For some reason all of a sudden in the body of a reply, my original message comes back looking very funny. Almost like a symbol. The outgoing font is set as HELVETICA 11. But when it comes back in the reply it looks like this:
Anyone have any thoughts?
MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

Looks like you have a junk font, possibly with the name Helvetic-something, on your system. You just need to find and remove it. If you look at it in the fontbook sample pane you should see that stuff instead of the normal letters. Most likely it would be sitting in Home/Library/Fonts. Also clear you font caches with FontFinagler (use Google to find it).

Similar Messages

  • Weird font display on all Mac web applications

    Pictured above is a screenshot of what many bold fonts look like on my web applications (Mail, Safari, Firefox, etc.) This has been an ongoing problem and I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix it. Any suggestions?

    I'd say it's something in your /Library/Fonts folder other than system installed fonts.
    But you probably should post in the Safari forums for a Safari related problem, or Mail for mail.

  • [SOLVED] xelatex weird font display issue

    Hello all
    I was playing around with fonts on my system today, and noticed that, all of a sudden, the fonts were being garbled by xelatex whenever I compiled a document. Backtracking to what I'd done, it turns out that xelatex will get confused by multiple occurrences of the same font in a fc-cache path (for want of a better term). Earlier on this afternoon, I'd recently followed a guide in the wiki (or thereabouts) to make some TeX fonts available to fc-cache. However, xelatex looks in the system font path when it loads them, and appears to discover two or more versions of the same font, and doesn't know which to substitute. Hence the output text gets a whole lot of characters messed up.
    The solution is simple: remove the LaTeX fonts from the system search path. In my case, I'd symlinked `/etc/fonts/conf.avail/09-texlive-fonts.conf` to `/etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive-fonts.conf` (as you do to enable fontconfig rules), and run fc-cache to update them. Removing this link and updating the cache fixes the issue, after recompiling the affected documents.
    Does anyone think I should edit the wiki to point this out for future reference? It had me confused for a bit (right when I need to compose a job application due Monday), and Google didn't say anything. It might be useful for other tinkerers.
    Douglas Adams wrote:A learning experience is something that tells you, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."
    Appropriate? Perhaps.

    I've had similar problems with XeLaTeX in the past. I hope they figure out a way to fix it.
    I think perhaps the wiki should be edited to give a warning that this might happen, and maybe water down the suggestion for making TeX fonts available and/or suggest alternatives.
    Personally, I quickly regretted the decision to make all the TeX fonts available to fontconfig, merely because the huge number of them (at least for a full TeXlive install) made using any font selection dialogue overwhelming. I've switched to fc-caching them manually if and when I need them.

  • Fonts Display Weird Sometimes

    I'm almost positive it's because of a font I installed but I installed over 1000 so I can't really pinpoint the problem. Anyways, sometimes when I open a document, the font won't be displayed correctly. It will always be displayed in the same weird font too - something that looks like Dark Crystal. It's also not all documents; only select documents show up differently and they consistently do so. I thought the problem was Preview so I downloaded Adobe but the problem persists. Just now, a document opened in Word and the font was weird. According to Word, the font is Times New Roman but it's not.
    Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thanks in advance.

    For the font stuff, I'll leave you in the hands of the expert Tom Gewecke. Once you sort things out, see:
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    Mac 101: Mac Essentials,
    Anatomy of a Mac,
    MacTips, and
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition.
    Additionally, *Texas Mac Man* recommends:
    Quick Assist.
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

  • Resolved: Font display in RH9 changed

    Recently while working in RH9, the font display in the topics changed to display differently than the selected font. When I generate, the topics display the appropriate font; however, when I reopen RoboHelp after a reboot, it still displays the odd font. It's like it is displaying MS Sans Serif versus the selected Verdana. Spacing is off as well. all this in the visual display is distracting and makes it difficult to format visually. I published and it seems OK once published as well. The font displays just fine; however, back to the robohelp files, looks weird.  Anyone else experience this and figure out how to fix?
    I continued reading down through the list of RoboHelp HTML discussions and found the solution in someone else's discussion "Problem with design view display." Adjust the Zoom. the zoom adjusted to 90% for some reason (possibly hit the wrong combination of keys while working) and when adjusted back to 100%, it resolved the problem.

    Is the zoom setting perhaps not set to 100%? Can you post a screenshot of the RoboHelp window showing this behaviour?

  • [Bug] Adobe Reader: weird fonts on Android 2.3.3

    each time I open a PDF on Android 2.3.3 (Sony Ericsson: Xperia Arc), the reader displays weird fonts throughout the document.
    Here is a screenshot (a manual one, sorry):
    The usual font is the one on the bottom (I'd say Times New Roman); however the reader displays another font on top of the image, one that doesn't appear when I read the file on a PC: on a PC the bottom font is used instead. This weird font's appearance seems to be quite random: as you can see it even happens within a paragraph.
    How could I solve this problem? Thanks.

    Hi again,
    i'm not sure the PDF in itself will be able to help you, since the Reader does this on all the PDFs I have on my phone, and doesn't on a computer.
    Anyway, here it is:
    Hope this'll help you.

  • Very weird font problem

    I have a very weird and annoying font problem with the left menu bar of iTunes 8.2(23)
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    But once the menu item is selected, the font is back to normal !
    The weired thing is that TV Series and Shopping cart menu items are displayed (in French, because the interface is in French) as expected.
    I don't know if it is related, but I have Russian-PC keyboard installed too, Adobe CS4 (which installed Adobe fonts) and my OS interface is in French.

    How did you go about finding this Lucida Grande.ttf? I did a search and didn't find it. I have the same weird font thing in itunes. I recently installed a whack of fonts from another computer. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Weird font being used in player

    For a while now, in my Flash player embedded in my browser
    (any browser I use), a weird font shows up for some of the text.
    Here's a
    screenshot of what I mean, taken in Firefox (you can see the
    font in the band name at top and on the song titles):
    This also occurs in some PDF documents.
    I've tried a bunch of things, including reinstalling my Flash
    player and the like. Nothing has worked. I'm going to assume it's
    an Adobe font issue, but I don't want to go into the font file and
    muck something up just yet. Plus I have no idea what I'm looking
    I'm running Mac 10.4.11 and Flash Player 9.
    Any ideas or leads? Thanks.

    You wouldn't believe the mess that ensues when I try to start using styles in a document. It doesn't happen right away, but soon, the styles conflict and don't apply or become convoluted in a way that I have to throw away the entire document before it infects my system and I have to simply start over. I hate 'styles' and I'm sure it works for somebody, but not for me. The only way I would try styles at this point would be through a college class where I could have an instructor, week after week, where I could bring back my 'mess' and have the instructor show me where I went wrong. At this point, I do not have that and experience has taught me to just don't touch that!
    Thanks Jongware, I'll try those things you recommended. Even though I have used InDesign from the day it was introduced (got rid of Quark in a hurry) there are still areas that are yet to be learned for me. What a great program it is.

  • Font Display Quality Bad After Update

    Hello all,
    my font display is really bad since upgrading to Tiger. I have Font Smoothing Style set to automatic and have tried light and others but everything appears over-sharpened. For example, as I type this, the font has an extereme sharpening, so much so that I see highlights on the top edges of characters. Regular Verdana appears in both Safari and Firefox as bold, and bold looks black. All in all, everything looks awful. I am using an Apple Cinemascreen. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

    I don't know FontExplorerX but check its compatibility with Tiger. You want to try disabling this font manager client?
    [email protected]

  • Poor font display in Acrobat X

    When I view many PDF files in Acrobat Pro X (10.1.9) in Windows 7, the font displays poorly:
    The same file appears fine in the Firefox viewer:
    Any idea how I can fix the issue?

    A couple of questions about the displays above.
    What are your Page Display preferences in Acrobat?
    Is the font in the PDF file embedded?
    What is the Firefox viewer?  Do you mean the JS file named PDF.js?
    Can you post a sample file that is displaying this behavior?

  • Problem with the way fonts display in Internet Explorer

    Howdy. I built a site about a week ago (first crack at this). It has quite a bit of content but seemed to be fine on Safari, Netscape and Firefox. I checked it out at work on a PC with Internet Explorer 6 and there were typography problems. I intentionally used simple web fonts (all Arial) to hopefully minimize this sort of thing. I used a 70% tint of Black for the font color on all the fonts. On Explorer the fonts display fine on pages 1, 2, 3, and 4. On page 5 the type appears blurry, really greyed and spread. I can't figure out why (same fonts and styles).
    As an experiment I tried posting just a couple of pages with the type at 100% black. The really bad pages weren't so bad (but not nearly as good as on the other browsers.) The site is If you click on any of the links (picture boxes) on the "print & mail index" pages you will see the problem with the type. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.

    Because I thought it would be a nice effect, I decided to use the slider in the color pallette and change to color of the type from 100% black to 70% black (which is to to say a shade of gray). I'm referring to text that I keyboarded into iWeb. As previously mentioned, the gray type worked just fine on most browsers but caused problems in Internet Explorer (in a seemingly random way. Still can't figure out the reason). When I changed the type to black on a white background (black and white), the problem wasn't as bad as it was in Explorer, but still not nearly as good as in the other browsers.

  • Poor Fonts Display in PDF

    I am trying to figure out if the font display problem I am having has something to do with Fusion 4 (v15.0.5) Acrobat (vCS5.5) or Mac OS X (v10.8.3). I am using an iMac 27 inch.
    When I view fonts in other applications (e.g. InDesign, Photoshop, TextEdit, MSWord, etc.) they look fine at any distance on screen. But when I generate a PDF, either from with the application or via Acrobat Distiller, they look poor on screen at reduced or 100% of size. Sort of jaggedy but not truly jagged. When I zoom in really close the fonts look fine. I am primarily using Open Type and Postscript fonts. But this happens with any fonts. They are embedded and it prints out just fine. When I view any PDF documents downloaded from the Internet, it is the same things. Just the screen display is bad.
    Any ideas how I can resolve this?

    Check what you have set for: Acrobat > Preferences > Page Display > Smooth Text

  • Appleworks 6/Font display problem in 10.6

    Has anyone else struggled with the Menu WYSIWYG Font display scrolling so painfully slowly since loading 10.6.2 ?
    It races as normal in 'names', but I need WYSIWYG when selecting .... now I may never see Zingbats again.
    Any suggestions ?
    (I'm also placing this in the Appleworks Forum)

    When AppleWorks behave slow or incorrectly there are some maintenance task to perform which usually does help.
    Delete Recent items which you find in yourname > Documents > AppleWorks User Data > Starting Points > Recent Items
    Delete found in yourname >Library>Preferences
    While in Preferences Find the folder AppleWorks and delete the Appleworks preferences
    Empty the trash and restart AW

  • Chinese font display problem

    In the javascripts of this web site
    ( follow any red link in this page, there will be a javascript popped up), some chinese characters can not be displayed in the right text box and no matter how many changes I make in the file about the Chinese font, there is no change of the chinese characters in these java script pages (in the right text box and on the lowerright buttons).
    I want to change all the chinese font displayed on the javascripts to the font "ar pl shanheisun uni", how to? Thanks.
    My system is Ubuntu 7.04, locale is zh_CN.UTF-8. Jre 1.6.0 or Jre 1.5.0.
    I used another Redhat 9.0 system(Jre 1.5.0_02), it can display these characters in the another chinese font. That system is not configured by myself. So I think there must be some way to change these fonts.
    Here is my file:
    # for Debian/Ubuntu, derived from
    # @(#) 1.6 03/11/14
    # Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Version
    # Component Font Mappings
    #serif.1=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--gb2312.1980-0
    allfonts.chinese-gbk=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--gbk-0
    allfonts.chinese-gb2312=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--gb2312.1980-0
    allfonts.chinese-gb18030=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso10646-1
    allfonts.chinese-gb18030.motif=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso10646-1
    allfonts.chinese-big5=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso10646-1
    allfonts.chinese-big5.motif=-misc-ar pl shanheisun uni-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso10646-1
    serif.plain.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    serif.plain.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    serif.plain.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    serif.plain.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi serif-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    serif.bold.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    serif.bold.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    serif.bold.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    serif.bold.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi serif-bold-r-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    serif.italic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    serif.italic.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    serif.italic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    serif.italic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi serif-medium-i-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    serif.bolditalic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    serif.bolditalic.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    serif.bolditalic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    serif.bolditalic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi serif-bold-i-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    sansserif.plain.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    sansserif.plain.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    sansserif.plain.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    sansserif.plain.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    sansserif.bold.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    sansserif.bold.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    sansserif.bold.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    sansserif.bold.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-bold-r-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    sansserif.italic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    sansserif.italic.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    sansserif.italic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    sansserif.italic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-medium-i-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    sansserif.bolditalic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    sansserif.bolditalic.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    sansserif.bolditalic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    sansserif.bolditalic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-bold-i-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    monospaced.plain.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    monospaced.plain.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    monospaced.plain.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    monospaced.plain.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-medium-r-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    monospaced.bold.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    monospaced.bold.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    monospaced.bold.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    monospaced.bold.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-bold-r-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    monospaced.italic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    monospaced.italic.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    monospaced.italic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    monospaced.italic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-medium-i-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    monospaced.bolditalic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    monospaced.bolditalic.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    monospaced.bolditalic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    monospaced.bolditalic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-bold-i-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    dialog.plain.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialog.plain.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialog.plain.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialog.plain.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-medium-r-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    dialog.bold.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialog.bold.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialog.bold.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialog.bold.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-bold-r-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    dialog.italic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialog.italic.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialog.italic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialog.italic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-medium-i-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    dialog.bolditalic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami gothic-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialog.bolditalic.korean=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialog.bolditalic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk gulim-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialog.bolditalic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi sans-bold-i-normal---%d---p--iso8859-1
    dialoginput.plain.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialoginput.plain.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialoginput.plain.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialoginput.plain.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-medium-r-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    dialoginput.bold.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialoginput.bold.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialoginput.bold.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialoginput.bold.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-bold-r-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    dialoginput.italic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialoginput.italic.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialoginput.italic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialoginput.italic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-medium-i-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    dialoginput.bolditalic.japanese-x0208=-misc-sazanami mincho-medium-r-normal---%d---c--jisx0208.1983-0
    dialoginput.bolditalic.korean=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--iso10646-1
    dialoginput.bolditalic.korean.motif=-misc-baekmuk batang-medium-r-normal---%d---c--ksc5601.1987-0
    dialoginput.bolditalic.latin-1.motif=-b&h-luxi mono-bold-i-normal---%d---m--iso8859-1
    # Search Sequences
    # Exclusion Ranges
    # Font File Names
    # AWT X11 font paths

    Have you tried posting this question on the i18n forum?

  • Safari 3.2.1 With 10.5.6 Update = Corrupt Font Display

    Since updating to 10.5.6, Safari is corrupting the display of certain small fonts, such as the "Compose" and "Preview" tab labels at the top of this Discussion "New Topic" window, and mail subjects in Yahoo web mail. The problem is more severe with small bold fonts. I have OS X's font smoothing turned off for font sizes smaller than 12 pt, and use the CRT smoothing style, as I prefer little to no font smoothing on my LCD monitor.
    I've reset Safari, corrected duplicate fonts, validated all fonts, run DiskWarrior, FontNuke to clear all font caches, and even reinstalled the 10.5.6 combo updater; nothing has helped. If I make the font one size smaller, the corruption is mostly corrected. OmniWeb 5.8 has the same issue as Safari under 10.5.6; FireFox 3.0.5 & Camino 1.6.6 are unaffected, and render fonts as well under 10.5.6 as they did under 10.5.5.
    I've booted my 10.5.5 backup to verify that Safari 3.2.1 and OmniWeb 5.8 had no font display issues before the 10.5.6 update. The 10.5.6 update was the only software change made on my system since the 10.5.5 backup I used for comparison.
    Anyone else seeing strange font display in Safari under 10.5.6? I think you'd have to minimize OS X font smoothing as described above for the problem to become visible. I'm out of possible solutions, other than hoping for a fix in 10.5.7.

    Well, for the time being, I'm just going keep 10.5.6, and use revised font smoothing settings: "Automatic" style, and "turned off" for font sizes 10 pt and smaller. The reason is that I did a little more investigating, and found that the distorted small font issue affects the entire system, including the Finder, not just Safari.
    I checked my G4 MDD that's running 10.4.11 on two 23" monitors (1920x1200), and it has the same issue as my G5 running 10.5.6, if font smoothing is turned off. So, this is apparently a long standing OS X issue that, for some reason, never affected my lower resolution G5 system driving a 20" monitor (1680x1050) until the 10.5.6 update was installed.

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    I have a chassis containing a 2548 that I control via IVI switch on two systems. I can initialize the switch just fine on one system, but when I moved the code and drivers over to the other system I can't seem to initialize the switchit gives me an e

  • Trick to setting up Wake on Wireless?

    My MP is setup for Remote Management, login, file sharing, & printer sharing. I can do anything remotely as long as it's not sleeping. Once it goes to sleep -- nothing. I use the current Airport Extreme for my wireless which, incidentally, has random