Weird Question on Vocals

Does anyone know what a vocalist can use to clear mucus and "gunk" from the throat? I suffer from allergy and sinus problems which over time leaves some sort of "buildup" in my throat. I have to lay some vocals but constantly have to clear my throat. I can hear and feel the vibration from the build up when I hit certain notes. You folks must be full of information of know remedies that actually work. Please don't chide for posting this question, I have ran out of ideas, and you guys always come through..
Thanks in advance

Miles: I would like to do vocal exercises but I do not have a clue. Please let me know where I can buy the instructions for the vocal exercises
Jazzmeister: Thank you so much for the Vocal Eze info..I have never heard of it before but I am going to the guitar center tomorrow to pick up a bottle
Christian: Thanks for the tip about the hygroscopic stuff.
AppleandtheMan: Excellent adivise thank you. I have an appointment to see an ENT specialist on Tuesday. I don't drink milk but I do eat egg whites. Maybe I should avoid those as well?
Thank you all so much for you input. It is truly invaluable to me. I am taking your advice literally

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    1) Problem with the lock. To commit the changes after the BAPI_BUPA_CENTRAL_CHANGE API, instead of using commit work to commit, Use BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT. This should solve the problem. This wil help in clearng the buffers of BP.
    2) in the BUPA_ADDRESS_CHANGE, for telephone there are two parameters to be filled IT_ADTEL, IT_ADTEL_X
    IT_ADTEL : Should be filled with the telephone details etc (Consnumber should not be filled for inserts. This should be filled only for updates).
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    hi Sp0t!
    not a weird question at all.
    there's a sort of workaround for that. reimport those two songs from the CD using the "advanced > join CD tracks" they'll be imported as a single track that will play all the way through parts one and two.
    there's a worked-through example of doing this in this thread:
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    Hi cat_ca,
    According to your description, the first time you run the SSIS package in SSIS designer, the package failed with the error pointing to the script task, you opened and closed the script task and re-run the package, it worked fine.
    When we debug the SSIS package, the script component will be compiled to binary. In this case, the binary reverse failed due to some reason, so the script task is not normally build. To troubleshoot the problem, we can make use of logging feature to monitor
    execution of an SSIS package.
    For more information, please refer to the following documents:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
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    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Really weird. Would it be possible for you to share the job script?
    Balmukund Lakhani
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    Check the RAM in the machine. If there is aftermarket RAM in there, it could be causing a problem. Run the Apple Hardware Test. Also, the GeForce card is the barebones card that ships with the machines. At least, it was the barebones with my dual 1.8. Not nearly enough for Aperture, I don't think. I run a lot of Motion on my machine and had to upgrade to a better ATI Radeon 9800 Mac Edition with 256MB in order to start getting any type of smooth workflow.
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    Check the RAM!!

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    x33a wrote:
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    You can remove recent documents by deleting this
    rm ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
    You can stop logging all recent documents by creating a folder there, i.e.,
    mkdir ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
    Some tutorials recommend making that folder un-modifiable, but I'm not sure it's necessary
    chattr +i ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel

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    Hi, Justin. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    This sounds like a permission issue most likely with the iTunes Media folder.  Here are a couple articles that will help you troubleshoot this issue.
    Trouble adding music to iTunes library or importing audio CD
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
    Jason H.

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    I plan to gift an iPod Touch or an iPhone,
    However, in regard to the iPhone, I do not think that the immediate use would be registering with ATT for complete phone use.
    I believe that both units iPod and WiFi (Internet access) capabilities would be of primary interest for now.
    iPhone: has a camera, Maps app, etc... and of course iPod
    iPod touch does not have a camera or Maps, but does have WiFi capability and of course full iPod functionality.
    In the end, 399$ buys an iPhone/8gb, while it buys an iPod touch 16gb.
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    Back to my question: can the iPhone be used w/o activation initially, pending possible switch to ATT phone service depending upon the area involved (the unit would be going to a predominantly semi rural Verizon area, with ATT available probably only on roaming basis)
    Will appreciate advice/input on how to spend my 399 clams !
    - Roger T

    Hey, thanks for the extremely prompt reply! After all, as you might suspect, time is of the essence this month!
    Another thing then - as I am leaning twds the iPod touch:
    I presume that the WiFi capabilities, along with Safari and other MacOSX components we are interested in are similar. Same for occasional upgrades/Safari MacOS? I also assume that Apple upgrades for features the two devices share will be similar?
    I think I'll indeed focus upon the Safari/Wifi/Ipod capabilities of either device to make my decision.
    Thanks again!
    - rt

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    AFAIK, Apple doesn't provide any way to do this. Their reasoning being that if it were easy to do, then ppl would share music illegally w/ all their friends and family (and the record companies would freak out and stop allowing Apple to sell their music via the iTunes Store).
    That said, there are free third-party utilities available to do just this. One is called Senuti (which is 'iTunes' spelled backwards), and I'd be surprised if there are not others.
    Carolyn is right - search around, they should be easy to find.

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    1. If you've put the contents of the DMGs in another location on your computer, you can delete them.
    2. Some programs require that the CD be inserted for usage.

  • Preamp question concerning vocals

    For vocals, im currently running a studio projects c1 straight through to my firepod, to my mac, where i then add compression and reverb or etc. so far, im able to get stunning female vocals, and better than average acoustic instruments and such. male rock vocals however sound very...unpolished...raw....and so forth. i want to make a hardware upgrade under 500$ to help me out. ive been recommended FMR's RNP. I hear this is a great preamp, but im a bit confused as to how preamps work, and what to expect. what exactly will it be doing to improve the sound? how is it different than my firepods 'preamps'? why do i need better preamps? is there another non-preamp upgrade i could make to improve the sound?
    confused about preamps

    What a good preamp will do is increase the perception of space and give the sound a more 3 dimensional effect without really adding ambience. It makes it seem more "real". Really cheap preamps will make the audio flat and 2 dimensional, bass will sometimes be muddier and the audio will sound "strained" for lack of a better word. However, there are a lot of "decent" preamps and a lot of "really good" preamps that simply sound different from each other. A good preamp will sound full, 3 dimensional, and effortless in it's reproduction of the signal.
    I can't vouch for the RNP, but I own the RNC and use it on just about every vocal. If your fireface has an insert for the mic preamp, you could try that.
    The RNP and the Grace 101 are probably the only preamps that would significantly improve your sound and still be close to that price range. There may be more, but I can't think of any off-hand.
    I've found that changing mics can make a bigger difference than changing preamps, once you reach a certain quality level, so there is another approach besides upgrading the preamp and that is to consider whether the C1 is the best mic for your rock singer.
    Maybe the C1 is great on female vocals because of it's particular frequency response, but just doesn't cut it for male rock sounds. If you could borrow a couple of different mics to try on your rock singer, that would prove enlightening, I'm sure.
    I have two large diaphram mics that I use: a TLM103 and a 414B-ULS. The AKG has a transformer and the Neumann doesn't. They sound way different and sometimes one will work better with a particular vocalist than the other.
    So if you're considering mics as well as preamps, compare transformer-based mics vs transformerless as well as tube-based vs solid state.
    Some mics that would be in your price range would be
    Audio Technica 4033 or 4050
    AKG C4000
    Rode NTK
    A little above price point would be
    Studio Projects T3 tube
    Rode NT2000
    Rode K2 Tube
    Shure KSM44
    AKG 414 B-XLS (or B-XL II)
    Neuman TLM 103
    Also, as John mentions above, sometimes a dynamic mic could be the right mic. It's not uncommon to use dynamics such as Shure 421's or SM7, an E/V RE20 - or even an occasional SM58 on a rock vocal track. If you happen to have a 58 lying around (you really should anyways);), give it a whirl.

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    My question is there anywaye without having go song by song that i can get the year the song came out,. Some of my music does not have what year the song or album came out. I am working on something and trying to get all the years to line up in order for it to work.

    Where did all this happen?
    The people who answer questions here, for the most part, are other Firefox users volunteering their time (like me), not Mozilla employees or Firefox developers.
    If you want to leave feedback for Firefox developers, you can go to the Firefox ''Help'' menu and select ''Submit Feedback...'' or use [ this link]. Your feedback gets collected at, where a team of people read it and gather data about the most common issues.

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