Weird "Christian" Calendar needs work

I've just downloaded the Christian calendar app for my new iPad 2.  This is obviously written for lapsed Roman Catholics.  Why?  Because it includes many RC holidays such as the Annunciation, the Assumption, Candlemas, etc.  But it lacks the most necessary dates for PRACTICING Christians like Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday & Good Friday. 
Where, oh where, is a good Christian calendar that includes the holidays that the millions of Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Evangelicals need for their devotional life?

Thanks Ferd.  I have looked at that calendar.  It's nice because it includes the crucial dates I'm looking for, but it's rather weird in a different way.  All of the entries are doubled.  So Easter says "Easter" twice.  Good Friday is noted twice, etc.  The other peculiarity is that all the days are displayed as two days, instead of one.  I can't understand why a programmer would release a calendar with such obvious flaws.
So I'm still looking for a good Christian calendar.

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    For server based calendars and contacts there is no sharing across user accounts where you can have one person owning a calendar and you give another account read-only access.
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    What you need to do (well what I did after I found out from my own research the level of functionality and how to set things up) is:
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    Name - "DAV Service Agent"
    account short name = "davagent"
    email = "[email protected]"
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    Service type = _caldavs._tcp ; Port = 8443 ; Host =
    Service type = _carddavs._tcp ; rest of data as above
    At client machines setup Calendar & Contacts to connect to server using pseudo user above.
    It works, I have all Mac & iOS machines setup to have server based shared contacts and calendars.
    Message was edited by: FromOZ. Changed server host name example

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    For Mail.
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    Select Go/Go To Folder from the Finder menu bar. Paste the line into the window. You won’t see it.
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    You may find better calendar choices at:
    Additionally, will provide an official outlet for your concerns.
    Peace and Grace.

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    It looks like that Apple eliminated with this upgrade one of the key functions of the iPhone: Mobility for Mailing.
    Hi Zolee, I have the original 2G iphone running 3.0 and I also have MobileMe and I also have 2 POP accounts as you do, however, I have not had any problems with my POP accounts at all.
    Wishing you a speedy "fix"!! Good Luck!
    Message was edited by: sussurro

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    Thank You.

    Try unsubscribe and then resubscribe by unchecking/rechecking box in Preferences.

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    Please help me on this..
    Why do we need Work table in ODI???
    Why ODI is creating c$_0table_name (work table)?

    this is the standard "Load Data" from LKM SQL to SQL
    +<%for (int i=odiRef.getDataSetMin(); i <= odiRef.getDataSetMax(); i++){%>+
    +<%=odiRef.getDataSet(i, "Operator")%>+
    select     <%=odiRef.getPop("DISTINCT_ROWS")%>
    +     <%=odiRef.getColList(i, "", "[EXPRESSION]\t[ALIAS_SEP] [CX_COL_NAME]", ",\n\t", "", "")%>+
    from     <%=odiRef.getFrom(i)%>
    where     (1=1)
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    Unfortunately, most of my advice is in the "hindsight is 20-20" category.
    First off, I would never have purchased the peripheral accessories until the 14 day return period had expired. Second, you learned the hard way what the "14 days" really means.
    Too bad you didn't do any homework, reading this and other forums and tech sites. Even word of mouth from others. That, more than anything could have steered you towards different phone choices from the get-go and I will leave that there with no further comment other than to say most of the issues you described have been discussed in this forum, ad nauseam.
    Once you got into the refurbished phone exchanges, that is where things really went haywire. What someone tells you over the phone is a sketchy proposition, and when it comes down to it, it's your word against theirs.
    I think Verizon tried to make it right, though. Remember, they don't make the phones. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
    You stated yourself you were a satisfied Verizon customer before this. Had the first two phones performed as they should, you would still be a satisfied Verizon customer.
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    Hello Michal,
    I've had my share of problems keeping ARD clients visible. Only thing I can think to suggest off the top of my head, is that you have one of the systems set to a different IP (as it looks like they are set alike), this may be confusing ARD.

Maybe you are looking for