in other applications.  (hint: the OS and video card drivers draw the cursor, not the application, so the driver and OS are responsible for drawing glitches with the cursor)
    And for us to write up a bug for Apple, we need a reproducible case - but we can't reproduce it on our systems. Apple needs information about your system to see what specific GPU/CPU configuration is affected by this driver bug (and they have all the hardware variants to try it on).
    And we have been testing for similar issues since the MacBookAir cursor bugs appeared - but haven't seen any after Apple's patch, despite testing on all the systems we have available (which is quite a few, but we can't have every single possible Macintosh configuration).

  • Black box (line) surrounds and follows mouse, 'mini' screen size, PIP?

    I just tried to install the new wireless mighty mouse and wireless apple keyboard.
    The mouse worked for a minute, but the install of the keyboard killed the BT mouse and now there's this ANNOYING black box around the mouse cursor.
    After playing with it I've noticed that the pointer cursor, which is surrounded by this box (4:3 ratio box, approx 2" wide by 1.5" tall on my 20" 1600x1200 monitor).
    The odd thing is the cursor's position within this box moves in correlation with where on my overall desktop the cursor is placed: If I put my cursor in the upper right corner of my whole screen, the mouse cursor is also in the upper right corner of the small 'box'; if I move it to the lower left of the screen, it is also in the lower left of the box, and so on for the other two corners, and if it's in the middle of the screen, it's in the middel of the little black box.
    So this seems very strange.
    Oh, and neither the BT keyboards or the new mighty mouse BT will show up in the BT menu as recognized devices, though they did just briefly in the beginning.
    So after buying a new USB hub to be able to plug in the Apple/Belkin USB hub along with the Apple store's D-Link USB Bluetooth adapter and a new BT keyboard and mouse - $200 for a wireless keyboard and mouse, all I have is ultra annoying new software problems and all the same wires as before, with an additional keyboard and mouse on my desk. UGH!!!
    Can anyone help with this 'black box around the keyboard issue, at least?
    Thank you soo, so much for any solutions!
    Oh and this weren't enough my barely used video ipod video 60 GB self-distructed this AM - melted inside somehow. I am in Apple ****.

    Of all the things - somehow, and I've never even been into this control panel, inside the Universal Access/Seeing/Options dialogue, the box was checked saying "Show preview rectangle when zoomed out".
    I unchecked this, and it went away. I had not selected this, ever. How it happened, I don't know except that I do have a Logitech NuLOOQ tooldial device which I had unplugged from USB while troubleshooting my BT wireless keyboard and mouse, and this device requires having the 'enable access for assistive devices' checked in the Universal Access control panel.
    Perhaps unplugging that device somehow lead to this problem, but otherwise I've never 'visited' the UA pref panel or checked anything in it.
    Odd, but THANK YOU for the suggestion!!!

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